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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Positive Affirmations guide to better your life

Positive Affirmations is an easy guide to better your life. The end result of the consistent use of positive affirmations is the transformation of an inner negative language pattern into one that is positive in nature. The most effective way to use positive affirmations is with the individuals own voice. A positive affirmations is every sentence that you have said to yourself in determination to succeed, always starting with I will or I can. A great way to reinforce these positive affirmations is to set aside time everyday for meditation.

Self Esteem

Having positive self esteem can make the difference in that which we take on in life, in that which we go about achieving and creating. One could also assert that having positive self esteem gives us access to genuine spirituality. Poor self-esteem, on the other hand, creates the space for us to experience a great deal of negativity in life including depression, anxiety, fear, stress and loneliness. Negative or poor self esteem is also highly correlated with alcohol and drug dependency. While it appears that the importance of positive self esteem is somewhat understood, the unanswered question has always been about how to improve or enhance a persons self-esteem.

Conscious Mind

The fundamental reason why positive affirmations are so effective is that their nature or structure reflects what already exists in our mind. This subconscious brain training, gives us the instinct and ability to walk down the street, without having to employ each muscle individually by our conscious mind. Negative Self-Scripts could include negative stories about your past behaviour, failures, or performances that you run over in your mind and influence your current conduct or maybe attitudes about the possibility of your achievement of success in your life.

Similarly, if you are experiences a sense of exhilaration at an affirmation, you are responding in a way that your mind knows this to be true, it is working. Keeps you focused on what's important, using simple, yet powerful ways to re-train your mind to think and believe the things that will help you succeed. Listening to positive affirmations before sleep also allows the person's mind to begin this restructuring or reprogramming process even while the individual sleeps by taking the words and language into their dream state. Positive affirmations work for everyone, as its very nature merely amplifies what already is in our minds.

Thoughts Are Things

Thoughts are a form of energy that we send out into the universe. Thoughts and feelings How to express them. That means that you are disrespectful of your thoughts. Trash Can Technique Good for getting rid of negative thoughts. One is for all the thoughts and personal traits that you want to get rid of. Be sure to replace them with positive thoughts and affirmations. Then light a fire in a bowl and put the bad list in, and tell the world (doesn't have to be load, though it could) that you release these thoughts. The other is for the positive thoughts and traits that will fill the vaccuum created by the departing thoughts.

Negative Thinking

Negative Self-Scripts are negative beliefs you have about yourself, which you remind yourself daily by sprinkling your everyday conversation. Negativeself-esteem can create anxiety, stress, loneliness, depression,problems with relationships, seriously impair academic and job performance and also can generate an increased vulnerability to drug and alcohol abuse and dependency.

Negative or poor self-esteem is also highly correlated with alcohol and drug dependency it is used to numb or ward off the emotional pain whose root cause is emotional, mental physical and/or sexual trauma. We grow up beleiving certain things about ourselves or comparing ourselves negatively to others. The use of positive affirmations is a technique to change that negative self-talk into something more positive. Since we've spent many years on the negative image I think it's unreasonable to expect an instant effect from affirmations, but if we stick to it for a few days, with honesty, trust, and belief, then results will start to happen.

Positive Affirmations

Affirmation of the Day: I wake up each morning to new possibilities. affirmations is not one of the options of improving self esteem, in a matter of fact it is the complete method in ach. Affirmation ToolsThe purpose of a positive affirmation is to change your negative self-script and of course there are many ways to help your mental retraining.

Affirmations For Self Worth I accept myself for who I am without judgment or criticism. Affirmations For Success - I have a great vision for my future and I will no longer allow my fears to interfere with my success. Affirmations For Abundance - I am ready to accept all that is available to me without guilt. Affirmations For Mental Health - I release my fear and in the process I let go of my depression. Affirmations For Inspiration - I am ready to freely express myself.

Feel free to modify them for your own use as I have for mine. Feelings of failure you harbour about real or imagined mistakes in the past and your "assured'' failures in the future. Feelings of Joy,Peace,Happiness and Abundance will be felt deep within your soul. Positive affirmations are very powerful for transforming how a person feels and thinks about himself, ultimately influencing how he views and acts within the world and towards others.

Here are some other ways that Negative Self-Scripts can be shown;Feelings of anger, resentment, hostility, rage or guilt Negative prophecies that you or others have made about yourself, your future, your success, your relationships, your family, or your healthWays in which you deny yourself rewards for your goodness, hard work and caring Feelings of over-responsibility with which you burden yourself.

Personal Belief

This is my personal belief on how affirmations works for me. Some belief that a persons self esteem rests upon them being successful, in accomplishing that which they take on in life, of achieving goals that they have set for themselves. To this end training is given to help a person improve his interpersonal skills, how he communicates and relates with others.

Ones self esteem is not given or to be obtained from without, external to the person. While a person can have a beneficial result from listening to a commercially developed product that employs positive affirmations recorded by another, the transformative power of this technology is enhanced or strengthened by the positive messages being delivered in the persons own voice. By using a persons own voice to transform the inner dialogue, there is less resistance to the transformational process due to the fact that the voice itself is the same or identical.

Mirror Affirmation Technique: This technique is great for helping you see yourself as beautiful. Anywhere technique: Whenever you catch yourself thinking something you would rather not, here is a technique that works rather well. Its that sentence you kept saying to yourself when you were learning to ride a bike, its your determination, do you think that you could ever have ridden down the street, if your thoughts and beliefs were, I can not. Similar to a self-fulfilling prophecy, if you continually repeat it to yourself, the subconscious mind will make it become the truth. On the other hand, if you give free reign to negative thoughts you will find yourself often feeling tired.

Repeating these affirmations becomes self-fulfilling since you will have more fun and see more results. Our identity or who we think we are, our current thinking patterns, are also a series of affirmations, composed fundamentally of mere words or language. When combined with binaural audio tones the relaxing affect of the therapeutic relaxation music is greatly enhanced.

When used with the combined effect of the therapeutic relaxation music and binaural audio tones and consistently, the positive enhancing affirmations that are delivered will have such a profound affect upon improving and transforming a persons internal, self-talk and eventually his self-esteem. Most people have been able to make bad use of negative beliefs or Negative Self-Scripts, and before we become positively affirming we need to learn about the effects of negativism in our lives.

They could also be negative self-images you have of your body, looks, face, weight, colouring, hair, feet, or other parts of your body, or maybe negative assessment you or others have made of your skills, ability, knowledge, intelligence, creativity, or common sense. If you are uncomfortable with positive affirmations and statements, take it down a step, listen to your emotions, far better to chip away in small steps, than fall at the foot of an �Everest� of a negative, and undermine the whole process.


Successive sessions will have a compounding effect. Success in network marketing or a home business, our habits attract it or we inadvertently push it out of our reach. Success also comes with an obligation to help those less fortunate, and helping people gives you a certain satisfaction you can't achieve any other way.

Dread and fear you have when facing your future; the belief that you do not have what it takes to survive or to be successful in whatever circumstances you face. In addition to utilizing a unique type of therapeutic relaxation music, the infusion of either theta or alpha binaural tones is crucial for the success of this type of intervention.

The work that is essential to successful recovery is for the individual to be able to redefine who he thinks he is, to alter his self-image, the very foundation of his experience of self-esteem and life. How successful and happy we are is often defined not by what happens to us, but rather, by how we react to the events in our lives. Creating positive affirmations is the first step in changing your self image and more forward on the road to success. The Science of Getting Rich will guide you through the steps toward creating success and riches.

Thinking positive thoughts

Whenever I catch myself thinking something I don't want, I try to "change that thought" to be a new one. Therefore, to truly understand what self-esteem is all about and more importantly to be able to alter it when necessary for ones wellness or healing, we must first get it that self-esteem is really about our thinking, and more specifically about the thoughts that we develop or create about ourselves.

Therefore, to truly understand what self-esteem is allabout and more importantly to be able to alter it when necessary forone's wellness or healing, we must first understand that self-esteem isreally about our thinking, and more specifically about the thoughtsthat we develop or create about ourselves. You can develop this as a new habit if you just start out doing it for 30 days; then before you know it you will do it everyday without even thinking about what you are doing.

