Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Inspiration: Dita's Hair: Edgy? Girl? or Classic?

Next Saturday is the official Ricki's Christmas party. As you can imagine, I'm pretty excited for this. Why you ask?
Well what better excuse to get all dolled up!!! Not only that, but what better excuse to buy a new dress!!

So, a week ago I went shopping at Ruby Slipper. I've never been before, so my intention was just to look around and scope the place out. And maybe see if they had any amazing tulle dresses for sale. There were a few, but none that stole my heart.
Ok, this is the exciting part. I approached a woman behind the counter (who ended up being the owner) and asked her if they had any tulle dresses other than the ones on the floor for sale. She immediatly sized me up, and started to simultaneously pass me dresses from a rack by the counter and tell me that I don't want a tulle dress because she just bought a ton of stuff from a guy who's Mom had kept everything she owned since the 40's and guess what? She wore the same size as me!! (Awesome!!)
Long story short, I tried on what feels like a million dresses and suits, all of which fit me like a glove, but there were 3 I couldn't part with. So I dropped $200 and took them home.
I do not have pictures of them yet. I just feel like a run-of-the-mill outfit post won't do them justice. They're special and deserve to be dolled up.
I'll be wearing one of them to the Christmas party next week. It's a late 40's early 50's black taffeta halter wiggle dress with beading at the neckline. So hollywood glam! So Gorgeous! Wait till you see it!!! (again, no pics and now it's at the cleaners. I even looked online for something similar to show you. Couldn't find anything remotely close)
I have the dress, I have shoes, I have the clutch and accessories. So the question remains:
How will I do my hair?

I have lined up a few options and are contemplating them all seriously. All glam inspiration in my life comes from Dita. I love her!

I like the rockabilly style of this do'. It would give the dress an edgier feel.

The girly girl in me loves the curls of this look. Very pretty, very feminine. Maybe with some sparkly brooch pinned in my hair too.

This one I feel is very sleek and glamourous. Very classic.

So those are the options I'm considering. Edgy, Girly or Classic.
I think I'm leaning towards Edgy or Girly.

Any thoughts? I know it's tough without seeing the dress, but I'd appreciate some thoughts on the hair in isolation.


Hi. My name is...

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Die Zeiten von Hippiegirl sind endgültig vorbei!
Passend zu diesem Wandel präsentiere ich euch meine neue Namenskette von Ich habe Silber und eine Länge von 40cm gewählt und bin wirklich sehr zufrieden. Sicherlich werdet ihr sie auch bald als Teil meines Outift zu sehen kriegen :)
Schaut euch doch in der Zwischenzeit mal auf der Seite des Shops um, mit dem Code STREET99 bekommt ihr dort 10% Rabatt!

Hippiegirl's time is over. My real name is Alena, as you can see on my new necklace from :)

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Hoffentlich schaffe ich es später noch, ein Outfit zu posten!

katie O . . . . treasure chest

an antique tibetan sacred chank shell
tibetan turquoise beads
beads from the nomadic african touareg tribe
from the treasure chest collection by

Friday, November 27, 2009


>>Experimental version<<

kat soto . . . art dolls

i am forever drawn to red hair
and so ,to this maiden by kat soto

Thursday, November 26, 2009

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Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Do you have any Questions for the AdSense Team?

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The Average CPM Rates Across Different Verticals

If you are curious to know the average CPM rates for online advertising across verticals, this graph from Adify should give you a good idea.

CPM trends across verticals

Online Advertising - CPM Rate Chart

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through the keyhole . . .

i love this sentinal eschutchion

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Outfits: Victorian Peacock

I know you're seen this skirt before, but like I said. I'll wear it to death!

I love this top. The front is so Victorian-esque to me. Plus I love anything with buttons! And it's my favorite colour (which I'm sure you can ascertain from the wall colour in my hallway!)! Green!

Feathered Headband: Ricki's
Earrings: Vintage
Turtleneck: Kensie
Belt: Vintage
Skirt: Vintage Oscar de la Renta
Tights: Good ole Indestructables
Shoes: Le Chateau

This whole outfit was inspired by the peacock feather on my headband.

Lisa. xo

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Please Vote for Digital Inspiration in IndiBloggies

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Run Classic DOS Games on any Computer

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Lisa. xo

faerie furnishings . . . diana heyne

the loveliest of faerie furnishings & allsorts
to buy visit here

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My New Buddy

This post wouldn't be possible without my sister Kim. So a big shout out to her is in order!

Yesterday I came home to a small parcel in my mailbox. It was from Kim. If you remember from this post, I've been looking for a "stole with a face" for a little while now. I've found a few small mink stoles in my travels since, but none of them felt like they were mine.
Well that's because he was with Kim! In her letter she said she bought him at Value Village 3 years ago and he's been living with her since. When she read my blog she called Mom to get my address and sent him to me! I had no idea!!! It was such a lovely surprise! I was giddy all night!!! I'm still excited!! See these exclamation marks!! <--- !!

Isn't he great! He's so perfect! Just like the one in the picture from The Sartorialist I love!

Earrings: Vintage
Stole: Vintage (From Kim!!)
Black Tee Shirt: Ricki's
Jeans: Bootlegger
Shoes: Vintage

I just love vintage fur!

All of this has reminded me of this post from Vintage Vixen.

What should I name my new buddy? Thoughts?

Lisa. xo

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

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you could be happy.

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Endlich so etwas wie ein Outfitpost ;) Die Lichtverhältnisse draußen (und der Regen) ließen es schon wieder nicht zu, schöne Gartenbilder zu machen...
Aber ich denke es geht auch mal so, oder?
Heute trug ich das erste Mal mein neues Monki-Samtkleid, ich mag es wirklich sehr und bekam viele Komplimente dafür.
Die Tasche habe ich mir am Samstag bei Primark in Bremen gekauft, endlich eine Beuteltasche!
Meine restlichen Errungenschaften gibt es dann später zu sehen.
Genießt den Abend!

Today I wore my new Monkidress, which I really like and for which I got a lot of compliments.
I bought the bag on saturday at Primark, finally I got one, which looks like this.
Have a nice evening!

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michael hayman. . . celtic beauties

"running hares"

Monday, November 23, 2009

Animal Wallpaper for Your Desktop

Give your desktop a wild look. Inspire your desktop with awesome animal wallpaper. Download now .