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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - Facebook Takes a Cue from Gmail for Vanity URLs

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - Facebook Takes a Cue from Gmail for Vanity URLs

0. Facebook Takes a Cue from Gmail for Vanity URLs

Facebook So the goldrush is almost over and most of you may have secured your own vanity URLs on Facebook by now.

I first tried but it threw up an error saying that the minimum length of usernames is 5 characters. So the new URLs of my Facebook...

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heute besuchte ich mal wieder hamburgs weltberühmten schanzenflohmarkt :)
ich habe wieder einmal schöne sachen gefunden, die ich euch aber erst später zeigen werde.
es wurde gehandelt, gelacht und gefroren. mal ehrlich, das soll sommer sein? brrr...
jetzt scheint zumindest wieder die sonne, vielleicht ist es ja auf der terasse auszuhalten!


ich trug heute zum ersten mal meinen schönen c&a-rock und mein neues haarband. beides gefällt mir wirklich gut :)


some impressions.


today i visited hamburgs well known fleamarket "flohschanze"
i really enjoyed it and i found great stuff, which i'll show you later :)

peace, hippiegirl ♥

Friday, June 12, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

0. Write for Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration is looking for writers/bloggers/journalists who are experts and can regularly cover topics related to computer software, web applications, consumer gadgets and new media.

** Become a Regular Author

Some quick guidelines before...

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1. Imagine Google Living Inside Your Home ..

google as your roomate

If Google were a real human being who happened to live in the same apartment as you, will that make your life any easier? Well, this video might give you a clue:

Google Roommate is a new series of comedy videos produced by Big Honkin’....

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stuart Alexander Paykel

They were little once.
And, now they’re all grown up – well, kind of.

Alex, our youngest son of three, graduates from high school today.
It sure is a bitter-sweet moment in my life.
I take solace knowing that he will continue to grow as a man
And hopefully use the wisdom he’s gained thus far.
I hope he understands that he can rely upon his family and best of friends
To help right his way when he strays
To celebrate his successes and passions
To support him through those difficult times when personal growth is inevitable
To love him for who he is and not who we wished he was.
Because, to me, with all the ups and downs,
The laughter, the tears, the terror, the hugs, the girls, the Alexisms
The wrecked cars, the name changes, the broken bones, the messy rooms and loud music

Stuart Alexander Paykel

has illuminated our lives.
I simply wouldn’t have him any other way.

Alex, please continue to live with passion.
Share your gifts. Do the unexpected.
And, most of all, know you are loved…Unconditionally.

Love, Mom

Photo:Michi, Alex, Alexio, Clay and Kelsey
2009 graduates of Western Branch High School

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

0. Translate Your Local Documents Instantly with Google Translator Toolkit

upload documents for translation

The standard Google Translation service is pretty good for translating documents that exist on the web but if you ever need to translate Word files that reside on your local hard drive, the translator toolkit will come in handy.

It’s an online...

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1. Stop Motion Video made from Post-It Notes

Bang-yao Liu, a student at Savannah College of Art and Design, has created a 90 second long stop motion video using some 6000+ pieces of colored post-it notes - just brilliant.

The idea is that each post-it note represents a pixel.

And if you curious...

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2. How to Get a Username for your Facebook Profile That You Want

Vanity URLs, like the ones available in Google Profile, offer two main advantages:

1. These web addresses are short, easy-to-remember and often look good on your business cards.

2. They are great for reputation management. All other factors remaining the...

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3. Find Public Domain Content via Creative Commons

cc0 public domainCC Zero is a new Creative Commons license to help content creators distribute their work on the Internet copyright-free. They can publish presentations, photographs, songs, web pages, screencast videos or any other form of content in the public domain...

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Healing The Abandonment Wounds

I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. Every individual I’ve worked with has had some abandonment wound to heal, and most relationship problems stem from abandonment wounds.

It is not possible to grow up in our society without some abandonment wounds. The following are some of the ways it can occur:

* Being torn away from mother at birth and put into a nursery.

* Being left to cry in a crib or playpen.

* Being given up for adoption or being left in foster care.

* Being physically and/or sexually abused.

* Being emotionally abused - ignored, yelled at, shamed.