Positive Affirmations can release you from the chains of negative thinking that may have been sabotaging your attempts to live a happier and healthier life. Using positive affirmations is a powerful positive thinking technique that you can use effectively in countering the negative beliefs that may be regularly sabotaging your attempts to live a happier and more fulfilled life. Breaking out of negative thinking is a cathartic experience. Our identity or who we think we are, our current thinking patterns, are also a series of affirmations, composed fundamentally of mere wordsa.

Beliefs Are Things

Beliefs like these are not life-affirming; they don't support us in our purpose for being in physical existence,which (the belief of the authors of this course) is to experience the magic of being in physical form, to enjoy and beplayful in physical existence, and to contribute to the enjoyment of other beings. What are Negative Self-ScriptsNegative Self-Scripts are ideas and beliefs about ourselves that are self-damaging, these are ideas about our own personality and ability that have we have passed to our subconscious, through bad or undesirable life experiences.

Self-deprecating remarks, which influence your behaviour or beliefs. Very simply, positive affirmations are short positive statements, designed to replace negative beliefs, with positive self-nurturing beliefs. Any affirmation exercisewould involve, repeating words of positive affirmations with passion and conviction and for as long as you do so, you will consistently breakdown your subconscious negative beliefs, no matter how �set in concrete� they may seem. The thoughts or beliefs that we have about ourselves are crucial in that they determine or create the structure of our experience of self-esteem and the various emotions associated with it.

This product was designed specially to change the self-talk that a person experiences on a daily basis by changing the ideas or beliefs that the person has about himself, the very foundation or backdrop of his inner conversation. Consistent use of positive affirmations will transform the negative beliefs about who a person thinks he is into positive ones, will begin to alter the basis and structure of his self talk or inner voice and produce a transformation from poor self-esteem to positive self-esteem.

Nelson Smith has being studying positive thinking for twenty years all can say is this works if you apply it each and every day for more in formation visit

Overcome Your Fear With Positive Thinking And Self Talk

Many People are being held back from success by fear of failure. Fear causes doubts and brings people down by lowering their confidence and self-esteem. Being afraid of failure to succeed is one of the commonest fears we have. Fear affects the mind and body, causing those affected to let themselves down as well as others around them.

In today's world we need to keep our mind positive in order to meet our numerous challenges with ease and be in self-control. We must disallow fear from controlling our life. Positive Self-talk will help us to do anything we want when we use it adequately.

We all have our fears, which are different from one person to the other. Some people are afraid to climb over a fence. Some are afraid to face interviews, while some are afraid to speak in public etc. In order to overcome our fears, each person should tell himself that he could overcome his fear. Then he should face the fear and force himself to confront it.

Overcoming a fear systematically, using Positive self-talk, way through each step will help us to move forward. We must think positively that we can and will do it to succeed. We must tell ourselves that we are in control of our life and fear is not going to get in the way.

Boosting our Self-confidence and esteem will help us to overcome our fears. And Once we're able to manage to overcome one fear the next one will be easier because we did it once, and now we can do it again to get to where we want to go in order to succeed. Hence the need to take control and gain self-confidence with positive thinking and self-talk.

Once you realise what is causing your fear, move to techniques of Positive Self talk to change the condition. Use positive thinking and self-talk to reprogramme your mind to think positively. Do not let your conscious mind tell you that something cannot be done. If you think positive instead of the negative you will soon learn that you can do anything you want and succeed by being positive.

Challenge your fears and work your way through the process by being positive. Do not run from your fears of success. Make a decision that you can and will become the master at overcoming your fear of success or any other fears.

In order to become the person you want to be in the future you need to be positive and overcome the fact that you failed once. Gaining self-control in your thinking process will reprogram your mind and soon you will be positive in your approach to everything you want to do.

Tell yourself that you will take control to unburden your mind and body. You take everything that happens, whether good or bad positively. We should learn from our mistakes and be resolute that each day we continue to learn, and making mistakes is part of the learning process.

Being positive will strengthen your confidence and self-esteem to be the person you have always wanted to be.

Abu Aremu is an information publisher and online coach. He's interested in assisting you to attain your desires and live your life to the best you could be in life. You will get more free articles and resources from him at You could also subscribe to receive his his weekly life-enhancing newsletter: Positive Self Talk weekly Guide by sending a mail to

How Leaders Increase Their Personal Energy

I recently posted an article tha dealt with ways leaders create energy in their organizations through their beliefs and behaviors.

This article deals with how leaders sustain and increase their personal energy.

In our discussions, leaders divided energy into two dimensions - external and internal. The external dimension is what's seen - what's perceived by others through behavior. Internal energy is what occurs as a result of internal attitudes, values and beliefs - elements like optimism, curiosity, sense of self, opportunities.

Many highly successful, highly energetic people don't appear energetic in the external, Energizer Bunny, kind of way. But what they possess is the kind of internal energy that keeps them moving and asking and discovering and recharging their batteries through action.

Most leaders we talked to agreed that part of high energy, both internal and external, is probably genetic - some people's motors just run faster. But having said that, they all said the biggest elements of energy creation and renewal are passion, commitment, focus and accomplishment.

Many of the leaders we talked to used exercising as an example of how the two dimensions of energy work with - or against - each other. They described times they forced themselves to exercise even though they were angry, or frustrated, or disappointed. The effect of forcing themselves to meet their commitment to themselves lifted them up, and renewed their energy. They were proud that they fought through the negative emotions to do what they had committed to do. And even though their level of performance may have initially suffered because of the negative emotions, the action of keeping a commitment energized them - internally and externally. As one leader joked about exercise " It feels so good when I'm finished."

Leaders increase personal energy by pressing on, even when obstacles and emotions would make it easy to stop, pull back, defer. Action creates energy.

Leaders create and renew energy through accomplishment. The saying " Nothing succeeds like success" is so true - at all levels. And it's not just personal accomplishment that creates energy - it's accomplishment at the organizational, individual, workgroup and family level. Leaders look for accomplishment as a means of sustaining and growing their energy, as well as the energy of others.

Leaders take inspiration from the pleasure and achievement of others. They know there's plenty for everybody.

Leaders say breaking out - doing something they've never done before, can be terrifying, exhilarating, but always energizing. It doesn't have to be climbing Everest - it can be much more down to earth. The important thing is that it's new - new sports, new places, new physical challenges, new mental challenges. As one former teacher put it - "the only difference between a rut and a grave is a rut's longer." Ruts don't create energy - they pull it down at all levels.

Leaders like to travel to new places that test their assumptions. Going to a place where they're not in a position of leadership, where the language is different, the food is different, the culture is different, and observing and embracing it without comparison, is a great way to feel more alive - more energetic.

Leaders create effective, productive routines for the day to day things they need to do. They know weaving the important things into day to day routines is liberating. The fewer exceptional efforts required to complete the day - to - days, the more energy available for the creative, new, challenging, accomplishment - directed things.

Leaders find sources of inspiration - and are energized by them. Challenges in their enterprises, biographies of people that have overcome challenges, self help and motivation books, music, poetry, speeches, seminars, relationships with successful people, all add energy.

Leaders find a way to give and give back. They give their talent, their energy, their passion, their experience to others, and are energized by the experience. Thry give without calculating or expecting a return. And they're richer for it - renewed energy is just one of the rewards.

Leaders treasure small victories - they know they lead to big victories. Small victories, well celebrated, have an enormous impact on energy. And there are so many more of them than just waiting for the few big victories. It goes without saying that the big victories really get celebrated.

Finally, leaders cultivate optimism - in themselves and in others. They start each day with the belief that soemthing special is gonna happen - if they make it happen. And leaders use that optimism to think the best of others - they know negative expectations of others results in low energy .

Leaders we talked to offered many more ways they sustain and develop their personal energy. No single person does all of them. But they all agreed action is the basis for energy. While on the surface it might appear that action takes energy away, in reality it's the exact opposite. Effective action adds energy.

Your personal energy is a critical part of your success. Without a high level of both internal and external energy success is hard to find. Use the methods described in this article to help you create and sustain your own high level of energy. Act - today.

Andy Cox is President of Cox Consulting Group LLC. He founded his firm in 1995 after extensive experience in leadership positions in Fortune 500 corporations. His focus is on helping clients select, develop, retain and enhance the performance of leaders and emerging leaders. He can be reached at . Visit his blog at

Equanimity - What Plane Are You On?

