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Friday, March 14, 2008

A User’s Guide to Fabulous Friendships

In our teens and twenties, our friendships are everything. They define who we are, what we do and even what we buy. At the time, we assume it will always be this way. Then life races forward. Careers take off. People get married, have children. Others move away. We struggle to manage our time and responsibilities, and slowly our friends get pushed down the priority list.

This is not necessarily what we want. Few people would dispute the benefits of friendship. The problem seems to be how to fit our friends into an already overcrowded life. Friendship is like a marriage. It cannot be created once. It must be created over and over again. People and priorities change. What worked yesterday may not work today. We must nurture our friendships so they may flourish with us through our changing lives, and that's where this guide comes in.

Choose friends wisely. Focus your energy on people who make you feel good.
We all know the saying, "you can't choose your family". So, make sure you're smart and choose friends who are worthy of your valuable time and attention. It sounds harsh, but you cannot keep every friend you have ever made. No one has the time and energy for that. If you don't consciously choose which relationships to focus on, you'll spread yourself too thin and you'll have less to give to those who deserve it most.

Do not be fooled by glamour and street cred. A person's behavior is much more important than their words or how they represent themselves. Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be. Choose friends you are proud to know, people you admire, who love and respect you. People who make your day a little sunnier, simply by being in it.

Treat others how you want to be treated.
This is one of the first lessons my mother taught me, and it is probably the most important. You may have heard of the law of attraction, which states that what we project to the world will be sent right back to us. This means you must decide what qualities are important to you, because you cannot receive what you do not give.

Personally, I don't think you can go past honesty, loyalty and integrity as a foundation for choosing friends. Be considerate. Don't make plans you won't keep. Be a safe haven for your friends, someone they can rely on. What qualities rank highly for you? Do you just want some laughs every now and then, or people who will be there for you when life throws you a curve ball?

Make time. Prioritize Relationships.
If you have to really think about the last time you were in contact with a friend, then it was too long ago. Life can run at a crazy pace. We may think of people, then something comes up and we never call them. The month ends, another comes along, and again that call is never made. This is how relationships peter out. It starts to feel easier to walk away than struggle back through the neglect.

Don't fall into the habit of thinking I'll "try and find the time". It's a cop-out. You cannot find time. You make time. Every day you decide where to put your attention, and those activities will in turn create your day, your week and eventually your life. Be mindful of where you focus your time and energy. Does this match your values and how you want your life to be? There's no use saying "my family and friends are the most important thing" if you work 80 hours a week and never see them. Be conscious of how you spend your time and choose to prioritize the people in your life.

The easiest way to make time for friends is to organize future gatherings while you are all together. Make time for that first meeting, and then work out the timing of the next one. That way you'll manage to regularly see each other and there is less stress all round. The reality is most of our relationships need work. Make the time to send an email or give a quick phone call to show your friends they matter. Otherwise how will they know?

Have fun. Share rituals. Laugh Often.
Any long term relationship, friendships included, can fall into a rut. Take the time to have fun, maybe do the activities you loved when you were young. You may not be 21 anymore, but that doesn't mean you can't sometimes get a little silly. If life isn't fun, then what's the point? Misery shared is still… well, misery. Focus on joy and laughter and your friendships will stay a positive presence in your life.

Hold onto rituals. They connect you with your friends and your youth. Shared memories help define our life and how we see ourselves. Don't throw them away just because they're getting harder to manage. The key is to negotiate. Maybe you used to have weekly poker games, but now you have three kids, so what do you do? Have the poker games once a month, and let your partner also have a night out to re-connect with their friends. You'll both benefit.

"A friend can tell you things you don't want to tell yourself." - Frances Ward Weller

Accept people the way they are. Suspend judgment.
Some people are good with phone calls, others are not. Some people always know the right thing to say, others seem to have a knack for getting it all wrong. The key with managing friendships and reducing conflict is to accept people the way they are. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Fighting your friends' natural personality is a losing battle. We cannot control other people, and frankly, we have no right to try. The sooner we accept this, the easier all our relationships become.

Another tricky area to navigate is when we disagree with people's choices. There is a fine line between having an opinion and caring about someone's wellbeing, and sitting in judgment on their decisions. There is no easy answer here, but if your friend is not hurting anyone, they have a right to tread their own path and make their own mistakes. It would be impossible (and boring) to only have people in your life who you agreed with 100% of the time. Focus on what you love about them. If they weren't a good person, why would you be friends with them?

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive." - Anäis Nin

Respect boundaries.
Don't criticize your friend's partner, children, parenting style or family. This is always a no, no. We may all like to rant about our loved ones, but we do not want to hear anyone else do it. This is a golden rule. Stencil it on your forehead if you must.

There will be disagreements. Stay calm. Don't make mountains out of molehills.
Drama is a part of life, but we don't have to wallow in it. Things happen, ugly words can be exchanged. This is the nature of human relationships. Before you react to a hurtful situation with a friend, always stop and breathe. Try not to react in anger. Express your feelings honestly, but calmly. I'm not saying that it's easy, but it is the best way to minimize conflict and angst in life. And bottling up feelings doesn't help either. They just fester and we stay angry and are unable to move on.

Most of the time, the people we love don't mean to let us down. So if someone has disappointed you, but overall has been a great friend, then this is the time you forgive and forget. Be empathetic and choose to see this as a temporary slip-up. It's how people treat you MOST of the time that counts. We all can be selfish and behave badly at times. There's a good chance you've let someone down before and thought you deserved the benefit of the doubt. Don't act like a martyr because now you're on the receiving end.

Accept that friendships change and sometimes end.
Although I've had the majority of my friendships since I was a teenager, there are times in life when people change enough as to have nothing in common anymore. Sometimes this is temporary, other times it's not. Either way, the best thing you can do when a relationship falters is to let it go. That doesn't mean immediately deciding not to see each other anymore. Letting go means choosing to see the friendship as it is now, and releasing the need for it to be something else. Relationships have an energy of their own. They can ebb and flow. Sometimes you're not quite clicking, other times you are. Petering out friendships can be very stressful, but change is a part of life and relationships which do end can still be treasured for what they brought before. They don't have to be a mistake. And every time a gap appears, life will usually move in to fill it. Maybe this will be in the form of a new friend, or a even better relationship with yourself. Keep an open mind and an open heart, and wait and see

Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and others will do the same.
This is probably the most important point. You cannot be a friend to others, if you are not a friend to yourself. Have you ever noticed that some people are taken advantage of by everyone. They attract users and frauds like honey. This is not a coincidence. If you want other people to treat you with respect, then you need to be the first person in line to respect yourself. Being a good friend does not mean being a doormat. The kinder you are to yourself the happier you will be. The happier you are, the more you have to give to others. It is one big merry-go-round of happiness. Join the ride.

Now you might be wondering if I follow all these guidelines myself, and the answer is most of the time. Like anyone, I can get caught up in my own dramas, but overall I understand what it takes for friendships to endure. Through twenty years of life's thrills and tumbles, my girlfriends have provided comfort, inspiration and joy, and I would not be nearly as complete without them. I hope this article has resonated with you and can help enrich your life, as my friends have enriched mine.

Waiting for the Opportunity: A lesson from Monet

Every day is different -- not to mention every hour. The old complaint that we often have is that life is at a standstill. That promotion you wanted, the change that you wanted to happen, never seems to happen. You are waiting for something to happen, perhaps for your opportunity to fall in your lap. The thing is that, if you notice it or not, the world is changing, and changing constantly. If you have any doubt, just ask Claude Monet.

A book can be written on Monet. Well, several have been written. Here I will not attempt to dive deeply into all the different aspects of Monet's life and work. Monet is perhaps one of the most loved artists today. It wasn't always like that. He was often made fun of and insulted. At the time his art was considered a real insult to the critics and traditional artists.