* Being pushed aside at the birth of a new sibling.

* Having a parent or caregiver who is emotionally unavailable.

* Being unseen or misunderstood by parents or other caregivers.

* Being lied to.

* Being unprotected by a parent or caregiver.

* Being left alone in a hospital during an illness.

* Losing a beloved parent or grandparent at a very young age.

* Divorce.

* Being teased or left out with siblings or peers.

* Being ridiculed by a teacher.

* Being forgotten - not being picked up from school or other places.

* Being left at a young age to care for oneself, a parent, or other siblings.

When we are deeply wounded at a young age, we cannot handle the pain, so we find ways to dissociate from the intense feelings. Then, later in life, especially when we fall in love, these old wounds can get activated. Our beloved gets angry, withdraws, gives attention to someone else, says mean things, doesn't tell the truth, doesn't stand up for us, comes home late, wanders away in a crowded public place, misunderstands us, and so on - and suddenly the pain that has been pushed aside all these years comes roaring to the surface. We think that we are reacting to the present situation, but what is really happening is that the old, unhealed abandonment wound has been touched off. We might find ourselves suddenly enraged or falling apart with intense tears. Our reaction seems too big for the situation, yet we cannot seem to stop the inner pain. We might start to shake violently as the old terror finally erupts.

We want our beloved to take the pain away by stopping his or her behavior. If only he or she would not do the thing that activates these feelings, we would be fine. Yet until we actually heal these old, deep wounds, we will not be fine. We will always be vulnerable to having these wounds activated.

Healing the abandonment wounds does not happen overnight, yet it does not have to take years either. Step one is to tune into your feelings with a willingness to take responsibility for your pain. Once you are aware that deep pain has been activated, seek the help of someone who can hold you and nurture you while you go into the abandonment pain. If no one is available, hold a doll, bear or pillow, and bring in love to the hurting part of you. Open to your concept of God or Spirit and allow this source of love and strength to nurture you.

It is often not advisable to seek the help of the person who activated the wound because:

1) he or she may still be stuck in their own wounded place, the place that touched off your wound;

2) you might become dependent upon your beloved taking care of you and taking the pain away instead of actually healing the pain.

Once you are with a safe, nurturing person, or even on the phone with a safe person, hold a doll or bear or even a pillow very tightly and breath into the pain. Open to learning and allow the Inner Child who is in pain to give you information about the original pain that is still stuck in the body. The body holds the memories that you repressed at the time, and now the body is releasing these memories. Many images may come up as you open to learning with your Inner Child. Be sure you have your spiritual guidance with you, holding you, surrounding you with love and comfort as you open to learning about this deep pain. In order to truly understand your present reaction, you need to understand what happened to you when you were little. Keep breathing deeply and allowing your Inner Child to inform you, even if you are crying. Tell the person helping you what your Child is telling you about what happened to you when you were little. It may take awhile, but gradually you will calm down. At that point, tune into what false beliefs you may have embraced as a child that are affecting you now, and what else your Child needs right now to feel loved and safe.

Being there for your wounded child this way will gradually heal the abandonment wounds. Ignoring your feelings, trying to make them go away, or trying to get someone else to take them away will only serve to re-wound you. It is only when you no longer abandon yourself that the old wounds begin to heal. Eventually, another's behavior that previously triggered your intense reaction will no longer do so. You may feel sad or lonely when a loved one gets angry or withdraws in some way, but as long as you continue to show up for yourself, the intense pain will not be there.

If the pain seems stuck in the body no matter what you do, then you need to seek out a practitioner who knows how to release old pain out of the body through acupressure or other bodywork.

Once these old wounds are healing, you will feel a new sense of personal power. Others’ behavior can no longer trigger you into these intensely painful feelings. However, a word of caution: we may think it is healed, only to discover another level when we move into a more intimate relationship, or more intimacy with a present partner. The closer the relationship, the deeper the wounds get activated. That is why the primary relationship is the most powerful arena for healing there is, and Inner Bonding - the process outlined here - is a most powerful tool! (See resource box for a FREE Inner Bonding course).

