Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Simple Green Salad

Well, Hillary's computer is on the fritz... hee hee. So she doesn't have any delicious looking pictures for you so she decided to ask me to post two days in a row.

This is just a simple green salad. No real recipe. All I do is buy a head of green leaf lettuce, a small bag of spinach leaves, slice up some carrots, chop broccoli, and bingo... done. I have added chopped fresh green beans, tomatoes, etc. You can do whatever you want. It's your salad :)

Serve with your favorite dressing. Yummy!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Top 6 Factors of Successful Goal Setting

The key to getting what you want in life is to identify, plan, and implement effective goals. You should have meaningful goals for all the areas of your life that you wish to focus upon developing. Only by doing so can you truly hope to be successful. But just how do you go about it?

There are many methods for goal setting, some more successful than others but firstly it is important to understand that whatever your goal may be, it is highly likely that someone else has already achieved what you are setting out to do, or at least something very similar. So why not use their experiences to help you along your own path to success.

Take time to research the subject concerned and try to establish just what the successful people in that field did to get where they are. You can learn much from reading auto-biographies and other books, articles and blogs. Visit your local library, buy magazines and surf the net to find out as much as you can. Building up a large resource of information, advice, and true-life experiences is essential. Then identify what you can apply to your own circumstances and concentrate on clearly writing out your own plan for achieving your goals.

You must have a structured approach and for your goals to be effective your plan should feature the following elements:

Accurate Description

You must write down clearly what you want to achieve. For example, if you want to start a business what sort of business is it? Do you want to work alone or with a partner? Do you want to work from home and for how many hours? Be precise about the details or else it will simply not happen.


You must be sure what your priorities are. Be careful not to set targets that are unrealistic in the context of your life.


Examine what may stand in the way of you achieving your aims. How can you overcome any obstacles? Be as honest and thorough as you can even if it means confronting areas of your own personality or your own abilities.


Your objectives must be timed so be clear in stating when you intend to achieve them. This may be weeks but it could be years. Be honest and realistic in defining your timescales.


You must have a way of measuring your progress towards your goal. You must regularly review how far you have gone and ensure that it is a written record of some form. Maybe you could keep a journal or a diary. Set targets for set periods of days, months, years etc and monitor your progress.


You must understand your motives for setting the goal. What are your reasons for doing what you are doing? Be prepared to accept that what you want may change. So be flexible and make alterations to your goals if need be. Don't let the pursuit of your goals become a chore.

And one other tip; Write your goals in the present tense rather than the future. Use sentences like: "I am running my own successful business from home"; "I live in a large 5 bedroom house with a swimming pool and a paddock and stables for my two horses"; "I am a confident and happy person."

That way your subconscious mind, believing that the situation already exists, will accept more readily what it is you want to achieve and the steps you need to take to do so. So why not start right now and plan your future.

This article was written by Tony Hall who runs his own business dedicated to helping individuals develop their personal and business skills. You can learn more about how to develop your own life skills and get your complimentary copy of "The Process of Success" by signing up for his weekly newsletter at:

Oven BBQ Pork Chops

These are easy and very yummy! It's another of my mom's recipes. Not sure where she got it from though. But this is a bit spicy so you can adjust the spices if you need to. This is one of those recipes where I don't really measure anything. I just throw everything together and it usually turns out great!

Oven BBQ Pork Chops

Pork chops
2 T vinegar
1 T Worcestershire sauce
¾ c. ketchup
1/3 c. water
2 tsp brown sugar
½ tsp pepper, paprika, and chili powder

Place chops in greased baking dish.

Combine remaining ingredients and pour over chops.

Bake at 375 for one hour. I like to serve it with mini shell pasta.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Increase My Income

The big question on a lot of peoples mind these days is "How can I increase my Income". That question is on my mind and it is on your mind. The cost of our everyday needs has been on a rapid up climb leaving us to wonder what we will do in the near future. The future is not that far away.

As you know, gasoline cost have been very unstable and uncontrollable. Gas costs go up and up then they go down, but not as much as they went up then back up. Along with gas price increases are prices of food and clothing. Items we just can't get along without. Once these items go up, there seems to be no down.

Many of us have already been reduced from a good steak diner to hamburger. We call it a family B-B-Q, but it is still hamburger. I don't know about you, but I would like another steak.

Is there anything we can do to increase the income we are trying to live on? Some people say there are a lot of things to do to make more money. Well, actually there is. The question is will it help now. Is there an immediate solution?

The answer to that question is a simple "no". There is no immediate fix. A lot of the "Make Money on the Internet" guru's say they can help you create instant cashflow. It ain't gonna happen!

There is a setup time involved and time is needed to find people interested in whatever your product is. Internet money programs often don't make enough money to cover the start up costs and those that do usually take over a year to produce money. Believe me, I've been there.

My first website program took over 17 months to produce only $100. I'm just glad I wasn't pressed for money at the time.

Another thing people will tell you about increasing your income is to get a better education. With a better education you can land a higher paying job. That is true, but it will take years to learn a new skill and another year as an apprentice before you can go it on your own.

Of course, you could always just quit your job and go find a better one. What could be wrong here? Well, I'll tell you. When you quit a job you loose all your seniority and what income you had.

When you start the new job it may be better but you will have to start at the bottom and work your way up. That means you will not be paid as much as you were getting before plus you loose all the seniority and benefits you had.

It may be a couple of years before you prove your worth and get a raise or two and you have to do it without insurance for you and your family.

So you are stuck right where you are. What you should do is search the internet for a good program that can take you where you want to be in the shortest time but don't expect overnight.

There are some out there that can give you results in as little as 2 weeks to a month. That of course, depends on how much you put into the program.Good luck and don't give up to soon.

If you need more information on a program like that you can get it here.

Len Roe has been in the same position you are and has done research on the subject. Len has written many articles on subjects like this and his website covers some points of interest.

Ranch Chicken

This recipe is so easy it's not even funny. And it is so yummy. So here you go...

Ranch Chicken

Chicken breasts (to fit your family size)
¾ c. Parmesan cheese
1 small Pkg ranch dressing mix
¾ c. corn flake crumbs (or other cereal)*

Mix cheese, cereal crumbs, and dressing mix in a Ziploc bag.
Moisten chicken and add to bag. Shake until chicken is covered.
Not much of the cereal crumbs actually stick to the chicken so I spoon a bunch onto the chicken before I put it in the oven.

Place on greased baking sheet and bake at 350 for 45 minutes (depending on thickness of chicken).

Remove from oven and serve with mashed potatoes or rice or whatever your favorite side is.

And as always... enjoy!

* I have used corn flakes, Wheaties, corn chex. Pretty much any whole grain cereal or a mixture of cereals works great.