Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - Why Link Exchanges and Paid Text Ads Are a Waste of Time

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - Why Link Exchanges and Paid Text Ads Are a Waste of Time

Why Link Exchanges and Paid Text Ads Are a Waste of Time

The number (and quality) of external web pages linking to your site is an important factor that Google uses to determine how your site should be ranked in organic search results.

That explains why you frequently get emails from desperate webmasters...

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beach calligraphy

Friday, September 11, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

Real Life Case Studies of the Blogging Industry – PDF Book

Boom and Bust In The Blogosphere (120 pages) is an interesting book on the blogging industry that analyzes in detail the reasons why some blogs have become so popular on the Internet and why some, despite potential, have failed.

Each blog is listed as a...

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Which Social Sites Do People Use Most for Sharing Content on the Internet

Social Bookmarking – 2007

Social Sharing

This graph show how people were sharing web pages in the year 2007. Google Bookmarks and delicious were the two most favorite destinations for bookmarking online content while a large number of Internet users also...

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How We Prioritize Online Distractions Without Knowing

"You have a new email messages from A", "B wants to be your friend on Facebook", "C sent you a direct message on Twitter", "You have D unread items in Google Reader", "Your friend E is available for chat on Skype", "There’s a new SMS from F on your...

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How long would one have to work to pay for a Big Mac at McDonald's

This interesting illustration suggests how long would a person have to work in order to earn enough to buy a Big Mac from a McDonald’s restaurant in his or her country using the local currency.

For people earning the average net wage, it would...

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valerie greeley . . .

valerie greeley
does such beautifully delicate & detailed
decorative illustration

shadow puppet inspiration . . .

if you love shadow puppetry as i do you might just like this

advert by bbh, london for

surf twilight sensations

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How Are You Inventing Your Life Today?

"Organisms do not experience environments, they create them."
-- From A Simpler Way, by Margaret Wheatley

Walking down Lincoln Avenue in Portsmouth, I am struck by the beauty of the day – forsythia, tulips and daffodils, bright sun, warm breeze – and the freedom and privilege I have to walk in a healthy body, through a friendly neighborhood, of my own volition. I think about how much I take for granted, and how easy it is to feel centered and content when life is easy, flowing, and conflict free.

The day before was not so. It was rainy, windy, and cold. I hadn't slept and woke up short-tempered and irritable. (Will winter never end?!) A project I'd been putting off could not be postponed any longer, and I knew I had to finish it even though I had no inspiration for it. My body ached from hard aikido practice the night before, and I felt tired and lacked energy. I opened a window and spilled a potted plant all over my office floor. And the last piece of my favorite toasting bread had mysteriously disappeared from its storage place. Tomorrow – who knows? As my friend Carol says, life can fall on your head at any moment.

So how do I walk my talk, change my attitude, adjust my goals, and reinvent my life even when I don’t feel like it? I kept thinking: You can do this, this is great, exactly what you look for – ideal opportunities to practice . . . center, breathe, laugh. Sure, it's easy to be centered when things are going your way. This is the perfect day to practice – when they aren't.

I'm embarrassed to say that it was still hard. The only good news that I was able to give myself was that I noticed. I could see I was having a "pity party," which was a step in the right direction. Friend and colleague, Joy Jacobs, calls this ability to step outside our selves and acknowledge our reactions meta-communication. My meta-communicator is the role that says, Hey, Judy, you're really having a strong reaction to that plant falling over. Whoah! Are you sure you want to throw it through the window? Right, probably not.

The meta-communicator is the insulation between my reaction and my response. It keeps me from getting dragged down an emotionally reactive path that I will probably regret. The ability to meta-communicate is a sign of emotional intelligence, analogous to self-awareness, and essential to self-control. Without the ability to meta-communicate, I get lost in the emotion and identify with it. There is no distance, no separation between me and my mental state; the attitude, emotion, or mood overrides conscious thought and takes me wherever it wants. I can only talk about the emotion again (like this) when it's played itself out and I regain the ability to see it.

Centering awakens the meta-communicator. Taking a moment of literal and figurative inspiration – breathing and connecting to my power source – gives me the time and the space to decide if I want to get dragged off or not.

Pity parties are fun sometimes. I can enjoy getting together telephonically or in person with special friends. We dress up in our best long-suffering attitudes and moan about this event or that person, how much work there is to do and how little time. We bring our meta-communicators along, and we laugh at ourselves in the midst of our complaining. It's a lot more fun to whine with awareness.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama said, "If you don't like what's happening in your life, change your mind." How do you like what's happening in your life at the moment? I realize it may be a lot more challenging than winter weather in May. Still, gently experiment with changing your relationship to life events, and see what happens.

When I am willing and able to do this, to change my mind, everything changes. It begins by noticing my reactive state.
I'm upset.
Okay - Upset Energy. How can I use it in a way that's congruent with my values and vision?

I take charge of it, before it takes charge of me.
I begin to travel a path of power and presence, instead of a path of reactivity and regret.

As I place that bit of padding between my reaction and my response, I reclaim my power. I reconnect with what is really important. Why am I here? What do I want to contribute to this workplace, this family unit, this relationship? What are my hopes for this conversation? How will I impact this meeting?

