Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Monday, November 13, 2006

GMail Drive

GMail Drive is a free namespace extension ("add-on") for Microsoft Windows. It allows a user to access a virtual drive stored in a Gmail e-mail account by causing the contents of the Gmail account to appear as a new network share on the user's workstation. In order to use this add-on, a user needs a Gmail e-mail account. The add-on enables a user to use the normal Windows desktop file copy and paste commands to transfer files to and from the Gmail account as if it were a drive on the user's computer.


GMail Drive in Windows XP

For GMail Drive to operate, the user's computer must be connected to the Internet and must have access to Gmail. A broadband connection is preferable though not necessary. GMail Drive uses the inbox of the users Gmail account to store files and creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google GMail account so enables you to save and retrieve files stored on your GMail account directly from inside Windows Explorer. GMail Drive literally adds a new drive to your computer under the My Computer folder, where you can create new folders, copy and drag'n'drop files to.

When you create a new file using GMail Drive, it generates an e-mail and posts it to your account. The e-mail appears in your normal Inbox folder, and the file is attached as an e-mail attachment. Gmail Drive periodically checks the mail account (using the Gmail search function) to see if new files have arrived and to rebuild the virtual drive's directory structures.

Multiple computers can connect to one Gmail account thus allowing GMail Drive to act as a multi-user file server.

Consequently, restrictions on the Gmail service are also enforced when using Gmail Drive. For example, users are not able to upload files greater than 10 MB. In the past, Gmail also prevented users from transferring certain file types, such as an executable or zip archive. Some users bypassed this restriction by renaming the file extension.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


"Yo, I'm gettin' mine you can't stop me yo. Ain't no road block over here you can't stop this flow. Rain, Sleet, Hail, Snow any obstacle. When it's time to get it done I get it poppin' yo!" These are lyrics from a group of kids at Art180 ( and something I want to live by. I am a 23 year old graphic designer (graduated from VCU in May 2005) who's currently freelancing with Virginia Living Magazine and trying to focus in on publication design. I lay it out for you like this homie!!!

When did you first decide to become a graphic designer/ illustrator? Was there a pivotal moment?

I started drawing Ninja Turtles when they first came out. I was in Germany and it was a huge phenomenon. Everywhere you went you saw four green turtles and lil kids yelling "COWABUNGA DUDE!!" at each other. This of course couldn't be ignored and so a group of friends and I would always try to draw these characters up. That's how it started. At first i would trace a lot and after awhile my dad made me stop tracing which at first kind of ticked me off but he wanted me to start drawing on my own, which I'm very thankful for. Growing up I never thought of pursuing design or any art as a career. To me it wasn't an option and no one in my family did art; I was pretty much alone in that. I took classes throughout middle school and in high school and enjoyed it but it was more of a hobby, something i did on downtime..or while doodling in math class. (oye i hate math.) I also had friends that did graffiti in high school and they got me interested in it also. I was mainly thinking about going into the military just because I wanted to avoid people calling me Mr. Rodgers. I got picked on a lot because of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. A lot of people would ask me questions like "Hey Mr. Rodgers how's the neighborhood today? or they would ask me if they could be my neighbor..that kind of annoying stuff.(let's out deep sigh.) I've learned to embrace all of this over time though so it's been good and my neighborhood is looking pretty nice.

It's funny when I tell people how I ended up at VCU. A cable guy came by the house we just moved into to hook up our cable and told me I should go check out their art program. My mom and dad have always been supportive of me..and so my mom would show random people my work. She did the "motherly thing" as she was talking to the cable guy and yelled for me to bring my work downstairs so the cable guy could see. I ended up showing him various drawings I did and he said I should consider art school and to apply to VCU. I shrugged it off until my senior year of high school. While all my friends started applying to various schools, I had no clue where I was going. The option of going into the military didn't seem as appealing, so I tried to toss that out of my mind. Once at VCU they throw you in foundation courses, which were good for me and I noticed I liked the classes that focused more on design such as drawing fundamentals and design fundamentals so I applied in the spring for the graphic design program and got in. I would have to say my senior year at VCU was probably the most pivotal moment for me where I started to understand things and in a way blossom and question myself into why I was doing what I was doing, thanks to various professors and peers.

