Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

How to Install WordPress on your own Computer In 5 Minutes

You don’t have to be a geek to install WordPress on your own computer because the process is as simple as installing any other native Windows Application (e.g. Microsoft Office).

install wordpress on windowsBefore we get into the actual installation process, let’s look...

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Finds Errors in your English Writing with the ESL Assistant

english errorsWhile the majority of international communication happens in English, a lot of these people, who communicate in English on a daily basis, aren’t very comfortable as English is not their native language.

They therefore have to sometimes struggle to...

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Women Are a Majority On All Social Networks Except One

The latest data from Google Ad Planner suggests that female users form a majority on all popular social networking sites except Digg where 64% of the traffic is from male users. The male to female ratio on LinkedIn and YouTube stands at 1.

Gender Balance...

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Friday, October 2, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 5 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 5 new articles

Microsoft "Most Value Professional" Award Banned at Google?

microsoft mvp award

The MVP Award is an annual award that is given to people who actively share their technical expertise with the world. Among other benefits, MVP awardees get a certificate from Microsoft, a free subscription to MSDN / TechNet and early access to software...

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Some Exercises for Social Media Addicts

If you are concerned about your health because you are spending too much time on social media sites like Facebook and Digg, here’s an exercise plan that may keep you fit.

Every time you want to check Facebook or Flickr, just do the exercise...

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Submit a Complete Sitemap of your Blogger Blog to Google for Better Indexing

bloggerSitemaps, in simple English, are text files (see example) containing a list of all web pages that exist on your site. It is important that you create a comprehensive sitemap as it will help Google and other search engines crawl your site better and that...

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Bookmark LinkedIn Profiles with the new Profile Organizer

LinkedIn has added a new premium feature called Profile Organizer that lets you bookmark profiles with one-click for later reference.

When you enable Profile Organize for your LinkedIn account, you can also associate notes with your existing LinkedIn...

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Mahatma Gandhi on the Google Homepage

gandhi on google

Today marks the 140th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and Google is celebrating this with a new doodle on their homepage.

Extremely creative and I think Gandhiji is the only second Indian (after Rabindranath Tagore) who made it to the Google...

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black and rosé.

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new necklace.
h&m 9,95e.

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new dress.
camden market london.

This is definitely one of my favorite color-combinations at the moment :)

Meinen ersten Tag als Studentin habe ich sehr genossen, ich freue mich sehr auf die kommende Zeit und auf die kreativen Aufgaben :)

I really enjoyed my first day as a student and i'm really looking forward to being creative!

Love, Hippiegirl♥

Edit: I'm not studying in London. These Londonpictures are all from last month, which i spent in London to visit a languageschool!!!
I'm studying Design of Communcation and Art Direction in Hamburg, Germany :)

kate o'

beautifully styled images
" Driven by a deep love of Victoriana and the macabre,
Kate often spends years looking for weird
and wonderful items to include in her photographs"

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - Pick the Right Google Translation Widget for your Website

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - Pick the Right Google Translation Widget for your Website

Pick the Right Google Translation Widget for your Website

Google Translation Widgets are available in four different flavors – as a JavaScript based Language drop-down, as a overlay toolbar, as AJAX for in-place translation and as plain HTML. This article discusses the pros and cons of each option to help...

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Alena Klappstein
(genaue Adresse gern auf Anfrage)



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jacket:present. pullover,tights:h&m. necklace,boots:primark london. bag:pimkie.

One of my first days in london.

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Heute genieße ich noch meinen letzten freien Tag, ab morgen bin ich dann offiziell Studentin :)

Love, Hippiegirl♥

beautiful boxes . . . .to make

beautiful boxes to make


Inspiration - Library Ladders

I have been doing a bit of research on Library ladders - especially sliding ones.
One of my clients, who is a writer and has many, many books, wants some very large bookshelves to store them all. We need a ladder to access the top shelf which is not far off 4m high. I had previously found a German ready made timber and metal one - however, that went out the window when we heard the price - a cool $10,000.
I have come across all kinds - who would have thought there were so many. Bulky, vintage, modern, industrial, timber, steel and so on. The above images are a few that I have found.
Photos from various sources.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kid's Bedroom - Moon Light

I hope you can see from these not-so-great photos this fantastic light that my client found in London. When I first saw it, I had wondered about the 'speckled' finish on the globe - it wasn't until the light was turned on that I instantly recognised the Moon. So Earth on the walls (see post below) and Moon hanging above the bunk beds - pretty cool boy's bedroom.
Photos by Charlotte Minty.

