Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Congratulations to Tyler & Carrie

Dear Tyler and Carrie:
Congratulations on your engagement!
(They plan to wed in Summer, 2010.)

.morning shopping.




shirt:h&m men

a little bit of shopping today.
in the morning.
i am so happy about my new things!

hope you all had a wonderful saturday.

Friday, December 12, 2008

.award II.

yipiiieeeee :)
i got this award from zuz. thank you soooooo much!!!
and i have to give it to 7 other bloggers.
i give it to:
tis serendipity
my gorgeous finds

i love all your blogs!♥
and of corse all blogs of my blogroll had deserved it!


exam today was okay, but my head hurts now..
have a wonderful weekend,

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What a Wonderful World




top:h&m.hemd:p&c men.

Learning Again -.-
first exam will be tomorrow, from 8am to 2pm.


one day, this will be a scraf :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Gift of Energy

"When attack becomes dance, everything is seen as a gift of energy."

That sounds great, doesn't it?

Couldn't we all use a little more energy from time to time? I know I could. Right now, for instance, as I sit with a blanket over my shoulders, sipping lemon tea and hoping that the next coughing spasm is not as ferocious as the last two, I could use a gift of energy. The tickle that started in my nose and chest a few days ago has blossomed into a full-blown, body-wracking cold, complete with chills and fever.

The martial art Aikido (The Way of Harmony) teaches us to see everything that comes our way as energy to be danced with. By centering and extending our ki (life energy) we connect and blend with the energy of attack, making it a part of us. We redirect it from center, keeping ourselves and our attacker safe from harm.

How this elegant metaphor applies to situations in our personal and professional lives is a continuing source of study and fascination for me. One of the ways I work at integrating Aiki principles into my life is by sharing the philosophy with others. My workshops use physical exercises which help our bodies remember how to do things like center, extend, acknowledge and blend. We begin to dance, flow and move with the energy of conflict instead of blocking it.

So I sit, wondering how I can dance with this attack. Even centering doesn't stop the incessant coughing. I have no ki to extend (it seems to have retreated to the innermost recesses of my system). The only thing I can think to do is to acknowledge and embrace.

But that, at least, is a beginning. In years past, I would not acknowledge being sick. When I was sick, I'd often go to work anyway. I plowed through what needed doing with half a spirit and wore myself out. I probably infected half a dozen others in the process. I was sometimes ill-tempered, depressed and depressing to be around. If I can't acknowledge what's going on, whether it's a cold or a problem at home, I surely can't embrace it. By this I mean make it a part of me, connect with it so that I can begin to look for solutions.

Most of our conflicts, internal or external, would resolve themselves if we would only take this first step - acknowledge them! But because we see them as negative, we immediately resist by fighting or fleeing. If I can see what comes my way as energy, with no positive or negative charge other than what I give it, I can be more curious about it. As unwanted as it may be, there's definitely more power in dancing with it than in resisting it.

As for my cold, I'm still trying to learn if there's a gift here somewhere. Let's see - I've already read a book I've been putting aside for months, started another, and gotten some much needed rest (in between coughs!). I may not always know what the energy offers, but when I can ask the question "Where’s the gift?" I've taken a step in a new direction.

A Silent Night — Not At My House

People say, as they get older their hearing is not what it used to be. I have found this to be true for myself. The older I get, and I plan to get as old as I can, the more I hear noises in the middle of the night. Noises, I might add, that I have never heard before.

I’m not against noise. Personally, I try to make as much noise as possible. I’m just against noise not orchestrated with my sleeping habits.

And at this juncture of my career, sleeping has become a habit. In fact, I might describe it as an addiction. I tried breaking this addiction once but my wife complained I was just becoming crotchety.

When I was younger, I didn’t need as much sleep as today. Some experts opine that as a person gets older they don’t need as much sleep as they used to. I find this absolutely, positively untrue. I need more sleep today than I have ever needed in my entire life.