The constant change that Claude noticed all had to do with the light. Claude was obsessed with light and color. He delighted on how the colors changed when the different hours of the day would create a different image, all depending on the light. This might seem a simple enough idea, but just look at how often we ignore our surroundings. Since we are born, we notice the light, the contrasts it makes, and the shadows it creates. We were thrilled with the light and the games it played. As we got older the contrasts and the shadows became less interesting because we grew accustomed to them. Next time you're around an infant watch where the baby looks. When not looking at a loved one, the infant will often look at the light and shadows.

So while we might ignore these changes once we grow older, Monet embraced them. When looking at Monet's body of work, and a large one it is, you notice that he painted the same scene over and over again. The location might have been the same, but what he painted each time was very different. Monet noticed how the light changed during the day and created different colors and shapes in otherwise the same exact location and place. His focus on nature, colors and shadows reminds us of the true beauty of the everyday we ignore. Perhaps this is why he is so loved and admired today.

Monet was constantly told how to paint and what subjects he should paint. The themes he was told to paint were basically patriotic and idealistic. He was to paint like the old masters, and he was enrolled in a studio in Paris. He was taught under Charles Gleyre, a known painter who taught and emphasized the traditional ways. If you did not paint like the old masters, you were not a real artist. If you challenged the rules, you would not get accepted by the Salon. The Salon, the big boys controlled the art world in France. This was the basic tone of art in France during Monet's early life.

Monet tried to listen to Charles for a short time, but his ideals conflicted too much with Charles' and the Salon as a whole. He was interested in nature and he wanted to paint outside. He left Gleyre's studio and decided to explore the outdoors himself. He looked around -- and I mean really looked around. He noticed that the trees were not really just green, but many different colors. He also concentrated on how the light changed the colors and the look of his surroundings. To further emphasize his vision he would often sit at the same location painting the same scene during different times of the day. It is when you look at these works side by side that you really learn to appreciate how dramatic the changes are when the light changes. After time, people understood the beauty of Monet's work. He was not interested in techniques but color and light.

I often have very little patience and find myself never being able to replicate what Monet had done -- to sit in a location and paint the same scene over and over, with the different lights. Maybe it is all that TV watching, and wanting to be entertained. It was very difficult for me to continue this project. When trying this I notice that Monet had to paint rather quickly, because of his rough, unfinished style. I tried to focus on the colors and the light. I once heard that squinting helps one see the true colors and not the colors that we might have in our head because of association. The world was a different place for me that day. I never noticed how much the light influenced our world. It's often something we ignore in our busy lives.

Monet can teach us many things, but one of the most important is how light is ever-changing. Light is what changes our world. So the next time you think nothing is going on or you're just waiting for something to happen, take a look around and really look. You will see that every hour has a new tale to tell. Just maybe then you will stop waiting, and take action in our ever-changing world.

William DePaula is an artist and writer. He writes on art, history, and how it relates to us today. Through his series "Behind the Painting", he learns about the artist, the artwork, the techniques used and what life was like during the creation of the masterpiece. His art and apparel can be viewed and purchased at

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008



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USB Disk Ejector lets you quickly remove USB devices in Windows. It can be run as a command line program or a GUI program. It was originally designed to remove only USB pen drives but can eject any USB device.

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There are two versions — the 889 KB (zip) AudiobookCutter v. 0.7.4 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista at and the 811 KB (zip) AudiobookCutter for Win9x 0.5.6 for Windows 95,98, ME and NT at

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Windows only: Freeware application WirelessKeyView recovers the wireless network keys saved to your computer by the Windows Wireless Zero Configuration service of XP or the WLAN AutoConfig service in Vista. As with any password-finding tool, this can be put to use both for the powers of good or evil, but we trust you'll stick to good—say when you're doing tech support on your parents' laptop and they can't remember what their Wi-Fi password is. WirelessKeyView is freeware, Windows only. Got more password cracking needs done? Crack your Windows password with Ophcrack, roll up your sleeves on your network passwords with Cain and Abel, and so much more. UPDATE: Apologies for the dupe.

WirelessKeyView [via Shell Extension City]

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The power of motivating yourself

Many people in this world want to achieve success. Unfortunately, however, they often give up too soon before accomplish what they truly desire. When failure comes to them, they aren't able to let them to try for more one more time. They finally stop from chasing their dreams they have set before. That is the last time they put effort soon after they achieve failure.

You must know too that motivating yourself to achieve success you want is the crucial thing. It's important to motivate yourself simply because there are too many obstacles outside you that can steal your precious dreams. They perhaps come from your family, relatives, close friends, couples, or anyone that do not support you from what you are trying to be, to do and to have and the worst is sometimes some of them hating you and do not want you to be successful. They will block you either directly or indirectly. Others come from your environment or failure and other results that you do not ever expect to have. They indirectly make you feel down and make your spirit lost. That is the time that you must motivate yourself so you cannot affected by them. By motivating yourself, you will be stronger and better in overcoming those obstacles and cause you to be motivated for your real destination you want to go.

You can motivate yourself anytime anywhere without depending on other factors. If you think you can be motivated by attending seminars, training or anything, you're right. Seminars and other trainings about self development are really important for you to equip yourself with the weapons to achieve your success. But it's impossible for you to attend them everyday and the fact is that there are no motivational seminars held everyday. You can just be motivated and feel like you have great power after attending one motivational seminar, but if you do not motivate yourself when something bad comes to you, it's hardly for you to achieve success because if you do not motivate yourself, you will have no motivation and spirit of success. No big achievement is achieved without motivation and spirit involved.

The secret of being motivated is simple. Just make yourself motivated because of something inside you, not outside you. You can choose to be motivated and happy right now because the control is in you. But if you think that you can only motivated after one seminar or when the perfect time, condition or people come, you are totally wrong. They are factors outside you. You are not able to control and influence them. Do you wait for someone or something to make you motivated? What if they never come? There's no perfect time or perfect condition for being motivated. The best time to be motivated is right now, not later. You can be motivated now, you can be happy now, you can be in full spirit of success now. Why must wait to do that if you can do it right now in just seconds or minutes. Procrastination will only waste your time. Don't wait, be motivated right now and take your track of your success. It's well worth your effort.

Every successful people also have failure as the part of being successful. The difference is that they keep being motivated when failure comes. They will learn from it and even put harder effort to achieve success. No success without failure first. There's a quote that says if you want to achieve more success, you must multiply your failure. I agree with that. Someone who is afraid of being stung by swarm of bees does not deserve for honey. It's the same as if you are afraid of failure, you will never achieve success. Motivate yourself that you can achieve success like every other successful people, you have the great power to be what you want to be. Nothing in this world can stop you if you are fully motivated for what your dreams are. Success is your right.

Find more excellent motivational articles at Daily Motivation

Your Mind Power

As you read these articles and as you extract the very important information from them that deals with you alone, you will discover:

• How to make of your life anything you want it to be.

• How to free your days of the deadly monsters of boredom and monotony and how to fill your days with things of interest to you; pleasure, health, and love.

• How to banish irrational fears and to make happiness a habit with you.

• How to use every hour of the day to add life to your years and years to your life.

• How to claim or re-claim control of your mind power.

Hardly a person of adult age has not said to himself or herself something like: “If only I could change myself, I could do better!" It is not only older persons who look back over their lives and sigh with discuss when they see the wasted years. Many young people also look back and realize they too are not using their full capabilities, and they think: "If only I could change myself!"

Well the good news is you can change yourself - if you really want to, and if you are ready and willing to focus your attention on mastering your mind power! You are the owner of this power and when you become more aware as to how to consciously use it, you can open the way to a road that will carry you to the happiness, health, wealth, and long life you want.

Your creator placed this power into your hands through your mind at your birth and fixed the Universal Laws around you in such a way that you cannot help using this power. What is missing in your life is not the power but your conscious awareness and conscious use of this power to obtain more of what you desire from life.