Mental composure or calmness; evenness of temper. Peace, what a wonderful thing. Everyone of us wants tranquility. For instance, like when we stop and gaze at the beautiful scenery. For the time being, it removes all our stress, our troubles, it empties us of the things that cause us to be busy inside ourselves. Every moment of every day we are usually thinking about something.

But what we're going to talk about here is the thoughts that cause us to feel pain or pleasure from humiliation or honor. This is a form of pride. We feel the pain of pride when things don't go our way or when people say or do things that we don't like. Jealousy also takes it toll on us. That was our lows, now for the high. Recognition, we all love it and some of us can't survive without it, it can become an obsession. To some, it can be very painful to not be honored for what they've done. Some even go as far as honoring themselves. You might say," But don't we deserve to be honored for the good things we do", no, God does. Luke 18:19 Jesus said to him,' Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone'. He's the one that puts us in the positions to make a choice, whether we are going to do good or not. Goodness comes to us from God, just like evil comes to us from satan.

We're in the middle of both worlds, but we can only have one world, your choice. You gave your life over to God. Provided you are on the right road, you have to remember that from then on, all things are going to be learning experiences, unless of course you took your will back. You have to be "aware", you can't practice equanimity if you are not aware. One needs to be on an equal plane at all times. We need to be at a place called "nothingness". This is where you feel no pain from humiliation or you feel no joy or should I say," Pride in being honored".

In practicing equanimity, you will keep the ocean within you calm, where there will not even be a ripple. You also will not be able to harm anyone, either physically or emotionally. You can hurt people and yourself by being humiliated or honored. You have to think about this,there's just too many ways it can happen. Humiliate: injure the dignity or self-respect of. Humility: humbleness; meekness: piously gentle in nature. Humble: lower the rank or status of. Accept humiliation.

1Peter 5:5-8 To the rest of you I say,' Do what the elders tell you, and all wrap yourselves in humility to be servants of each other, because God refuses the proud and will always favour the humble. Bow down, then, before the power of God now, and He will raise you up on the appointed day; unload all your worries on to Him, since He is looking after you. Be CALM but vigilant, because your enemy the devil is prowling round like a roaring lion, looking for someone to eat'.

Proverbs 15:33 The fear of God is a school of wisdom, humility goes before honor.

Proverbs 18:12 The human heart is haughty until destruction comes, humility goes before honor.

May God Bless You All

I am a glazier by trade. I've also been learning about marketing. I enjoy writing articles like these hoping that they will help someone. My web site is

Visualization - The Key to Success!

Visualization - The Key to Success!

Good visualization skills will ultimately contribute to success for all those involved in self growth and personal development programs. Visualization is always one of the key factors that must be developed for consistent success, and rightly so. We live in a mental universe and it is our consciousness that actually gives us the sensation of the life that we experience. So if we are unable to create thought images as detailed as we would like, the full realization and satisfaction of our world will probably be lacking.

Everything that we do, we do so in the form of some thought image, a picture with emotions and other sensory information. However, most people have not really developed their ability to create these thought images. A simple test for this is to think about the future you most desire to have. What does that future look like? Describe the image that you see in your mind's eye of your goal.

Most people have great difficulty doing this simply because they have never fully developed this skill. When they engage in goal setting, as part of their personal growth and self help programs, they eventually lose interest in the program because they are unable to generate the pictures that are necessary to follow through and achieve their goal.

Without those pictures, those thought images their mind does not have a plan to follow and no clear blueprint, to impress into the universal mind for physical expression. When the image of what we want is unclear or missing there can only be confusion. What the mind cannot see it cannot achieve!

Here are a few tips and exercises that you can do, on a daily bases, to help develop your image creating abilities. Exercise number 1. Try observing something around you and record what you see. Write down everything that you observe about that object, and then ask someone else to observe the same object and see if they come up with a similar list. This can be fun if you make it into a game and it is a great way to introduce older children into the world of focused visualization. Most young children have already mastered this skill. Next, close your eyes and see how much of that object you can recreate in your mind in detail.

Exercise number 2. Observe two similar, but different items, such as two trees. First pick out the things that make them similar, next observe the things that make them dissimilar. Again, just as you did in the first exercise, after you have completed the first part, close your eyes and see it you can create both trees, one at a time, in your mind. Next, to make it even more interesting see if you can create both trees in your mind at the same time.

Exercise number 3. Observe an object around you, then close your eyes and recreate that object in your mind, only put it in another location. If you observe a tree in the woods, or even your back yard, imagine that tree on a beach, or even in the middle of a parking lot.

Please don't attempt to do these exercises one right after another you will only meet with frustration and end up abandoning the whole process. These exercises should be done over a period of weeks, even months. Take one per week and do that one every day or several times per day. As you master one, move on to the next one. Your ability to visualize is like any other talent that you have, it must be developed. Each one of these exercises will introduce another variable for you to master. As you do each one you will learn how to observe, how to recognize detail, but also how to add detail to your own visualizations and work with your imagination. As you work more with your imagination you will also be opening the door to fuller realization of your intuition. That is the ultimate goal. That is when you will make the most of the law of attraction.

Over the past 15 years in addition to private and corporate consulting, I have lectured and conducted workshops in various parts of the country to help others learn how thoughts and emotions affect personal and corporate performance

How to blow your Problems out of proportion?

We all set out to achieve the best in our life. In all areas of life we have our own dreams, likes and dislikes. Interestingly whatever happens life moves on. The journey could be as smooth as you want if you wish it to be.

Your life is a like a journey in a raft. The raft is built in a way that it can balance well in the journey. You hold the oars and guide the raft the way you want. You can shake the raft and make it sink or you can hold on the rails and make it cruise it.
Your life is like the raft. It is built in a way that there is a good balance (in all the areas of life such as growth, inner peace, relationships, joy and many more) which you make your life smooth and enjoyable. If a journey is rough it is not enjoyable. You feel like letting go, make others control your life or feel like just ending the journey. You do not look forward for the next journey and only wait for it to end.

You hold the raft, the oars. Who makes the choice to make the journey rough? You have problems on the way? Definitely yes, but can they be avoided? The sea is rough or there are too many hitches that delay our journey. We see them as potential problems. We don't look at them as challenges that we can overcome. Problems can seldom be faced. You tend to give up, grudge on it and take a deep rooted hesitation to move forward.

Rollback to look at the various small and big hurdles that you have faced in your life when you move towards your desired outcomes. Were you in control of these hurdles? The moment you start believing that you cannot do anything about these, there is no way that you will come out of these. Because that's when you start seeing these small hitches and hurdles as Problems.

Problems exist for those who attract it. Interestingly the human emotion works against self. You tend to blow up the these problem. You want to focus on only these hurdles and make them look bigger which automatically makes you feel in a state of despair and a mental state of not being in control. Imagine how would it be when a F1 Car drive believes that he is not in control when the car goes out of control? CRASH! Will this happen to your life too? Chances are definitely high. If the environment supports you, then you fall back on track.

Whatever happen just believe that you are the one who takes these as hurdles. When you face these hurdles, there are many others who face even more. You are gifted to handle these with more ease. You blow a balloon with problems and it inflates so much that you feel its too much. However all it takes is just a small needle to burst the balloon to relieve yourself of the problems what you face. You have the needle with you all the time. Just use it whenever you need it. Your choice to break the balloon is the choice you make to drift and cruise along with the raft and sail smooth in your life, enjoy, grow and be happy.

Praveen is a peak performance Trainer and a Certified NLP trainer and an behavioural expert.Discover his Success Strategies and Claim your FREE Bonus CD '7 ways to supercharge your Life" at to his Interviews with Aspiring Achievers at Power Booste

Perseverance is the Key

I'm not one of those motivational writers who can lift you up so high you have to look down to see heaven. No, I'm more the practical one. You know, the one who has scars from all the battles, yet has lived to tell about them.

There are countless stories about the power of perseverance and the victory that comes through the pain. And I wish I could already be at the top of that mountain with my arms raised, looking down and marveling at the obstacles that I've overcome. But finding myself somewhere along the side of that mountain, still climbing, there has to be some merit in at least thinking I SEE the top!

