Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Decorating Update!

I've been MIA for a few days because we've been getting ready to have our new furniture delivered!! YEAH!!

It's been a big job! The Boy and I moved our old furniture (all very heavy!!) into the basement on Thursday night and cleaned the living room. Friday was spent in anticipation as we waited for the movers to arrive. After they left, we spent the rest of the evening on our new couch decided what we would buy next!

As a reminder, here's the Before:

And the New and Improved After!!

I still have two more pillows to make out of the drape fabric. They're in pieces on the dining room table waiting to be sewn. We also have to hang pictures. Next on our list to buy is a rug and a new coffee table. Exciting!!

For a peek at the coffee table and other items on the want list click here to see my last post!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Book - Simple Home

I was in Small Acorns last week and while talking to the lovely Amanda, my eye spied a great book. It is called Simple Home by Mark and Sally Bailey. When I pointed it out to Amanda, she mentioned their great website and 'Baileys Home Store' business that they have in the UK.  
Mark and Sally Bailey believe in the repair, reuse and rethink philosophy - so their style is a mix of vintage and new. Check out their mail order store and see the amazing products that they source. Their Whitecross Farm would be a world to behold as you venture from one building to another to see all their collected products. Amazing. Unfortunately they do not deliver to New Zealand...yet.
Interior Design books and magazines should be inspirational and I have started my own Amazon bookstore, which you can see to the side of my blog. If you want to know what is on my bookshelf, what books I think are great and some books that I yearn for - check out my Amazon store. I'll keep updating it over time.
Photographs via various sources.

Business, Consumer and Healthcare Email lists

Until Friday Sep 17 buy any list below for just $199 each, 3 for $299 or 5 for $399:

All lists are 100% optin and are 6 months or newer.


- Physicians (34 specialties) - 788k records, 17k emails, 200k fax numbers
- Chiropractors - 108,421 total records * 3,414 emails * 6,553 fax numbers
- Alternative Medicine - 1,141,602 total records with 36,320 emails and 38.935 fax numbers
- Dentists - 164k records, 45k emails, 77k fax numbers
- Veterinarians - 78,986 total records with 1,438 emails and 1,050 fax numbers
- Hospitals - 23,747 Hospital Administrators in over 7,145 Hospitals (full contact info no emails)
- National Health Service Corp Clinics - 1,300 total records with emails for government run free clinics
- Nursing Homes - 31,589 Senior Administrators, 11,288 Nursing Directors in over 14,706 Nursing Homes
(full contact info no emails)
- Pharmaceutical Companies - Email only list 47,000 emails of pharma company employees
- Physical Therapists - 125,460 total records with 5,483 emails and 4,405 fax numbers
- Oncology Doctors - 2,200 records all with emails
- US Surgery Centers - 85k records and 14k emails
- Massage Therapists - 76,701 records and 8,305 emails
- Acupuncturists - 23,988 records 1,826 emails
- Medical Equipment Suppliers - 167,425 total records with 6,940 emails and 5,812 fax numbers
- Mental Health Counselors - 283,184 records 7,206 emails
- Visiting Nurses & RN's - 91,386 total records with 2,788 emails and 2,390 fax numbers
- Optometrists - 63,837 records 2,015 emails
- Psychologists - 272,188 records and 9,874 emails


- Hotels - 34,815 total records * 1,642 emails
- Real Estate Agents - 1 million records with emails
- American Business Email List - 2 million emails various businesses
- US New Business Database - 4.8 million records all with emails
- Manufacturers Database - 1,057,119 records with 476,509 emails
- Financial Planners Database - 148,857 records all with emails
- Finance and Money Professionals Database - 116,568 records all with emails


- American Consumer Database - 300,000 records all with emails.
- Credit Inquiries Database - 1 million Full Data Records all with emails
- American Homeowners - 1 million Full Data Records all with emails


- USA Lawyers Database - 269,787 records with 235,244 emails
- Police and Sheriff Services - 42,987 records and 114 emails
- Criminal Attorneys - 142,906 total records, 99,857 emails

email me if you're interested:

to expel yourself from the list go here please send an email to

Business, Consumer and Healthcare Email lists

Until Friday Sep 17 buy any list below for just $199 each or 3 for $299:

All lists are 100% optin and are 6 months or newer.


