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Gallery Tattoo

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

how to attract what you want

How to attract what you WANT !!!!

I'ts easy,

With Positive Thought science of course?

Every thought we have creates our reality.


There is a energy from which all things are made. This energy fills the entire universe. Universal energy When you form a thought in your mind, you are connecting with this energy, and you actually create that which you are thinking about. Mankind has the ability to create a thought and cause the subject of the thought to be created within this field of Universal Energy. To activate this ability, we must learn to harness our creative mind.

To manifest something new, simply hold an image of what you seek in your mind.Feel what it will be like to have this experience,Then express gratitude to the Universe for having granted this to you. To achieve wealth, apply this same principle - hold a clear vision of the wealth you hope to attain. Then express gratitude that this wealth is coming to you. Trust that it will be!!!!

Thoughts that we think whether they are positive or a negative the universe does not mind, what we think about we bring about. This is the law, the law of attraction. There is not one soul on this planet or in the entire universe that is exempt from this law.

Thoughts determine our experiences and create our reality

Positive thought science is designed to challenge our negative beliefs, chip away and eventually replace our negative thought patterns. If we can find thoughts of inspiration at times of hardship or when life deals us a challenge then we can find success in our outcomes, become the driver instead of the passenger. Every thought we repeat to our selves is the reflection of what we believe to be our truth, it doesn’t matter to our subconscious weather our truth be a negative or positive.

It is important to realise that the negative fearful thoughts we possess are temporary, but are also very powerful “inner truths”. We are not taught this in school, we are most of the time taught struggle and hardship.

So if we can we grasp the knowledge that we are in control and therefore empower ourselves with the truth our lives will become rich and abundant.

When we learn monitor our thoughts, we truly have power in our lives. We can have everything we desire, all the abundance we dream of. When we rewrite our self talk, our inner script, our secret beliefs, we start placing positive THOUGHTS and BELEIFS in our subconscious instead of the old negative talk.

Every thought we think is an affirmation, a self talk an inner dialogue, a self truth, that has created life as we see it now. We are continually affirming subconsciously with our words and our thoughts. So with this knowledge: Realising the fact that what we think is what we attract into our lives, Remembering the law of attraction is always at work.

Remember that thoughts become things!!

When we use positive thought science in our life, something truly magical occurs. When we replace old negative thoughts with pure, loving positive thoughts,our world becomes unlimited beautiful. Life should be full of sweet experiences, life is limitless, full of possibilities, and is meant to be filled with fun, harmony, unlimited abundance, and perfect happiness. It is our birth right to be surrounded in love,abundance and glowing radiant health.

• Decide that this is your life, allow this to be your truth. You deserve it,

• Decide that life is truely amazing full of love and light

As life should be………


Specialk is an author and motivational speaker in Australia,comitted to teaching what changed her life. *Wow powerful stuff, want to learn more. Click here for a free starter pack,loads of tips Click Here! or sign up to a FREE email course Click Here!


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