We are the parents of a special needs young adult. Our daughter is 23 now, and the perseverance in her is truly something to marvel.

Amanda was born 3 months early, at 1 1b, 7 oz. This was our first child, and I was only 6 months along, so the thought that I could be going into labor at this early stage didn't even occur to me. But after 3 days of labor we were the parents of this tiny little person that was about to change our world more than we could ever imagine.

As Amanda grew slowly, the medical problems began. I remember getting calls from the hospital telling us to come right away. I remember countless surgeries and infections, and then came the heart stopping prognosis from the doctors. They said Amanda would be legally blind, possibly deaf, and would likely have cerebral palsy. This was certainly not what we had planned and we had no clue about how to even deal with this kind of news.

When we finally took her home at a whopping 4 lb, 4 oz, I dressed her in cabbage patch clothes because they were the smallest clothes I could find. And yeah, she was cute.

About a month after she was home, we noticed that she was able to follow us with her eyes. The doctors couldn't explain it because the part of her brain that controls her sight is gone. But she sees anyway. And she walks and hears normally too.

Of course, that's not to say that Amanda hasn't had her fair share of medical problems, learning roadblocks, and mental delays. But amidst all those things she's been graced with two gifts.

The first is her heart to help others. She is an employers dream in that regard. She isn't a leader but once she's learned the task at hand she'll work really hard helping those who are. She has a job doing customer service by bagging groceries in a grocery store. She always does the little extra things for people that she thinks are struggling. The elderly always look for Amanda because they know she'll treat them special.

She's always had a special place in her heart for people in wheel chairs. Since she was in grade school, she just naturally took a shine to them and she can always be seen pushing people in wheelchairs.

Amanda's second gift is her ability to persevere. Because she's different, she was teased and bullied in school. And I have to say it definitely took a toll on her self esteem. Of course we stepped in and helped all we could, but she just persevered and kept moving forward.

When our local college told her she wouldn't be able to attend because she couldn't meet the basic admission academic standards, she was heartbroken. But she wanted to get some kind of training, wherever she had to go. She attended a Job Corps facility in our state and even though she went through some VERY hard times there, she received her certificate in spite of them.

Amanda's life dream is to become a nun, so living on her own is her first step. She recently moved out of our home because she wants to try living in her own apartment. She knows that she has more obstacles to overcome as she works toward her goal. Many communities won't accept somebody with special needs so she's determined to show them that she has lots of gifts to offer if they'll just give her a chance.

Remember when I said I'm somewhere on the side of the mountain trying to see the top? It's not easy to watch your special needs child struggle through life. I've felt every hurt, every disappointment, and even anger toward every person who has let our little girl down.

Having to pick up your child when they fall and keep them going is something every parent faces. But picking up a special needs child just to send them back out into a less than friendly world is the hardest thing we've ever done.

But Amanda's desire to keep going, keep dreaming and keep pushing forward makes it seem less difficult somehow. She's already doing more than anyone ever dreamed and we will be so excited when we can finally call her "Sister Amanda."

Karen Wolff is the author and founder of, a website where Christian women can find info on overcoming jealousy, fear, building self esteem, and many other topics. "Print & Pray" prayers available as well as Christian book reviews and recommendations.


Beginning Is Half Done, is one of the most powerful keys to success that you will ever need during your entire lifetime. More good news, you already have this key. It was given to you at birth for free. All you need to do is activate it for any good or worthwhile purpose that you wish.

Here is another super powerful success key that will enormously accelerate your learning curve: Learn from a Mentor NOT from experience. Why? Experience is the most time consuming and costly way to learn anything. Learning from a Mentor is the most profitable and fastest way to learn anything.

When you apply the above two success keys to the subject matter of this Article, you will begin to see how they will start producing benefits for you right away. There is more good news too. You can apply these two keys to all of the new and creative ideas that you get throughout your lifetime. Just a quick note here; keep a pen and note pad with you wherever you are so that you can record these ideas when you get them. Believe me, if you don't write them down as soon as you think of them, they will vanish from your memory never to be recaptured again.

I'm sure yo have had this happen to you. About an hour before you normally get up in the morning, your mental Opportunity Clock wakes you with a great new idea. You think to yourself, I should get up and write this down before I forget it. Instead, you sleep in and get up when your Alarm Clock goes off. After about two hours, you think, hey, what was that great idea I had earlier this morning? Sadly, it never comes back. If you did not catch that, let me say it another way. Never turn off your Opportunity Clock without first writing down a brief overview of that idea or opportunity.


There is an excellent paperback book entitled The Law of Recognition B-114 that contains 31 areas of a person̢۪s life that are covered in detail by this powerful law. It is a must read for people of all ages, including teens, who are seeking a worthwhile, productive, happy, joyful life. Get it at

If you would like information on how to activate, apply, and use The Law of Recognition to begin your own worthwhile, successful, Online, Home-Based Business, just click on the Website below and enter your name and email address where it is requested.

God bless you with an overflowing abundance of good health, love, happiness, success, prosperity, a bright new future and lifestyle, that you will allow yourself to have.

P.S. Remember to watch the Free movie about How The Money Works For You at Step #2 of the Website shown at: Author Bio

Harry and Donna Becker, Co-Founders. We are helping people across America to activate their new lifestyle of Fun, Wealth, Travel, & Bright New Future. Welcome. Phone: 817-491-9834 Email: Website:

You Can Reach Your Goals in Ten Easy Steps!

Do you have a big dream or fantastic goal you want to bring to life? Setting goals is a great way to get the job done. Yet, even the most sincere people with the best of intentions regularly fall short of actually realizing their goals. Two of the most common reasons people are unable to reach their goals are loss of focus and motivation.

As a business and writing coach, one of my functions is to help my clients reach their goals. There are many effective techniques used in coaching that improve a client's ability to stay focused and motivated. Most importantly, how we communicate our goals to ourselves and to others plays a significant role and greatly influences our success.

Whether your goal is to expand your business, implement a marketing plan, spend less time working in your business, or create a new product line, below are ten ways to help you succeed in your endeavor.

1. Write it down. The simple act of writing your goals on paper is the first step in making them materialize! Include why you want this goal and dare to be as specific as possible.

2. Mark your calendar. Setting a firm deadline for your goal increases your commitment and focus.

3. Affirm and say it out loud. Create a positive affirmation and say it out loud every day. When you speak your goal, you are preparing your mind to help you accomplish what you want. An example of an affirmation for better health could be, "I am taking good care of myself by eating a proper diet and exercising three times a week."

4. Picture it. Visualizing yourself successfully accomplishing your goal will help keep you motivated and moving forward especially when life hands you extra challenges to manage.

5. Put it in front of you. Post your goal on index cards and keep them in places you look at often. For example, on the refrigerator or bathroom mirror. I have a friend who bought a toy car identical to the one she wanted, and within a short time she was able to buy the real car!

6. One a day. Take one action every day that supports your goal no matter how small or large until you reach your goal.

7. Keep a record. Write down every action you take towards your goal. By tracking your progress daily or weekly you will see what works, what doesn't work, and what remains to be done. Not to mention you will be creating a "system" you can sell or share with clients to manage the same situation or problem.

8. Enlist support. Ask for support from at least one person you trust, and who cares about your success.

9. Get permission. Give yourself permission to make mistakes, take time off, reward yourself, or whatever else you need. The power of permission liberates and empowers you for greater success.

10. Check your thinking. What you say to yourself has tremendous power over your actions. When you think you won't reach your goal you are really sabotaging your own success.

Congratulations for having the courage to reach for those big dreams and incredible goals!

Small business coach and writing expert Kim Lednum is the "Write Promotion Coach for Business." Kim provides simple writing and marketing strategies and tools self-employed professionals can use to build credibility, drive traffic to their website, and attract more more business. For more tips like these or to get her FREE audio workshop "7 Tips for Attracting Business Now!" visit:

How to Celebrate Everyday

Everyone needs a little happy in their lives. A little something each and every day to remind yourself that you are special and worthy and that life is good.

There’s so many ways that you can do this, that it would be nearly impossible to mention them all. However, here’s a few of my favorites.

