Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rainy days and prawn soup

It's been raining quite a bit in Sydney - and unfortunately Sydney, or maybe Australia in general isn't really well equipped for rain. There aren't pubs with warm fires to cosy up to or warm grog to drink. NY, Japan - these other places seem to lend themselves to some sort of winter entertainment - here girls are still hitting the cross in mini skirts.

We were at the fish shops thinking about making mussels but they were all out. I caught sight of some fresh green king prawns with heads still attached. I remember my dad has always said that when it comes to seafood, the heads are the sweetest part of a crustacean. Being cold and rainy, I thought it would be the perfect time to try and make a warming seafood soup.

500 g green prawns, unpeeled with heads attached
1 large ling fillet, cut into pieces
250 mL fish stock
1 cup white wine
water, as needed
1 tin diced tomatoes
4 cloves garlic - peeled crushed
2 small garlic shoots
1 red onion chopped
1 tbs grated ginger
1/2 red capsicum chopped
150 g enoki mushrooms
1 tomato diced
1 bay leaf
1 small tin sardines in olive oil - DO NOT STRAIN
salt to taste
coriander to taste


In a large pot, add the fish stock and garlic and bring to boil.

Separate the prawn heads from the bodies. Leave the bodies to shell and devein later, add the prawn heads to your stock and bring to boil. Add onions, tin tomaties, garlic shoots, bay leaf, ginger, white wine and oil from the tin of sardines. (I served the sardines as finger food with some red capsicum dip and water thins). Allow to simmer for 30 minutes, adding water and liquid as needed. You can shell and devein your prawns and prepare your other ingredients during this time.

Remove the soup stock from the heat and strain. Return liquid to stove over a medium flame and add diced fresh tomatoes, capsicum and enoki mushrooms. Let simmer for 5 minutes or until capsicum is soft. Add ling pieces and prawns and continue to simmer until fish and prawn meat are cooked through (2-3 minutes). Serve with coriander and salt to taste.

For an extra bit of kick - add a few slices of fresh ginger to the strained soup. I would also consider sauteeing the prawns separately in garlic and serving over the soup instead of cooking it in the stock.

And the winner is...

... Christina.
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du hast beim Les Jumelles Gewinnspiel gewonnen.
Eine Mail an dich ist schon unterwegs!
Für alle anderen tut es mir wirklich sehr leid,
ich hätte euch am liebsten alle beschenkt!
Aber das nächste Gewinnspiel kommt bestimmt.
Habt ein schönes Wochenende!
P.S.: Alle anderen Kommentare zu dem Gewinnspiel werde ich heute Abend löschen, um euch vor Spam zu schützen!

tomislav tomic . . .

oh the detail!
croatian artist

Friday, May 28, 2010

292 - Update

The kitchen all ready and waiting for the new joinery's arrival on Monday.
Trims and architraves are done and ready for painting.
Me (posing really badly) looking extremely unsexy and soppy wet but still rather pleased with myself, re: the full skip behind.

It's a super-cold and super-wet weekend in Wellington, however that cannot stop us from the work we need to do around 292. There was two waist high piles of building rubbish outside that needed to be cleared and that job was mine. Dad needed to continue prepping the interior windows ready for the painters coming soon - yes, he remained inside and was very dry...

292 is slowly coming together. The trims and architraves have been completed in the downstairs apartment. The kitchen and bathroom joinery will arrive on Monday for installation. Euan the builder will be spending a week of doing all those small jobs and details that need to be done before the painting team arrives the following week to blitz the place into colour...well, grey and white. Looking forward to it.
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.

Another Girls Night Out: Sex and the City 2

Like so many others, I too am a die hard Sex and the City fan. So of course I just had to go see Sex and the City 2 on opening night yesterday.

And of course I had to go with some girlfriends.

And of course we had to dress up!!!

Mel, Myself, Laura and Shelly

I did my best "Ode to Carrie (With a little Dita thrown in for good measure)". Carrie references as follows:

The Hat
I wore my green velvet flower brooch as a hat in ode to one of my favorite Carrie hats from "Pick-a-Little, Talk-a-Little" in Season 6. I just love this little hat! I want one just like it one day! I keep thinking I should just make myself one.

The Dress

This is one of my all time favorite vintage dresses to wear in the summer! It's a cotton 40's housedress with a front zip and amazing slouchy patch pockets in the front! It is of course in ode to all the great vintage dresses Carrie wears. And although you can't see in any of these photos, I always wear this dress with the zipper low letting my bra show a la Carrie in many many episodes.

