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Gallery Tattoo

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wealth And The Pursuit Of Happiness

Wealth is a gift for everyone There are no mysterious secrets or magical incantations for gaining wealth. The very idea of using some form of witchcraft or voodoo is ludicrous. The fact is, acquiring wealth is quite to the contrary. There is no evil in the dynamics of gaining wealth, it is purely natural. Money is only paper, it is the concept of money that can be used as tool to the discretion of its' holder. Like a seed is used to place in the ground and grow into a productive plant, so money is also used as a seed to grow and flourish into wealth.

You are Money's Master Believe me when I say, "Money is a slave to its master and never a master on its own." It is the lure, the seduction, the love of money that presents a problematic condition for people. When people place acquiring money above family, ethics, morals and self is when it becomes the master of the soul. The obsession with money becomes a driving force that destroys ethics, honesty, and morality. Everything and anything becomes second to the mesmerizing force of the power money contains.

In times past people used personally produced goods or services as trade objects to acquire someone else's goods or service. A common denominator was needed because some people needed goods but had nothing to offer in exchange. Now, people use money as a trading medium. Money is simply a concept and as long as people have confidence in the system, then money will retain a certain value. When the system falters, money becomes worth less in its exchange for goods. People trade their skills and time for money and exchange money for goods and other people's services.

Master the basics Everyone can become wealthy simply by mastering a few simple basic concepts in financial and motivational management. It's no big deal; you don't have to be a graduate of some preppie upper class school to succeed. The richest man in the world today was a college dropout yet was able to vision the future and seize on an opportunity mastering wealth. Don't get me wrong; everyone must pay a price for success and its not cheap. Some choose higher education and that's great, but they still must follow the same principles as anyone else. They must have a passion for doing, be boldly motivated and recognize an opportunity when it presents itself or even they will fail. Each step along the journey to wealth transforms the traveler little by little until the super achiever that has been hiding inside burst out. Oh, you don't want to be a super achiever? That's ok, but the journey will change you into a better, more confident, upright, honorable, relaxed person that knows where you are going and how you are going to get there.

Don't question the power of one There will be no question in your mind of what you want and how you are going to get it. The more you dedicate yourself the more challenges will emerge with clear possibilities, for accomplishment and success. It's no secret wealth abounds in our affluent society and is there for the taking. You will be a powerful driving force, speeding down the superhighway of success.

Who's heart is in the right place Chances are, you, like so many other people, have not thought of the possibilities in the personal aspects of financial freedom. Perhaps up to this point, you have been working hard for someone else and never thought of or believed in the possibilities of your potential. You have just never taken the time to really think about it. Maybe you are comfortable in what you are doing now, but just maybe in the back of your mind, you have had a dream that has nagged you for years. Let's face reality, it's all about choices. The road to success and wealth is narrow and not traveled as often as those who are content in their situation. Remember, the road you choose will be your experience for life's journey. It's important that you take the right road for once you get on it there is no turning back until you experience the effect of your choice. In every decision there is a consequence. Some are quick while others are long lasting, many affect others around you but all have an impersonal end result. Your choice to become involved in searching for successful life solutions will have a lifelong affect on you and everyone within your circle of influence. How you conduct yourself will not only affect your and yours but will also carry over for future generations.

Many people are unhappy Unfortunately, there are many people who are unhappy in their jobs and relationships. They fear life and work hard to survive the constant pressures the world places upon them. It a daily struggle to keep their heads above water and their sanity is challenged with a deluge of violence and sex at every turn. They have become enslaved because their environment has allowed surrounding circumstance to determine how their lives are to lived. These are the masses who go to work every day with untold burdens they can't get rid of. They have become servants to those who plunder and take advantage of their plight. (and guaranteed there many) They are threatened, abused and punished by society and government without explanation. They are unjustly fired by those who weld their power as a sword of domination.

You seen them, on the interstate in the morning, glassy eyed, hollow and unresponsive as they move toward their respective cubbyholes. There are no, smiles, joy or expatiations in fact there is little sign of life at all, only despair. And where is God? Right there, setting beside them, but they never look around. The background noise is so loud they can't hear. They stare ahead with unseeing eyes and quenched spirit; going nowhere and dead at heart.

You are alive and well If you are to succeed in you quest for wealth, you must first have the correct mindset. Don't be afraid to dream, for deep within your dreams is your purpose for being. Your personal ambitions and goals are there, ready for you to claim them and mold them into a well adjusted happily productive life. Reach out and embrace them, like a flower, a butterfly, a precious thing that was always there waiting . . . just beyond your grasp, in the shadows, seemingly afraid to be know. Your dreams cannot be vague or general; they must be acute, spelled out in detail, and specific. You must know exactly what you desire and then build a fire around it. You must build a burning desire, a flame that can't be put out. Against all odds, no matter the cost, you must see this dream as your life unfolding and protect it at all cost, as you persevere to the end.

I'll Be Back There's so much more to say but for the sake of making this an article and not a novel I must end our pleasant time together. I shall return in another article. Thanks and . . .

Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, See How To, Run Your Car On WATER
Self Employment


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