New Work - Kids Bedroom

My client and I had seen some great inspiration images of large maps on walls and have done this for her son's bedroom. It took a while to find the right map - with the right colours and size. The rest of the walls have been painted a soft green similar to a green on the map. It looks really effective and you can spent hours staring at it - where you've been and where you want to go...
Photo by Charlotte Minty.

The Inspiration of Business

Kathy was sitting in her recliner at her home in California with 3-year-old daughter Lindsay cuddled at her side. Both were watching a show featuring an actress who had designed a line of Victorian jewelry. “I would love to design jewelry,” Kathy thought. But immediately, the all-too-familiar lack of self-esteem whispered, “You could never do that,” and she promptly shoved the desire aside.

The desire lay forgotten through several years, the addition of two more children to the family, and two more moves that ended just outside of Houston, Texas. But fifteen years later, Kathy has four children ages 24, 18, 13 and 11, and is the owner of, a Christian retail jewelry and home decor company based in Sugar Land, Texas. When Kathy talks about how the company began years ago, she leaves out the business jargon she has recently been forced to learn as a former nurse and stay-at-home mother. Instead, she focuses on the God whom she says has been in the business of healing her life and the lives of others through the company.

“The whole process of this company has been healing. I didn’t intend to have a company, but God had intentions for the company,” Kathy said.

The retail site began as a hobby for Kathy in 1996. She said she had a need to create, but after having four children, two of which were still toddlers, there was little time to finish projects. So she was delighted to find that she could design brass and silver-plated angel pins in one sitting. Kathy began to give her pins to family members and friends, and one relative suggested she send the designs to someone involved in the Atlanta Gift Mart. By January of 1998, the angel pin line was in one of the top showrooms in the Atlanta Gift Mart. Today, Kathy’s hobby has grown into The Angel Stop - Christian Gifts: Angel Pins, Framed Pictures found at

Through the business’ growth Kathy says that God was doing a greater work in her life personally. There was a need for healing in her life because of events that stretched back into her childhood, and God began to mend her heart as He began to grow the company.

“I had shame, low self-esteem, the urge to hide or run or both. As Christ began working in my life, I would ask for healing and the forgiveness needed to get rid of the bitterness. But every time He started moving me in that direction, the pain would rear its ugly head and I would retreat back to my prison cell. It was the only secure place I thought I knew.

“God took me to rock bottom in 1997, and through a period of great emotional pain, God gave me Isaiah 61:3. From outward appearances, I had everything, but inside my life was in ashes. Over the next few years God created beauty from those ashes and led me to the place where I could be planted firm in Him, and His glory could be displayed.”

“The company became part of the healing because through the process of growing a company, He pushed me out of my corner where I wanted to stay - the place I was most comfortable in. And to survive, I had to rely on Him. Through the process of Him forcing me out to the world, I found out life was all about Him and that my sufficiency was in Him. I want my life to be about the display of His glory, and my desire is that The Angel Stop be a company that glorifies God and a vessel through which He ministers.”

Today, Kathy’s desire is to inspire women to step out with confidence and boldness into whatever God has set in front of them. She says that she has learned through her own journey of healing that faith doesn’t mean the absence of fear, but the courage to take steps in the midst of fear.

The path Kathy has taken since the desire to design was sparked eleven years ago has been marked with fear at times, but Kathy says it’s been well-worth the struggle.

“A few years ago the Lord reminded me of when I was sitting in San Jose, California with my daughter, and I said I couldn’t design jewelry. But He has shown me that He can achieve anything through me.”

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

How to Write Your Own Facebook App in 5 Minutes

facebook apps tutorialDo you know that the Facebook Apps Directory now contains more than 350,000^ Facebook applications for their 300 million users.

Whether you are looking to embed presentations in your Facebook profile or want to share your favorite books and movies with...

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Easter Eggs in Google Reader

Matt shares an Easter egg hidden inside Google Reader that turns the "Like" button into a "Heart" but to know what happens when you click this Heart button, watch the video.

Hint: The key combination that will invoke the secret Ninja mode in Google...

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