Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What is Love and How Do I Get It?

What is love? Everybody uses the word “love” in daily conversations. There are millions of movies and songs based on love, but do we really know what it is?

Here are some Greek definitions of love:

Eros: romantic love of passion, physical longing, deep intensity, and intimacy. Often initial love that attracts a couple. Attracted to what it finds desirable, or beautiful--often knowing no limits and searching without satisfaction through many objects of desire.

Philios: characterized by sharing, companionship and shared values, it exemplifies friendship-based and brotherly love. It is more comprehensive and less self-seeking than eros.

Storge: family love between parent/child or between two incredibly close people. It is instinctive, and does not need to be requited.

Agape: considered purest, most comprehensive and most mysterious form of love, which loves unconditionally. Agape dissolves our separateness from God, others, and ourselves, as instead of seeking the security and consolation of seeking to be loved, we are love. Agape is the love of altruism, of giving without asking anything in return.

A famous Bible verse in 1 Corinthians 13 states other qualities of love:
Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way: it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

So how do we attract love into our lives? We get love by giving love, for as we give, so do we receive. Life is a mirror and will reflect back to us what we put out. Want more love in your life? Then I invite you to demonstrate to a friend or family member real AGAPE love. Call someone up for no other reason than to tell them you love them.

LOVE IS PATIENT: Imagine for a moment what patience could do in your life? What would your home be like if everyone had great patience? What would the world be like if all people had patience with each other? What is love? Love is Patience and it begins with each of us.

Kindness is directly connected to patience. Patience endures injuries and insults and kindness pays them back with good deeds and kind actions. In Greek the word kindness means “useful.” Love is kind means we express God by being kind, by being useful and of benefit to others.

“Who is born of love is born of God for God is Love.”

Lesson from Dad

I remember many, many times my father said to me,
"You must learn to bend like a weeping willow in the wind or
eventually you'll break."
Have you ever tried to break a weeping willow branch?

You can't.

I am that weeping willow drinking from the stream of life.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

0. Find Your Most Popular Web Pages on Twitter with Google Docs

If you were to measure the popularity of your website content on Twitter, the most effective way would be that you count the number of tweets (and re-tweets) that are linking to your web pages.

For instance, I can go to and it will...

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1. Now Download Your YouTube Videos Legally

While there are dozens of online services and software tools out there that help you download videos from YouTube for offline watching, you don’t need their help anymore for downloading your own videos from YouTube.

That’s because Google now...

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nächste woche geht's von freitag bis montag nach paris.
(vorfreude hoch 10!)
jetzt seid ihr gefragt, irgendwelche tipps abseits des mainstream?
shopping, essen, sehenswürdigkeiten, parks, plätze usw...

ich würde mich freuen :)

ansonsten häng ich hier schon den ganzen tag wie ein schluck wasser in der kurve... waren gestern ja schön feiern und der schlafmangel macht sich bemerkbar ;) war aber toll. erst lecker gegrillt und dann die nacht durchgetanzt!

ich wünsche euch ein wunderbares wochenende!

next week, i will go to paris form friday to monday and i need your help!
do you have any suggestions for me?
places to shop, to eat or just to visit?
i would love to hear them :)

love, hippiegirl ♥

Une pièce aux murs aseptisés, probablement une chambre d'hôpital, trois lits sont alignés contre le mur, je me trouve dans celui le plus proche de la porte. A ma gauche, plusieurs filles bavardent et font du bruit, certaines partagent le même lit, il me semble en connaître quelques unes, mais elles m'importent peu.
Le moment arrive, un étrange silence s'installe, l'excitation se mêle à la peur, et, dans l'attente j'appréhende cet instant fatidique.
Je me détache alors de mon corps physique, et mon âme, si légère, plane au dessus de lui, je ferme les yeux très fort comme pour me protéger. Je tourne lentement, régie par cette intense explosion, cette puissance forte et tangible, si présente, si vive, elle envahit l'espace, le monde, le temps s'est arrêté pour nous faire éprouver durant quelques secondes, cet instant si fragile. Je ne réfléchis plus qu'en termes de sensations, pures et profondes. Je sens vibrer en moi la douce émotion de la mort. Puis, petit à petit je redescends, retrouvant mon corps que, quelques instants avant, je quittais pour échapper au pire.