Actually, what I really need is to be able to sleep all night without disturbance. My definition of disturbance is anything I hear when I am trying to go to sleep — and I demand everything to be quiet. I will not mention any names, but this also includes persons who have the annoying habit of trying to talk while I’m trying to sleep.

It is not that I’m not interested in what this unnamed person has to say; it’s just that I don’t want to hear it when I’m trying to go to sleep. People have all day to get whatever is on their mind all talked out. That is why God gave us daylight hours.

It seems of late that no matter when I go to bed or how long I have actually slept, in the morning I always need just one more minute of sleep. That one minute more of sleep is the most crucial aspect of my nightly siesta.

Personally, I do not believe in alarm clocks. I think they have evolved over the years from some Neanderthal idea that it is important to get up at a certain time in the morning.

I’m of the opinion that getting up is a relative thing. One man’s wake-up time is another man’s “please, don’t disturb me yet.”

If God wanted me to get up at a certain time every morning he would have made it a little more appealing. As far as I’m concerned, I know I have slept enough when my wife is standing at the bedroom doorway, both hands on her hips and saying to me, in that wonderful voice of hers, “Are you ever going to get out of that bed today?”

I suppose I would be more willing to get up earlier if wasn’t for all the noises in the night. I believe in silent night, and not only at Christmas.

It is amazing to me how intelligent these nighttime noises can be. They are absolutely quiet until I’m just about ready to drift off into La-la-land, then there is a medley of screeching and yelling and screaming right outside my window.

It is not that I hate cats; it is rather I abhor cats making noise when I’m trying to catnap. Cats are wonderful creatures. For the most part, these cats mill around throughout the day and refuse to pierce the daytime with any fracas.

They stay out of my way and I reciprocate by staying out of their way. They keep quiet all day long but when I’m just about ready to drift off to sleep ,they start a Hullabaloo concert right out my window.

Show me a cat that is silent all night long and I will show you one that has been run over by a truck. Cats do not know how to be silent at night. This confuses me because all day long you don’t hear one little whimper from these creatures.

It does not matter what time I go to bed, all of the cats within a 10-mile radius of my bedroom are alerted to this pertinent information. All I can figure is there must be some sort of a feline union, or maybe it is tabby-telepathy for all I know. Just two nights ago, I counted 2,972 cats outside my bedroom window, all fighting each other at the same time.

Perhaps, and this is pure conjecture on my part, these cats are working in shifts, which is why the entire night can be thoroughly covered with screeches, squawks and meows that grate on my fragile nerves.

When the neighborhood cats finish their nocturnal routine and settle down for the night, quietness settles over my backyard, which is conducive to sleep. At this point, the only bird the neighborhood cats have not successfully chased out of my backyard awakens to serenade a new day.

If it is not the night noises keeping me awake it is worrying about something n anything.

But a verse in the Bible gives me some encouragement. “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.” (Psalms 127:1-2 KJV.)

Not all the cats in the neighborhood can take from me what God delights to give me.

Hawaiian Punch

We love any excuse to have people over, and of course the holidays are a great one! With all those people coming by constantly this time of year, have you found yourself wondering what to serve to drink? Sparkling cider is yummy, but to buy enough to hydrate all your family and friends would end up costing you a pretty penny. Bottled water is a good option, but that's not exactly festive. Milk prices have gone down a little bit, but that's just boring.

This punch is so simple (as in, I'm almost embarrassed to post it because of how simple it is) and good and cheap. Kids and adults all love it. My youngest daughter just turned 2 last month, and I served this at her party. Every adult there asked me how I made it, and every kid had at least 2 glasses full.

As with other things, it's not really a recipe. It's a method. You could change this up in so many ways. Add sherbet, add pineapple rings, add strawberries, use different flavors of juice. . .

1 2-liter Sprite
1 can Hawaiian's Own frozen juice concentrate

Dump both ingredients into a bowl, mix until concentrate is dissolved, and voila!

.you could be happy.



love that song.

