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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The power of motivating yourself

Many people in this world want to achieve success. Unfortunately, however, they often give up too soon before accomplish what they truly desire. When failure comes to them, they aren't able to let them to try for more one more time. They finally stop from chasing their dreams they have set before. That is the last time they put effort soon after they achieve failure.

You must know too that motivating yourself to achieve success you want is the crucial thing. It's important to motivate yourself simply because there are too many obstacles outside you that can steal your precious dreams. They perhaps come from your family, relatives, close friends, couples, or anyone that do not support you from what you are trying to be, to do and to have and the worst is sometimes some of them hating you and do not want you to be successful. They will block you either directly or indirectly. Others come from your environment or failure and other results that you do not ever expect to have. They indirectly make you feel down and make your spirit lost. That is the time that you must motivate yourself so you cannot affected by them. By motivating yourself, you will be stronger and better in overcoming those obstacles and cause you to be motivated for your real destination you want to go.

You can motivate yourself anytime anywhere without depending on other factors. If you think you can be motivated by attending seminars, training or anything, you're right. Seminars and other trainings about self development are really important for you to equip yourself with the weapons to achieve your success. But it's impossible for you to attend them everyday and the fact is that there are no motivational seminars held everyday. You can just be motivated and feel like you have great power after attending one motivational seminar, but if you do not motivate yourself when something bad comes to you, it's hardly for you to achieve success because if you do not motivate yourself, you will have no motivation and spirit of success. No big achievement is achieved without motivation and spirit involved.

The secret of being motivated is simple. Just make yourself motivated because of something inside you, not outside you. You can choose to be motivated and happy right now because the control is in you. But if you think that you can only motivated after one seminar or when the perfect time, condition or people come, you are totally wrong. They are factors outside you. You are not able to control and influence them. Do you wait for someone or something to make you motivated? What if they never come? There's no perfect time or perfect condition for being motivated. The best time to be motivated is right now, not later. You can be motivated now, you can be happy now, you can be in full spirit of success now. Why must wait to do that if you can do it right now in just seconds or minutes. Procrastination will only waste your time. Don't wait, be motivated right now and take your track of your success. It's well worth your effort.

Every successful people also have failure as the part of being successful. The difference is that they keep being motivated when failure comes. They will learn from it and even put harder effort to achieve success. No success without failure first. There's a quote that says if you want to achieve more success, you must multiply your failure. I agree with that. Someone who is afraid of being stung by swarm of bees does not deserve for honey. It's the same as if you are afraid of failure, you will never achieve success. Motivate yourself that you can achieve success like every other successful people, you have the great power to be what you want to be. Nothing in this world can stop you if you are fully motivated for what your dreams are. Success is your right.

Find more excellent motivational articles at Daily Motivation


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