Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What would it be like to show up at your very best, each and every day?

Does this sound like you? You wake up in the morning after pushing the snooze alarm for 20 minutes. You are groggy from a poor nights sleep and consequently you're, now, in a rush to get to work on time. You head into the bathroom and start the shower. While waiting for the water to warm up you walk into the kitchen to turn the coffee maker on. As you turn on the water faucet to fill the coffee maker container you notice the cat's water bowl needs filling. You scoop up the water bowl so you can fill it and the coffee maker when you see the trash needs to be taken out. You set the water bowl down and grab a twist tie from under the sink to secure the trash and you notice you're out of dishwasher detergent. You reach over to grab a pen and paper to record the detergent on your grocery list and realize you left the shower water running, which reminds you that you are running late for work. You hurry back into the bathroom and begin showering. Now you realize you're running not 20 minutes late but 30 minutes, didn't even get the coffee started, the cat's fed and watered or the trash taken out. You rush through your morning ritual with the exception of putting on your make-up (or shaving) because you know you can do that in the car on the way to work. As you sit at a stop light, looking in the rearview mirror and applying your mascara (or shaving) you feel the car from the guy in front of you hit you. You smear mascara all across your eye you think to yourself, now why did that so-&-so back up? Uh, oh, the light goes on. He didn't back up you let your foot up off the brake and slid into his back end. Terrific this is not what you needed this morning; any other morning but not today. (You know somewhere deep in the back of your mind, that isn't true. This type of thing always happens to you. But you do not know why.) Luckily, you both agree there is no damage to his car and only your license plate is dented so you both go on about your day. After cramming 10 hours worth of work into your 8 hour work day you're tired and hungry and what you are most looking forward to is, getting through the grocery store as quickly as possible so you can get home, eat dinner and relax.

This is of course an exaggerated depiction of someone not living their dream. You have probably found yourself in some variation of this scenario and likewise find yourself in the following states of mind at one time of another. 1. Do you ever feel confused about how you got where you are in your life? 2. Does it ever feel like the life you always envisioned for yourself is out of reach? 3. Do you get down on yourself? 4. Do you have a mantra you use to get yourself out of your funk? 5. Is that mantra still working effectively for you? 6. Have you ever asked yourself if I was not doing this (whatever this is) and was free to choose anything I wanted, what would it be? The good news is you are free AND there are solutions.

What has been discovered is that talented people like you have also had difficulty. They may have difficulty managing their time. When an individual is not excited about what has to be done they will put it off until the last possible minute. They may have difficulty remaining focused. It's only natural that an individual's mind drift to thoughts that bring him/her joy. If the task at hand does not bring a person joy it will be difficult to give it the full attention it deserves and if those tasks are a way of life for an individual they may appear to be in a constant state of confusion.

As human being we are made to be in a state of peace and abundance. We know this to be true all the way to the depths of our core. When we are not in harmony with and being true to ourselves by living a life that brings us joy and fulfillment we are in a state of unease. When we are in that state of unease we are not at our best. The key is to unlock our inner most passions. Be almost childlike again and dare to dream.

A life coach will help you unleash your latent desires. As adults we have spent years learning how to smother our dreams and you may need help reacquainting yourself with them. Perhaps you are fully in touch with your dreams but you have not acted upon them and they sit in your mind with grand plans. Maybe you recognize your dreams and make attempts to follow through on them but the results are not productive. Either way, whatever your unique situation is a coach will help you find renewed vigor and clarity so you can put harmony, vitality, passion and energy back into your life.

Terri Meyer's passion is in working with people to help them put harmony, vitality, passion and energy back into their life. As a life coach she helps people create a vision that utilizes their gifts and talents. Together they craft an action plan that moves those dreams into reality. To learn more about Life Coach Terri you may visit her website at


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