More sunny days and uplifting moments are on the horizon. But whatever the external or internal weather conditions, I am protected by an inner spring of insight that is always awake, aware, and available to be turned on at any moment. And I remember all that I have to be grateful for, including the privilege of having unsettling emotions.

How are you inventing your life today, this moment? Is life a struggle, or does it flow? It's possible that the answers are really up to you.

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

How to Embed Facebook Videos in your Web Pages

facebookAnyone can upload video clips to the Facebook site but unlike YouTube and other online video sharing sites, Facebook doesn’t (officially) provide an embed code for their videos. That’s a problem for two reasons.

#1. You found a very...

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Migrate from Blogger to WordPress without Losing your Google Search Rankings

move from blogger to wordpressThe Goal: Your current blog at is hosted on the Blogger platform but you now want to move this blog from Blogger to WordPress (self-hosted) with a personal domain name (say

The Problem: provides an easy option...

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beetle wear

Beetle wings necklace
(shed wings of course) from econe
the stunning colours of nature

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

make a maze book

looking for a different idea to make
i found a beautiful maze book

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Aussie Creme Brulee

It actually worked! Hurrah!

Gourmet Inspired Tip: I love creme brulee, and have always wanted to try making it. But after a bit of thinking and reading, I decided to give it an Aussie twist.

Aussie creme brulee is basically creme brulee with an Anzac bikkie base. It gives the dessert a little bit more substance, and I think the crumbly texture and sweetness of the bikkie really takes the custard and caramelised sugar flav
our to a new level.

I've been super stoked to try this idea and it actually worked the first time around, well base was a little soggy as I was overly excited and didn't think to "bake it blind" first. The method below rectifies my error, but even with the sogginess the flavours were definitely there.


Aussie Creme Brulee


- 400 ml pure cream
- 6 egg yolks
- 1/2 cup sugar (raw or white)
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1 1/2 cups Anzac biscuits, crumbed (about 6 biscuits)
- 3-4 tbs butter
- 1 tsp vanilla
- pinch of salt


- Preheat oven to 180⁰C.
- In a mixing bowl, using your hands, mix the Anzac biscuit crumbs and the butter until the crumbs stick together.
- Layer the mixture evenly across the base of four small (5 oz) ramekins. I didn't have any, so I used short flat tea cups (pictured). Just make sure whatever you use is small and shorter than it is wide, as you will have to fill it to the brim with your custard. Cover the entire base and flatten it as much as you can, should be about 2 mm thick.
- Bake in oven for approximately 10 minutes, until the bases are set. Remove and let cool.
- In a pan or pot, heat the cream until it is hot but not boiling.
- In another mixing bowl, gently combine egg yolks and sugar, but do not whisk. Slowly add hot cream, stirring constantly until sugar and eggs are completely dissolved. Add vanilla and salt and mix thoroughly. Strain out any remaining solid bits.
- Pour custard into bases, filling the cups all the way to the top. (If you don't, it will be very difficult to caramelise the sugar on top at the end).
- Place cups in a deep baking dish and fill the dish with hot water so that it comes about halfway up the cups. Bake in oven (still at 180⁰C) for about 30-40 minutes until the custard is set.
- Remove from oven and let cool to room temperature. Refrigerate until chilled.
- Sprinkle brown sugar on tray lined with baking paper and dry in oven for a few minutes. Remove and break up the clumps of sugar using a rollin pin or the base of a cup. Set aside.
- When ready to serve, sprinkle brown sugar generously on top of custards. Place under hot broiler for 3-4 minutes to caramelise the sugar. Alternatively, use a torch. Remove and serve. :)


Enjoying this simple interior image by photographer Tom Leighton.

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

Don't Copy That Floppy – Lesson 2 in Anti-piracy

Now that floppy disks are outdated and new forms of software piracy have emerged, the Software Industry Association has released a brand new version of the popular "Don't Copy That Floppy" video campaign that originally launched in the early 90s to...

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How to Buy Genuine Software Online for Less

Here are  tips to help you purchase licensed software programs online at a price that is much less than the suggested retail price. You’ll also learn about useful sites that offer excellent software deals – these include comparison shopping...

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Find Spammers Who Are Following You On Twitter

If that large follower base (count of people following you) on Twitter gives you a high, here’s a tool that might break your heart, a little bit at least.

twitter spammersMost of these Twitter users are @spam

Called TwitBlock, the tool will scan profiles of...

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medieval dress . . . armstreet

medieval finery
i should love to dress in these every day

Monday, September 7, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

She is not using a Microsoft Surface Table

While it may look like another cool application running on the Microsoft Surface table, it’s something very different.

The girl in the video clip is using nothing but grains of sand to draw these amazing animations in front of a live audience. Her...

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How to Ignore Internal Links on Web Pages Very Quickly

Internal linking, or creating links that point to some of your own web pages, is generally practiced on sites for three reasons:

1. Internal links can quickly add context. Instead of writing a summary of some topic that you covered in detail the other...

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Which Edition of Windows 7 Should You Buy?

It should be a simple choice – you either take the plunge and upgrade your computer to Windows 7 or continue with your existing operating system. And yet, as is often the case, the choice is not as easy as it sounds because once you decide to...

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