Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Fully Experiencing The Present: A Practice For Everyone, Religious Or Not

'Mindfulness, the heart of Buddhist meditation, is at the core of being able to live life as if it really matters. It has nothing to do with Buddhism. It has to do with freedom,' says Jon Kabat-Zinn, developer of a stress reduction system.

Molecular biologist and author Jon Kabat-Zinn was a pioneer in applying the Buddhist concept of mindfulness to Western medicine and secular society. But he doesn't consider himself a Buddhist.

"Mindfulness, the heart of Buddhist meditation, is at the core of being able to live life as if it really matters. It has nothing to do with Buddhism. It has to do with freedom," Kabat-Zinn said in a telephone interview from Lexington, Mass. "Mindfulness is so powerful that the fact that it comes out of Buddhism is irrelevant." (MORE)

Source: LA Times

carved books . . .

unusual & beautiful carved books

Friday, October 1, 2010

Grey Leopard

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Der erste Unitag nach so langer Pause ist gut überstanden.
Heute Abend wird gefeiert,
das Outfit wird's wahrscheinlich werden.
Wahrscheinlich... ;)
Alles H&M, außer die Boots, die sind von Asos!
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We're going out tonight and this is probably my outfit,
everything H&M, except for the boots, which are from Asos!
Enjoy your weekend!!!

Daily Inspiration

.Lift Your Mood With Meditation

Just three meditation sessions can significantly boost your mood, according to a recently published study. The study's authors found that a brief meditation training may also benefit your heart health.

The study involved 82 undergraduate students, none of whom had any meditation experience. Results showed that those who took part in three 20-minute mindfulness meditation sessions had greater improvements in mood, fatigue, confusion, and heart rate (compared to those who did not practice mindfulness meditation).

A type of meditation that involves focusing your mind on the present moment, mindfulness meditation has been found to ease stress and stimulate the immune system in past research. Studies indicate that meditation may also aid in the prevention of heart disease, enhance pain management, improve memory, and protect against depression.


ivy bike lock . . .

wonderful bike lock design
sono mocci
the reasoning behind the design is great

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Danish Interiors by Malene Birger

Photographs of the homes belonging to fashion designer, Malene Birger.
Life and Work: Malene Birger's Life in Pictures.
 Here are some great black and white interiors from Malene Birger - a fashion designer from Copenhagen. Habitually Chic recently profiled the book 'Life and Work: Malene Birger's Life in Pictures' - it contains photographs of her homes and the interiors are classic Scandinavian style with a strong use of black and white.
Photographs via Habitually Chic.


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Man neigt ja dazu, in seiner eigenen Stadt immer
wieder zu den Lieblingsplätzen zu fahren...
Das müssen wir ändern und deshalb machten wir uns heute
mal auf und genossen das tolle Wetter in der Speicherstadt
und in der Hafencity. Ein paar Eindrücke seht ihr hier.
Mode gibt's auch bald wieder, versprochen!
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Some impressions of my hometown Hamburg,
what a beautiful city!

Daily Inspiration

Meditation Helps San Quentin Prisioners Come to Terms With Themselves and Their Crimes

Riots, overcrowding, death row ... there are serious challenges to navigating life behind prison bars. But at San Quentin, there are ways to turn those challenges into opportunities for personal growth.

San Quentin offers more than 70 self-help programs - far more than any other prison in the state. And the majority are run by volunteers, according to San Quentin press officer Lt. Samuel Robinson.

SAM ROBINSON: Currently, we have about 3,000 volunteers here at this facility, people who annually come in here, whether it's one time or several times over the course of a year. They try to help steer guys in a different direction than what led them here ultimately in the first place.

The legacy of volunteer programs goes back to Warden Clinton Truman Duffy. In the 1940s, Duffy cleaned up San Quentin's rough outlaw culture and also established the prison's first chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous. Over the decades, the number of volunteer programs has grown, encouraged by progressive wardens who believed the programs served both the inmates and the communities they'll return to. (MORE)


felted brooch . . .

a delicious apple green felted brooch
perfect to brighten up an autumnal day

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

andy english . . .

i adore the wonderful wood engravings

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Celebrity Style - Sarah Jessica Parker

The Kitchen - you can 'Steal This Look' here.
70's chair covered in denim.
Vintage rocking chair.
Remodelista shows you how to Steal This Look.
Guest Bedroom.
Main Bedroom.
It's always interesting to see how the celebrities live, isn't it?
Here is an Elle Decor article on Sarah Jessica Parker's Bridgehampton holiday house designed by Eric Hughes. I came across this via Remodelista who profiled the bathroom and kitchen as Steal this Look chapters.
I like that it is a fresh, comfortable and a very liveable home - not fancy or showy at all.
All photographs via Elle Decor.

