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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tackling Procrastination - Six Ways to Overcome It

Do you find yourself procrastinating? Putting off tasks that truly need done? Here are some of the main reasons for procrastination and ways to overcome them.

1) You just don't want to do it.

Sometimes there are tasks we just don't want to do. There are three ways to overcome this: do it, hire someone else to do it, remove it from your list.

First, decide if it's something that really has to be done. If it's your monthly book-keeping, it's essential. If it's cold calling it may not be essential. Can you cross it off your list?

Next, if it does have to be done, can you hire it out? Get a virtual assistant, intern, or other helper to finish the task for you.

If you can't hire it out and you can't cross it off your list, you're going to have to just get it done. Try one of these methods: - Make it your first task of the day and work at it until it's done. - Break it up into manageable pieces. - Reward yourself when it's complete.

2) You haven't found the right solution yet.

If a task on your list is getting done because you're not sure how to do it, here are three ideas: - Start at Google and do your research. - Purchase an info product to help you (this may be a good idea to help you get it done more quickly and make fewer mistakes if you find a quality info product). - Ask your mastermind group, peers, or other resource people for their suggestions. It only takes a minute to post online or send out an email.

3) You don't have the expertise to finish the project.

When a task you begin morphs into something much bigger or more involved than you expected it's okay to find help. Go ahead and find someone who can assist you. It'll be easier than dealing with yet more frustration, the job will be done quicker, and you'll be able to focus on your business again.

4) It's overwhelming and you aren't sure where to begin.

This is actually one of the easiest procrastination reasons to overcome. You just need a plan! Break up that task into smaller tasks that you can spread out. How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time. So split the task into steps.

When I write an info product I start with the outline. I write down all the areas I want to cover. Then I look at what areas I already know well and where I might want to do some research. I research what I need to and then start writing.

Another idea that you may find helpful is to start by setting a deadline and then working backwards from that deadline.

5) It requires an action step you aren't ready for.

Get clear about why you aren't ready. You need to either cross it off your list for now so it's not looming over you and discouraging you when it's not complete, or you need to figure out why you aren't moving forward on it so that you can deal with whatever is stopping you and move past it.

6) Distractions surround you.

For women working from home this is often a real challenge that results in procrastination. I can get more done in one hour of peace than in four hours of distracted work time. If distraction is a problem you need to find a way to work around it.

If you have very young children at home with you, plan your work time during nap time, late night, or early morning. Or find a trustworthy mother's helper.

With older children you can often barter. Have a family meeting and explain that for the next hour Mommy will need quiet time to work, and then when that hour is finished you'll all do some fun project together. Make it something your kids enjoy doing (craft project, building legos, whatever they love to do with you) so that they'll look forward to it. When your hour is up, stay true to your word and give your kids that time completely focused on them.

If the distractions come in the form of a spouse... you'll need to have a family meeting to address your work time, and come up with some boundaries that feel fair to everyone.

Other distractions can be eliminated. Close your email. Put the phone on silent and let it go to voicemail. Focus exclusively on the project you've been putting off.

I hope these 6 strategies help you to overcome whatever you've been procrastinating. Just think how great you'll feel when you can sit back and relax, knowing the project or task is complete!

Find Michelle Shaeffer online at The Small Business Muse where she shares weekly tips and strategies for small businesses in The Muses Brainstorm. Stop by The Muses Guide for inspirational guides to help your small business grow.


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