Your mind controls all of the physical matter of your body, and you have the capacity to have complete control over your mind. The implications are awesome! You can learn the secret of living more prosperously so that you can attain to the fullest enjoyment of the remainder of your days upon the earth.

Natural laws are yours to use, and their natural products are yours to create. The power of miracles lies within you. Yet despite the fact that you have stupendous power of mind within you, you are probably not presently, consciously utilizing it. You have the mind power within you to be, to do and to have anything you desire

This is no abracadabra. It is no mumbo jumbo. It is proven knowledge which humankind has had available for generations, but more often than not, has failed to consciously use it.

You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of mind power that is so stupendous, that when you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you can not achieve.

Harold L Lowe retired at age 62 when his six-figure income position was eliminated. He is now studying The New Think And Grow Rich with the author. Get access to the FREE Report - How To Access Your FREE MasterMind Training at

What Do You Really Need?

I spoke with a friend who just started a new job she doesn't like. She really wants to start her own business doing something she's very good at and enjoys. It's not a matter of figuring out what it may be, she already knows and has done it in the past.

During our conversation, she wanted to get into the "story" of how the woman who is supposed to train her doesn't want to teach her anything. My response was, "That makes sense...because you don't want to learn it. Let go of how she behaves. It's just a part of the fact you're not where you want to be or doing what you want to do."

Then she started telling me about how she's a certain age and what happens to people when they reach a certain age. I stopped her mid-comment and said, "What about instead of stating why your age is involved, you say that you choose to do the work you prefer? How does that feel?" She did get that instead of justifying why she doesn't want a regular job she's allowed to say she has a different vision and intention for her life.

We discussed the ad she used years ago that triggered 21 potential clients to call her in 2 days. She was concerned the ad wasn't good enough. I said, "What if the ad not only ignites the same response, but people see your ad and get excited to see you're back in business?"

We went back and forth for a while; and though she continued to shift her energy into a positive direction, old patterns of behavior kept creeping in which is something that happens to all of us. And she started to express the concerns many people have about getting everything perfect and aligned before she got started. I asked if her pen and paper were still handy since she'd been taking notes and asked her to write down the following quote from Mike Litman:

"You don't have to get it right you just have to get it going."

She laughed out loud when I said it. No matter how much planning we do to start a business or project of any size, we're going to have to adjust and tweak as we go along. And, that's an ongoing process if we do our business well. We also talked about the fact that "can't" is a dirty word whereas "won't" may be accurate.

Another excellent quote I gave her is from Kurt Wright: "Commitment is a magnet." If she's as committed to doing this business as she says she is, she'll attract the right people, right jobs, and right ideas. That's simply how the Law of Attraction works. If she says it can't happen or it's difficult, she'll get that, as well.

What we really need in regard to any area of our lives is the attitude, focus, vision, appreciation, feeling, commitment, and passion to make it happen. And, it helps if we choose to enjoy the ride.

Joyce Shafer is a published author; freelance rewriter, editor, proofreader; and United Press International weekly columnist, also published at various online venues. See the exceptional reviews of her first book, "I Don't Want to be Your Guru, but I Have Something to Say," at, and "How to Have What You REALLY Want," at Visit her website at

Inspiration, Motivation and the Link to Hypnosis (Article Three)

(In this the third in a series of articles inspirational, motivational keynote conference speaker John Bell shares more on his tricks of the trade.)

I am very popular with audiences connected to the pharmaceutical industry. An ability to motivate and inspire patients is one of the most important tools found in a physician’s bag.

Before modern medications can be offered for sale the effectiveness of the medication is required to be measured in trials against a placebo, on inert substance with no medicinal or pharmacological qualities. It has long been recognised that if a motivated patient believes that a pharmacologically inactive substance has an ability to cure, it can - and often does.

Most medications available today simply reduce unpleasant symptoms. Few cure the condition. In fact, it is argued by some that the only medications that do cure are antibiotics.

One doctor, an experienced general practitioner, told me that he saw his role as physician as being that of, ‘. . making a patient feel as comfortable as possible, whilst their body healed itself’. He motivated and inspired his patients back to good health.

It is recognised by the medical profession that a patient’s positive attitude and beliefs can play an important part in their well-being and assist greatly in recovery from illness or injury.

By the 10th century most villages had a ‘wise woman’. Such people provided essential treatment for ordinary folk who were unwell. Much of their power was based on motivating and inspiring the patients’ belief in their power. Trance and herbal remedies were frequently used. They hypnotised to heal.

The Greek Esculapius is said to have often thrown his patients into a trance-like sleep and then used the power of touch to heal.

Philosophers and physicians throughout history have considered that the so-called relics of saints might be little more than the bones of animals. However, they could not deny that the patients’ belief in the relics brought about remarkable cures. The patients were motivated and inspired to belief so by the motivational and inspirational words and actions of others.

Franz Anton Mesmer was born in 1734 in Germany. He trained as a doctor at the University of Vienna and is best remembered for his use of hypnosis. The word ‘mesmerise’ comes from his name. The power of mesmerism was soon recognised throughout the world, and some doctors still use the techniques described by Franz Mesmer.

He had rediscovered a means of entering the subconscious of his patients �" a method that had been used by others for centuries. Mesmer wrongly believed that hypnosis was connected to magnetism. He had no trouble in motivating and inspiring his patients but seemed to have difficulty convincing other doctors that hypnotism could have a place within the world of medicine.

Mesmer died in 1815 having failed to convince his colleagues of the benefits of hypnotism.

That same year a Portuguese monk called Abbe Faria arrived in Paris and described how in India and the Far East healers were producing a somnambulistic trance in their patients by staring into their eyes and shouting, ‘sleep’. Faria was the first to acknowledge that hypnosis was linked to trance and not to magnetism.

Hypnotism was becoming popular in France at that time, and used to perform painless surgery.

Around 1837 in the United Kingdom Dr John Elliotson, professor of medicine at London University was using hypnotism for both the treatment of nervous disorders and as an anaesthetic.

However, the council of the University were unconvinced about the benefits of hypnosis and forbade its use in the hospital. Elliotson resigned in protest.

In 1846 he founded the Mesmeric Hospital in London. Other cities soon followed suit, and a Dr Parker of Exeter later performed over 200 successful operations using hypnosis.

However the following year chloroform was used as an anaesthetic for the first time and the use of hypnosis for this purpose fell into decline.

Hypnosis continued to be popular with psychiatrists. Whilst practising in Vienna in 1885 Sigmund Freud decided to visit Paris to learn more about hypnosis.

However, Freud was not satisfied with his ability as a hypnotist and eventually stopped using the method, preferring instead to have his patients talk for long periods until he considered he had come to the root of their problem - usually, in his opinion, connected with sex.

I cannot help but feel that it was Freud who had the big problem - not necessarily his patients!

Freud’s popularity and his reluctance to use hypnosis resulted in a rapid decline in its use amongst members of the medical profession. Others, untrained in medical matters, had no qualms about using hypnosis to their advantage.

In my next article I will describe how ‘The Mad Monk’ Rasputin used hypnosis to inspire and motivate.

Voted best speaker of the year on 4 occasions business Conference speaker John Bell is a former stage hypnotist. He now works as a international motivational speaker and educates whilst entertaining. You can view short videos of John performing at his website

how to attract what you want

How to attract what you WANT !!!!

I'ts easy,

With Positive Thought science of course?

Every thought we have creates our reality.


There is a energy from which all things are made. This energy fills the entire universe. Universal energy When you form a thought in your mind, you are connecting with this energy, and you actually create that which you are thinking about. Mankind has the ability to create a thought and cause the subject of the thought to be created within this field of Universal Energy. To activate this ability, we must learn to harness our creative mind.

To manifest something new, simply hold an image of what you seek in your mind.Feel what it will be like to have this experience,Then express gratitude to the Universe for having granted this to you. To achieve wealth, apply this same principle - hold a clear vision of the wealth you hope to attain. Then express gratitude that this wealth is coming to you. Trust that it will be!!!!

