Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wolfgirl on Street-Inspiration.

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Nach Harriet mit Silhouettes stelle ich euch heute
Henriette mit ihrem Blog Wolfgirl vor.
Gerade erst habe ich ihn entdeckt
und bin schon verliebt in ihren tollen Stil.
Hier gibts wieder ein kleines Interview
und ein paar Bilder, schafft schonmal Platz auf eurer Blog Roll!

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1. Wann und warum hast du mit dem Bloggen angefangen?
Januar 2010, da ich schon immer Interesse
am Fotografieren und an der Mode hatte und ich meine
Bilder und Erfahrungen mit anderen teilen wollte.

2. Hast du ein Konzept für deinen Blog?
Worüber bloggst du und inwiefern
unterscheidet sich dein Blog von den anderen?
Ich blogge über ALLTAGSOUTFITS, Mode
und alles in die Richtung!
Ich habe kein bestimmtes Konzept ,
ich poste nur sogut wie jeden Tag..
Mein Blog unterscheidet sich durch:
- Mich
- Wiedererkennungswert
- meinen Style
- leicht nachzumachenden Style
- viele verschiedene Outfits
- tägliche Posts

3. Was ist derzeit dein Lieblingskleidungsstück?
Dein Lieblingsaccessiore? Dein Lieblingsschmuckstück?
Ich liebe mein Metallica-Shirt, meinen langen Armreifen,
meinen Schlangenring, meine Boots & meinen ARMYrucksack.

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4. Welchen derzeitigen Trend gefällt dir super, welcher gar nicht?
Ich liebe "rockigen Look" und "armylook".
Ich finde den gewöhnlichen "Bonzen"look ganz schrecklich
(z.B. canada goose+ Timberland+American A. Jacke+Louis Vuitton)

5. Wer aus deinem Umfeld weiß von deinem Blog?
Zu viele. Ich möchte das aber eigentlich nicht gerne.

6. Was gefällt dir besonders gut am Bloggen?
Es macht mir total Spass,
da ich meiner Fantasie freien Lauf lassen kann.

7. Wie oft gehst du am liebsten Shoppen?
1x die Woche - ich Freak :D

8. Hast du ein Fashionvorbild oder eine Person, die dich in deinem Stil inspiriert?
Kesha's style und Miliey C's style & Bloggerin Lisa Olsson !

9. Welches sind deine 3 Lieblingsblogs?

10. Wenn du gerade nicht bloggst, was machst du sonst gern?
Ich bin gerne mit Freunden unterwegs,
fotografiere gerne, gehe gerne auf Partys & Schule mag ich auch!

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Und auch hier noch einmal der Aufruf,
wenn ich euren Blog auch im Rahmen dieser
kleinen Reihe vorstellen soll,
schreibt mir doch eine kurze Mail: !

yanovskaya anastasia . . .

amazing art dolls

Friday, June 11, 2010

A friend to yourself

What progress, you ask, have I made?
I have begun to be a friend to myself.

Inuit symbol of friendship

Sommermärchen die Zweite

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Endlich geht es wieder los.
WM 2010. Die Vorfreude ist unbeschreiblich :)
Ein zweites Sommermärchen wäre
einfach wunderwunderwundervoll!
Wie steht ihr zu Fußball? Auch freaky, wie ich?
Oléee und ein schönes Wochenende!
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dress, tube-skirt, bolero: h&m.
headband: primark. necklace: six. wedges: topshop.

driftwood bowl . . .

such an unusual use for driftwood
this beautiful bowl

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Bedtime Snack

I just love summer. Although it has been rainy and a little cold here in Winnipeg I can still pretend it's warmer than it is because of all the beautiful fruit that is in season!

I went grocery shopping tonight and I couldn't wait to get home and wash the raspberries and cherries I bought. Aren't they just gorgeous?!

Enamel Colander is vintage from my Grandma!

So for a bedtime snack I had raspberries and cream with handful of almonds. (oh! and a few cherries of course!) YUM!

Pink vintage bowl was bought at Value Village (I have 3 more just like it!). Can you see my reflection in the spoon? haha!

What do you eat for your bedtime snack? Or tell me what your favorite bedtime snack was when you were little!


292 -The Latest...

