Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wishlist: Vintage Dressing Gown

Currently on my very long, every expanding wishlist is a vintage silk dressing gown.

Now, I'm a picky girl and refuse to settle for anything less than the perfect one. And it is times like these that I find internet shopping both a curse and a blessing. (At this time I should point something out: I have only ever bought one thing on the net. My 1970 Hollywood Shwinn Bike. And The Boy was a full partner in the transaction.) So when I say "internet shopping" what I really mean is "browsing and lusting".

But I digress...This is exactly what I want: a 1930's chinese silk kimono-style dressing gown (and it's reversable!)

Of course it's WAY out of my price range for a piece of clothing no one but The Boy will see me in around the house, but if you are independantly wealthy and would like to purchase this beautiful garment it's for sale at Shop Curious. (Or if someone would like to buy me a Christmas present they know I will love and adore forever I'd be just fine with that too!!)

I might also settle for this lovely 1920's robe from Posh Girl Vintage, but it's sold. *tear* Here's a pictureof it for us all to enjoy anyway:

Lisa. xo

thank you.

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picture by me.

Heute gibt es einfach mal ein Danke an euch, da ich nun tatsächlich 500 Leser habe :)
Vielen Dank fürs Lesen, fürs Kommentieren und für die Unterstützung!!!

Es tut mir leid, dass ich in den letzten Tagen schon wieder so wenig gebloggt habe, aber da ich letzte Woche mal wieder krank war, könnte ich keine brauchbaren Outfits fotographieren.
Nächste Woche wird das hoffentlich wieder besser!

Also noch einmal DANKE DANKE DANKE!!!
Das ist noch einmal eure Gelegenheit, mir zu sagen, was ihr hier vermisst, was wollt ihr mehr sehen? Was weniger? Was mögt ihr und was nicht?
Über ein bisschen Feedback würde ich mich freuen!

Ich hoffe, ich werde es auch bald endlich mal schaffen, etwas Geeignetes für mein geplantes Gewinnspiel zu finden :)

Today, i got my 500 reader, yaaay! THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading my blog :)

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faerie homes . . .

sweet wee faerie folk homes

Friday, November 6, 2009

Oufits: Polka Dots and Puppies

I had the day off work today. I wore this out while running errands. I love this outfit! Mostly I love the coat. It was a find at Value Village. If I had been smart while I was taking these photos I would have flashed you the bright purple satin lining. Next time...

This polka dot t-shirt is also one of my favorites! I am totally smitten with polka dots right now and it seems like everything I buy has some on it! It may be one of my favorite retro patterns! So 50's! (Although I seem to be channeling some sort of 60's beatnik in this outfit...oh well! Still vintage! haha! I blame the hair.)

By the way...that cute little fuzzy creature beside me is our boxer puppy Dave (he's 15 weeks old this weekend!).

Beret: Laura
Necklace: (sorry you can't see it! It's crystals!) Vintage
Polka Dot T-Shirt: Ricki's
Jeans: Ricki's
Red Corduroy Pea-Coat:: Thrifted (Value Village)
Boots: Le Chateau
Bag: Aldo

Outfits: Pink, Pearls and Plaid

This is what I wore to work yesterday. A perfect fall outfit I think!

Beret: Laura
Various "Pearl" Necklaces: Thrifted
Grey T-Shirt: Urban Planet
Plaid Blazer: Urban Planet
Ruffle Back Skirt: Ricki's
Plaid Tights: Ricki's
Shoes: Bleka (The Bay)

P.S. Apparently I can't stand in my hallway without propping myself up!!

Have a great weekend!!

Lisa. xo

fairy shoes . . . . believe

wee faeriefolk footwear
"hope is the doorway to belief
belief is the doorway to knowing
what you hope you willeventually believe"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Flower Desktop Background - Flowers Wallpaper

Inspire you Desktop with Beautiful Flower Wallpapers.





desktop wallpaper

free wallpaper





flower wallpaper

flowers wallpaper

Tags: Flowers Wallpaper, Flower Wallpaper, Flowers Wallpapers, Flower, Wallpaper, Wallpapers, Desktop Wallpaper, Desktop Background, Flower Pictures

Inspiration: The Sartorialist

I'm not going to lie, it's not often that The Sartorialist sparks those fashion lightbulb moments for me. I do enjoy and admire his eye for clean fashion that stands the test of time, but my personal taste should I put it? Well, I tend to think "more is more"! Haha!

Anyway, with this in mind, I was surprised to see two looks in the same week that made excited and tingly!

I love everything this girl has going on!! Of course it's all about the fox fur stole. I would imagine without it she would be wearing a pretty dull run-of-the-mill dress. I want a fox fur stole!!!
I love the luxury of the stole and heels in combination with the fact that she's riding her very cute, pedestrian, vintage bike. I love that the dress seems summery and light, but has been paired with tights and black accessories to bring it into fall.
This entire outfit screams Lisa! I would take it exactly as it is and put it on my body!
(I am now on the hunt for a stole with a face, I'm sorry if this grosses you out.)

This is casual Lisa. Jeans with feminine touches. The red lip, the slightly messy, but waved vintage-esque hair. The pearls. The cute lamb sweater.
Love it!
I on the other hand would have been wearing a great vintage bag.
(All photos belong to The Sartorialist. They have been borrowed without permisson!)

liz hammon. . . .musical notes

recycled books & maps etc made into
wonderful paper jewellry, like this music necklace

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Outifts: The First!

This is what I wore to work today. Working at the head office for a major clothing retailer allows me to flex my fashion muscles everyday without looking outlandish at work.