Light A Candle

That’s all, just light a candle. Light one when you come in after work, the pleasant aroma will help you relax and give the room a special light. Having candles on the table at dinner time automatically makes the mood more celebratory ��" it’s peaceful, it’s relaxing, and if you have kids, it makes them excited to get to blow them out! Excited kids can make anyone smile, and that’s worth celebrating.

Have Dessert

You don’t have to go crazy, here. No one needs to be eating birthday cake or an ice cream sundae every night of the week, but ending your day with something sweet is such a great way to make it a special ending. Keep some of your favorite chocolates in the cupboard and have a couple ��" and if chocolate or sweets aren’t your thing, go for some fruit. Enjoy the taste, texture, color and smell. Really let your senses take over and you’re *poof* in the middle of a celebration!

Turn On the Lights

String some twinkle lights outside and enjoy them after dark. It doesn’t have to be Christmas, just a strand or two of white lights are understated enough yet lend a festive air to the back patio or deck. Sitting out under some tiny lights can lend an atmosphere of magic to your surroundings, and suddenly it’s a party!

Turn Them Off, Instead!

Turn out the lights, for another kind of atmosphere. Light up your outdoor fireplace, grab a glass of wine (or bag of marshmallows depending on your company) and enjoy the beauty of the flames. Share stories of your life (or scary ones for the kids) and celebrate who you are. Invite those around you to do the same and you will find yourself automatically celebrating them!

Play Some Music

While you’re outside enjoying life, bring out a radio or CD player. Put on your favorite tunes and really enjoy them. If you’re in a dancing mood, get up and dance! Whether you’re jumping around to the beat or swaying to the gentle melodies, dancing is an amazing way to celebrate just being alive. It’s one of our oldest forms of self-expression, and one that we should all indulge in.

It doesn’t matter what you do to celebrate life, just that you do it. By doing one or two small things each and every day, you’ll find that you’ve brought more beauty, peace, happiness and celebration to your world and that’s something that’s worth getting excited about. So, kick back, kick up your heels, or cozy up in front of a fire and enjoy living.

fire pits. Enjoy an outdoor fire pit. Perfect fire pits for your patio, like these copper fire pits.

Law of Attraction: Sometimes When Life Gets Too Crazy It is Time To "Just Float"

It's funny how sometimes a line from a movie can stick with you practically forever.
Like "Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli" from The Godfather. My guy friends have sometimes found the strangest circumstances to pull that line out and while I admit it is usually pretty funny, I would never admit it to them. I usually just give them the old eye roll.
One of my favorite lines from a movie and one that I personally use all the time is "Just Float."
I heard it one of my all time favorite holiday movies Home For The Holidays. A great Thanksgiving movie that makes you feel better knowing that you are not the only one who has to deal with the crazy relatives during the holiday season.
The main character is played by Holly Hunter who is having a really bad week.
She loses her job, stupidly kissed her boss, finds out her teenage daughter is planning on having sex for the first time while she will be away, catches a horrible cold and to top it all off has to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with her off-the-wall parents. It is not one of her better weeks.
Just as she is about to completely lose it, her teenage daughter gives her some advice when dropping her at the airport.
She reminds her mother of when they went on a tropical vacation together and went snorkeling. She tells her mother to remember how calm and peaceful it was when they were just gently floating among the beautiful tropical fish without a care in the world. She told her mother to remember that feeling when the world seems to be going crazy around her. "Just Float, Remember to Just Float."

I have used that line myself ever since. When I've just gotten off the phone with a customer service agent who refuses to hear what I am saying or my young son who is also very good at blocking me out, I say to myself "Just Float" When I am fighting with some mechanical device that refuses to cooperate or can't make head or tails of instructions that are supposed to be "so easy a child could do it" I tell myself to "Just Float".

I truly believe that we aren't meant to paddle furiously all of the time. Sometimes it is our job to "Just Float". To remain calm; to rise to the surface. To quietly observe; to gain back our perspective. To remain unaffected as life's waves move gently beneath us, until we catch our breath; until an easier way is presented to us.

So the next time you find yourself paddling upstream to the point where you want to scream take a deep breath, exhale and "Just Float."
Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at http://www.theveryhappyhuman

How To Increase Your Motivation To Achieve Your Goals

How badly do you want your goals? How motivated are you to be persistent in going after your goals and dreams until they are achieved?

How much you want your goals and dreams determines the strength of your motivation. It is that strength that will steadfastly pursue your dreams irrespective of any challenges, setbacks, oppositions or confrontations.

I recall a friend who set himself a goal that he felt extremely excited about. He talked for days on end about that goal; what it meant to him and how he really wanted to achieve it within six months at the most.

A couple of months later, my friend Bill, took me aside. I could see he was feeling miserable and despondent. He went on to tell me how disappointed he was that his goal had not materialised.

"Goal? What Goal?" was my honest answer. It was not what Bill wanted to hear.

"You know, my goal to get a toned body," Bill answered, with a sense of defeat and frustration in his voice.

"Oh that. I thought you were kidding. We all figured you changed your mind since we don't see you going to the gym anymore," I replied.

What happened here?

In the beginning, Bill was excited about his new goal of getting a firm and toned body; a sculptured chest, arms and thighs. He was full of motivation and determination to achieve that goal.

He consistently went to the gym four to five days a week. He took his protein shakes, his Creatine and chatted non-stop about his training schedule and how pleased he was with his progress.

By the third month, he started to go to the gym twice a week and mid-way through that month it trickled to once a week.

His dilemma was he couldn't understand why his motivation to workout had dwindled to once a week half-way through the third month.

"At the beginning, I was so full of enthusiasm and motivation. I felt nothing could stop me," he explained.

So what went wrong? Where did his incredible motivation go?

After careful examination, it came to light that Bill had lost his initial burst of motivation because he was not really passionate about being toned.

It was merely a passing 'wish'. In other words, he did not want to be toned badly enough. If he did, if he felt passionate, he would have continued his workout routine no matter what challenges or distractions he faced.

Bill was torn between two thoughts. The first said, "Yeah I'd like to have a toned body." But his conflicting second thought argued, "Sure, but you could get along in life without it."

And who won? His conflicting thought had the upper hand. You see, Bill would have 'liked' the toned body, but he did not turn that want into a solid goal. The toned body idea remained just that, an idea or a wish. As such, his once powerful motivation had weakened until it was there no more.

If he had turned it into a goal, he would have sought after it. He would have been motivated to pursue that goal irrespective of how tired or how busy he was.

After all, it was his goal. And goals are meant to be achieved.

Passion ignites the drive from deep within to maintain the motivation to reach all sorts of goals and dreams. Passion provides the fuel to keep you in a highly motivated state of mind.

Once you find out what you are passionate about, boost your motivation to remain persistent regardless of any setbacks and obstacles.

In time , your motivation will increase in momentum regardless of any distractions or interruptions. Motivation pushes you to take consistent daily action to achieve and live your goals.

Hani Al-Qasem is the co-author of "Self-Confidence Building in 7 Steps."

Discover how you can boost your motivation to perform at higher levels with True Thoughts mind reprogramming MP3 downloads. Simply press play, relax and change.

Why You Should Never Be Afraid To Ask

Have you ever heard the saying, "If you don't ask, you don't get!"? Well it's true because if you simply sit back and do what you've always done and accept things as they've always been, then nothing will change. But if you take action success may be just around the corner and starting to ask questions can be the first important step.

The chances are that if you went to a good school or college you were always encouraged to ask questions. If you didn't quite understand what the teacher was telling you the only way to get it was to ask the meaning. As a Dad I certainly urge my sons to ask questions, it's the only way to learn.

But maybe as a child it's easy to say you don't understand and accept that you don't know something. Then it's easy to do something about it. But sadly as we get older we stop asking!

Maybe it's because we feel that as adults we should know what things mean and how to do them and so we don't want to look foolish. Or perhaps we have just stopped caring enough to want to learn new things and gain new experiences. It's sad, because when you do start to ask you usually start to get!

Sure, we all ask for things every day. We have to when we go shopping, go to the cinema, or go to a restaurant. But we only ask for the simple things. Take that last example, when you go to a restaurant and see something on the menu that is unfamiliar do you ask the waiter what it is? Congratulations if you do, but most people will simply pass it over and stick with what they know.

And how many times, when in conversation with a group of people has something been mentioned that you don't understand? Instead of saying so and asking for an explanation it's so easy to just stay quiet and stay ignorant. It's true isn't it? You just don't want to appear foolish.