I visited 292 yesterday and it is ticking along. The painters have arrived for interior painting and Euan the builder is working outside on the new balcony for upstairs. There will be a ground level deck located underneath.
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.

292 - The Painters have arrived

The painters and their gear have arrived at 292.

Totally Addicted Right Now!

I really can't rememeber how it started, but I've recently been watching That 80's Show episodes online. Yes, I know, people do not like this show. I'm not one of them. I think it's campy and fun! I wish it would have ran for more than one season.

I truly think that it was just ahead of its time in 2002. If the show had ran now with all the 80's nostaligia coming back I think it would have done much better in the ratings department.

I really love the girls on the show!

Tinsley Grimes as Corey's sister Katie is just too adorable for words! And I really love her Madonna/Cydi Lauper style! So cute!

Chyler Leigh as Tuesday the punk rock chick just intrigues me. I really wanted to see her character progress. (I'm bummed, I couldn't find a good picture of her with her spikes!)

And Brittany Daniel as Sophie was just outrageous and funny.

The men on the other hand I could take or leave, except for maybe Corey. So I'm not going to bother mentioning them. (It's my blog, I can do what I want)

This is a clip from one of my favorite episodes! Enjoy!

Have a great day!


crochet pebbles . . .

a beautiful idea for stones
on this print

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

gypsy wagon . . .

the tiniest of
gypsy fortune teller vardos

china dresses. . .

broken china from
and here

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wishlist: Blue Wedge Sandles

It has come to my attention that there is a major deficit in my summer wardrobe. This has only recently come about. You see, it's been many many years since the colour blue has had a home in my closet. As a result I own no blue shoes to go with a blue outfit. (I like to match!)

In the last year or so blue and I have become reaquainted. I have bought blue dresses, blue blouses, blue skirts! I have up until now worn these outfits with white or red shoes. Which is just fine...

But there are those days where I just need a blue pair of shoes to make that outfit complete.

These are adorable. Exactly what I had in mind!

Or these! These are good too! I really like the white trim!

Found on a random Google search. "Fancy" by rsvp. No longer for sale. Boo.

Oooo!! I can't resist polka dots! I had to show you these!

Another random Google Image search. I don't think these are for sale either. Double Boo.

Ok, they might not be wedges, but they're pretty damn cute. And they're blue!!

With any luck I'll find a pair as cute as one of these this summer!


like a feather.

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I + II Federohrringe von H&M.
III Unknown.
Fazit: Mehr Federn bitte!

felted creatures . . .

the cutest felted creatures

Monday, June 7, 2010

I Wish My Hair Was Longer!

Ok, so the title of this post is a little random, but after looking at the photos from the day it is glaringly obvious to me that my hair looked better in my mind than it did in real life. My pony tail is just a little stumpy and spikey looking for my liking. I was trying to replicate this hairstyle from LisaFreemontStreet. I guess I did pretty's really just the length that bugs me...
Oh'll grow.

Anyway...thank you for listening to my vanity related rambling..back to the post.

I have Mondays off, so this afternoon my brother and I headed downtown to The Forks Market. We sat on a patio, had a drink and went for a walk to the Legistlative Building. It was gorgeous out today!

 On top of the lookout at The Forks Market.

 You wish you could ride the lion...I know you do...

 We saw this spikey little catipillar while we were taking photos.

I also enjoyed this mushroom patch. I just had to take a picture!

White Flower: Claires
Sunglasses, Blouse, Skirt: Ricki's
Wicker Purse: Vintage
White Peep Toe Wedges: Damita K 


Oh!! I almost forgot to tell you! I bought an amazing vintage pillbox hat at Johnson Terminal Antique this afternoon! I couldn't resist it! The sequin, the bright pink flower! The velvet bow! Now I just need somewhere to wear it! There were other great vintage clothes there too....I may have to go back on the weekend. There was another navy hat that I'm sure had my name on it...
Sorry for the mediocre picture, it's getting kinda dark out get the idea...

I'm sure glad I got to spend some time outside today, it lookes like it might rain right now. The sky is all clouded over. The weather channel is calling for rain tomorrow. Yuck.

Well I hope you all had a great weekend! I'm back to work tomorrow. 


faerie world . . .

creatures & creations from the faerie world of
armorel hamilton

Sunday, June 6, 2010

adam hargreaves . . .

i do adore the tree paintings
so countryside inspired