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 5 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 5 new articles

0. Another Popular Computer Magazine Ceases Publication

personal computer world It’s time to bid farewell to Personal Computer World, a monthly computer magazine from UK that has been in publication since 1978. What you see on the right is their 30th anniversary issue that came out just last year.

The magazine publishers

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1. Watch this YouTube Video without the Flash Player

The next major release of HTML, dubbed HTML 5, will include several new tags for embedding audio, video and other graphical content in web pages.

Currently, your browser needs a plugin to play embedded multimedia content. For instance, you need to...

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2. Google Map Captures the Mood of People from Around the World

If you curious to know how are people feeling around the world, check out World of Emotions - it’s an interesting mashup that plots the global mood on a Google Map through smileys.

world map of feelings

The idea is pretty simple. You log on to the World of Emotions...

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3. Google Tables for Viewing Large Excel Spreadsheets on the Web

If you need to view Excel data without Microsoft Office, just upload the file to Google Docs and it will display the spreadsheet data in the web browser. This sounds like an easy plan but the problem is that you can’t import large volumes of data...

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4. Reduce Spam in your Gmail Inbox with a Language Filter

If there’s a message in my Gmail Inbox that’s not written in English, chances are high that it is some sort of spam because almost all my contacts use the English language for email communication.

All foreign language emails get archives in a...

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heute wurde gebacken.
crêpesröllchen mit schokocreme standen auf dem programm und diese köstlichkeit möchte ich natürlich mit euch teilen :)

1. 3 eier, 150g mehl, 1/4l milch und 1 päckchen vanillezucker zu einem glatten teig verrühren.
2. in einer großen pfanne etwas bratbutter erhitzen und nacheinander 4-6 crêpes backen. diese dann auskühlen lassen.
3. 100g zartbitterschokolade (je nach vorliebe auch vollmilch) erhitzen. wenn diese geschmolzen ist, ca. 2 EL nutella hinzugeben und dieses verrühren.
4. jedes crêpe mit schokocreme bestreichen, einrollen und für ca. 30 min in den kühlschrank legen.
5. nun die crêperollen schräg in etwa 3 cm große stücke schneiden und mit puderzucker bestäuben.

sehr lecker und sehr einfach zu machen!
und noch dazu eine gute mäglichkeit, sich vor dem lernen zu drücken ;)

außerdem kam meine asosbestellung heute an, was ich euch natürlich auch nicht vorenthalten möchte.
links ein schwarzer taillenpaillettenrock und rechts ein schwarz-grau mellierter cardigan.

hinzu kamen außerdem (endlich) eine richtig blickdichte schwarze strumpfhose und sämtliche sachen für meinen bruder.

today i baked some delicious sweets/crêpes (recipe only in german, sorry. maybe i'll translate it later!) and my asos stuff arrived :)
i've ordered a black sequin skirt and a black/gray cardigan!

kisses, hippiegirl ♥

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Find Public Domain Content via Creative Commons

cc0 public domainCC Zero is a new Creative Commons license to help content creators distribute their work on the Internet copyright-free. They can publish presentations, photographs, songs, web pages, screencast videos or any other form of content in the public domain...

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How to Publish Screenshot Images on Twitter

twitter guideWhether you need help with an error message or just want to show off your new desktop wallpaper, Twitter can be a good place to share all those screenshot images with the world.

Now capturing screenshots of anything on your desktop screen is easy but...

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sind diese fotos nicht toll? ich habe sie vor ein paar tagen hier entdeckt :)
ansonsten geht es mir leider doch noch nicht so gut. eine gemeine entzündung hat sich in meinem kiefer breitgemacht. toll.
naja, nun gibt's antibiotikum und schmerztabletten und ich kann's ja auch nicht ändern.
nebenbei wird natürlich fleißig gelernt, da am nächsten montag meine letzte abiprüfung ansteht. drückt mir die daumen!
nach dem arztbesuch heute morgen gings nochmal kurz zu h&m, wo ich mich mit diesem tollen shirt, süßen haarspangen und einem haarband belohnte.


nun werde ich weiterlernen.
ich hoffe, euch geht's gut?!

aren't these pictures great?
the last picture shows the stuff, which i bought today :)

kisses, hippiegirl ♥