Blog Spotting - Handmade Charlotte.

Cardboard animals by Parisian architect, Claude Jeantet.
Zelig Animal chairs for children by Israeli designer, Elad Ozeri.
1930's Alvar Aalto Child's chair - in the Modern Design Auction worth $2,000-3,000.
My sister spotted this blog, Handmade Charlotte. It's no surprise that the name caught her attention.
The blog is damn cute - a good mix of cool design, handmade products and kiddies toys. Check it out.
Photographs via Handmade Charlotte.

Daily Inspiration

Mindfulness Meditation vs. Multiple Sclerosis

Mindfulness Meditation Helps Multiple Sclerosis Patients, Researchers Say

Learning a mind-body technique called “mindfulness meditation” seems to help people with multiple sclerosis cope with the depression, fatigue, and anxiety associated with the disease, a new study indicates.

Researchers in Switzerland signed up 150 people with mild to moderate multiple sclerosis and randomly assigned them to receive usual types of care for the disease or to take part in an eight-week mindfulness meditation training course.

Patients in the training program focused on mental exercises that were aimed at developing non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, or mindfulness. Classes of 2.5 hours were held weekly, along with an all-day retreat and 40 minutes daily of homework assignments.

Meditation Technique Works

The researchers say people who took the meditation training managed to reduce fatigue, depression, and anxiety and report improvements in overall life quality, compared to people who received usual medical care. And the positive effects of the training, the researchers report, lasted for at least six months. (MORE)

Source: WebMD

tom banwell . . .

Hello all you lovely followers!! I meant to say yesterday
"So sorry for my long time away, life gets so full sometimes
we need to take a step back & find some quiet spaces"
But i'm back now & I have plenty of loveliness to share
x x x tom banwell
such beautiful masks
i need to find just the right occasion!

Healthcare, Business and Finance mailing/email lists

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Healthcare/Business and many other marketing lists available

We have many different lists in the Healthcare, Business, Consumer and Professional areas. To find out what we have more specifically please contact me at this email address: I will be happy to send you a catalog and more details for all our lists.

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Healthcare, Business and Finance mailing/email lists

To find out what we have more specifically please contact me at this email address: I will be happy to send you a catalog and more details for all our lists.

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Detailed data with many fields for businesses, healthcare and more

We have many different lists in the Healthcare, Business, Consumer and Professional areas. To find out what we have more specifically please contact me at this email address: I will be happy to send you a catalog and more details for all our lists.

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Crab, ricotta and chive parcels

So we're finally back on track with the cooking/blogging. Over the past month I've done little else except make failed batches of macarons - although I did revisit some of the old favourites including Portuguese coffee tarts and roast pork with my mum visiting for a few weeks. I did finally conquer the macarons - well, sorta. I ended up with some great tasting macarons that stayed up (instead of being flat as a coin) using a recipe from Tartelette. (Shout to to Julie Mak for the heads up - she has an awesome food blog btw that you should all check out -

The only thing was - that my macarons still didn't have the little feet. :(

Anyone with any more suggestions??

Meanwhile, I of course, a long with the many MasterChef fans out there - have been eagerly following the launch of the pint-sized version, Junior MasterChef. I really have to say I am amazed at how mature and inspiring these kids are when it comes to cooking. You can really see the depth of their passion - and how disciplined and process driven one has to be to achieve.

I do hope that these kids remember that every now and then - it's just as important to get into a mud pie!!

One of the little darlings had a great idea for making ravioli in wonton wrappers. "I use the wonton wrappers so the skin gets crispy," she says. (I'm paraphrasing here - sorry). But it is a great idea - and really easy! I served these with some rice noodles, coriander and sprouts with a dressing of fish sauce, lime juice and rice wine vinegar

Crab, ricotta and chive parcels (in wonton wrappers)


1 cup shredded crab meat (in a pinch I used tinned crab meat)

150 grams ricotta

1/4 cup chives, finely chopped

wonton wrappers


Preheat over to 180 degrees Celsius. Mix crab meat, ricotta and chives in a bowl. Put about a heaping teaspoon of filling in the centre of a wonton wrapper and gather up the corners, using a bit of water to seal.

