Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Success Is An Attitude.

"God gave us two ends. One to sit on and one to think with. Success depends on which one you use; heads you win... tails you lose." Anonymous What is required to be successful? Does it take years of education? Does it take a family background of wealth? Can anyone achieve success?

Yes, anyone can achieve success. Success is not a place or a thing, it is a state of mind. A journey in our own mind restricted only by our own thoughts.

To each person success is an entirely different thing. To you success may mean being debt free and having a million dollars in the bank. To me success may be 100 million dollars. To the homeless success may just be a warm place for the night.

If you ask the average working person if he thinks his life has been a success he will probably tell you yes. He may not be rich, but he will feel successful to that particular point in life. Your success depends largely on your attitude. If you start your day with a good attitude you will overcome most of the obstacles that come your way and move on in the direction of success. A person with a negative attitude will wake up in the morning and see only gray sky and clouds. When asked to do something at work they think only of what’s in it for me. They will probably do the task and do it well, but they can be heard grumbling and moaning about it for the rest of the day.

When standing in a line at a market they will complain about how long the line is and then give the person at the check out counter a bad time as though it were her fault that he had to wait his turn.

Good things will happen to those with the proper attitude. So, yes. Attitude is important. With the proper attitude you can accomplish any goal you set for yourself. It is in our best interest to develop a positive attitude. If we think a thing will be and we allow ourselves to believe then it is almost certain that we will achieve what we set out to do.

It may only be my opinion, but I believe that everyone is successful. I believe everyone has the natural ability to be a success. It is up to each individual to determine how much success he or she wants and how to reach that level of success.

We have all had a number of successes in our lives already and we will have many more. We successfully completed school. We successfully landed a job or a position we wanted. We successfully completed the purchase of a new home.

These are successes that we take for granted, but they were still successes. We have been learning from childhood about success and how to obtain it. When we were small children we discovered that if we cried loud enough and long enough we would get the attention we wanted. That was a success. We also learned that if we studied hard enough we could get the grade we wanted in school. That too, was a success.

As we grow older we seem to forget that we know anything about the art of success. We start working for an employer and stop working for ourselves and our own success. However, we still have the capacity and ability to be successful.

I don’t know why it is, but when we begin working for the other person we seem to forget that we had dreams and desires of our own. We place ours on the back burner and never seem to get back to them. We pursue the dreams of the other person and we stay at a set point in our own life.

There is an old saying, which offends a lot of people and a lot more don’t understand. It says that at any given time in life you are exactly where you choose to be. Many people find this offensive and respond with something like this, “now wait a minute here, I didn’t choose to be broke and in debt.” No, you didn’t choose to be broke and in debt, but you have not chosen to do anything about it either. You settled for less.

Others will scratch their heads and wonder, what the heck does that mean, I’m not where I want to be! No, you are not where you want to be, but you have not chosen to do anything about it either. You settled for less.

When you chose to do something about your own situation and take some steps to accomplish your mission then you will move on. You will become more successful than you are now. When you seriously set your mind to it you will find the ways to complete your mission and nothing will be able to stop you.

To become successful one does need an education. Not necessarily the normal high school, collage type of education, but education is definitely a factor. To reach your own level of success you must first become a student of the field you have chosen for yourself. Become a student of the business. Learn all you can and never stop learning.

A collage education can prepare you to be an engineer or whatever you choose, and that is good, but no school can prepare you to be successful. Success depends on your own attitude and how much effort you put into your quest for success.

The amount of education we have is important, but not as important as the type of education we have. I know a man who studied hard and learned much about teaching and became a school principal. He made a decent living in his chosen field, but he felt there was more to be had.

This school principal became a student of a new business and soon left the educational system and went on to become a millionaire. He was educated, but more knowledge and belief made a lot of difference in his future.

The point is, there are no dumb people. Take the doctor out of his field and he seems to lack intelligence. Take the plumber out of his field and he too, is lost. All we need to reach success is a desire to learn and the courage to step out of our own comfort zone and take control of our future.

This writer writes from both business and personal experiences. He has written many articles for more than a decade on a variety of subjects.


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