Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday Round-Up: February 24, 2006

My goodness, time flies... before we get too far into 2006, here's a Friday Round-Up. Do yourself a solid and catch up on some funny you missed in 2005. We'll be back with a steaming hot fresh load of comedy after the weekend.

As authentic as anything else we do.
Bad Art
We don't know a lot about art but we know what we hate.
A.K.A "Please withdraw your lawsuit."
Opinions are like bellybuttons: a useless deforming scar.
Nifty graphics, sounds and video guaranteed to crash your computer.
Those who can't do, review.
Feature Articles
Finally, some meat on this bone.
Food Of The Gods
Would that we could eat like them.
For Sale
Caveat Emptor. Seriously.
Hot Or Not?
Celebrities ridicule the insecure. Fun.
Because reading is fundemental.
Lost & Found
Uniting keepers and weepers.
Lost TV
Untold tales of the glowing glass teat.
Stop the presses.
There once was a girl from Nantucket...
The Savage Breast
Music, not boobs.
What she blinded us with.
Seal Of Approval
Sites that don't suck so much.
Storytime Corner
Once upon a time... .
A Thousand Words
What a picture is worth, depending on exchange rates.
Intercepted communications amongst the staff.
Wish List
Or, as Black Flag said, "Gimme gimme gimme."

Insania Fragilis, Fectum Dubitabilis!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

News: American Idol Of The Living Dead

Pop juggernaut American Idol introduced new rules tonight: contestants voted off the show will be surrendered to the throngs of flesh-eating living dead that plague Los Angeles. We say "bravo!" It's what's been missing from Idol all these seasons: unholy terror.

J.E.I. out!

Also in this series...