Thoughts that we think whether they are positive or a negative the universe does not mind, what we think about we bring about. This is the law, the law of attraction. There is not one soul on this planet or in the entire universe that is exempt from this law.

Thoughts determine our experiences and create our reality

Positive thought science is designed to challenge our negative beliefs, chip away and eventually replace our negative thought patterns. If we can find thoughts of inspiration at times of hardship or when life deals us a challenge then we can find success in our outcomes, become the driver instead of the passenger. Every thought we repeat to our selves is the reflection of what we believe to be our truth, it doesn’t matter to our subconscious weather our truth be a negative or positive.

It is important to realise that the negative fearful thoughts we possess are temporary, but are also very powerful “inner truths”. We are not taught this in school, we are most of the time taught struggle and hardship.

So if we can we grasp the knowledge that we are in control and therefore empower ourselves with the truth our lives will become rich and abundant.

When we learn monitor our thoughts, we truly have power in our lives. We can have everything we desire, all the abundance we dream of. When we rewrite our self talk, our inner script, our secret beliefs, we start placing positive THOUGHTS and BELEIFS in our subconscious instead of the old negative talk.

Every thought we think is an affirmation, a self talk an inner dialogue, a self truth, that has created life as we see it now. We are continually affirming subconsciously with our words and our thoughts. So with this knowledge: Realising the fact that what we think is what we attract into our lives, Remembering the law of attraction is always at work.

Remember that thoughts become things!!

When we use positive thought science in our life, something truly magical occurs. When we replace old negative thoughts with pure, loving positive thoughts,our world becomes unlimited beautiful. Life should be full of sweet experiences, life is limitless, full of possibilities, and is meant to be filled with fun, harmony, unlimited abundance, and perfect happiness. It is our birth right to be surrounded in love,abundance and glowing radiant health.

• Decide that this is your life, allow this to be your truth. You deserve it,

• Decide that life is truely amazing full of love and light

As life should be………


Specialk is an author and motivational speaker in Australia,comitted to teaching what changed her life. *Wow powerful stuff, want to learn more. Click here for a free starter pack,loads of tips Click Here! or sign up to a FREE email course Click Here!

43 powerful wealthy thoughts

43 powerful wealthy thoughts

Below is a list of 43 wealthy thoughts for everyday,to attract unlimited sweet wealth into your life, Use these wherever you need a little help, a reminder of the state of mind you need to be in. Every day, say your chosen positive thought to yourself whenever you have a negative thought that needs to be replaced. Or meditate repeating them to yourself, as a daily dose of positive signals. Another great use of positive thought science is to write them in a journal every day, followed by what you are grateful for already having in your life.

However you use them in your life is not what matters; believing them to be your new experience your new dialogue, saying them with passion and conviction knowing them to be true. Most of all being patient and loving your self is what will make the difference. Remember a new life is only a new thought pattern away, the power is yours.

Powerful Wealthy abundant thoughts......

We are all meant to rich in love, happiness and money! We cannot be the best we can be unless we are comfortable and living in true abundance. No one is luckier or more worthy, we all are made of the same stuff and have access to the same opportunities, as soon as we believe this and replace our lack of worth and disbelief in our abilities and our rights. Consciousness abundant living is ours.

Money flows to me and through me

I prosper wherever I turn

I know I deserve abundance and wealth

The more grateful I am the more I have to be grateful for

I know abundance flows through me freely

My life is rich

My life is abundant

I am independently wealthy

I live a life of great abundance

Wealth flows to me effortlessly

Everything I touch turns to gold

Money is all around me

I deserve abundance

I accept abundance

Life is abundant

I deserve to enjoy my life

I ask for what I want and accept it with joy and love

Wealth is all around me

I am an abundant rich being

I am lucky to be me

I am truly grateful for all my possessions and accept new ones with love and appreciation

All I need I have

The universe always provides

All is in divine order

Wealth is my divine right I will only accept success

I am who I want to be

I am great

I am a powerful successful achiever

Knowledge flows to me and through me effortlessly

The power is mine

I know I am on the right path and I trust

I believe in me

I amaze my self everyday in every way

I can do it because I am me

Success is mine

I love being a winner

I achieve with ease

I know I am successful

I am wealthy,health and wise

I am a money magnet

I can do it because I am me

What ever I touch turns into gold

specialk is an author and motivational speaker in Australia *want to learn more click here for a free email course Click Here!.or here for a free tips and techniques newsletterClick Here!

Tackling Procrastination - Six Ways to Overcome It

Do you find yourself procrastinating? Putting off tasks that truly need done? Here are some of the main reasons for procrastination and ways to overcome them.

1) You just don't want to do it.

Sometimes there are tasks we just don't want to do. There are three ways to overcome this: do it, hire someone else to do it, remove it from your list.

First, decide if it's something that really has to be done. If it's your monthly book-keeping, it's essential. If it's cold calling it may not be essential. Can you cross it off your list?

Next, if it does have to be done, can you hire it out? Get a virtual assistant, intern, or other helper to finish the task for you.

If you can't hire it out and you can't cross it off your list, you're going to have to just get it done. Try one of these methods: - Make it your first task of the day and work at it until it's done. - Break it up into manageable pieces. - Reward yourself when it's complete.

2) You haven't found the right solution yet.

If a task on your list is getting done because you're not sure how to do it, here are three ideas: - Start at Google and do your research. - Purchase an info product to help you (this may be a good idea to help you get it done more quickly and make fewer mistakes if you find a quality info product). - Ask your mastermind group, peers, or other resource people for their suggestions. It only takes a minute to post online or send out an email.

3) You don't have the expertise to finish the project.

When a task you begin morphs into something much bigger or more involved than you expected it's okay to find help. Go ahead and find someone who can assist you. It'll be easier than dealing with yet more frustration, the job will be done quicker, and you'll be able to focus on your business again.

4) It's overwhelming and you aren't sure where to begin.

This is actually one of the easiest procrastination reasons to overcome. You just need a plan! Break up that task into smaller tasks that you can spread out. How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time. So split the task into steps.

When I write an info product I start with the outline. I write down all the areas I want to cover. Then I look at what areas I already know well and where I might want to do some research. I research what I need to and then start writing.

Another idea that you may find helpful is to start by setting a deadline and then working backwards from that deadline.

5) It requires an action step you aren't ready for.

Get clear about why you aren't ready. You need to either cross it off your list for now so it's not looming over you and discouraging you when it's not complete, or you need to figure out why you aren't moving forward on it so that you can deal with whatever is stopping you and move past it.

6) Distractions surround you.

For women working from home this is often a real challenge that results in procrastination. I can get more done in one hour of peace than in four hours of distracted work time. If distraction is a problem you need to find a way to work around it.

If you have very young children at home with you, plan your work time during nap time, late night, or early morning. Or find a trustworthy mother's helper.

With older children you can often barter. Have a family meeting and explain that for the next hour Mommy will need quiet time to work, and then when that hour is finished you'll all do some fun project together. Make it something your kids enjoy doing (craft project, building legos, whatever they love to do with you) so that they'll look forward to it. When your hour is up, stay true to your word and give your kids that time completely focused on them.

If the distractions come in the form of a spouse... you'll need to have a family meeting to address your work time, and come up with some boundaries that feel fair to everyone.

Other distractions can be eliminated. Close your email. Put the phone on silent and let it go to voicemail. Focus exclusively on the project you've been putting off.

I hope these 6 strategies help you to overcome whatever you've been procrastinating. Just think how great you'll feel when you can sit back and relax, knowing the project or task is complete!

Find Michelle Shaeffer online at The Small Business Muse where she shares weekly tips and strategies for small businesses in The Muses Brainstorm. Stop by The Muses Guide for inspirational guides to help your small business grow.