Line the parcels up on a greased baking tray. Bake for about 20 minutes or until edges are just about crispy.

Daily Inspiration

Things Are Looking Up With Yoga

Keeping the central nervous system (our spinal cord) supple and toned is essential to enhancing optimum communication between the brain (mission control) and all other organs and systems in the body.

The weight of the head causes it to sit heavy on the neck, which puts pressure on the cervical vertebrae and can collapse them over time. Consciously extending the head skyward will lengthen and strengthen the muscles of the neck which will help to keep the vertebrae spacious and the energy flowing between brain and body.


Stand or sit with a straight back and actively press the crown of your head to the ceiling. Maintaining the length in the neck, begin to lift the chin, dropping the base of the skull toward the top of your shoulders. At the same time, lift up through both sides of your jaw. (MORE)


Inspirational -The Lessons Of April Fools Day

Who does not know about the first of April? We try to make fools of others on this day to have a laugh. It's the battle of wits on this day. We all hope to be fooled and try to save ourselves to make others laugh at our expense. Are they all crazy, not us, even otherwise? This may seem surprising, so let me tell you why I think so.

What politicians and leaders? They make fools of us all year. Is not that right? Make excuses fantastic promises and give more unlikely. Many of us emotionally with the speeches fooled. What kind of education? Formal education promises us many things. Every student thinks he / she will learn something great to get a degree. Is it really so? Is that done? On behalf of formal education, most of us lose our original thinking and try to learn all those things that are written by those who had never received formal education. Think about what I'm saying. I can be wrong, but so are many other writers. The language has to be good, captivating and emotional. And fooled.

Love is the biggest joke of life. A very good feeling, which results in so much pain for a large majority, in the end, everyone feels they were deceived. They were tricked into giving so much of themselves to a person completely unworthy. The love you promised moons, makes the people of the land in the craters. This is no laughing matter, because the pain is so intense that the person with a broken heart will never be able to explain it.

Life itself is a process that tricks every time. We try to work, think, raise money, create masterpieces and preach to other inspiring stories. We try to do many things in life and feel that we are making extensive use of the time. What is the end result? Death. We all die. The ruins of ancient monuments, old manuscripts, fossils and everything else that we can find in a museum tell us what our ancestors tried. Why and with what result? They have nothing but death in the end, and thus we will get death. Death makes a big fool of us all at the end.

oakleaf . . .

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Daily Inspiration

The Healing Power of Mindfulness

Google the word 'mindful' and you'll find about 24,900,000 entries. Google the word 'mindfulness' and there are around 13,600,000 entries. Ever wonder how these ancient, distant, and diverse Asian practices known as mindfulness have made their way into our living rooms today? Quite simply it is thanks to some noteworthy people who clocked hours, days, weeks, and years on a meditation cushion. They saw something important and then they showed it to us.

In the United States we have had the benefit of extraordinary Eastern teachers coming west to teach us their native practices. But without a doubt, those who have had the greatest impact translating classical Eastern practices for Westerners, without dumbing them down, have been our own Western teachers. Many of them are Americans who were drawn to Asia fresh out of college in search of meaning and who came home to share what they learned with the rest of us. (MORE)

Source: Huffington Post

Nahna Loves Fashion

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Es wird wirklich mal wieder Zeit für eine Blogvorstellung
und natürlich auch für einen Post!
Dieses Mal stelle ich euch Nahna und
ihren Blog Nahna Loves Fashion vor.
Dass Nahna Mode liebt, wird einem sofort klar,
wenn man ihren Blog besucht. Sehr tolle, besondere Outfits,
oft mit großem Vintage-Anteil an einem wunderschönen
Mädchen ergeben nun einmal einen guten Blog.
Damit ihr Nahna noch ein bisschen besser kennenlernt,
habe ich ein kleines Interview mit ihr geführt!
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Wann und warum hast du mit dem Bloggen angefangen?
Mein Blog entstand im Juni 2009 während
meines Auslandjahres in Paris. Dort kam ich
täglich mit so vielen modebegeisterten
Menschen in Kontakt, die mich immer wieder
aufs Neue animierten doch meinen eigenen Blog zu eröffnen.
Gefragt. Getan!

