Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Friday, May 21, 2010


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Tatsächlich findet nun mein erstes Gewinnspiel statt.
Unterstützt werde ich hierbei von Les Jumelles,
einem Onlineshop aus Barcelona,
der unglaublich schönen Schmuck anbietet!
Teilweise ist der Schmuck Vintage, bzw. Teile davon.
Ich besitze mittlerweile drei wunderschöne Ketten
aus diesem Shop und bin verliebt.
Nun könnt ihr ein Schmuckstück von Les Jumelles gewinnen.

Geht dazu auf die Shopseite,
- sucht euch eine Kette oder einen Armreifen aus,
- postet den Link hier und begründet eure Wahl kurz.
- Dann brauche ich noch Vornamen und gültige E-Mail-Adresse
und schon habt ihr die Chance auf diesen tollen Gewinn :)
Teilnehmen kann nur, wer alle diese Kriterien erfüllt hat!!!
Das Gewinnspiel endet am 28.5.10!

Viel Glück wünsche ich euch!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


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So, es gibt ein paar News, die sich in den
letzten Tagen angestaut haben.
Vor kurzem hat mich die liebe Hanna von Style Loft interviewt.
Das vollständige Interview findet ihr hier.

Dann habe ich mit anderen Bloggern auf Posh 24
Sommeroutfits kommentiert.
Hier erfahrt ihr, was ich zu Kate Bosworth und Co. gesagt habe.

Außerdem war auch ich gestern auf der
H&M Fashion Against Aids Party. Gekauft wurde nichts,
aber ein toller Abend war's trotzdem.
Bekannte Gesichter habe ich natürlich viele entdeckt,
unter anderem auch Ksenja und Mario von Fashionjunk.
Fotos habe ich leider keine gemacht, aber ich habe
gerade bei Leni einen tollen Bericht über die Party entdeckt!

Und zu guter letzt kann ich schonmal
mein allererstes Gewinnspiel ankündigen!
In den nächsten Tagen mehr dazu :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


When we have faith in our contribution to life, we have no fear.
When we live without fear, we are authentic.
When we are authentic, we have purpose.
When we have purpose, we add to the world.
When we add to the world, we are productive.
When we are productive, we have value.
When we are of value, we have worth.
When we have worth, we are free.
In the penultimate step, we return to where we started:
when we are free, we live in faith.
~ Dr. Kenn Gordon
Center for Spiritual Living

Crunchy Onion Barbecue Chicken

This is another recipe that I got from Full Bellies, Happy Kids. She said she got it from Taste of Home. I don't remember seeing it in any of the recent magazines, so I'm glad I saw it on her blog. It was really tasty! My kids devoured it, and it was super easy and quick. I always have all the ingredients on hand, so it's a perfect go-to meal. I served mine with buttermilk mashed potatoes. It would go great with anything you'd serve at a barbecue -- corn on the cob, potato salad, etc -- or serve it with green bean casserole to use up more of the French's french fried onions.

4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
1/2 cup barbecue sauce
1 1/3 cups French's french fried onions, crushed
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 teaspoon pepper

Combine onions, cheese and pepper in a shallow dish or bowl. Put barbecue sauce into separate shallow dish or bowl. Coat both sides of chicken breast halves into barbecue sauce, then dip one side into onion mixture. Place chicken onion side up on a foil lined baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Bake at 400* for about 25 minutes, or until cooked through.

Do you have any yummy recipes that use French's french fried onions (besides green bean casserole)?

Inspiration: Esme and The Lane Way

I am contiually inspired by the beautiful photography and amazing retro inspired outfits of Esme and The Lane Way! I only wish my blog could be this beautiful!

The beautiful darked haired blogger hails from Melbourne.

Her gorgeous photos and outfits are a mix of fashion magazine-like editorials mixed with pin-up. Just great!

With a look and a wardrobe to inspire envy in any vintage loving blogger, she makes retro inspired outfits look effortless and wearable.