Who or what inspires you?

Oh man!, my God who deserves all honor and inspires me. My family my Grandfather was really crazy as I was growing up and so funny, he inspires me. I think I get a lot of my personality from him. Little kids inspire me. I enjoy their little conversations, they have so much to say. They also know how to just take time out and breath for a bit. I try to observe things and pull out various perspectives. My surroundings inspire me..list could go on and on. Maira Kalman, Fred Rogers, Sandy Wheeler a professor at VCU who showed me what passion was, Noah Scalin another professor at VCU with ALR design ( who got the wheels in my head turning, (I recommend anyone reading this at VCU to take Design Rebels.) and John Malinoski. I was very privileged to be surrounded by these individuals plus more. Just so many opportunities and I think inspiration comes when you take those various opportunities and begin to work them out and begin to push and form them and in a way sort of work the field in a sense. I think inspiration comes in can sit around and dream all you want but if that's all you're doing it can restrain you and in a way kill you also. Exploration is important...go explore. There's a quote I read somewhere that says do one thing each day that scares the crap out of you. I try to apply that to each day I have.

Where does your training come from? Self-taught? College/Art School?

I guess you could say most of my training comes from school. I graduated from VCU with a BFA in Communication Design in May of 2005. Now that I'm done with school I'm trying to learn more. Looking to take some screenprinting classes at the Visual Art Center. Looking to play around and experiment more with various techniques. Would love to try out gocco - Keith Bowman's work from The Design Bureau of Amerika is very inspiring. I'm learning you have to be curious always! There's a quote by Sudie Black that goes.."Be curious always for knowledge will not acquire you but you must acquire it. " I learned after school was done with that I let a lot of opportunities kind of just pass me by..So in some ways I feel as though I'm trying to play catch up. Everyone keeps saying I'm young but I feel so behind.

How do you keep "fresh" within your industry?

So how do I stay as fresh asimiz? (song by Lil' Bow Wow if you're not on top of things.) I think I sort of answered that in the previous question. Be curious..curiosity isn't going to kill this cat. If it does I'll be one happy cat. Look at what's around you..and as Bruce Mau says allow events to change you.

What are some of your current projects?

Oh man right now trying to lock down this full time job. Trying to start up a photography site with a couple of friends who inspire me. The group would be under the name Soil Maintained. I'm really excited about it so we'll see where we can take it. It'd mainly be a place for us to work our soil (soul) and grow as your regular ordinary everyday people. An outlet for us to live. Our rallying cry being a quote from Zora Neale Hurston's, "Their Eyes Are Watching God", in it the main character, Jaine states that there are two things that everyone needs to do. 1. Go to God and 2. to find out about living for themselves. That's the main focus and what we're trying to do. It's in its planning stages now.
I'm also working on a self promotional which I wont speak much on but very excited about it.

Which of your projects are you the most proud of? And why?

One project was a self-promotional t-shirt I did. I like t-shirts. Mainly because I did a shirt and one day I saw someone I didn't know wearing it. I was kind of shocked and taken back by it because I was thinking to myself "WOAH how did they get their hands on that?..and to know you did it and they probably have no clue who designed it is interesting. It's like you share a connection with that person even though you have no clue who they are, where they're coming from and what they're up to. Connections are important we need to understand that as people. We all share in similar experiences and if we can get to a point where we listen and say oh yeah I've had those same feelings or concerns then that's when understanding and peace is found. Not as easy as I'm making it sound no doubt.
The shirt dealt with the word "grow" and I had another "hook" go in the opposite direction from the R to make it look like a stem. It came out of my parents divorce when I was in High school and when I became a junior in college my mom got remarried without telling me. I was bitter but at the same time I knew if I held on to that it wouldn't help our relationship or be right within my own soul so I had to let it go and be like well "how will I grow from this, and how can their be healing" I made a tag for it and on the back it says grow where you're planted. A lot of times we feel like we need to be in some other location or we may avoid the situations in our lives..but sometimes you just have to buckle down and deal with them. If we avoid them there's no growth but if we persevere there's growth on the otherside. And so me and my mom are cool. I love her. ( I LOVE YOU MOMMA!! ::grins::)

Are there any areas, techniques, mediums, projects in your field that you have yet to try?