Wealth And The Pursuit Of Happiness

Wealth is a gift for everyone There are no mysterious secrets or magical incantations for gaining wealth. The very idea of using some form of witchcraft or voodoo is ludicrous. The fact is, acquiring wealth is quite to the contrary. There is no evil in the dynamics of gaining wealth, it is purely natural. Money is only paper, it is the concept of money that can be used as tool to the discretion of its' holder. Like a seed is used to place in the ground and grow into a productive plant, so money is also used as a seed to grow and flourish into wealth.

You are Money's Master Believe me when I say, "Money is a slave to its master and never a master on its own." It is the lure, the seduction, the love of money that presents a problematic condition for people. When people place acquiring money above family, ethics, morals and self is when it becomes the master of the soul. The obsession with money becomes a driving force that destroys ethics, honesty, and morality. Everything and anything becomes second to the mesmerizing force of the power money contains.

In times past people used personally produced goods or services as trade objects to acquire someone else's goods or service. A common denominator was needed because some people needed goods but had nothing to offer in exchange. Now, people use money as a trading medium. Money is simply a concept and as long as people have confidence in the system, then money will retain a certain value. When the system falters, money becomes worth less in its exchange for goods. People trade their skills and time for money and exchange money for goods and other people's services.

Master the basics Everyone can become wealthy simply by mastering a few simple basic concepts in financial and motivational management. It's no big deal; you don't have to be a graduate of some preppie upper class school to succeed. The richest man in the world today was a college dropout yet was able to vision the future and seize on an opportunity mastering wealth. Don't get me wrong; everyone must pay a price for success and its not cheap. Some choose higher education and that's great, but they still must follow the same principles as anyone else. They must have a passion for doing, be boldly motivated and recognize an opportunity when it presents itself or even they will fail. Each step along the journey to wealth transforms the traveler little by little until the super achiever that has been hiding inside burst out. Oh, you don't want to be a super achiever? That's ok, but the journey will change you into a better, more confident, upright, honorable, relaxed person that knows where you are going and how you are going to get there.

Don't question the power of one There will be no question in your mind of what you want and how you are going to get it. The more you dedicate yourself the more challenges will emerge with clear possibilities, for accomplishment and success. It's no secret wealth abounds in our affluent society and is there for the taking. You will be a powerful driving force, speeding down the superhighway of success.

Who's heart is in the right place Chances are, you, like so many other people, have not thought of the possibilities in the personal aspects of financial freedom. Perhaps up to this point, you have been working hard for someone else and never thought of or believed in the possibilities of your potential. You have just never taken the time to really think about it. Maybe you are comfortable in what you are doing now, but just maybe in the back of your mind, you have had a dream that has nagged you for years. Let's face reality, it's all about choices. The road to success and wealth is narrow and not traveled as often as those who are content in their situation. Remember, the road you choose will be your experience for life's journey. It's important that you take the right road for once you get on it there is no turning back until you experience the effect of your choice. In every decision there is a consequence. Some are quick while others are long lasting, many affect others around you but all have an impersonal end result. Your choice to become involved in searching for successful life solutions will have a lifelong affect on you and everyone within your circle of influence. How you conduct yourself will not only affect your and yours but will also carry over for future generations.

Many people are unhappy Unfortunately, there are many people who are unhappy in their jobs and relationships. They fear life and work hard to survive the constant pressures the world places upon them. It a daily struggle to keep their heads above water and their sanity is challenged with a deluge of violence and sex at every turn. They have become enslaved because their environment has allowed surrounding circumstance to determine how their lives are to lived. These are the masses who go to work every day with untold burdens they can't get rid of. They have become servants to those who plunder and take advantage of their plight. (and guaranteed there many) They are threatened, abused and punished by society and government without explanation. They are unjustly fired by those who weld their power as a sword of domination.

You seen them, on the interstate in the morning, glassy eyed, hollow and unresponsive as they move toward their respective cubbyholes. There are no, smiles, joy or expatiations in fact there is little sign of life at all, only despair. And where is God? Right there, setting beside them, but they never look around. The background noise is so loud they can't hear. They stare ahead with unseeing eyes and quenched spirit; going nowhere and dead at heart.

You are alive and well If you are to succeed in you quest for wealth, you must first have the correct mindset. Don't be afraid to dream, for deep within your dreams is your purpose for being. Your personal ambitions and goals are there, ready for you to claim them and mold them into a well adjusted happily productive life. Reach out and embrace them, like a flower, a butterfly, a precious thing that was always there waiting . . . just beyond your grasp, in the shadows, seemingly afraid to be know. Your dreams cannot be vague or general; they must be acute, spelled out in detail, and specific. You must know exactly what you desire and then build a fire around it. You must build a burning desire, a flame that can't be put out. Against all odds, no matter the cost, you must see this dream as your life unfolding and protect it at all cost, as you persevere to the end.

I'll Be Back There's so much more to say but for the sake of making this an article and not a novel I must end our pleasant time together. I shall return in another article. Thanks and . . .

Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, See How To, Run Your Car On WATER
Self Employment

What would it be like to show up at your very best, each and every day?

Does this sound like you? You wake up in the morning after pushing the snooze alarm for 20 minutes. You are groggy from a poor nights sleep and consequently you're, now, in a rush to get to work on time. You head into the bathroom and start the shower. While waiting for the water to warm up you walk into the kitchen to turn the coffee maker on. As you turn on the water faucet to fill the coffee maker container you notice the cat's water bowl needs filling. You scoop up the water bowl so you can fill it and the coffee maker when you see the trash needs to be taken out. You set the water bowl down and grab a twist tie from under the sink to secure the trash and you notice you're out of dishwasher detergent. You reach over to grab a pen and paper to record the detergent on your grocery list and realize you left the shower water running, which reminds you that you are running late for work. You hurry back into the bathroom and begin showering. Now you realize you're running not 20 minutes late but 30 minutes, didn't even get the coffee started, the cat's fed and watered or the trash taken out. You rush through your morning ritual with the exception of putting on your make-up (or shaving) because you know you can do that in the car on the way to work. As you sit at a stop light, looking in the rearview mirror and applying your mascara (or shaving) you feel the car from the guy in front of you hit you. You smear mascara all across your eye you think to yourself, now why did that so-&-so back up? Uh, oh, the light goes on. He didn't back up you let your foot up off the brake and slid into his back end. Terrific this is not what you needed this morning; any other morning but not today. (You know somewhere deep in the back of your mind, that isn't true. This type of thing always happens to you. But you do not know why.) Luckily, you both agree there is no damage to his car and only your license plate is dented so you both go on about your day. After cramming 10 hours worth of work into your 8 hour work day you're tired and hungry and what you are most looking forward to is, getting through the grocery store as quickly as possible so you can get home, eat dinner and relax.

This is of course an exaggerated depiction of someone not living their dream. You have probably found yourself in some variation of this scenario and likewise find yourself in the following states of mind at one time of another. 1. Do you ever feel confused about how you got where you are in your life? 2. Does it ever feel like the life you always envisioned for yourself is out of reach? 3. Do you get down on yourself? 4. Do you have a mantra you use to get yourself out of your funk? 5. Is that mantra still working effectively for you? 6. Have you ever asked yourself if I was not doing this (whatever this is) and was free to choose anything I wanted, what would it be? The good news is you are free AND there are solutions.

What has been discovered is that talented people like you have also had difficulty. They may have difficulty managing their time. When an individual is not excited about what has to be done they will put it off until the last possible minute. They may have difficulty remaining focused. It's only natural that an individual's mind drift to thoughts that bring him/her joy. If the task at hand does not bring a person joy it will be difficult to give it the full attention it deserves and if those tasks are a way of life for an individual they may appear to be in a constant state of confusion.