Well it's time to change!

If you really want to move forward then you need to learn new things every day. You need to broaden your horizons, take on new experiences and discover all you need to get where you want to be. Having goals in life is great but they're meaningless unless you're prepared to take action to do something about achieving them. So start asking. Ask what things mean, how to do them, and above all ask for the things you want in life.

The fact is that one of the keys to good conversation is asking questions. People won't think you're dumb or get annoyed. Instead they'll warm to you and you'll soon find that you are gaining all sorts of benefits. So don't be afraid to raise questions. Ask especially about the topics that you need to find out about to help you to achieve your goals. Show you're interested and very soon people will be more interested in you and you will start to see new opportunities opening up to you.

So why not start right now by asking yourself some searching questions. What do you really want from life and what will make you truly happy? What do you need to learn and what actions do you need to take? If you don't know what motivates you then you won't get to where you want to be. And if you don't know how to take the first step your journey to success will never even begin. So start asking now!

This article was written by Tony Hall who runs his own business dedicated to helping individuals develop their personal and business skills. You can learn more about how to develop your own life skills by signing up for his weekly newsletter at:

Four Steps to Achieving Balance

Do you wish you had more time to do the things you like to do? Do you find yourself juggling too many things, wishing you could get off the merry-go-round? This can feel like such a powerless place to be. Many people talk about wanting balance but do you know how to achieve it? Let's look at four steps to achieving balance.

Step I: What IS balance? If your life was balanced, how would it be different than what you have right now? What things would you be doing and how will you be different? The fact is, when your life is balanced you will behave differently, you'll treat your time differently, and you'll feel differently. By envisioning how you will be and how your life will be different, you start to create the vision in your mind of your ideal life. From here, you can begin to turn your dream into reality.

Take an assessment of your current state of affairs. To do this, use the Wheel of Life which asks you to rate the level of satisfaction in every area of your life: career, finances, environment, fun, personal development, health and fitness, spiritual renewal, and relationships. Increasing your awareness of your satisfaction in these areas helps by giving you a starting point for change. What would it be like to increase your satisfaction by just one or two points in an area? What action steps can you take this week to improve your conditions and move toward your dream?

Step II: What do you value? Knowing what's most important to you can help you make good decisions especially in moments of stress, and in challenging or demanding situations. What you do in any given moment is a reflection of what you value most. For example, when you argue with your spouse, what is of greatest value to you: this person who you love or your agenda, being heard, or being right? When you are frustrated with traffic, stressed about an upcoming meeting, or overwhelmed with too much to do, you are valuing something over yourself and your well-being. It could be that you are accustomed to pain or drama and you behave in certain ways out of habit in order to maintain or recreate these highly charged emotional states.

Have you ever set out of change something or approach a situation differently but find yourself doing things the same way you always do? This is due to deep seated thought and emotional patterns. You will continue to do what you've always done because it's how you are wired. In order to change you need to "rewire" neurological pathways in your brain. That's why it can be so difficult to maintain a diet, or use behavior modification techniques in order to create change. They are hard and require a lot of effort! Most people cannot sustain the change because unless you rewire the brain through a change in thought patterns, you will revert back to the habits you created long ago.

Being clear about what you value the most sets the groundwork for change because if you value something other than the way you live today, then you are more willing to do the work in order to have your life and actions reflect your values.

Step III: Identify and eliminate the barriers to balance. Barriers can be anything that gets in the way of your living as you wish: fears, self-doubt, people pleasing, holding onto past hurts by not forgiving self or others, future worries, concerns over what other people think/do/feel, poor self-esteem, lack of self-confidence. The one thing to note about barriers is that they are ALL internal, which means YOU have the power to overcome them. Change requires that you let go of things that will not fit into your vision for success. What might you need to let go of in order to embrace a life that's balanced? For example, if you are used to doing a lot for others, you might have to start saying "no" to requests that take up time but do not add value to your life. To be able to turn down these requests, you'll need to examine why you feel compelled to put others before you. What do you gain? Do you have a need to feel important or a need to be needed? If so, you must work through these emotional needs before you'll be able to create change that feels good for you. Perhaps the issue is more about what the person will do or say if you don't do as they have asked. What are you afraid of? Get to the root of the issue and you'll be able to move beyond it for good.

Giving up chaos and overwhelm for peace and a slower pace may sound like heaven but is new and different from what you are used to; it will take time to adjust to downshifting. As a society, we are taught to become human doings. You take on more and more responsibility, you create unrealistic expectations about how things and people (including you) should be, and this sets you up for overwhelm and dissatisfaction. You do too much, spend precious time trying to control things over which you have no control, and force yourself to live up to unreasonable expectations of perfectionism. Learning to become a human being starts with putting self-care at the top of your list along with integrity. By uncovering areas of dissatisfaction and fears, you can start to overcome them and build inner strength and self-esteem to gain control of you and your life. There is no greater gift you can give yourself or others than focusing on your own personal development. Eliminating the barriers that keep you from achieving greater success and happiness is an important part of the work. It will feel so good to lighten your load, decrease your stress, and have more time to do things you love that you'll wonder why you waited so long and put up with so much!

Start by identifying the top five things that, if different, would improve the quality of your life dramatically. Be honest with yourself. It's time to get out of your own path to happiness!

Step IV: As Og Mandino writes in The Greatest Salesman in the World, "I will live this day as if it is my last." Don't let another day go by procrastinating, feeling bad about yourself, giving yourself a hard time, or worrying about the future. It's easy to forget the brevity and fragility of life until someone close gets sick or dies, which serves as a very potent reminder. It's easy to get caught up in the minutia of the moment, live in crisis mode, and forget that what is most important is this moment and how you are enjoying it. Ask yourself frequently: How important is what you're doing in the scheme of things? This day is all you have to make your mark on the world. How do you want to spend it? Do you curse at the guy who just cut you off in traffic, or scream at your child for interrupting you yet again? Do you go to work and go about your business with a smile or do you complain and blame others for your lot in life? Just for today, you can be in control of your thoughts, your actions, and your choices. Just for today, you can choose to be fully present and engaged so you can squeeze every ounce of joy out of each moment. Today is all you have! When you remember this, you won't put things off that are important to you, you will tolerate less nonsense because there's no time for it, and you'll focus your energies, time, and resources on what you value most. Each day you strive for to enjoy more of life eliminating the barriers to success, and excellence reaches new heights and you live in gratitude for what you are able to give today.

Are you tired of the negative self-talk, inertia, and procrastination holding you back from realizing your potential? Would you like to learn the tools for being happy, self-confident, and productive? The barriers to success such as self-doubt, fear, lack of confidence, unrealistic expectations, and perfectionism, are fantasies created by your untamed mind. Happiness is an inside job. Master your inner environment and achieve the results

by Julie Fuimano

Your Inspired Theme: 3 Simple Steps for a Satisfying Year

What do you want your year to be like? Do you want it to include more of some things? More happiness, fitness, fun... Do you want it to include less of some things? Less sitting at your desk, working too late, debt...

Pause for a moment to tap into the magic of what this year could be for you. Before racing toward your goals, consider this question: What flavor, texture or theme do you want the year to represent?

Here's how to capture your theme for the New Year. Imagine life and work unfolding in the days and months to come. Then choose one word to encompass the whole year. A word that pulls you out of bed each morning and motivates you to embrace the day.

Take Sarah, for example. A few years ago she chose the word "enriched" as her theme. At the time, she faced tough challenges. A fellow tenant in a shared office suite appeared to be on the edge of a nervous breakdown. He went into daily rants and rages, terrifying all of his office mates. The police were called on at least one occasion.

Sarah and her office mates rallied together to strategize and offer each other daily support. They made sure no one was ever alone with the man. They jointly asked the manager to evict him.

But because the man stayed in the office for a few more weeks, Sarah needed something to anchor her so she wouldn't get lost in a turbulent sea. Her theme emerged - "enriched." On the surface, she didn't consider her work circumstances enriching. But picking a theme calmed her down. It gave her hope that her work life could be that way again.

It took some discipline to even whisper the word "enriched" each day - and on a few days she chucked the word right out the window. But mostly she stuck to saying the word "enriched" continuously throughout the day.