The Shoes

I tried desperatly to buy the Steve Madden knock offs of Carries Manolos in "A Woman's Right to Shoes", but I could not get my hands on a silver pair in my size. *Sigh*
I bought these J-Lo Peep Toes as a runner up.

Speaking of those Manolos, my good friend Laura actually has the covoted pair in black! Actual Manolos! See? Lucky Girl!
As for the movie, well I won't give anythign away, but I thought the first one was much better. More riveting. SATC 2 was just very fluffy and fun. Which I suppose is good. It did have a few shocking moments, but they just weren't weighty enough to counter balance the rest of the light-hearted fluff.
Worth a watch on the big screen if you're a die hard like me though!

And on a puppy note (because what's a blog post these days withoug mention of a dog? haha!) Laura and her boyfriend (who happens to be friends with The Boy) also have a boxer named Spike. Spike and Dave are friends.

Green Flower Brooch (worn as a fascinator): Can't remember where I bought it...
30's Amber Jeweled Necklace: Ragpickers
Leather Motorcycle Jacket: Vintage Glory
40's Cotton Green Cabbage Rose Day Dress: Ragpickers
60's Gold Belt: Ragpickers
Tights: Indestructables
Silver Peep Toe Pumps: J-Lo (Town Shoes)
70's Silver clutch with chain: Ragpickers

Did you go see SATC 2? What did you think?


Turkey, Bacon, and Avocado Wraps

This is just to give you some inspiration and isn't a recipe. I often will see things on a website and think, "Duh! Why didn't I think of that?!" or "Oh, yeah! I love that meal!" My family gets really sick of sandwiches, so this is my way of tricking my kids. It always seems like it's more fun wrapped up in a tortilla as opposed to being in between 2 slices of bread.

I'm sure you are well aware of the pure bliss that comes from the combination of turkey, bacon, and avocado. Plus, you get to eat bacon, and that's never a bad thing. Everyone needs more excuses to eat bacon. ;-)

The ingredients list is just what I had on hand the day I made these. There are tons of ways to improvise. I was in a hurry on this day and just threw these together in a flash, so they don't contain anything that required a lot of chopping/rinsing/dishes.

turkey breast (I just used thick sliced lunch meat)
cream cheese, softened
1 avocado, sliced
lettuce (I used romaine)
bacon (less mess by cooking it in the oven!)
1 tomato, sliced
flour tortillas

Spread the cream cheese onto each tortilla, then top with remaining ingredients. Roll up, and cut in half on an angle. I secured mine with toothpicks so they'd stay rolled up.

I have a list of 150k criminal attorneys in the USA

We have many package deals on sale this week, here is one:

Physicians (34 specialties) - 788k records, 17k emails, 200k fax numbers
Hospitals - 23,747 Hospital Administrators in over 7,145 Hospitals (full contact info no emails)
Dentists - 164k records, 45k emails, 77k fax numbers
Chiropractors - 108,421 total records * 3,414 emails * 6,553 fax numbers
Pharmaceutical Companies - Email only list 47,000 emails of pharma company employees

All complete lists above: $395

There are more packages and not just for healthcare contact me here for more info or to get samples:

to get off please email

faerie photography . . .

so beautiful



Thursday, May 27, 2010

Old World Elegance from The Sartorialist

Here is some old world European elegance from photographer Scott Schuman and his blog, The Sartorialist.
This is Degand, a menswear retail store on 415 Avenue Louise, Brussels. I would love to visit this store - it has that classic understated luxury that feels like a grand home rather than a retail store. Its beautiful details like the parquet flooring, Turkish rugs, timber fittings and crystal chandelier make the merchandise seem very special. You can smell the leather and know that the service will be impeccable - a true sartorial experience. This interior is timeless.
Photographs via the Sartorialist.

Happy Friday

It's a freezing cold wintery day in Wellington - this photo sums up where I want to be right now. Happy Friday and keep warm this weekend.
Photograph source unknown. Let me know if you know!


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1) primark.
3) h&m.
4) six.

Having A Positive Attitude Brings Many Rewards

I am the type of person who used to have a negative attitude to most aspects of life. I am not the only one who thinks this way as most people I know seem to be constantly complaining about different things and basically feeling sorry for themselves. This article analyzes the reasons and benefits of having a more positive view of life.

Ten years ago I decided I had to have a change of focus. I wanted to be a happy person and free care and was tired of always being stressed and worrying about the future. To this end I started to read many self-help books kind of trust and websites.

There was a normal message that came from this literature which was to think more positive and believe in your ability to succeed in everything I try to do.

This is easy to write or say, but it is actually difficult to implement in practice. Of course, I tried but I really do not believe all this in practice. I would go to a thinking task, I can not do this, but still end in failure.