Oh man doors are wide open and I'm just trying to run through them. There's so much I need to get my hands on and so much for me to explore; screen printing & painting. I despised painting while in school but would love to give it another whirl. I'd like to also make my own typeface I haven't really sat down and went at it. Typography is something I really enjoy. I'd love to play around more with a letterpress. Earlier in the year I attended Type Con 06 and man it was such an awesome time. Sneakers would be cool. It'd be nice to do a series of shoes based on some design legends, each shoe representing a designer. Maybe shoes based on various typefaces that would be sweet...annnd..I'd love to start messing around with music..oh man (::worried look on face::) I have lots of work to do.

Any advice to the novice designer/ illustrator?

Ask, Seek, and Knock - find out and question everything. I think I took things as they were while in school so when I was handed something I was like okay, this is cool. But you must go beyond that. Never just take the things handed to you and be okay with it..but when it's given take it and roll it around in your hands...observe it and give it back if you have to. Again curiosity is awesome and we all must be diligent.

What makes a designed piece or illustration successful?

Sheesh! I guess you could take it to the fundamentals, but mainly if I can connect with it. If there's something deep behind it even if I may not understand it..then thumbs up to you. If you can take something I have no clue about present it to me and then I begin to see where you're coming from then I think that can make a piece successful. I love hearing about process too even if it was a quick project. Seeing how someone took a problem and came to a solution is interesting.

What do you do to keep yourself motivated and avoid burn-out?

Prayer- for real there's times when I just need to get away to myself and speak with God for a minute..whether it be some stressful thing or just my own soul needing a moment. I need that guidance. Dancing also helps me out. I can get away form everything and bust a move. Talking with others about design & surrounding yourself with various people helps. It's good to talk with people who are already on their journey so I can pick myself up and begin to walk my own journey. Community and relationships are important and I think these are the things that keep me motivated and moving. If I'm to myself then I am not doing what I'm meant to do...but if I can motivate and stir up something in my neighbor then that motivates me. It's good to see others get excited over something...I've had teachers & professors that have done that for me and I'm so thankful to them..They've saved me from so much. So I would like to live in that same way. YARRRRRGHHHH!!! ::throws fist in air::

And finally, what is the best thing on prime-time TV right now?

Man I really want to watch TV but I really haven't made time for it. Most of my friends have been watching Grey's Anatomy so I've caught a few episodes of that. I love that Cosy in the Rocket song by Psapp. Heroes is something I would like to lock down on too. I've gotten in on a few episdoes of that and I'm trying to play catch up and figure out all the characters and the story. I still need to catch up on 24, I got into that when going home to visit my mom and sister for that last season, they would always tell me to be quiet when it was on. I didn't understand why but now I do. Jack Bauer is so crucial and so gangster with it.

Recent Work:

Change your default search engine..

Search from the Address Bar in Internet Explorer (All Windows)

Save time with this tweak that allows you to specify the search engine to query by typing a request directly into the Internet Explorer address bar.
Once you have defined the search engines you can then search by typing the shortcut name followed by the keywords. For example you could search Google for "regedit"
with the command "google regedit".
Open you registry and find the key below.
For each search engine you wish to add follow these steps:
Create a new sub key and name it after the shortcut you'd like to type in the address bar to access the engine. For example; "google" to access Google or "yahoo" to access Yahoo!
Open the new sub key and set the value of (Default) to equal the search engine query URL, inserting "%s" in place of the keywords. For example:
Google =
Yahoo =
AltaVista =
Restart Internet Explorer for the changes to take effect.
Note: This tweak only applies to Internet Explorer 6.0 and above.

changing add the some setting to your system registry.
copy this below line copy the below text and paste into a notepad and save it by
"anyname.reg" just double click on it , it will prompts u to enter the registry ,
just click on yes. It will done

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl]"provider"="gogl"@=
""" "="+""&"="%26""+"="%2B"

Delelte NTUninstall folders in windows folder?

Do you have the $NTUninstall folders in windows folder? Can they be deleted?