..euer hippiegirl

Happiness is Contagious

From the Deacon's Bench:

In a study published online today by the British Medical Journal, scientists from Harvard University and UC San Diego showed that happiness spreads readily through social networks of family members, friends and neighbors.

Knowing someone who is happy makes you 15.3% more likely to be happy yourself, the study found. A happy friend of a friend increases your odds of happiness by 9.8%, and even your neighbor's sister's friend can give you a 5.6% boost.

Read the whole article here.

Thanks for the post, Char!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Graduation Week

Just a few thoughts as the 2008 class of the Program of Integrative Medicine traverses the final week of our fellowship - together.

Dec 7, 2008
The fellows trickle in... many beautiful moments becoming reacquainted with such wonderful people, kindred souls. We gather to share a meal at circular tables. The buffet held the familiar sights and aromas of healthy, tasty food. Happy faces, hugs, laughter - wow, how blessed I am to be back in this space. I share conversations with Layth from Michigan (a familiar face, an unfamiliar story) and Randy Horowitz, one of the fellowship instructors, who was amazingly a fellow in Allergy at the University of Wisconsin 1n 1993 when I was a medical student. What a small world.

What follows is another circle. A circle of beings in a room to greet each other, fill each other in on the last year. As our opening ceremony begins, Tieraona Low Dog and Victoria Maizes lead the way. The fellows sequentially present to their classmates gifts - tokens of themselves symbolizing what the fellowship has meant to them. 70 small but thought-filled, meaning-filled gifts. Lotus flowers, acorns, mandalas, poems, songs - expressions of our uniqueness, our journey, our compassion. As the ceremony closes Tieraona sings a song in her native tongue - we know not the words but are moved none-the-less. What a great beginning to that which is promising to be a wonderful week...

Photo: Sunset in Tucson 12/07/08


The great advantage of living in a large family is that early lesson of life's essential unfairness. ~Nancy Mitford

Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted. ~Paul Pearshall

Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts. ~Author Unknown

Family quarrels are bitter things. They don't go by any rules. They're not like aches or wounds; they're more like splits in the skin that won't heal because there's not enough material. ~F. Scott Fitzgerald

Blood's thicker than water, and when one's in trouble
Best to seek out a relative's open arms.
~Author Unknown



pullover:h&m men.jeans.h&

so tired.
so bored.
so happy?

..euer hippiegirl♥

Monday, December 8, 2008

Are You Inspired In Your Work?

Why do we all work? If it is for money, then does it mean that those who earn enough to last a life time or those who inherit, should do no work? Try to find out around with your friends about why they work and surely few of them will answer - for money. If someone who has enough money decides to do no work, will it make that person happy and contented? We derive satisfaction in life by doing things that we feel are worth while. If we are sure that we have done good work, we feel peace in the heart. It gives us the approval of our ability. Let us find out if we are inspired in and with our work.

How to know if we are inspired in what we do? The first question should be - are we made for that work? Does that work fit our abilities and mental makeup? If yes, the first barrier to inspiration in work is broken. For example a person with weak physique will find the work of a sailor very unsuitable. What about enjoyment? Do you enjoy doing your work? Are you happy at the end of the day or tired and irritated? If you enjoy doing your work, no amount of hard work will tire you out totally. Otherwise your inner frustration of doing something that you don't like doing will tire you out with anger in no time.

Do you feel that your work makes other lives better? If some how you can begin getting that feeling, your inspiration in work will rise without any other help. Think of a person, who made a bed especially for a sick person. During a visit to the sick person, the maker is told that the bed has made life much better and how much the patient loves the bed and thanks the maker for that. The person who made that bed will feel extremely satisfied with his/her work after this session. Unfortunately, most of the customer interaction are handled by the marketing department now a days and the people who work to make the product, don't come in touch with the users. We all feel very satisfied if we feel that our work has made someone feel better. If the marketing person who makes good sales is thanked by the shareholders of the company for multiplying their investment, he/she will be equally happy. the point is - we feel satisfied and inspired if we give joy to other with our work.

