Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Fit Yourself Into Comfortable Yoga Clothes

Clothes form an integral part of your Yoga sessions. Comfortable, flexible and functional aspects of your Yoga attire is what aids you to stretch and balance to attain accuracy in your Yoga poses. Hence it becomes an imperative need to fit yourself into the right clothes for the smooth stretches and firm balances of perfectly done asanas.

Here are a few tips to choose the right Yoga clothes for both men and women.

Clothes Portray Your Attitude

Yoga is not simply about twisting and turning as it stretches far beyond workouts by integrating the body, mind and the spirit. One has to keep in mind, the essence of spirituality that it holds.

Plain T-shirts with no prints are ideal Yoga wears as they attract less or no attention.

Tees with spiritual prints like 'Om' etc reveal your intentions.
The much raved about Eco-friendly clothes which reveal a simple and natural outlook, work well with spirituality
Cotton clothes simply portrays simplicity
Revealing clothes are a big no no as they could divert the attention of other practitioners.
T-shirts that shouts sex, drugs, rock and roll, romance and the like are to be avoided. (MORE)

Source Oneindia

Erin by David.

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Erin Wasson for ELLE Italia August 2010 by David Mushegain.
Which one is your favorite picture?
I love the last one!
By the way, I watched Toy Story 3 last night and it was pretty funny.
I was just a little disappointed about the 3-D-effects, I expected too much, I guess!
Have you already watched it?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Meditation Variation

Meditation is no longer the province of Eastern cultures or “hippy” types. The “West” has embraced meditation and today meditation can even be prescribed by doctors, particularly in relation to relieving conditions that relate to stress. It is wonderful that on the one hand the insights and powers of meditation are being discovered by Western societies but there are also pitfalls ahead.

When an outsider embraces an ancient tradition there is always the possibility that a superficial understanding will result. For instance simply encouraging someone to “meditate” misses the point that there are many different styles of meditation and that each one has different effects. This point has been highlighted in a new study which showed exactly how the different styles affect your brain.

The study identified that the Buddhist, Chinese, and Vedic traditions of meditation produce styles that can be grouped under three broad headings. (MORE)

Source: WellBeing

gift topper to make . . .

wonderful packaging to make

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Photographer - Ditte Isager

Much admired Danish New York-based photographer Ditte Isager now has a blog. She has been posting her beautiful commercial photographic work, which includes interiors, lifestyle, personalities and travel.
I like the soft tones of the elegant interiors that Ditte has taken above - soft grey along with black/off white and shots of soft pink and turquoise. Lovely.
Photograghs via Ditte Isager.

Blümchenshorts II

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Hier seht ihr ein zweites Outfit mit den neuen Blümchenshorts.
So leicht sind sie gar nicht zu kombinieren,
da viele meiner Oberteile einfach zu lang sind
und sie entweder verstecken würden oder aber reingestopft
einfach nur sehr merkwürdig aussehen würden!
So gefällt es mir aber ganz gut und euch?!
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shorts: pimkie. top, leggings: h&m. blouse: primark.
necklace: six. wedges: asos

Daily Inspiration

Listen To The Silence

Silence may be golden, but where, in this noise-filled world of ours, can you truly experience it? Stuart Jeffries heads off to a spiritual retreat in search of some inner peace

It's kicking off in the quiet carriage. At Reading, two elderly people get on and the lovely hush that has existed on this corner of the 09.59 from Paddington is over. "Which seats?" barks the wife. Her husband, two steps behind with luggage and tickets, replies: "Twenty-nine and 30." Snoozers awake confused and dry-mouthed, readers look up from their books crossly. "Did you book them facing or next to each other?" "I don't remember. Why?" "Because 29 and 30 are opposite each other. I don't want to sit opposite. I want to sit together." "Why wouldn't 29 and 30 be together?" "You would assume 29 and 30 would be together." "When I booked online, it looked as though 29 and 30 were together." "But they clearly aren't."

Cue low-volume tutting. Why, I ask myself silently, can't passengers who board trains be fitted with chips that give them a silencing electric shock if they speak over a certain decibel level? Surely that's not beyond the wit of First Great Western's engineers. (MORE)

Source: Guardian

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Admiring...Hotel Azucar, Veracruz

Okay - it is the middle of winter and life has been pretty busy so it's just natural to dream about a relaxing hot holiday somewhere away from here, isn't it? Here's the gorgeous Hotel Azucar in Veracruz, Mexico. Just plonk me here and I'd be a happy chappie. 
Photographs via Hotel Azucar.