As human being we are made to be in a state of peace and abundance. We know this to be true all the way to the depths of our core. When we are not in harmony with and being true to ourselves by living a life that brings us joy and fulfillment we are in a state of unease. When we are in that state of unease we are not at our best. The key is to unlock our inner most passions. Be almost childlike again and dare to dream.

A life coach will help you unleash your latent desires. As adults we have spent years learning how to smother our dreams and you may need help reacquainting yourself with them. Perhaps you are fully in touch with your dreams but you have not acted upon them and they sit in your mind with grand plans. Maybe you recognize your dreams and make attempts to follow through on them but the results are not productive. Either way, whatever your unique situation is a coach will help you find renewed vigor and clarity so you can put harmony, vitality, passion and energy back into your life.

Terri Meyer's passion is in working with people to help them put harmony, vitality, passion and energy back into their life. As a life coach she helps people create a vision that utilizes their gifts and talents. Together they craft an action plan that moves those dreams into reality. To learn more about Life Coach Terri you may visit her website at

Success Is An Attitude.

"God gave us two ends. One to sit on and one to think with. Success depends on which one you use; heads you win... tails you lose." Anonymous What is required to be successful? Does it take years of education? Does it take a family background of wealth? Can anyone achieve success?

Yes, anyone can achieve success. Success is not a place or a thing, it is a state of mind. A journey in our own mind restricted only by our own thoughts.

To each person success is an entirely different thing. To you success may mean being debt free and having a million dollars in the bank. To me success may be 100 million dollars. To the homeless success may just be a warm place for the night.

If you ask the average working person if he thinks his life has been a success he will probably tell you yes. He may not be rich, but he will feel successful to that particular point in life. Your success depends largely on your attitude. If you start your day with a good attitude you will overcome most of the obstacles that come your way and move on in the direction of success. A person with a negative attitude will wake up in the morning and see only gray sky and clouds. When asked to do something at work they think only of what’s in it for me. They will probably do the task and do it well, but they can be heard grumbling and moaning about it for the rest of the day.

When standing in a line at a market they will complain about how long the line is and then give the person at the check out counter a bad time as though it were her fault that he had to wait his turn.

Good things will happen to those with the proper attitude. So, yes. Attitude is important. With the proper attitude you can accomplish any goal you set for yourself. It is in our best interest to develop a positive attitude. If we think a thing will be and we allow ourselves to believe then it is almost certain that we will achieve what we set out to do.

It may only be my opinion, but I believe that everyone is successful. I believe everyone has the natural ability to be a success. It is up to each individual to determine how much success he or she wants and how to reach that level of success.

We have all had a number of successes in our lives already and we will have many more. We successfully completed school. We successfully landed a job or a position we wanted. We successfully completed the purchase of a new home.

These are successes that we take for granted, but they were still successes. We have been learning from childhood about success and how to obtain it. When we were small children we discovered that if we cried loud enough and long enough we would get the attention we wanted. That was a success. We also learned that if we studied hard enough we could get the grade we wanted in school. That too, was a success.

As we grow older we seem to forget that we know anything about the art of success. We start working for an employer and stop working for ourselves and our own success. However, we still have the capacity and ability to be successful.

I don’t know why it is, but when we begin working for the other person we seem to forget that we had dreams and desires of our own. We place ours on the back burner and never seem to get back to them. We pursue the dreams of the other person and we stay at a set point in our own life.

There is an old saying, which offends a lot of people and a lot more don’t understand. It says that at any given time in life you are exactly where you choose to be. Many people find this offensive and respond with something like this, “now wait a minute here, I didn’t choose to be broke and in debt.” No, you didn’t choose to be broke and in debt, but you have not chosen to do anything about it either. You settled for less.

Others will scratch their heads and wonder, what the heck does that mean, I’m not where I want to be! No, you are not where you want to be, but you have not chosen to do anything about it either. You settled for less.

When you chose to do something about your own situation and take some steps to accomplish your mission then you will move on. You will become more successful than you are now. When you seriously set your mind to it you will find the ways to complete your mission and nothing will be able to stop you.

To become successful one does need an education. Not necessarily the normal high school, collage type of education, but education is definitely a factor. To reach your own level of success you must first become a student of the field you have chosen for yourself. Become a student of the business. Learn all you can and never stop learning.

A collage education can prepare you to be an engineer or whatever you choose, and that is good, but no school can prepare you to be successful. Success depends on your own attitude and how much effort you put into your quest for success.

The amount of education we have is important, but not as important as the type of education we have. I know a man who studied hard and learned much about teaching and became a school principal. He made a decent living in his chosen field, but he felt there was more to be had.

This school principal became a student of a new business and soon left the educational system and went on to become a millionaire. He was educated, but more knowledge and belief made a lot of difference in his future.

The point is, there are no dumb people. Take the doctor out of his field and he seems to lack intelligence. Take the plumber out of his field and he too, is lost. All we need to reach success is a desire to learn and the courage to step out of our own comfort zone and take control of our future.

This writer writes from both business and personal experiences. He has written many articles for more than a decade on a variety of subjects.

Keep in touch With your Dreams

Everyone has, or had, dreams. We dream of good things in our lives from childhood to adulthood and beyond. As a child we dreamed of bright shiny toys and as adults we may dream of a new home, a college education for the children or financial freedom. Usually those dreams stay with us as long as it takes for us to reach them. Then new dreams are formed to replace them.

As time goes by we sometimes loose touch with those dreams, but they are still in our mind somewhere. We need to stay in touch with them. Keep them alive and continue to reach for them.

Often we find ourselves so busy we temporarily put those dreams aside thinking we will someday reach them. The longer we store them in the back of our mind the harder it is to rekindle them. We can actually forget how to dream.

This was the case with me. I became so caught up in trying to make a living that I forgot how to dream and even how to have fun. I had fallen into the trap of settling for less. I was working three jobs and making more money but had no time to enjoy it. My family also had to settle for less. Less of me. I was never around and neither were the dreams I once had.

Work is not the only way to loose contact with your dreams. There are dream stealers who actually rob us of dreams. Those dream stealers come in the form of friends, relatives, neighbors and even those who employ us. They are the ones who cast doubt on you by negative comments.

The dream stealers offer us discouragement rather than encouragement. They try to tare down your enthusiasm and ambition. And convince you that a thing is impossible for you to do. They talk us out of our dream or desire. In most cases they don't even realize that they are doing it, but they have a negative outlook and think they are doing you a good favor.

They may tell you that Uncle George tried that and failed or that you need a lot of experience, training or money to accomplish the task you wish to do. They mean well, but they still exude negativity. Sometimes they cut your idea down because they are afraid that you will succeed and won't need them anymore. They are afraid that you will become more and have more than they and they don't want to loose your friendship.

Sometimes the dream stealer can even be your own spouse. He or she can actually destroy your dreams quicker than anyone. If your spouse is skeptical or shows a lack of interest and excitement in what you are trying to accomplish then you will begin to lose interest. Without the support of your spouse you will not succeed.

You will soon be asking yourself why am I doing this. Am I being ridiculous, is this just another dumb venture on my part. You will begin to wonder if it is worth your effort and your dream will suffer for it.

Without the encouragement and support of your spouse you will soon begin to doubt your own abilities and loose the enthusiasm which was the original foundation of the dream you started with. Unknowingly, your spouse can hurt you more than any other dream stealer.

If your spouse has a dream for the benefit of both or for the benefit of the family then give all the support you can. Be a source of encouragement and if possible, become involved in the dream. You will find more enthusiasm and excitement and the result can be pleasing, profitable and much quicker.

We must always keep in touch with our dreams. We must not allow the stealers of dreams to enter our lives. Once we have a dream we need to stick with it to the end. We need to follow that dream no matter where it goes. If it were worth dreaming about in the first place then it is still worth our time and commitments.

After all, it is those dreams, desires and hopes that are the foundation of who we are and who we become. Without a dream we have nothing to shoot for. No direction in which to pursue our future. As in the words of a song, "Without a dream how you gonna have a dream come true."