The last test to find out if you are inspired in your work would be to find out if you show creativity in your work? Those who are inspired show creativity in some area of of their work, because they want to improve the work efficiency. Uninspired souls will only wait for the day to get over while inspired ones always feel good and creative doing their work. If you have found a work that inspires you, you are very lucky, otherwise it is time to find your true vocation and get satisfaction.

Are we our own prisoners?

Imagine a person in a prison. He/she has been imprisoned for life and will wait till death in the prison.
What can possibly motivate such a person? What do these people look forward to in their lives?
Sometimes, we are also prisoners of our thoughts and our past deeds. We also have nothing else to look forward to. We only have regrets. At least, we can do something about the conditions, but the prisoners can do nothing. Life can be depressing at times. How to inspire ourselves in such conditions?

What is inspiration?

'Inspiration' the word as it is commonly understood means to experience a state of mind that propels us to work happily, try to achieve goals, and feel good about ourselves and the world.

How to break open the prison?

When we are not inspired and can set no goals, we feel that we are so helpless that nothing can be done. The first step would be to try finding stories of people such as Helen Keller who overcame so many difficulties to emerge victorious. That will give us a basic thought that things are not that bad. We will open at least one door of our prison with this thought.

Then go back in your memory. Try and think of instances when you felt good because of some achievements. It could be something very small. Anything. Like coming first in the class in your second year in school, or getting a good remark from a teacher for an essay or for a math answer. That will break open another door.

Now begin counting your blessings. Do you have a functioning kidney? Can you see? Can you hear? Can you smell? Are your hands ok and so on. Will you sell your eyes for any price? No! Who said that you have no money? You are a wealthy person who is unaware of your wealth, your blessings, Isn't it? This will open one more door.

Break the last door open by thinking of the goals you might want to achieve. Believe that you can do that. Start planning. Think of ways. Talk to people. Be ready for a long struggle but with a firm resolve that you will achieve the goals. This will take you out of the prison of your thinking and make you a new person ready to fight.

Get set to go ahead. You are a winner in making!

May today there be peace within

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be confident knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

~ Saint Theresa

Thank you for the post, Dad!


last year.autumn.


i have to learn sooooooo much!
school sucks!
exams come very soon.
bääääh -.-


Sausage Egg Casserole

My mother-in-law makes this casserole on Christmas morning. It's so simple and yet very tasty. It does take a little while to cook, but it's perfect for making on Christmas because you throw it in the oven when you wake up, and it's ready about the time you're done opening presents. If I make it on any other day, I'll start it on the stove top and then finish it in the oven to cut down on the cooking time. How I love one-pot-wonders!

You can change it up easily, too. Add some diced onion to the sausage while it cooks. Use a different flavor sausage. Add potatoes. You really can do lots with it. I love it how it is, though, so I haven't strayed from the original recipe. I'm a sucker for tradition.

12 eggs
1 package bulk maple sausage
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
1 soup can milk
cheddar cheese, shredded

Skillet Method
Brown sausage in a large skillet. While sausage cooks, beat eggs, seasoning with salt and pepper. In a separate bowl, whisk together the soup and milk . When sausage is cooked through, pour eggs into skillet, stirring to evenly distribute sausage.

Stream soup into skillet and do NOT stir! You want to leave large pockets of the soup throughout this casserole -- it will NOT taste as good if the soup is fully incorporated.

Top with shredded cheese.

Now you just cook it the same way you'd cook an omelet. Run your spatula around the edge and tilt the pan to let the runny egg underneath. Once it's more solid looking on top, pop it in the oven at 350 to cook the rest of the way, which takes around 15-20 minutes.

Oven Method
Do it the exact same way, only transfer sausage to a 9x13 pan instead of leaving it in the skillet. Then top with eggs, soup and cheese. Bake at 350 for about an hour. You may need to cover it with foil to prevent over-browning.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Live purely.
Be quiet.
Do your work with mastery.
Like the moon,
come out from behind the clouds!

~ the Buddha




..euer hippiegirl♥

<--dress which i bought yesterday.