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cardi: urban outfitters. top: primark. shorts: pimkie. tights, boots: asos.

Daily Inspiration

Yoga and Recovery: The Next Level!

Nearly one year ago, I started teaching Yoga For Recovery from addiction on Friday nights at 7:45pm at YogaCo. Each Yoga For Recovery class is one part Yoga, one part meditation, one part inspirational philosophy and one-part community share. I have found the combination of yoga and recovery philosophies to be very powerful. I like to say it can make your recovery bullet-proof by providing you with advanced technologies (read: tools) for personal transformation and growth. The classes have been effective, inspiring and a lot of fun. This past week, I was asked to bring the offering to 5-Point Yoga in Malibu, CA., at 5:30pm on Sunday evenings. Wherever you are on the path, if you are interested in overcoming addictions and hurdles of any kind, come check out a Yoga For Recovery class. Also, check out my web site and sign up for The Forklift Newsletter, which will give inspiration and ideas for living life to its fullest. I look forward to seeing you in class. (MORE)

Source: Huffington Post

amazing details

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decoupage a tray . . .

i picked up two beautiful old trays
a few months ago in a 2nd hand shop
and so want to have a go at covering one
after having seen this

292 - Balustrade and Landscaping.

The new balustrade has been installed on the balcony.
Start of the landscaping - paved walkways.
The latest happenings for 292 is the new balustrade on my deck. Hooray - long delayed but most welcomed. The smaller details on the exterior are slowly coming together.
The balustrade is powdercoated in the same colour as the roof and the lower level of the building - it keeps it all smart and consistent.
We are at the finishing end of the exterior painting. Some of the windows need final coats as well as the slatted screens. We can only paint when the weather and our work schedule allows us.
Dad and I have started on the landscaping at the front with paved walkways and will be filling the rest with soil at the end of the week. We intend to keep the planting plan simple. Will keep you posted how that turns out.
I have advertised the lower level apartment tonight on TradeMe. So if you or anyone you know happen to be looking for a lovely new two bedroom apartment to move into - do get in touch.
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Stretch | When Yoga Hurts

As Cathy Lilly folded into downward dog at a workshop in January, a novice instructor, eager to help, lifted Ms. Lilly’s thumbs and angled them forward. Her thumbs are still recovering from the strain.

Ms. Lilly, 53, a yoga teacher with more than two decades on the mat, also once injured her rotator cuff jumping distractedly into plank pose. And after another instructor suggested she kiss her knee while in heron pose, her hamstring suffered the consequences.

Isn’t yoga supposed to be good for you? After all, doctors prescribe it to injured athletes and cancer patients. And while tennis players can expect ripped-up elbows and runners know they may blow out their knees, yogis don’t usually anticipate having to hobble off their mats.

It is this “do no harm” mind-set that can lead to strained backs, pulled knees, aching wrists and slipped discs. Ms. Lilly is part of a growing roster of yoga practitioners on injured reserve. (MORE)

Source: NY Times

Slow cooked salmon

A co-worker pointed me to this exciting concept, slow cooked salmon. The idea is to brush and bed a beautiful piece of salmon and then cook it in an oven at just around 100 degrees for 30 minutes. The result - beautiful tender and juicy salmon that is moist and flavoursome - delicious!

We started with a brush of olive oil, salt, pepper and ground coriander. We then threw the salmon skin side down in skillet to crisp it up a bit.

For the bed, we used caramelised onions quickly sauted in a fry pan with some fine white wine and a few chunks of navel oranges. Lay the salmon, skin up, on the bed and top each fish with a slice of orange. Cook in oven at 100 degrees for 30 minutes.

Ground some macadamia nuts and chillis and roast in pan to release flavour. Mix nut mixture with some finely chopped mint. Remove salmon from oven and top with nut and mint. Serve.

Too easy!

Get Rich Quick!

How Often you receive this message from each day is our E-mail or operating a Us Through the waves? Paragraph Count Too We so much so that a message service insensitive.

This is exactly how to get rich quickly. Count your blessings. What? You do not have the blessings? Oops! Think Again! Everyone can find some of the blessings, but if you look more closely.