Whenever I feel less than inpired by my closet I always take a peek at Esme and The Lane Way for inspiration! It's a sure pick-me-up!

All Photos borrowed from Esme and The Lane Way Blog!

Head on over! I promise you won't be dissapointed!


Monday, May 17, 2010

Emeco 111 Navy Chairs

The original aluminium Emeco 1006 Navy chair next to the new recycled plastic 111 Navy chair.
Made from 111 Coca Cola bottles and available in Coca Cola Red.
Other colours are Snow, Flint, Grass, Persimmon and Charcoal.
Underneath the seat.

I visited Thonet today to work on some  furniture ideas for a job of mine. While I was there, Russell gave me an update on all the new styles coming soon, one of which is Emeco's collaboration with Coca Cola and their new release of 111 Navy Chair.
Due in store from June, the 111 Navy chair is made from 111 recycled Coca Cola bottles and available in 6 great colours, including Coca Cola Red (of course). It is plastic so great for the outdoors and won't be cold on our bottoms(!) like the aluminium ones have been known to be.
This is such a fantastic and sustainable idea - read more the process and the collaboration between Emeco and Coca Cola here . I look forward to seeing it next month in it's recycled plastic flesh.
Photographs from Emeco with Coke.

Little Dress on the Prairie

It was another beautiful day in Winnipeg today. The Boy did not have to work today, so we went out for a walk in the country with some friends.  We all took our dogs of course! ;)

I wore a very cute wrap dress with a ruffled collar I bought at Ricki's Sample Sale. It has this adorable cherry print. I know a dress is not really proper "walking in the country" attire, but it made me feel beautiful.

A Close up for You! So Pretty!

We had such a great time! The weather was just perfect!

Poor Dave was so tired when we were done! He was so muddy from playing in the creek we had to give him a bath when we got home. He's curled up in a ball sleeping on the couch beside me right now. It's been a tough day for a puppy! Haha!

Sunglasses: Ricki's Sample Sale
Earrings: Ricki's
Dress: BIZZ (Sample Sale)

Lisa. xo

Silhouettes on Street-Inspiration.

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Vor kurzem entdecke ich einen wunderbaren Blog,
der mich sehr inspiriert! In Silhouettes teilt Harriet
ihre wunderbaren Fotos und tolle Outfits mit uns.
Für mich ist sie auf jeden Fall einen Klick und
einen Platz auf der Blogroll wert! Um die talentierte
Bloggerin noch ein bisschen besser kennenzulernen,
habe ich ein kleines Interview mit ihr geführt:

Wann und warum hast du mit dem Bloggen angefangen?
Letztes Jahr im Sommer habe ich angefangen zu bloggen,
ich spielte schon länger mit dem Gedanken mir ein Blog anzulegen,
habe es dann aber erst einen Tag nach meinem Geburtstag gewagt.
Ich weiß gar nicht mehr genau, wie ich aufs “bloggen” gekommen
bin, ich glaube ich habe mal irgendwo ein paar Blogs wie deinen ge-
sehen und angefangen sie regelmäßig zu lesen.

Hast du ein Konzept für deinen Blog? Worüber bloggst du
und inwiefern unterscheidet sich dein Blog von den anderen?
Nein ein wirkliches Konzept habe ich nicht.
Ich versuche mich einfach mit meinen Bildern
und den Texten auszudrücken. Ich blogge viele meiner Photos
und Bilder meiner Outfits. Außerdem erfährt man einiges
über mich oder bekommt Flohmarktschnäppchen zu sehen
und manchmal sogar irgendwelche Musik.
Ich finde es wichtig meine eigenen Bilder zu zeigen
und nicht nur irgendwelche Runwayfotos.
Das find ich auch viel interessanter!