I could not understand what was wrong, so therefore turned to books to try to get more information. There was a new and even more important message that I had missed the first time. What I had to do was follow the positive example of what happens to me, even if it is to learn from my mistakes.

As an example of taking a positive of what happens in life, is something that happened in my family recently. My nan died recently, was eighty-eight. I used to visit her at least once a week in the apartment where he lived. She was a very honest person and always spoke very openly to me. About two months before his death said she was very tired and no longer wanted to be on this planet.

I was very impressed by his income and asked what was wrong. He said he had nothing to expect and did not want to get to a point where he could no longer followed the same bathroom so he hoped he would not mourn for long when she died and she wanted me to be happy for her.

This was very frustrating for me to hear but at least he was honest, of course. Two months later my father called me and told me that my nan had died in the night.

I was upset, obviously, and the idea of not being able to see it hit me hard. Then he thought of what he said and looked up to heaven and gave my nan a smile and a message, I love you.

I thought positive about the event and was really happy for her. I hope someday we will meet again.

inspired by alice . . .

wonderful rings inspired by

alice in wonderland


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Visit to Backhouse Interiors

Kartell Victoria Ghost chair in Crystal
Louis Ghost Chair in Crystal
Louis chair in white.
Kartell Componibili Square in white
A mix of Componibili Round and Square.

I visisted Backhouse Interiors yesterday to explore the Kartell Ghost chairs for a client of mine. These polycarbonate chairs have been around since 2002 and, according to Backhouse, still remain very popular. A client of mine is keen for a set of four Victorias and two Louis in the Crystal finish for her dining table. She lives in a modern house with lots of glass looking out to great views - so the chairs would fit in very well.
So while one is at Backhouse for a job, it is always a good time to update themselves with a general perve and see what is the latest. And that I did.
I checked out the ever classic Componibili range. Well known in the round style, I was fancying the Componibili Square. Hmmm, possible future bedside table for me...? Maybe.
Photographs via Backhouse Interiors.

Daily affirmations are awesome!

May Long Weekend Pt. 2: Rain, Rain Go Away...

It's a good thing Saturday was so nice, because Monday was not. It was overcast all day and it started to rain around 3:00 p.m.

This is the view right behind The Boy's parent's place.  Isn't it stunning?

We slept in, ate breakfast with The Boy's family, packed the car and headed out to visit some friends. It was a pretty low key day.
We went for a little drive after we left our friend's place.

This fern flanked creek runs right through one of the campgrounds! I LOVE it! I think I see pixies in there! :)

We also saw some deer on the side of the road munching leaves. This one is shaking the rain off!

This is her friend hiding in the bush!

We ate dinner at a local family owned diner (which has *the best* food ever!) and hit the road.

It was a very rainy drive home.

Dave slept the whole way home. Zzzz...

We normally leave the lake around 10:00 p.m. and end up back in the city around midnight, but we had to get back to Winnipeg in good time so we could unpack the car, get changed and head back out for our friend Ian's birthday.
We were pretty tired, but it was Ian's champagne birthday, so we couldn't miss it!!

I of course dressed up. Any excuse you know. ;)

By The Way, that is my new leather jacket I bought at Vintage Glory a few weeks ago! Remember this Wishlist post!? I love it so much! It makes me feel pretty badass...haha!

Leather Motorcycle Jacket: Vintage Glory
80's Polka Dotted Sheath Dress: Salvation Army
Red Elastic Belt: thrifted
Tights: Indestructables
Red Peep Toe Pumps: Le Chateau
Red Satin Clutch with Chain Strap: Ricki's
Lippy: MAC Ruby Woo

Well that was my crazy weekend!


driftwood . . .

driftwood floors

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I never win anything. Really. I'm not pouting either. I really don't. I am just not one of those people who win things.

I don't try to let this get me down though. I try to win stuff. When the opportunity knocks I take it.

Blog Giveaways for example. I enter them all the time and never win...


On calivintage! Check it out!

I won a pair of sunglasses from LUM Vintage. Here they are:

Pretty sweet huh? I sent LUM my address today. Can't wait to get them in the mail...I promise to show you when they get here!

Hehe! (I'm giddy with excitment!)



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Heute morgen gab's lecker Waffeln im Alex
bei Sonnenschein an der Alster,
danach ein kleiner Shoppingtrip.
Hab endlich einen coolen Bikini gefunden.
H&M, schwarz, bunt bestickt, sehr chic!
Sonst hab ich aber nichts gefunden.
Wir haben dann auch irgendwann nur noch die Sonne genossen.
Ein schöner Tag!