Len Roe has written many articles on a variety of subjects for over a decade. Len is also the author of success books and books on pure humor.

Top 10 Ways To Make 2008 Your Best Year Yet!

I lived much of my life feeling as if something was lacking. My mantra was 'I'll be happy when'...
...I lose 10 pounds
...I find the right relationship
...I make more money

But this future oriented 'I'll be happy when' thinking kept me from living my life 'right now'.

I discovered that if you're happy with 'what is' rather than what 'could be', then all that stuff that you normally try so hard to change about yourself just happens spontaneously and effortlessly. To put it another way, losing 10 pounds won't make you happy, but being happy just might make you lose 10 pounds!!

So, in that spirit, I've put together my top 10 tips to make 2008 your best year yet. A year of joy, fun and loving what is!

1. Go play outside! It is in nature that we come to know our true nature. Instead of rushing to your destination, take some time to enjoy the journey. Feel your feet on the earth, and tune into the rhythm of your breath and your body.

2. Find your theme song. Mine changes all the time but right now it's "Feelin' Groovy" by Simon and Garfunkle. How can you possibly be in a bad mood with that running through your head!? Makes me want to skip down the sidewalk!

3. Sit Still. Give yourself permission to slow down. You don't always have to be busy.

4. Pick one meal a week to eat mindfully (that means not while watching tv, working, reading the paper, in your car or while standing in your kitchen!) Before you start to eat, think about where your food came from, look at it, smell it, touch it, listen to it(!!). Use all your senses. By eating in this way you'll notice that you'll enjoy your food more and there's an added bonus- you won't eat as much!

5. Create a gratitude journal. Every night write 3 things from your day that you are grateful for. When you're having a bad day read it to remind yourself how much you have to be thankful for.

6. Get a new mantra. Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love says that everybody has a mantra (But not the kind that you normally think of when you hear the word - like "OM")Often it's something like "I'm too fat" or "I can't do that"... So GET A NEW MANTRA! How about "I can do anything I want", "I'm perfect just as I am", or really up the ante with "My butt looks great in these jeans"!!!!

7. Smile. Laugh out loud. Say hi to people on the street. Meet your neighbors! (okay...I'm starting to sound a little like Mr. Rogers now...)

8. Create a sacred space - somewhere in your home that is just for you. Fill it with things that inspire you- pictures, flowers, candles, inspirational books... It can become like your own personal retreat.

9. Listen to great music- whatever great music means to you. I have over 5000 songs on my iPod -everything from Neil Diamond, Coldplay, The Beatles and U2 to guided meditations and Sanskrit chants.. I've gotta say it makes for a pretty eclectic "shuffle"(!!)

10. Get rid of the clutter in your life. Clean out your desk, your car, your storage locker, your closets... This "stuff" only weighs you down physically, mentally and emotionally.

Tammy Vigue is President of Sit Still Integrated Wellness. A self-proclaimed "stresspert", she is an innovative speaker, personal life coach, registered yoga teacher and meditation instructor.

Sit Still designs meditation and stress management programs for individuals and corporations.

Be Like A Child Today

We have lost our creativity as we have grown older. We have become comfortable in our comfort zones and cannot think or imagine our lives being otherwise. We tightly cling to our past, and let determine our future Inside our minds we have created an image of who we are, what we can or cannot do And each day we live to uphold this image. Somehow we have confined ourselves to what we already know, that is our past And of course we cannot see any other way. However, there is so much more we can do or be? The only limits that are present are those we have created Or those that we believe to be present Those who believe that they can lead nations do, those who believe that they can climb mountains do Those who believe that they can write bestsellers do, and those who believe that they can dance do The difference is only in the mindset, The difference is only in what we can see ourselves do You can be as creative as your mind takes you When we were younger we saw ourselves as doing Our perceptions were not rigid but creative However, as we have grown older, we have become accustomed to that which we know And even though somehow we feel that we can be more We dismiss these inner voices as mere day dreaming Our eyes are quick to see obstacles Our mouths ready to shout impossible Even the people around us, do not encourage us They pull us down, further reinforcing our limited beliefs However, stop and think today Set yourself free of these imaginary limitations Let your mind run wild See different versions of you today See different points of view today Think of something you would like to be or do And really question yourself what is stopping you Write these limitations down and really evaluate whether or not it can be done When you begin to question, you will realise that in most situations, the limitations are self imposed You will see that the limitations can be transcended if you get out of your comfort zone. Let go of your past Start afresh Today you are new person And today you can do or be whatever you choose to be And that can only happen of course If just like a child your desire does not seek to hurt or harm anyone And if just like a child, you know no limitations And if just like a child, you trust in a higher power Never doubting but trusting Be like a child today, and it is amazing what you can do or be with such a mindset...

Copyright Sharon Eiffel Sharon Eiffel enjoys writing on positive thinking, motivation and self improvement. For free inspirational books please visit

Sharon is a freelance writer who concentrates on the topics of spiritual growth, positive thinking, motivation and overall self-improvement.

If You Knew You Were Dying, How Would You Start Living?

The following was spoken during a recent funeral service held for my very special and very loved Aunt, Darlene.

“When my Aunt unexpectedly passed away just recently, my daughter remarked how sad it was but how happy she was for her that she got to be in Heaven. I thought about how much simpler the world would be if we could always view things through the eye’s of a child.

Because then the sudden passing of someone loved by so many, and the injustice and shock that consumes us would all disappear. For we would see the world as a better place, having gotten to share it with someone so special and we would rejoice at the thought of her dancing in the clouds and praising the Lord.

We would laugh as we remember the good times and cry when we felt the pain of her loss. We would dream of warm hugs and holidays together and draw pictures of the times we shared.

If we viewed things as a child we may still ask why but the answer “I don’t Know” would be good enough. We would be sad one moment and then go play the next, never feeling guilty for doing so or wondering if we had thought about it enough.

We would accept what is because there is so much in this world that is bigger than our understanding. Blaming ourselves for what we should have said or done would not even be in our comprehension.

Our minds would be filled with the beauty and joys of our world. If only we could always view the world in this way. But we aren’t children and our thoughts are much deeper and our minds sometime keep us from remembering the true blessings we have been given…”

My sister actually gave this eulogy during the funeral services and she went on to recount personal experiences she had shared with my Aunt. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room, especially after her husband of thirty years, a huge bear of a man, broke down and cried openly as he voiced his own memories of her through freely flowing tears of sorrow.

I couldn’t do it. I deal with tragedy differently then most and almost stayed away from the service all together. I realized this was truly selfish of me and was there to offer my condolences’ and miss my Aunt the only way I knew how…in silence.

My Aunt was an extremely energetic and passionate woman. You never saw her without a smile on her face. She truly enjoyed her life and lived it to the fullest each and every day, unlike so many…including myself.

It was a shock to us all when she died of a massive heart attack in her sleep just days before the Christmas holidays.

It triggered thoughts of my own mortality and how much time I might have left. Life is a precious commodity that we often take for granted because the ending is to far off in the future to have much consequence.

I often felt this way myself until I saw an episode on a morning talk show featuring a young professor and father of three small boys, talking about his coming death. He had pancreatic cancer and just a few months to live.

Oh my how I cried my eyes out. It was so very sad but he delivered a message everyone should hear. I’ve included a link to the video below and I hope you take a few moments to hear the words of a man who knows he is dying and how he has chosen to spend his remaining days. It truly changed how I look at my life and helps me not take things so seriously.

We never know when our time will run out so we need to live our life as though it is our last day. Just think about it okay, and watch the video.

Got to:

Self within Beauty: Your Mental Attitude and Physical Tone

Good health! Whenever you go out of doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and fill the lungs to the utmost; drink in the sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul into every hand-clasp.