(Photo de mon père)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jules & Vincent

sept 07

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

0. Wikipedia as a Printed Book - Seriously!

The English edition of Wikipedia Encyclopedia contains around 3 million articles as of now and if someone were to print the entire Wikipedia encyclopedia into a book, the size of that book would roughly be equivalent to 952 volumes of the Encyclopedia...

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1. Taking a Cue from Digg, Google Introduces Ads in Orkut That You Can Trash

orkutIf you don’t like a particular ad on your screen, just throw it in the bin but if you found it interesting or useful, why not share the ad with your other friends - this seems to be the new advertising formula for Digg and now Orkut.


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Devant moi, un bonhomme noir se colle à mon visage, les bras croisés, il respire fort comme s'il cherchait à m'intimider. D'un geste brusque, j'étends mes bras pour le pousser, mais mon corps traverse le sien. Je le regarde du coin des yeux, je n'ai pas peur.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

a bit of summer.


heute präsentiere ich euch meine neue jeansjacke.
flohmarktfund vom wochenende für den sensationellen preis von einem euro :)
ich freu mich!



top:vero moda.necklace,leggings:h&m.sunglasses:c& (again)
jacket:fleamarket, necklace:asos. bracelet:present

die schule habe ich nun abgeschlossen. montag war meine letzte abiprüfung, die ich mit 11 punkten gut gemeistert habe.
ich verlasse die schule mit einem abi von 1,8 , worüber ich mich sehr freue. morgen wird dann kräftig gefeiert, ABI '09 :)


this is my new jeans jacket, which i bought at the fleamarket on saturday.
guess the price! it's 1 euro :) what a fantastic bargain, isn't it?
have a wonderful evening!

genießt den endlich mal wieder etwas sommerlichen abend,
peace, hippiegirl ♥

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

0. Turn Your Home Computer into a Web Server in 2 Minutes

You may find this technique useful even if you are not a very tech-savvy user.

web server at home computer Before getting into the actual process, let’s look at a couple of real-world situations that explain why you may want to turn your home computer into a web...

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1. Laptop Stickers for SnagIt & Camtasia Studio Fans

This is something for fans of SnagIt, Camtasia Studio or Jing.

You can order some cool stickers for your laptop using this form and TechSmith will ship them to your address for free. Thanks Betsy.

snagit sticker screenshot sticker


Laptop Stickers for SnagIt & Camtasia Studio...

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2. Airtel Net PC is a Low Cost Computer for Working in the Cloud

Do you have an old computer monitor that’s gathering dust someone in the corner of your house? Or do you have plans to buy a new PC for performing only basic computing tasks like writing documents, email, chatting, browsing websites, etc.

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3. Windows Tip: Find the Day of the Week for any Given Date Very Quickly

A question for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users - How can you quickly find the day of the week when you were born without consulting any of the web based date calculators?

You are more likely to open the clock (or “Adjust date and time”...

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

0. How to Use Google News Timeline as an RSS Reader

Google News Timeline is an interesting tool where you can browse historical events, current news, movie releases and other kinds of information in a graphical timeline.

time magazine covers

For instance, you can search for TIME magazine on Google News Timeline and it will...

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1. Upload Photos to Twitter via Flickr Email

How do you share photographs with friends on Twitter?

You probably upload them to an online photo sharing site (like Flickr or Picasa Web Gallery) first and then copy-paste the web address of the uploaded image into your Twitter client. Or you prefer to...

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US festival

My parents went to the US festival in 82.
You can see my mum on the left.