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Was ist derzeit dein Lieblingskleidungsstück?
Dein Lieblingsaccessiore? Dein Lieblingsschmuckstück?
Derzeit ist, glaube ich, das Katzenkleid von Zara
mein liebstes Kleidungsstück. Ich liebe Katzen
und ich mag die Miu Miu Kollektion so sehr.
Diesen Hype kann ich vollends unterstützen.
Ich habe eine wunderbare Ledertasche mit Fransen,
die ich mir letztes Jahr auf dem Lehmwegflohmarkt
in Hamburg gekauft habe, die benutze ich sehr gern.
Meine liebsten Schmuckstücke sind meine vielen Haarbänder,
okay, man sieht mich im Moment zwar nicht so oft mit ihnen,
aber ich liebe sie einfach, sie erinnern mich an die
wundervollen 60/ 70er und machen jeden Look besonders!

Welchen derzeitigen Trend gefällt dir super, welcher gar nicht?
Ich liebe Punkte, ich könnte im Moment nur noch in Punkten
rumlaufen. Jeans in allen Variationen und
Haremshosen sind auch was Feines. Ich glaube,
ich mag einfach Muster und Prints so gerne!
Was ich nicht mag sind Radlerhosen,
ich weiß nicht ich kann mich mit diesen
kurzen Leggins einfach nicht anfreunden. :D

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Wer aus deinem Umfeld weiß von deinem Blog?
Meine Mutter weiß Bescheid und noch ein paar Freundinnen.

Was gefällt dir besonders gut am Bloggen?
Gibt es auch negative Seiten?
Gut gefällt mir, dass ich mich frei ausdrücken kann
und mir keiner dazwischen reden kann, der sagt wie ich dies
und jenes zu machen habe, außerdem ist es toll,
dass jeder meine Photos und Looks sehen kann
und ich so immer Feedback von meinen Lesern bekomme.
Eine negative Seite für mich ist,
dass man nicht immer Zeit hat für das Blog.

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Wie oft und wo gehst du am liebsten Shoppen?
Am liebsten würde ich gerne öfter shoppen gehen,
einmal die Woche wäre schon nett.
Britische und skandinavische Läden sind die Besten,
würde ich sagen. Ansonsten schaue ich in Hamburg
in allen möglichen Läden wie H&M, Monki,
Urban Outfitters, Zara oder auch Weekday.
Ich liebe es auf Flohmärkten und in Secondhandläden
zu stöbern, die in Hamburg sind gut!
Am besten sind der Turmweg- oder der Lehmwegflohmarkt.
Wenn du Glück hast, findest du einzigartig tolle Teile!

Hast du ein Fashionvorbild oder eine Person,
die dich in deinem Stil inspiriert?
Hm, ein richtiges Vorbild habe ich nicht.
Aber ich liebe Mischa Barton und ihren Stil,
sie ist eine ganz wundervoll angezogene Person.
Außerdem inspirieren mich viele andere Blogs
und Websites wie Lookbook und co.
Vieles inspiriert mich, Leute auf der Straße,
meine Mama oder Mode, Filme,
Aufnahmen aus anderem Jahrzehnten.

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Welches sind deine 3 Lieblingsblogs?
Ich mag so viele, aber wenn ich mich
entscheiden müsste: Rabenschwarz, Kiss Me Quick
und The cherry blossom girl, ansonsten
sind schwedische Blogs wie Flora super!

Wenn du gerade nicht bloggst, was machst du sonst gern?
Dann liebe ich es zu Fotografieren, zu Malen
bzw. Zeichnen, meine bezaubernden Freunde zu treffen,
zu reiten und zu shoppen, natürlich. ;)
Bücher, Musik und (ältere) Filme
dürfen auch nicht vergessen werden.

Vielen Dank für das Interview :)
Falls ich auch mal über euren Blog schreiben soll,
schreibt mir einfach 'ne Mail, und stellt mir euren Blog vor!

Breakfast Sandwiches

My semester is over! I finished all my finals last week and have 2 weeks of school-free bliss before summer semester starts. I know it's going to go by way too fast!