- Physicians (34 specialties) - 788k records, 17k emails, 200k fax numbers
- Chiropractors - 108,421 total records * 3,414 emails * 6,553 fax numbers
- Alternative Medicine - 1,141,602 total records with 36,320 emails and 38.935 fax numbers
- Dentists - 164k records, 45k emails, 77k fax numbers
- Veterinarians - 78,986 total records with 1,438 emails and 1,050 fax numbers
- Hospitals - 23,747 Hospital Administrators in over 7,145 Hospitals (full contact info no emails)
- National Health Service Corp Clinics - 1,300 total records with emails for government run free clinics
- Nursing Homes - 31,589 Senior Administrators, 11,288 Nursing Directors in over 14,706 Nursing Homes
(full contact info no emails)
- Pharmaceutical Companies - Email only list 47,000 emails of pharma company employees
- Physical Therapists - 125,460 total records with 5,483 emails and 4,405 fax numbers
- Oncology Doctors - 2,200 records all with emails
- US Surgery Centers - 85k records and 14k emails
- Massage Therapists - 76,701 records and 8,305 emails
- Acupuncturists - 23,988 records 1,826 emails
- Medical Equipment Suppliers - 167,425 total records with 6,940 emails and 5,812 fax numbers
- Mental Health Counselors - 283,184 records 7,206 emails
- Visiting Nurses & RN's - 91,386 total records with 2,788 emails and 2,390 fax numbers
- Optometrists - 63,837 records 2,015 emails
- Psychologists - 272,188 records and 9,874 emails


- Hotels - 34,815 total records * 1,642 emails
- Real Estate Agents - 1 million records with emails
- American Business Email List - 2 million emails various businesses
- US New Business Database - 4.8 million records all with emails
- Manufacturers Database - 1,057,119 records with 476,509 emails
- Financial Planners Database - 148,857 records all with emails
- Finance and Money Professionals Database - 116,568 records all with emails


- American Consumer Database - 300,000 records all with emails.
- Credit Inquiries Database - 1 million Full Data Records all with emails
- American Homeowners - 1 million Full Data Records all with emails


- USA Lawyers Database - 269,787 records with 235,244 emails
- Police and Sheriff Services - 42,987 records and 114 emails
- Criminal Attorneys - 142,906 total records, 99,857 emails

email me if you're interested:

Forward email to to purge you from our records

Daily Inspiration

We Will Never Forget

Ganja Yoga – Exercise or an Excuse to get High?

The newest craze in Toronto, Canada is ganja yoga. About a dozen yoga enthusiasts gather to smoke marijuana and then do yoga. Dee Dussault, who runs the sessions from her home, nicknamed ‘Follow Your Bliss’, say “When you’re high, you can focus on your breath”. Ganja yoga follows other new trends in yoga, such as ‘hot yoga’. ‘circus yoga’ and ‘hip-hop yoga’.

Dussault adds that there are benefits to smoking cannabis before doing yoga. “For some people, it makes them uninhibited and open to the idea of the heart chakra, for example.” Chakras are part of Indian medicine. Typically, many ‘gurus’ focus on seven chakras, parts of the body that affect your overall health and well being, including spiritually as well as physical. The Heart Chakra Dussault refers to is also known as the Anahata and influences the thymus and immune system, along with blood circulation and emotions of love and romance.

Marijuana s gaining in popularity as more U.S. states legalize it for medicinal purposes. A study by McGill University shows that smoking cannabis does help significantly in dealing with chronic pain. But not everyone is in agreement with combining pot with yoga. Monica Voss, also a Toronto-based yoga instructor with 30 years of experience, thinks it could be dangerous. “Some people might not be aware of their body when they’re high and maybe they would injure themselves.” (MORE)


Friday, September 10, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Tai Chi: Meditation In Motion

Tai chi is an ancient martial art which paradoxically promotes inner calm with a signature of deep breathing and fluidity of motion. Tai chi has been translated as "the grand ultimate fist", "supreme boxing" and "the root of all motion".

The Oriental belief that life is based on qi (pronounced "chee") is integral to tai chi. Qi is considered to be the energy that moves through us and when our qi is flowing freely, we live in health and balance.

Tai chi is gentle enough that even the frail, the ill, the injured and the convalescent can do it. And if they continue on, health benefits often follow.