Love your family and friends and his love for humanity. Maybe a find "love" a strange word to use so that a do not call it love "per se, perhaps" you call it, no feeling of wanting Deep Best Loved Ones para SUS, United Nations and I want to stay Positive para All The Best of life for them. This sentiment, many called "love" is the source from which all blessings of Others.

Your Job, Profession or Vocation:
Although it may be days when those who fear the cry of alarm, and you move out of bed to face another day para Problems and a resolution of the people who test Patience is after all Blessing UNA.

Many people do not even have Workstation United Nations, much less a vocation or profession. Look Beyond the common people and issues and an opportunity to make a difference see them in some way. You CAN NOT SEE switch characters in mild rude people educated, gentle, but you can switch and react like them. This is your opportunity to practice patience and tolerance and Maybe these characters and seed recognize this part of the plant itself.

"Day to Day is All That I'm getting better and better." This appointment is made famous by the French hypnotist Emile Coue. A subpoena is dora This Wonderful Account of When You are falling into the morass of Thought United Nations negative. Our minds are more powerful that we give them credit service. It is truly amazing that our subconscious mind alone without holding a negative thought and deny it to let go, Play While it may take several (or several hundred) para reprogram positive thinking that thought, pass a background goes But perseverance.

So the next time you're feeling a low self-esteem if Lanzarote preparing para a pity party, or are overwhelmed with their accounts, only "Remember: to get rich quickly! Count your blessings!

me old china . . .

more uses for old bits of found pottery


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Die kleine Bloggervorstellungsrunde geht
in die nächste Runde. Dieses Mal stelle ich euch
die wunderschöne Eve und ihren Blog Traschick
vor, definitiv einer meiner liebsten, den ich
auch schon wirklich lange lese. Ich liebe ihre tollen
Outfits, ihren ganzen Stil. Hinzu kommen schöne
Alltagsbilder aus ihrer süßen kleinen Family,
alles wunderbar präsentiert und sehr inspirierend!
Ihr kennt das ja, hier ein kleines Interview, ein paar
meiner Lieblingsbilder und dann ab auf die Blogroll damit :)
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Wann und warum hast du mit dem Bloggen angefangen?
So ca. vor 1 ½ Jahren habe ich in irgendeiner Zeitschrift
einen Artikel über die Bloggerin Spiegeleule entdeckt, da war’s um mich geschehen...

Hast du ein Konzept für deinen Blog? Worüber bloggst du
und inwiefern unterscheidet sich dein Blog von den anderen?
Mein Konzept ist kein Konzept. Je nach Lust und Laune
wird dies & das aus meinem Leben gepostet. Viele Bilder,
beim Texten halte ich mich eher zurück.

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Was ist derzeit dein Lieblingskleidungsstück?
Dein Lieblingsaccessiore? Dein Lieblingsschmuckstück?
Meistens ist mein neustes Stück auch gleich mein Lieblingsstück.
Momentan ein Kreuzring, den ich nach langem Suchen für 5 Euro bei
Ebay geschossen habe, eine alte schwarze Ledertasche
vom Flohmarkt und ein Corsagenbody frisch von Asos geliefert.

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Welcher derzeitige Trend gefällt dir super?
Trend, das ist ein echt blödes Wort. Bei H&M z.B. kaufe ich nur
noch Basics, dort nerven mich bestimmte Trendstücke.
Wenn jedes zweite Mädel die sich ein bisschen für Mode interessiert
in diesem bestimmten Teil rumläuft ist das schon eher abturnend.
Aber viele andere, bloggertypischen Trends gefallen auch mir.
Ich liebe schlichte, schwarze, ausgelatschte Boots, Cyclingshorts,
Gothikschmuck, Clogs und tatatata wie kann es anders sein
mintfarbenden Nagellack. Die Teile sind halt geil, was soll man machen;)

Wer aus deinem Umfeld weiß von deinem Blog?
Ich binde es jetzt nicht jedem, den ich kenne auf die Nase,
mein engstes Umfeld weiß Bescheid.