Fear is the rock on which we split, and hate the shoal on which many a Braque is stranded. When we become fearful, the judgment is as unreliable as the compass of a ship whose hold is full of iron ore; when we hate, we have unshipped the rudder; and if ever we stop to meditate on what the gossips say, we have allowed a hawser to foul the screw.

Many people know this, but they do not know it thoroughly enough so that it shapes their lives. We want friends, so we scheme and chase 'cross lots after strong people, and lie in wait for good folks or alleged good folks hoping to be able to attach ourselves to them. The only way to secure friends is to be one. And before you are fit for friendship you must be able to do without it. That is to say, you must have sufficient self-reliance to take care of yourself, and then out of the surplus of your energy you can do for others.

If you would have friends, cultivate solitude instead of society. Drink in the ozone; bathe in the sunshine; and out in the silent night, under the stars, say to yourself again and yet again, "I am a part of all my eyes behold!" And the feeling then will come to you that you are no mere interloper between earth and heaven; but you are a necessary part of the whole. No harm can come to you that does not come to all, and if you shall go down it can only be amid a wreck of worlds.

The physical tone

"In the healthy body every cell is polarized in subjection to the Central Will. Perfect health, therefore, is orderly obedience, government and harmony. Every cell is a living entity, whether of vegetable or animal potency, and wherever disease is, there are disunion, error, rebellion and insubordination; and the deeper the seat of the confusion, the more dangerous the malady and the harder to quell it." J. C. Street.

That you may come to this ideal you are invited to observe the following instructions. Health is a trinity, and we may begin our studies with its natural basis:

We thus see that health-tone involves the whole personality, physical, mental and moral. But the truth of the matter hides in a deeper region than that of mere material flesh or organ. Matter is a form of the Universal Ether, so far as science seems to declare, or, at least, matter presupposes the ether in a state of vibration. Your body is a "field" in which enteric vibrations are constantly taking place. All its reality and all its activities involve such vibrations. The brain, regarded as the organ of conscious life, of thought and feeling, and the entire nervous system, involve such vibrations. And as your thought and feeling constitute the foundation of your moral character, the latter also becomes a matter of movements in the ether.

If the vibrations underlying the body life are full and harmonious according to their individual character for a person, his organs are all sound and active. He possesses physical tone. If there is a similar fullness and harmony within his mental life, he must exhibit health of mind. If a corresponding condition obtains in the moral personality, the highest health of the deeper self prevails.

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Setting yourself free from negative emotions

The way we feel is largely determined by outside circumstances. In other words we are victim to external factors. If another driver cuts us off on the road, our mood immediately changes and we become frustrated and start swearing. What was meant to be an enjoyable drive suddenly becomes a miserable one. What was meant to be a good day immediately turns into a horrible day. But life does not have to be that way. We can gain control of how we feel. Our feelings do not have to control us, in fact it is the other way round. We can control how we feel. We can choose either to feel good or to feel bad regardless of what other people do to us. This did not come clear to me, until I read Stephen Covey's book, the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Mr. Covey writes that between stimuli and response there is freedom to choose. This means that whatever circumstance or situation we may find ourselves into we have the choice to decide how to respond. It is not given, that if someone does something terrible to us, we should automatically be angry. Yes, we have the choice to decide whether to be offended or to laugh it off. However, as a society we have become conditioned to feel bad when something bad happens, and happy when something good happens. Instead of being proactive, we react. In other words we have given up our freedom to choose how to respond.

A lot of us, sink into depression when something unfavorable happens. We blame circumstance and situations for our emotions. However, waking up to the power of choice would set us free from being controlled by our situations. Instead of being depressed, we can decide to be happy. Such knowledge is stronger than any anti-depressant we may take. To know that we can actually choose how to feel. We can choose not to be depressed. There is a very useful method which helps in getting control of our emotions, called the Sedona Method. For greater detail you can go on YouTube, and do a search on the Sedona Method.

There is power in using our freedom to choose, because you will become hostage to your emotions no more. When someone cuts you off while driving, you smile or laugh it off, when someone slams the door in your face, you carry on jolly happy. This is not to say you become a door-mat, or a walk-over, but it is to give you the power to determine how you feel at each given moment. You pick and choose the emotions you want.

If you are the sort of person who always gets offended when someone cuts you off when driving, and if like most people you drive everyday, can you see how each day of your life you are likely to be frustrated? Getting angry will not undo what the other driver has done, neither will it bring you any comfort.

We must wake up to the power of choice, decide how we want to feel, and feel that way regardless. If you have heard of the Law of Attraction, you will know the importance of controlling our feelings. Because the Law of Attraction states that we attract more of that which we focus on. So if you are constantly feeling bad, then you are attracting more of the bad to your life and vice versa. Not only that, but how we feel shapes our lives. It has immense bearing on our health. It is widely agreed by health experts that prolonged feelings of anger 'can lead to high blood pressure, headaches, stomach problems and a lowered immune system'. We dont have to be victim of our feelings, we have the choice, we only have to drop the habit of reaction and use the choice available to us. Research more on the resources I have mentioned to find out more on how to gain control of your emotions.

Copyright Sharon Eiffel Sharon Eiffel enjoys writing on positive thinking, motivation and self improvement. For free inspirational books please visit

The way we feel is largely determined by outside circumstances. In other words we are victim to external factors. If another driver cuts us off on the road, our mood immediately changes and we become frustrated and start swearing.

Self Development: Acquiring Power and Exclusive Friendships

The old method of education was to store the mind with as many facts, or supposed facts, as could be accumulated and to give a certain exterior polish to the personality. The theory was that when a man was born he was a completed human being and that all that could be done for him was to load him up with information that would be used with more or less skill, according to the native ability he happened to be born with. The theosophical idea is that the physical man, and all that constitutes his life in the physical world, is but a very partial expression of the self; that in the ego of each there is practically unlimited power and wisdom; that these may be brought through into expression in the physical world as the physical body and its invisible counterparts, which together constitute the complex vehicle of the ego's manifestation, are evolved and adapted to the purpose; and that in exact proportion that conscious effort is given to such self-development will spiritual illumination be achieved and wisdom attained. Thus the light that leads to happiness is kindled from within and the evolutionary journey that all are making may be robbed of its suffering.

And so it is with all forms of suffering we experience. They are at once reactions from our ignorant blunderings and instructors that point out the better way. When we have comprehended the lessons they teach they are no longer necessary and disappear. It is not by the outward acquirement of facts that men become wise and great. It is by developing the soul from within until it illuminates the brain with that flood of light called genius.

Exclusive friendships

Every man should be able to help the other in need and that men should work together for the good of all is very beautiful, and I believe the day will come when these things will be, but the simple process of fifty-one per cent of the voters casting ballots for socialism will not bring it about.

The socialist who is full of bitterness, fight, faction and jealousy is creating an opposition that will hold him and all others like him in check. And this opposition is well, for even a very imperfect society is forced to protect itself against dissolution and a condition which is worse. To take over the monopolies and operate them for the good of society is not enough, and not desirable either, so long as the idea of rivalry is rife.

Society can never be reconstructed until its individual members are reconstructed. Man must be born again. When fifty-one per cent of the voters rule their own spirit and have put fifty-one per cent of their present envy, jealousy, bitterness, hate, fear and foolish pride out of their hearts, then socialism will be at hand, and not until then.

In shops and factories it happens constantly that men will have their chums. These men relate to each other their troubles they keep nothing back they sympathize with each other, they mutually condole.

A feud is founded on nothing it is a mistake a fool idea fanned into flame by a fool friend! And it may become a mob.

The finest friendships are between those who can do without each other. Of course there have been cases of exclusive friendship that are pointed out to us as grand examples of affection, but they are so rare and exceptional that they serve to emphasize the fact that it is exceedingly unwise for men of ordinary power and intellect to exclude their fellow men. A few men, perhaps, who are big enough to have a place in history, could play the part of David to another's Jonathan and yet retain the good will of all, but the most of us would engender bitterness and strife.

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