Today's post isn't a recipe, it's a method. Since going back to school, I've been so busy that I've had to come up with a larger repertoire of quick and easy meals. My kids aren't lovers of cereal for breakfast. I've spoiled them with hot breakfast too much, I guess. The other morning, my oldest asked if we could go to McDonald's for breakfast since I had a busy day ahead of me with finals. That's when I got the idea to just make McD's at home instead -- healthier, cheaper, and faster.

These would also be a great thing to have on hand in the freezer for even quicker breakfasts.

You can do these sandwiches tons of ways. Poach or scramble the eggs instead of frying them. Add sausage or bacon instead of ham. Serve on biscuits instead of English muffins.

English muffins
ham or Canadian bacon

Cook eggs however you want. This particular morning, I fried them in a little butter. Meanwhile, toast English muffins in the toaster. When eggs are done, assemble sandwiches.

I popped mine in the oven for a couple of minutes just to melt the cheese.

How often do you make a hot breakfast?

Homemade gnocchi with garganzola spinach sauce

Garganzola is an amazing cheese - succulent and packed with taste. We had some great homemade gnocchi at il baretto last week - again a great italian joint in Surry Hills. It came with a delightful garganzola sauce. In this version, I've spruced up the sauce with a bit of spinach for colour.


1 kg potatoes, washed but not peeled
1 egg
250 mL flour plus more to flour surface
2 tbs grated parmesan
Pinch of salt

125 g garganzola cheese
1/2 cup milk
20 g butter
100 mL cream
100 g spinach, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste


To make the gnocchi:
Place the potatoes in a saucepan with cold water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 30 minutes until the potatoes are cooked. Insert a skewer to test.

Peel the potatoes and mash well - I used a stick blender. Combine with flour, egg and cheese and mix well.

Flour surface and lay out small amount of potato dough. Carefully roll in flour to create a 1.5 cm roll. Cut into 1 cm pieces and lay out on a baking sheet. Continue with the rest of the potato dough, then set aside. Put a saucepan with water on the range to boil while you make the sauce.

To make the sauce:
In a large frying pan, combine garganzola, milk and butter until creamy. Reduce heat and add cream and spinach and simmer for 5 minutes.

While the sauce is simmering and once the water boiling, you're ready to cook the gnocchi. I cooked it in small batches, adding about 10 pieces at a time. Scoop them out as soon as they start floating - think of it as rescuing survivors from a ship wreck (ok - maybe that's just me. =P)

Stir the gnocchi through the garganzola sauce and serve immediately.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Inspiring People - Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Gail Winfrey (born January 29, 1954) is an American television host, producer, and philanthropist, best known for her self-titled, multi-award winning talk show, which has become the highest-rated program of its kind in history. She has been ranked the richest African American of the 20th century and beyond, the greatest black philanthropist in American history, and was once the world's only black billionaire. She is also, according to some assessments, the most influential woman in the world.

Winfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi to a teenage single mother and later raised in an inner-city Milwaukee neighborhood. She experienced considerable hardship during her childhood, including being raped at the age of nine and becoming pregnant at 14; her son died in infancy. Sent to live with the man she calls her father, a barber in Tennessee, Winfrey landed a job in radio while still in high school and began co-anchoring the local evening news at the age of 19.

Her emotional ad-lib delivery eventually got her transferred to the daytime talk show arena, and after boosting a third-rated local Chicago talk show to first place, she launched her own production company and became internationally syndicated.

Credited with creating a more intimate confessional form of media communication, she is thought to have popularized and revolutionized the tabloid talk show genre pioneered by Phil Donahue, which a Yale study claims broke 20th century taboos and allowed LGBT people to enter the mainstream.

By the mid 1990s she had reinvented her show with a focus on literature, self-improvement, and spirituality. Though criticized for unleashing confession culture and promoting controversial self-help fads, she is generally admired for overcoming adversity to become a benefactor to others. In 2006 she became an early supporter of Barack Obama and one analysis estimates she delivered over a million votes in the close 2008 Democratic primary race, an achievement for which the governor of Illinois considered offering her a seat in the U.S. senate.