These $NTUninstall folders are created when you install a Microsoft Service Pack, a hotfix, or certain security updates. These folders contain the uninstall information for the update you install. That means, you will be unable to remove an update in future, if you delete these folders. You may leave them there unless you need hard drive space. Each Qxxxxxx represents an update from Microsoft. To know more about an update, type the URL in your browser:
Replace the xxxxxx with the actual numbers. Don't use the prefixes Q or KB
You will also see the corresponding Uninstall entries in Add/Remove Programs list. To manually remove the hotfix entries from Add/Remove Programs, try this:
Start Registry Editor and locate the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Uninstall
Backup the key by exporting to a file
Look for the hotfix number in the sub-keys
Delete the entire listing for the hotfix.
Close Regedit
By doing the above, only the Add/Remove entry is removed; the update will not be removed.
Additional information
In Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), the user is able to choose whether to show or hide updates for Windows and other programs in this view. A new Show updates check box appears above the list, which enables the user to toggle between showing or hiding installed updates. For more information on this feature, see section Filtering out updates from the Change or Remove Programs list in the following article:


What is a Firewall?

A firewall is a piece of software or hardware that creates a protective barrier between your computer and potentially damaging content on the Internet. It helps guard your computer against malicious users and many computer viruses and worms.Firewalls help safeguard your computer by enforcing restrictions on incoming traffic. Firewalls can also help mask your computer's identity, so hackers' attempts to probe or scan your computer cannot return
the type of information that makes it easy to invade.


More risk if you use broadband [DSL or a cable modem] A dial-up connections uses a different
IP address every time it connects to the Web so it is a moving target. Static IP is not provided
for Dial-Up users. Hackers don't target the Dial-Up users due to this reason. DSL or cable connections use a network address [IP Address] that doesn't change. A firewall helps obscure your network address, even though it always stays the same.ICF helps protect the system from Worms and Messenger Service ADs Virus Alert About the Blaster Worm and Its Variants:
Virus Alert About the Nachi Worm: Computer viruses: description, prevention, and recovery:
Virus Alert About the W32.Lirva.A@mm Worm:
About Firewall - Links:Install a firewall to help protect your computer: XP's native firewall - The Internet Connection Firewall [ICF]
Windows XP users: Never connect to internet without enabling the ICF. Failing to enable ICF results in Worm attacks over internet. Finest example is the Blaster Worm which attacked "Unprotected" and "Unpatched" systems. Some reading here:What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm and Its Variants:
Microsoft Support WebCasts on Internet Connection Firewall: Turned ON by default - Microsoft Windows Code Named
"Longhorn" Preview Release:

How to enable Internet Connection Firewall?

Open Network Connections by typing NCPA.CPL in the RUN box.Click the Dial-up, LAN or High-Speed Internet connection that you want to protect.Under Network Tasks, click Change settings of this connection.On the Advanced tab, under Internet Connection Firewall, select the following option:Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet box.a VERY neat Disscussion is here...

5 safety tips for using a public computer

1.>Don't save your logon information.
Always log out of Web sites by clicking "log out" on the site. It's not enough to simply close the browser window or type in another address. Many programs (especially instant messenger programs) include automatic login features that will save your user name and password. Disable this option so no one can log in as you.

2.>Don't leave the computer unattended with sensitive information on the screen.
If you have to leave the public computer, log out of all programs and close all windows that might display sensitive information.

3.>Erase your tracks.
Web browsers such as Internet Explorer keep a record of your passwords and every page you visit, even after you’ve closed them and logged out.To disable the feature that stores passwordsBefore you go to the Web, turn off the Internet Explorer feature that "remembers" your passwords.
1. In Internet Explorer, click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
2. Click the Content tab, and then click AutoComplete.
3. Click to clear both check boxes having to do with passwords.To delete your temporary Internet files and your historyWhen you finish your use of a public computer, you should delete all the temporary files and your Internet history.
1. In Internet Explorer, click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
2. On the General tab, under Temporary Internet files, click Delete Files, and then click Delete Cookies.
3. Under History, click Clear History.To delete other files saved by corporate portals, such as Sharepoint Portal ServerIf you're using a corporate Web site that allows you to view internal corporate documents, you may be inadvertently storing sensitive documents on the public computer.
1. Delete all the files in the temporary folder of your user account which you can find by browsing to C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp.2. If your company uses Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server, empty the temporary folder (My Documents\SharePoint Drafts).