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Friday, May 30, 2008

13 Secrets To Success For You!

Here's 13 Secrets To Success You Need To Know base on my 50 years of living and learning and $70,000 investment in personal development and business education, hope they will help you live a better life!

1. There are no secrets, lessons of achieving success are easily available from the Internet and in the library. There are spiritual teachers who are willing to share their wisdom with you if you are willing to learn and there are gems of wisdom found in many great books.

2. Simple formula for success: "Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened, ask and you shall receive!"

3. Be true to yourself and others. Confucius said: "Sincerity is the highest mark of a man." Buckminster Fuller said: "Integrity is the essence of everything."

4. Leverage. The highest form of leverage is EDUCATION. "If you are so SMART why aren't you RICH?" Being SMART is doing the things right, being WISE is doing the right things right! Education is the process of discovery.

5. Success is a process. It is a function of correction. Even with the latest technology the success rate in the oil drilling industry is about 10% which means you have to go through nine empty oil wells before you find an oil well with oil! If you are a real estate agent, in a normal market, you have to show your house to 5 to 10 customers before you make a sale. It is proven and tested that most sales were made on the 7th call but most people give up before the 5th call!

6. Take action! "The only failure is the FAILURE TO PARTICIPATE. Talk is cheap, don't tell me, show me! Be willing to do whatever it takes ethically to achieve your dreams!

7. Give. To live is to give and to give is to live. Giving is living and receiving and forgiving. Learn to let go and forgive. "One of the biggest obstacles to learning is ego!" You have heard this saying many times: "To err is human, to forgive, divine." You reap what you sow and it will come back to you in many fold!

8. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the cause of it all?" For things to change first you must change! Take responsibility for your results. You are where you are today it is because of your past thoughts, words and actions! If you want a better life, think positive thoughts, say positive words and take positive actions!

9. Precession. Everything happens for a reason and every cause there is an effect and side effects. Little acts or words of kindness can have a positive chain effect and goes a long way! Pay it forward, when you know something good it is your moral obligation to share.

10.What do you really want? Clarity leads to power. If you don't know where you want to go any road will take you there! All successful people are very clear on where they want to go and what they want to achieve. When you are very clear on what you are living for, you will be living a meaningful life!

11. "You are what you think" said the Buddha. Read the book "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen.

"Mind is the Master-power that moulds and makes,

And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes

The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,

Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: -

He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:

Environment is but his looking-glass.

12. Beliefs. You cannot go against your core values and beliefs.What do you believe? What are the empowering and disempowering thoughts in your mind right now? Yes, you are what you think and your life is the result of your beliefs. If you want to live abetter life than you must work on breaking free from your limiting beliefs!

A great way to help yourself is to read good books and mix with good people. Charlie Tremendous Jones said that five years from today the difference in your life will be because of the books you read and the people you meet!

13. Love is the greatest power on earth. Living is giving, receiving, forgiving and loving! Love and wisdom is your key to happiness and success. Do what you love and the money will flow to you! If you want to live a meaningful live, love life, love people and love the world! Look at sages and enlightened beings, they are the embodiment of love! Love come in many forms, there is the love between a man and a women, there is brotherly and sisterly love, and spiritual or divine love! I believe we can enjoy world peace when people start loving each other as brothers and sisters and see the world as one, in fact we are all in the same spaceship evolving round the sun! We are all interdependent and we are the world!

Bruce Seah is Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach. Bruce loves to help people make money to live their dreams. Enjoy $5,403 worth of offline and online support, go to:

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Are you a victim of mind control?

Imagine being able to send people secret messages, messages which have to be obeyed! How appealing would it be to persuade and influence the masses to do whatever you want? To some this information will be welcome, other people however will see more sinister implications of this technology.

This article describes the technique of using Silent Sound, a technology which was used by the US Government during the Persian Gulf War. This may sound like conspiracy theory, but it's a fact that this technology has been used by the US government for some years now. I discovered this information a few years ago and used it to quit drinking with great success (which is quite amazing because I was a chronic alcoholic and addicted to alcohol for 25 years), To me that's undefinable proof of its efficacy!

I discovered that by combining Silent sound with binaural beats I could easily reprogram my mind in any way I chose. It was possible to become more motivated, overcome my addictions and to increase my creativity, indeed, this technology has completely transformed my life. I do not use this technology to influence other people however as I believe that to do so would be morally wrong, but its possible applications fascinate me nonetheless.

Silent sound involves recording spoken commands, filtering and changing their frequency using Frequency Modulation and adjusting the frequency so that it is outside of the normal auditory range.