Sarah did pull through the situation. After some prompting, the man finally agreed to leave. The locks were changed immediately. Sarah didn't even mind too much when she arrived at work the Monday after the man's departure and the office was completely bare. He'd taken everything with him - from chairs to shelves, plants and paper clips. Everything. A client of Sarah's arrived five minutes later. So, she offered the lone fold-up chair she'd found in the hallway, and sat on a crate herself. Humbling, yes, but also freeing. Sarah remembers: "In that moment, I felt truly enriched. Like I could handle anything. Who cares if I had to suck it up and sit on a milk crate? It was over. He was gone and I moved on with my day." After the client left, Sarah settled into the quiet calm that softened the office.

Even during adversity, your theme can make your year better. Another professional singled out the word "dimension" for her year. Why? She wanted to experience more depth and fun with her ordinary, everyday tasks. So when she sets out to write a business report, why not write it at the beach since she lives in a tropical place! My editor sent me her theme today inspired from this article: "investment." From she chose this meaning: "A devoting, using, or giving of time, talent, emotional energy, etc., as for a purpose or to achieve something." Ready to create your own theme?

What word pops to mind as your theme for the year? Try this three-step process to define your inspired theme for the year.

1. Select Your Theme

Dream up two or three possible theme words for the year. Pick unusual words that you don't use often. Write them down quickly and intuitively - don't think too much about it! If your brain freezes, try some of these words: Inspired. Extraordinary. Uplifted. Enriched. Intentional. Divine. Spontaneous. Graceful. Playful. Monumental. If a thousand people pick the same word, that's OK. Each of you will bring your own personal flair to that theme. Now, narrow your short list down to a single word.

2. Define Your Theme

Once you've selected your theme, define what it means to you. Look the word up. Try a site such as to gain a fresh perspective on the different meanings. For example, consider the word "spontaneous." When you look it up you'll find the standard definitions about doing things in the moment and being unplanned. But scan further and another definition emerges: "Growing naturally or without cultivation, as plants and fruits; indigenous" ( As you define your word, imagine what it would actually look, feel and sound like for this word to spice up your day-to-day life.

3. Live Your Theme

Just as if you've tucked this word into your pocket, live your theme every day. Say it first thing in the morning. Repeat it often during the day, especially if you feel stressed. Of course, life will deal you what it deals you. When setbacks occur you may want to put your theme temporarily aside. Or you might discover you can find your theme even in challenging life experiences. Whatever you face, allow your theme to bring forth what you desire most in the days ahead.

Take time now to complete this three-step exercise. Remember - select, define and live your inspired theme. Create a compelling theme and then step into the year with a refreshing focus.

And are you ready to learn more about how to turn your goals into reality?

Then "[N]aked Desk" author Sue Brenner invites you to visit to get access to her free success tele-seminars.

Laughter Feeds the Soul

"What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul" -Yiddish Proverb-

We all know what it feels like to take a refreshing bath/shower; it is so Invigorating, that most of us look forward to it on a daily basis. It not only cleanses us, it invigorates us and for many of us, it is the main thing that propels us out of bed in the morning. There is also the smell of coffee and the anticipation of that first cup of the day, now don't think that I have changed my stand on coffee, I haven't, I just know that there are still a lot of you out there that look forward to that first cup of coffee in the morning. For the rest of us it is a tantalizing cup of Green Tea brewed to perfection.

Back to the bath/shower, our anticipation to our morning ceremony of taking a bath/shower is all important and the setting and the items are just as important. We have the water at just the right temperature and all the important items all in their proper place for our morning ritual of bathing. Our favorite soap that smells just perfect and the shampoo that enhances our hair so it looks, feels and smells just right. Then there is the essential oils that create our mind to wonder to places of bliss and comfort. Yes, this is all what the ritual of the bath does for the soap to the body.

Now the other part of this quotation is a little more abstract and a little harder to remember, because we can't see it and if we forget our morning spiritual practices we can't feel it right away either. Not until we finally realize our day just isn't going the way we want it to. Then we remember we forgot that ever important spiritual practice to do before we left the house and/or just got busy with things around the house.

It is always good to put laughter in your life as it is one of the things that feeds your soul, and when we put as much care, love and attention into laughter in our life as you we do to the soap and details to our bath/shower we will find the soul responds with joy. Our life and presents will over flow with love and joy, yes laughter is a vital part of our day and being.

Just for the fun of it practice several belly laughs through out the day and just notice how great your days become. Happy Laughing!!

Namaste, Darlene

My mission is to teach and encourage individuals how to find and maintain their balance in mind, body, spirit connection, which brings peace, joy and prosperity into their lives. They learn how to experience the joy of balanced living. I accomplish this thru my Wellness Coach Program which i offer to individuals and corporations. Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique

Inspiration For Self Efficacy Development From Famous Figures

For those wanting to achieve beyond the normal boundaries of an ordinary existence and reach what it is you deem supreme success in life, it will take high development in the area of self efficacy. Whether you are looking to become a millionaire or just want to live simple but without financial worries, your ability to achieve this will depend greatly on your own self efficacy.

There is no shortage of people, in history as well as present day, who have achieved what society and science has deemed "impossible". They achieved this because they pushed beyond the limits of established norms.

Read on for some great stories and quotes from some famous figures to help you aspire to develop self-efficacy.

Rocket scientist Werner von Braun said, "I have learned to use the word 'impossible' with the greatest caution."

Teilhard de Chardin said "It is our duty as human beings to proceed as though the limits of our capabilities do not exist." De Chardin was a French Jesuit who attempted to integrate science and religion, and coined the phrase the "Omega Point" in which the convergence of systems and self-conscious awakening would lead to peace and unity. While he had not succeeded in fully reconciling religion and science, his vision of a one Earth is coming together in the form of the global community.

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be." William Shakespeare said this. While he is well known as an Early Renaissance writer, playwright and poet, he is considered the greatest writer in the English language. However, Shakespeare did not begin life with a silver spoon in his mouth. He made his own way and by some accounts, led a vagabond life in the years before he came to London.

Aristotle stated, "Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities." One of the most influential Greek philosophers, Aristotle concerned himself with diverse subjects, writing on metaphysics, poetry, biology, logic government, ethics, physics and many other disciplines. He, together with Socrates and Plato, contributed to the development of Western philosophy, as it is known today. Being a man of diverse interest, Aristotle discovered that anything is possible under the sun, and beyond.

Samuel Johnson also believed that "The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious." The English poet and essayist embodied in this statement the truth that is so obvious to many now, as evidenced by innovations like computers and automobiles. It is still difficult for most people, however, to think "outside the box" with all this evidentiary situations surrounding them and persist in believing that if it can be done, someone else has already done it. Few believe that someone could be himself.

The great General Napoleon Bonaparte declared, "Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." He embodied this in himself when this Corsican managed to make himself emperor of the notoriously elitist French and brought most of Europe to its knees by thinking outside the military box, using innovative tactics to achieve major victories in the battlefield. His "Napoleonic Code" has also given him a place in perpetuity, as it is the basis for the present French bureaucracy.

Martial arts legend and founder of the martial arts style Jeet Kune Do Bruce Lee said "When you say that something is impossible, you have made it impossible." He had suffered a major back injury which should have made him wheelchair bound for the rest of his life, but his self-efficacy enabled him to beat the odds and come back to the martial arts arena as well as to carve a movie career for himself before he succumbed to heart failure at the age of 33. He also revolutionized the art of self-defense by going beyond traditions.

These are just a few of the people who have stated out loud their convictions about what constitutes human capabilities. There are many more that have focused as well on the concept of what is impossible and have proven historically that nothing is.

Never let yourself believe that you cannot achieve whatever it is you want out of life. Many will be against you and try to throw you off your path. But belief in yourself and an un·relenting ability to get things done will be your best weapon in enabling you to reach your goals.

Sincerely, Debbie Ducker

Debbie Ducker is the owner of Ducker Promotion
Get the latest addition to her recommended resources
here ==> The Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires

Super Mind Power

If you’ve ever been stuck in a rut before, you probably know the sense of helplessness that takes over your life. You want your life to change, but you feel powerless to do anything about it yourself. You may find yourself constantly making plans to improve your life, but never quite getting around to taking action because it seems so intimidating.