Hast du ein Konzept für deinen Blog?
Worüber bloggst du und inwiefern
unterscheidet sich dein Blog von den anderen?
Ich glaube ein wirkliches Konzept gibt es hinter
meinem Blog gar nicht. Ich zeige meine alltäglichen Outfits
in alltäglichen Situationen, wie einem schönen Tag
im Englischen Garten, auf dem Weg zur Uni oder
zu einem Treffen mit Freunden. Ich möchte zeigen,
was mir gefällt und wie ich es kombiniere,
um mir dann Feedback von anderen Bloggern einzuholen.
Mich von ihnen inspirieren zu lassen
und Ihnen als Inspirationsgrundlage zu dienen.
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Was ist derzeit dein Lieblingskleidungsstück?
Dein Lieblingsaccessoire? Dein Lieblingsschmuckstück?
Mein neuster Liebling ist mein beiges Cape.
Mein Dauerbrenner die Levis Cut-Offs in allen Variationen.
Meine Lieblingsaccessoires sind die lustigen Jutebeutel
von WeMakeTheCake und bei Schmuck fahre ich
momentan total auf Crossfinger Ringe, in jeder Form und Farbe ab.

Welcher derzeitige Trend gefällt dir super, welcher gar nicht?
Richtig gut gefällt mir der derzeitige Trends
mit den ganzen Flechtfrisuren im Heidi-Look.
Ich finde es total toll, weil man dadurch nochmal ganz
andere Akzente zaubern kann. Nicht so überzeugt hingegen bin ich
von dem Clogs Trend. Ich habe bisher noch nicht ein Paar gesehen,
dass mich hundert Prozent überzeugt hat.
Eigentlich schade, denn die Idee an sich ist ja nicht schlecht!
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Wer aus deinem Umfeld weiß von deinem Blog?
Das ist eine schwere Frage. Eigentlich jeder,
mit dem das Thema irgendwie aufkommt.
Aber bisher halte ich mich da glaube eher ein wenig zurück.

Was gefällt dir besonders gut am bloggen? Gibt es auch negative Seiten?
Bloggen hat sich gerade in den letzten zwei Monaten
wieder zu meiner absoluten Leidenschaft entwickelt.
Es ist so wunderbar zu sehen, dass sich aus einer
solchen Bewegung eine ganze Gemeinschaft entwickeln kann,
die sich trifft und sich so stark austauscht.
Kommende Woche beispielsweise, bekomme ich Besuch
von einer australischen Bloggerin. Das finde ich einfach phantastisch.
Aber zu allem Positiven, gibt es ja auch immer ein kleines Übel.
Und ich bin manchmal schon überrascht über was für Posts
ich auf manchen Blogs stoße. Es ist zwar schön zu sehen,
wie ein das Medium Internet heute ganz ohne Scheu genutzt wird.
Aber man sollte nicht vergessen – die ganze Welt kann mitlesen!

Wie oft und wo gehst du am liebsten Shoppen?
Es gibt glaube ich keinen regelmäßigen Modus,
indem ich shoppen gehe. Ich verfahre da eher nach dem Prinzip:
Lust-Laune-Money-Zeit! Zu finden bin ich dann in den Stani-Läden
wie H&M, Zara, COS. Aber eben auch in Vintage Läden
und auf Flohmärkten. Urban Outfitters, Monki und Co.
haben in München ja leider noch keine Stores eröffnet.
Daher muss ich mich mit dem Begnügen was ich dazu im Internet finde.

Hast du ein Fashionvorbild oder eine Person,
die dich in deinem Stil inspiriert?
Das ist eine wirklich schwere Frage und ich glaube die Antwort ist „Nein“,
denn ich kann das nicht an einer einzigen Person festmachen.
Inspiration finde ich besonders auf allen Blogs die ich lese.
Besonders auf meinen drei Liebsten!
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Welches sind deine 3 Lieblingsblogs?

Am liebsten lese ich den Blog von Cookies
, Gala und Pandora.
Diese Blogs lese ich schon seit meinem Parisaufenthalt regelmäßig.
Und kann sie wirklich jedem nur empfehlen.
Es sind klasse Blogs von tollen Mädels.

Wenn du gerade nicht bloggst, was machst du sonst gern?
Neben meinem Studium ist mein größtes Hobby mein Blog.
Also geht viel meiner freien Zeit fürs Bloggen drauf.
Was übrig bleibt wird dann gerecht zwischen DIY-Projekten,
Freund & Freunden aufgeteilt.
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Vielen Dank, liebe Nahna! Hier gehts zum Blog: KLICK!
Bewerber für die nächsten Runden wie immer
per Mail an mich:!
Machts gut und habt einen schönen Sonntag!!!