Was gefällt dir besonders gut am Bloggen?
Gibt es auch negative Seiten?
Die vielen Fotos in Ordnern auf dem Laptop vergammeln lassen?
Ist doch blöde… Es macht mir einfach Spaß zu fotografieren
und das dann auch zu zeigen. Bei Outfitsfotos ist das schon
wieder ein anderes Thema, das ist manchmal so:
Kannste schnell noch nen Bild machen Schatz? –Jetzt???
–Komm schon, geht auch ganz schnell! -Ja, ok…..(genervt)!!
Zack-zack, klick-klick, abgehakt. Aber wenn man wirklich Lust,
Zeit, ne coole location und am besten eine gute Freundin hat,
dann kann es dafür auch echt spaß machen.

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Wie oft und wo gehst du am liebsten Shoppen?
Am liebsten? Was für eine Frage, haha- die beantworte ich
lieber nicht. Durchschnittlich gehe ich einmal die Woche „shoppen“.
Kann aber auch heißen; nur gucken.
Gerne in Secondhandläden oder Onlineshops.

Hast du ein Fashionvorbild oder eine Person,
die dich in deinem Stil inspiriert?
So spontan fällt mir keine Person ein. Musik, Filme, Zeitschriften,
das Leben/Alltag, die verschiedenen Jahrzehnte (insbesondere die 90er)
und Bewegungen wie die der Hippies, Rocker, Punks, Hip Hop etc.
inspirieren mich. Ich ziehe mir halt aus allem das raus was mir gefällt.
Von den bekannten Blogs gefällt mir der Look von Rumi (Fashiontoast) durchgehend gut.

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Welches sind deine 3 Lieblingsblogs?
Einen speziellen Lieblingsblog habe ich so nicht.
Alle die ich lese gefallen mir mal mehr und mal weniger gut.
Ich nenne einfach mal drei völlig unterschiedliche

Wenn du gerade nicht bloggst, was machst du sonst gern?
„Wenn ich gerade nicht blogge“ klingt gut. Sagen wir es mal so,
wenn ich gerade nicht den Haushalt führe, mich nicht um
meinen süßen Spatz kümmere, die Tiere versorge, arbeite,
einkaufen gehe usw. bin ich ganz gerne mal für mich alleine.
Dann gehe ich spazieren, auch mal wandern, leg mich mit guter
Musik in die Sonne, fahre los und mache Fotos,
schlendere durch die Stadt, setz mich mit einem Buch ins Café,
gehe lecker essen, gucke unheimlich gerne Filme oder blogge halt.
Langweilig ist mir nie!

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Vielen Dank an Eve, hier gehts zu ihrem Blog: KLICK!
Bewerber für die nächste Runde wie immer
per Mail an mich:,
wobei ich für die nächsten Male schon ein paar Kandidaten im Auge habe!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Seating - Before and After

The entrance wrought iron seating - before.
Here is a piece of furniture that was once looking worse for wear. This entrance seating belonged to a client of mine - previously it was downtrodden and beaten up.
My client loved red and to negotiate removing the too-strong red on the walls opposite, I took the red (and a gorgeous pattern) to the cushions of the seating. The result - looks great, is the central focus in the entrance and no-one throws their things on it now...
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.

White Shirt

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scarf: Vintage. shirt, leggings: H&M.
necklaces: Primark, DIY, Les Jumelles.
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Habt einen schönen Abend!
Und wow, über 800 Follower... vielen, vielen Dank!!!
Thank you so much for more than 800 followers!!!

Daily Inspiration

Meditation: What It's Really Like Inside

For people who have never meditated before, the experience of mindfulness meditation can be a mystery. Last night, a friend who had just returned from his first stay at Tassajara asked, "I still don't get it. What exactly am I supposed to do when I meditate? I get the impression I will get scolded if I move my body even just a little. Can I keep my eyes closed? Am I supposed to not think?" Not exactly a good start, given that meditation is largely about maintaining a posture of relaxed alertness, along with an attitude of all inclusivity about the present moment. I tried to explain in words what meditation is really about. I also suggested that he find a good teacher . . .

Because meditation is not a conceptual experience, efforts to describe it in words are bound to fall short. Instead, images can do a better job. Here is a visual essay I put together to relate my own experience of being in a sitting meditation. I hope you will find it helpful. (MORE)

Source: Huffington Post

stained glass door . . .

how wonderful!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

New Shoes II

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top: noname. shorts: tk maxx.
leggings, sunglasses: h&m. wedges: asos (new!)