I originally had a different, smaller, lighter sweater on today, but it was too cold in the office for it. This one was at my desk, so I threw it on instead and put the belt that came with my skirt on top. I liked the outcome very much!

Feather-flower Headband: Le Chateau
Pink/Black Blouse: Laura
Rhinestone Necklace: Vintage (was my grandmother's)
Cardigan: Ricki's
Skirt (is high waisted, but you can't see it) and Belt: Le Chateau
Tights: ?? (I bought them a few years ago and they're indestructable)
Shoes: The Bay

For those of you who know me, you'll notice I'm sporting bangs! I got my hair cut last week. I'm sure there will be a photo to come. Not to worry.

Inspiration - George Nelson Lighting

Room and Board via Remodelista

Kranzbach Spa Hotel, Bavarian Alps

Byron Bay house by Shannon Fricke.

Looking through the lastest interiors, I've have noticed the popular use of lights by George Nelson. Introduced in 1947, these lights are constructed of a steel wire and covered in translucant plastic to emit a soft glow. The sculptural bubble lights have had a resurgence with the Mid Century Modernism followers for some time but they're now popping up in fresh and classic interiors. They're also making an appearance in colour for a limited time.
I haven't found many in NZ -  the occasional vintage one pops up in TradeMe. However, the US and Kiwi dollar is not looking so bad these days - check out Modernica and Room and Board.

A teacher's power.. meander


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via fffound

Meine Tage sind zur Zeit wirklich vollgestopft, da kommt man kaum zum Durchatmen.
Versteht mich aber nicht falsch, sie sind mit schönen Dingen vollgestopft :) Gestern ging es zum Beispiel eeeeendlich mal zu Primark nach Bremen! Ich war auch sehr erfolgreich und bin regelrecht unter Bergen von schöner Kleidung versunken. Natürlich fand nicht alles den Weg in meine Einkaufstüte, aber doch so einiges (unter anderem endlich eine schöne Winterjacke :)). Die Beute wird innerhalb der nächsten Tage präsentiert!

Jetzt widme ich mich euren Blogs, es tut mir leid, wenn ich dort zur Zeit nicht so regelmäßig mitlese und kommentiere, wie gesagt, der Zeitmangel ist schuld ;)

Habt einen schönen Abend

These days are so full at the moment. But full of beautiful things. Yesterday, i finally visited Primark here in Germany and it was GREAT! I bought a lot, which I will show you later :)
Have a great night


Welcome to my new and improved blog!!

I'm really excited about Butterflies and Daisys Vintage because it centers around two of my favorite things: Fashion and Vintage Clothes!

I'm not going to lie to you, I'm not a purist. You know the folks I'm talking about. Those brave and dedicated people who dress in vintage or reproduction clothes that emulate an era every day. Those beautiful girls with precise and deft fingers who roll and curl thier hair to perfection and wouldn't be caught dead seen otherwise. To you wonderful and inspiring people: I tip my vintage hat to you!!


I love mixing it up! I love jeans and a t-shirt worn with curled hair and the sparkliest vintage jewlery I can find! I also love wearing skirts and dresses! I adore hats, hairbows, facinators, flower and feather clips! (You'll see...)
This being said, I also love current trends and enjoy mixing them with my vintage pieces for my own look.

On a side note, I am also looking forward to showing you how one can look cute and still be warm dressed for -40 Celcius with vintage inspired flair (which I try very hard to do!) as we here in Winnipeg gear up for the snow and winter weather that is looming.

So once again, Welcome!

kathleen west . . . . arts and crafts

i adore the wonderful arts & crafts style
of printmaker

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Make it GREAT

When you consistently make average
your dreams will become a reality.

~ Suze Orman


blandine anderson . . .hare

i do seem to have hare's on my mind
heres another beauty

Monday, November 2, 2009

Spaghetti Alla Carbonara

K, the more recipes I try from my new cookbook, the more I love it. It is so awesome! Seriously, go get a copy! Are you sick of me raving about it yet? Go get a copy and I'll stop! ;-)

A couple of days ago, I was so busy that my day flew by, and it was dinner time before I knew what was happening or had anything planned. I had the bare minimum in the fridge and pantry, so I scoured my cookbook to see what I could possibly make. I found this recipe and decided to give it a try. I saw a cooking show years ago (Rachael Ray, I think?) where the chef made this dish, but I've never tried it. It was so easy and really yummy! Perfect quick, weeknight supper!

A word about the cheese. Just buy a bag of the pre-shredded Parmesan blend, which has the Pecorino and Parmesan already. It'll save you a lot of time and money, rather than buying a block of each.

3 large eggs
3/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1/4 cup Pecorino Romano cheese
3 garlic cloves, minced
8 slices bacon, chopped
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup dry white wine or chicken stock
salt and pepper
1 pound spaghetti

Cook noodles according to package directions. Meanwhile, whisk the eggs, cheeses and garlic together. Set aside. Then cook the bacon and olive oil in a 12 inch skillet over medium heat until the bacon is crisp, about 8 minutes. Add the wine (or chicken stock).

Simmer until it is slightly reduced, about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and cover.

Reserve 1/4 cup pasta water before draining the pasta. Toss the pasta with the bacon mixture and the cheese mixture. If needed, add additional pasta water to loosen the sauce before serving.

My kids inhaled this. My 4 year old literally had 4 helpings. Not kidding. Spaghetti and bacon? Yes, please!
What do you think of our new blinkie? Have you added one to your blog?
Let us know if you have!