Although we can't physically hear what is being said our brain receives and understands every word. These commands can be hidden on audio Cd's and MP3 files, broadcasted to you whilst you are browsing websites, sent to you whilst you watch the television or listen to the radio and you are completely ignorant of the fact that you are being brainwashed!

Imagine if you wanted to influence other people and make them do whatever you wanted them to. All you would need to do would be to create a digital recording of verbal commands, encode them with Silent Sound technology and then play your recordings to your potential victim.

It would be easy to implement the audio on a website and to broadcast your commands to an unsuspecting public. You would be able to entice people to buy your products and they be completely unaware of the fact that you were influencing them.

If you are interested in this technology and would like to learn how to use it ethically then I recommend that you visit the website linked to this article.

Please ensure that you turn off all sound before visiting the following website otherwise you will become a victim of mind control and will be filled with an insatiable desire to purchase my products (only kidding!)

Rob Maggs is a developer of life changing software for motivation and meditation including the Brain Entrainment Toolkit

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Take 100% Responsibility For Your Life

One of the biggest mistakes made in our culture is to think we are entitled to a great life - that someone, somewhere (definitely not us) is responsible for mapping out a life filled with great career opportunities with wonderful salaries, unlimited happiness a family life others can only dream of and personal relationships that are unsurpassed.

The reality of this myth is that there is only one person responsible for your quality of life and that’s you. It is the easiest thing in the world to lay blame on any and everything because you haven't got the job you or the relationship you want. It's also easy to justify your non action in going out and getting the things you want e.g "they would never pick me for that job anyway so what’s the point of trying", or "it's obvious she would turn me down if I asked her out so why bother".

We have become almost conditioned to blame others for the things we don’t have parents (it's in my genes), family, friends, spouse, weather, star sign - just about anyone but us.

If you want to create the life of your dreams you have to be prepared to give up all excuses, all thoughts of laying blame with others, all the ways of justifying why you do nothing to help yourself. These kind of thoughts and feelings must be banished forever.

You may as well realise it now, you have always had the power to make a difference in your life. There is not one problem or hard luck storey you have that someone somewhere else has not had and overcome it to produce a positive result.

Who knows why you have not succeeded in the past? It may have been fear of trying, lack of knowledge or awareness, ignorance of a situation, whatever it was thats in the past, you cant change it and it wont take you forward if you keep living there.

The main thing now is to choose to be the solution to everything in your life. That means you choose to act as if you are responsible for everything that does or does not happen in your life. No one else just you! From now on you are the master of your own destiny.

There is a great formula that describes how 100% responsibility works. It is this E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome). The idea is that any event that has happened in your life that has resulted in success or failure (outcome is directly related to your response at the time.

You can blame any event for your poor outcome. You can blame your boss, the car, the weather your tools your golf clubs, race, lack of education, just about anything you can think of. On the other hand you could simply change your response (R) to the event (E) until you get the outcome (O) you desire.

If everyone gave up because they did not get the outcome they wanted first time around we would not have the myriad of products that resulted from inventions that endured numerous failures before eventually being successful.

You decide how much and what you eat, how much TV you watch, how much or little time you spend on educating yourself, what you read, who you socialize with and how you use your time. If you are prepared to act as if you are responsible for everything in your life then you will soon realise that you can determine your own path to the things you really want, the job, the relationship etc.

If what you are currently doing was going to get you what you really wanted it would have arrived by now. The fact it hasn’t means you need to do something else (different response) to get the outcome (O) you desire. Be wary of hanging around with moaners, blamers and people who generally have a cup half full mentality as it will rub off on you.

You will never have success while you continue to blame someone else for your lack of it. After all you are more than happy to recognise when a decision you made came off or turned out better than expected so take responsibility for the ones that didn’t.

Replace negative with positive, can't with can, wont with will, probably with definitely. The moment you accept that you are responsible for what you are going to get out of life it removes all the chance, the doubt the what ifs and maybes because now its in your control.

Take a good look at your life write down all the areas that you would like to make changes in e.g. Health, Emotional, Spiritual, Money, Family/Social, Vocation, Self Development, Partner. When you have done this write down what you would really like in the ones you have chosen then consider what, you would need to do to achieve the result (outcome) you desire. What does your (response) need to be?

Try it, you will feel so much better for taking positive action and in a short while you will see that it becomes the only way you want to live your life. You will gradually become an action taker (remember there’s nothing like action for getting things done) and wonder why you spent so many years waiting for things to just materialize when with a bit of effort you could have made them happen yourself.

Len Foster is a certified Life Coach based in the West Midlands in the UK and the director of New-Horizons Coaching. Whilst he coaches generally he specializes in applying coaching to help individuals meet the requirements of company appraisals and apply information learned from training in the workplace to optimize performance. You can visit Len at or contact him on "helping ordinary