Though taking action can intimidate and frighten you, it can also empower you! If you learn to use it effectively, it can provide the fuel to keep you moving forward toward more fulfilling life circumstances. When you do this, you realize that there was never anything to fear in the first place, and you’ll never get stuck again! Below are three simple steps that show you how to get started:

1) First, be sure you understand that your life is the way it is right now because of your hesitation in taking action! This is important, because you’ll understand the importance of moving forward no matter how anxious it makes you feel at first.

Then, decide on one action to take to get the ball rolling. Think about your life right now, and ask yourself which situations you want to change first. You might choose your career, relationships, health, financial situation, or anything else that makes you feel powerless and stuck. Then think about one simple action you can take to inspire some positive change. It doesn’t have to be a huge action, just SOMETHING to start building momentum.

2) Once you’ve decided on your action step, you’ll have to push yourself to take it no matter what! This may seem incredibly difficult or even scary, but remember that most often the things you fear are not going to happen. In fact, you may not even have a clear reason for feeling scared �" you’re just afraid of the “unknown”. Give yourself a pep talk or push yourself in any way you have to in order to move forward at least a little bit. After you take that first step, be sure to let go of any expectations of the things that will happen because of it, and allow yourself to feel great simply because you did something about it!

3) Repeat with the same step, and/or others. Once you’ve taken one step forward, you’ll need to keep pushing yourself to take others. Consider this: Even if you take a hundred small steps in a month, you’ll be putting forth positive effort to make changes in your life, which cannot help but bring about better circumstances!

The good news is that taking action quickly begins to build momentum. Just as chronic non-action can create a cycle of negativity and stagnation over time, being proactive can create a positive cycle that continues to grow! It gets easier the more you do it, which eventually makes it seem almost effortless �" and you continue to empower and strengthen yourself with every step you take.

Have you ever wondered how you can manifest all your wishes and desires? Remember the movie "The Secret"? Remember how excited you were after you watched it and how you tried applying the "Laws of Attraction" take the next step in your evolution:

One of the better things ever said is - 'The only thing in life that will always remain the same is change', and in our life we have the power to make

We tend to think of time wasters as too much TV viewing, daydreaming, or anything that isn’t a productive use of minutes and hours.

Here are a few you may not have considered.

Gossip. What’s the point, really? Conveying needed information to the appropriate person or people is okay, but negative gossip is a misuse of time and as Ghandi said, a form of violence. All of us do the best we can to make our way through our lives and challenges even if others don’t see it that way. A good use of time is to speak about others’ accomplishments and strengths.

Criticism. Constructive critiquing can be useful; criticism is usually just a way to vent about something we haven’t addressed in our lives or ourselves. If we feel the need to criticize, we can ask ourselves where or how we feel restricted then change it so we feel better.

Repetitive dwelling on what others do or did. Unless our motivation is to understand or appreciate something, we can use up a lot of time re-running an imaginary film or recording about what someone did or said. If it doesn’t directly impact us in a way that requires our current attention, we can wish them well and get on with creating the life we wish to expand. If it does directly impact us, we can handle it then let it go.

Worry. Unless we want more of the same, we can let go of worry. You’ve probably heard that most of what we worry about never happens; and the things that happen, we aren’t given time to worry about. If we can shift something to make a situation better, do it. If we’re not sure what to do, we can pause until we are. If we’re unable to shift something at the outer level, we can shift it at the inner by looking at it differently and focusing on what we wish to expand.

A good use of time is to do something that makes us feel better. For some people, that includes prayer or meditation. For others, it’s exercise, a relaxing bath, or even a nap. Maybe soothing music or a funny movie will do the trick. A walk in the park or around the neighborhood may be just the thing, or a visit with a friend. The better we feel, the better the events and people we attract into our lives are.

We all have moments when we are out of alignment, and it feels bad. We are not obligated to feel this way even when it seems logical. Yes, we may need to vent or cry or express our feelings which are all healthy things to do; but we don’t have to stay in that place any longer than necessary. Keep the Law of Attraction in mind: What we focus our strongest feelings on, we attract more of. This includes the time wasters listed above. Thoughts given enough emotional charge are more likely to solidify into our reality. We can shift energy by choosing to feel even just a little bit better.

We all have the same amount of time in a given day. Wouldn’t we prefer to make the most of it and feel better while we do it?

Joyce Shafer is a published author; freelance ghost re-writer, editor, proofreader; and United Press International weekly columnist, also published at various online venues. See the exceptional reviews of her first book, “I Don’t Want to be Your Guru, but I Have Something to Say,” at, and both books at Contact her at

Be Happy And Stay Motivated In Your Life

One of the better things ever said is - 'The only thing in life that will always remain the same is change', and in our life we have the power to make the necessary changes if we want to. Even if we find ourselves in an unbearable situation we can always find solace in the knowledge that it too would change.

To be happy is relatively easy, just decide to be a happy person. Abraham Lincoln observed that most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. The choice is simple really, choose to be happy.

Ways to stay motivated

News is stressful. Get less of it. Some people just can't start their day without their daily dose of news. Try and think about it, 99% of the news we hear or read is bad news. Starting the day with bad news does not seem to be a sensible thing to do.

Express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations, this is bad for your health. Instead find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to anyone.

Working hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of being competent in finishing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us, they give us a sense of value. Work on things that you feel worthy of your time.

These are the few simple things you can do everyday to be happy.

Innovation in life

Don't listen to what other people say. Follow the beat of your own drum. Allowing for the input of other people will only bring cacophony to the music you are trying to make. If you have an original idea, don't waste your time and effort trying to make people understand. They won't. And the help you will probably get comes in the form of negative feedback. If all those geniuses listened to their peers, we would probably still be living in the middle ages.

Exercise or take a walk. Run a mile or two. Send all those endorphins coursing through your veins. Exercising certainly clears and relaxes your mind and allows for anything to pop up.

Don't hide behind nifty gadgets or tools. You don't need the most expensive set of paints to produce a masterpiece. The same way with writing, you don't need some expensive fountain pen and really smooth paper for a bestseller. In fact, J.K. Rowling wrote the first book of the Harry Potter Series on bits of tissue. So what if you've got an expensive SLR camera if you're a crappy photographer? Who cares if you've got a blinging laptop if you can't write at all? The artist actually reduces the number of tools he has as he gets better at his craft: he knows what works and what doesn't.

Life is what you make it. So stay motivated at all times and avoid negativity.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

SQL server installation

If the SQL server does not install successfully, you can determine what has gone wrong by checking two files, `Sqlstp.log' file and `Error log'. The Sqlstp.log is located in the Windows directory. It provides detailed information on the setup and also the errors encountered during setup. Reading this file will give you a good idea of where the setup fails. You can also check the SQL Server error log, named `Errorlog' with no file extension, located by default in the Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Mssql\Log directory. This contains errors that the SQL Server encounters during startup. When the Setup application fails, it rolls back all changes to the file system, which includes removing any copied files and changes that were made to the registry.
One other component you could look up is the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) setup, which is launched as part of the SQL Server 2000 setup. SQL Server 2000 setup installs MDAC 2.6. The MDAC setup creates a separate log file named Dasetup.log; you can review this log file and make sure that there are no problems with the MDAC setup. For more information, please refer to the following URL: and
If your system hangs while you are installing the SQL server, please check whether you have installed all the required components. While installing the SQL server, please minimise the Setup window and other windows to see whether there are any messages relating to File Copy or File Sharing. For uninstalling the SQL Server, please check whether the `uninst.isu' file is present in some other folder. `uninst.isu' is created during Setup and is found in the MSSQL directory. If you have successfully installed the SQL server, this file will be created in the MSSQL directory.
Use the Uninstall option in the setup program. To do this : Click SQL Server 2000 Components, and then click Install Database Server. Click to select Local Computer, and then click to select Upgrade, Remove, or
Add Components to an existing instance of SQL Server. Click to select Default or select what you want to uninstall in the `Instance Name' drop down box, and then click to select `Uninstall your existing installation'.
After the uninstall program is complete, you will need to clean up the files/folders used during the process.If you cannot use this method to remove SQL Server 2000, you can manually uninstall the SQL server. Please click on this link for more details:;EN-US;Q290991