In 1998, Winfrey began Oprah's Angel Network, a charity aimed at encouraging people around the world to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged others. Accordingly, Oprah's Angel Network supports charitable projects and provides grants to nonprofit organizations around the world that share this vision. To date, Oprah's Angel Network has raised more than $51,000,000 ($1 million of which was donated by Jon Bon Jovi). Winfrey personally covers all administrative costs associated with the charity, so 100% of all funds raised go to charity programs.

Although Winfrey's show is known for raising money through her public charity and the cars and gifts she gives away on TV are often donated by corporations in exchange for publicity, behind the scenes Winfrey personally donates more of her own money to charity than any other show-business celebrity in America. In 2005 she became the first black person listed by Business Week as one of America's top 50 most generous philanthropists, having given an estimated $303 million. Winfrey was the 32nd most philanthropic. She has also been repeatedly ranked as the most philanthropic celebrity.

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Oprah asked her viewers to open their hearts—and they did. As of September 2006, donations to the Oprah Angel Network Katrina registry total more than $11 million. Homes have been built in four states—Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama—before the one year anniversary of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Winfrey also matched her viewers' donations by personally giving $10 million to the cause.

Winfrey has also helped 250 African-American men continue or complete their education at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia.

Winfrey was the recipient of the first Bob Hope Humanitarian Award at the 2002 Emmy Awards for services to television and film.

To celebrate two decades on national TV, and to thank her employees for their hard work, Winfrey took her staff and their families (1065 people in total) on vacation to Hawaii in the summer of 2006.

Animal rights activism
Winfrey was named as the '2008 Person of the Year' by animal-rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). According to PETA, Winfrey uses her fame and listening audience to help the less fortunate, including animals. PETA praised Winfrey for using her talk show to uncover horrific cases of cruelty to animals in puppy mills and on factory farms, and Winfrey even used the show to highlight the cruelty-free vegan diet that she tried. Winfrey also refuses to wear fur or feature it in her magazine.

Inspiring prosocial behavior
Since the mid 1990s, Winfrey's show has emphazied uplifting and inspirational topics and themes. A scientific study by psychological scientists at the University of Cambridge, University of Plymouth, and University of California discovered that simply watching an uplifting clip on the Oprah Winfrey show caused subjects in their experiment to become twice as helpful as subjects assigned to watch a British comedy or nature documentary. The authors of the study concluded that "by eliciting elevation, even brief exposure to other individuals' prosocial behavior motivates altruism, thus potentially providing an avenue for increasing the general level of prosociality in society."

Source : Wikipedia

Out and About - Summer is Here!

Yesterday was the most beautiful summer day! Worthy of busting out one of my favorite vintage inspired dresses!

I got off work early today (I work Saturdays now at my new job, but I have Mondays off...everything is a trade-off I guess). The Boy and I did a little errand running/shopping in the afternoon. We have some friends who own a remote control hobby store and they have a race track as well. The Boy and I spent the evening with them at the track. The boys played with their toys, the girls chatted and our puppies played. We all joke that their Great Dane Joya is Dave's girlfriend. They love to play together!

The RC track is in this cool old industrial neighbourhood, so we took some photos of my outfit:

Sunglasses: Ricki's Sample Sale!
70's/80's Wooden Painted Necklace: Vintage Glory
Cotton Polka Dotted Dress: Ricki's
Red Elasic Belt: Thrifted
50's Bamboo Cage Purse: Thrifted 
Red Canvas Peep-toe Espadrilles: George (Walmart) 

After we hung out at the track we headed home to drop off the pup, changed into warmer clothes and heading out again to meet some other friends. Busy Night! I'm a little tired today. Oh well, that's what summer is about right?
Hope you're all having a great weekend!


on the road.

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Inspiriert von dem Boho-Style der 70er,
trägt Kim Noorda hier Kleidung ganz nach meinem Geschmack.
Tolle Bilder, tolle Gestaltung, tolle Landschaften.
Erschienen ist das ganze in der Juni-Ausgabe
von Harper's Bazaar UK, gefunden habe ich die Bilder hier!