Gerry Steinberg of Windsor, Ontario fell and broke his back 23 years ago. When his brother told him about a tai chi class at the local Senior Centre, Steinberg stopped by and met Master Henry Lee. (MORE)

Source: EmpowHER

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Daily Inspiration

Making Meditation Accessible

Meditation looks like the simplest thing in the world. After all, what could be easier than sitting on a cushion and doing nothing? For many who try meditation the simple answer is: anything. Why? Because when people begin to meditate and park themselves on their meditation cushions, their brains often hit Mach 5. They're often unable to stop from thinking about every little worry in their lives. In my early years of meditation, I would frequently rise from my cushion with a fresh to-do list. I was reminded of this recently when a group of yogis who hadn't had much luck in adult meditation classes asked if I could give their kids lessons for 40 days. I agreed, and now the yogis, along with a couple hundred people in our mindfulness together online community, are practicing mindfulness four minutes a day twice a day for 40 days.

How, then, to make meditation easier when you're starting out? (MORE)

Source: Huffington Post

Live In The Moment - That Is Why It's Called "The Present" !

Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent? Of course !

Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose.

It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow".

You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success! The clock is running. Make the most of today.

To realize the value of ONE YEAR,
ask a student who failed a grade.

To realize the value of ONE MONTH,
ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of ONE WEEK,
ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of ONE HOUR,
ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of ONE MINUTE,
ask a person who missed the train.

To realize the value of ONE SECOND,
ask a person who just avoided an accident.

To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND,
ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Treasure every moment that you have ! And treasure it more because you shared it
with someone special, special enough to spend your time. And remember that time waits for no one.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present !

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Outfits: My Favorite Shorts

I bought these shorts last year at Value Village. It took me a while to actually wrap my head around wearing them. I was not sure about the high waist and the pleated front. But I knew I liked them. I don't know what happened, but somehow I got past it. Now they're one of the best pieces in my wardrobe! I wear them a lot.

This is another work outfit:

Green Rhinestone Brooch: Ragpickers
Burgandy Cardigan: Jacob
Cream Short Sleeve Sweater: Jacob
Highwaisted Polka Dotted Shorts: Thrifted
Black Patent Belt: Laura
Black Tights: Indestructables
T-Strap Shoes: Spring
Patent Purse: Thrifted
Ring: My Grandmother's family ring


Daily Inspiration

Fresh Ideas: Meditation Can Improve Mental, Physical Health

Years ago friends and colleagues began to meditate. At the same time, in my professional journals and at conferences, I learned how psychologists were teaching meditation and mindfulness to their clients to help treat depression, anxiety and self-destructiveness.

I thought I should learn: seminars, retreats and several books later I declared myself a meditation-flunky. Nonetheless, I persevered for my clients, regularly suggesting they meditate and diligently teaching them mindfulness skills. It wasn't until I found myself in a long stretch of painful emotions that I finally realized I needed to practice what I preach.

Meditation has its origins in Eastern religions; it has been practiced for thousands of years. There are different forms, but, basically meditation involves sitting quietly, with your eyes closed, slowly repeating a phrase or prayer over and over. Or, simply focusing on your breath as it flows in and out.

Typically, people begin practicing meditation much like I did: Looking for more emotional balance, to cope with illness, or to enhance overall health and well-being. Some people are searching for how to feel “more present” or “awakened” in life. (MORE)

Source: Nevada Appeal

Bill Gates Explains

-Whether you like Bill Gates or not...this is pretty cool. Here's some advice Bill Gates recently dished out at a high school speech about 11 things they did not learn in school.

Life is not fair - get used to it.

The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both.

If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure.

Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping they called it Opportunity.

If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.

Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oufits: High Collars and Pearls

I'm posting this far later than I was hoping to. Dinner with The Boy's family ran late, then we had to go to the drug store for deodorant and cough medicine. Right Guard doesn't make the kind of deodorant The Boy usually wears anymore so we spent at least 20 minutes smelling every kind of men's anti-persperant available. (For the record, I would never want my man to smell like The Old Spice Man. The new scents are not that good in my opinion.) So it took us longer to get home than I thought it would.

But I digress...this is what I wore to work today.

This outfit was the result of me not wanting to wear anything too involved or complicated today. The days are starting to be cool as well so a sweater was in order. So I thought classic and a little preppy fit the bill nicely.

Check out my new lipstick! I bought  Viva Glam Cyndi from the MAC store on Sunday! Love it! It's beautiful coral/berry shade. Perfect for daytime. I've worn it everyday.

Faux Pearls: Thrifted
High Collar Blouse: Winners
Purple V-Neck Cardigan: Joe
Denim Capris: Ricki's
Purple Patent Oxfords: Bleka


Wishlist: What Katie Did

Okay, I know What Katie Did is no secret to a vintage loving gal. But I was browsing thier site yesterday and it occured to me how terrible it is that I don't own anything they sell!!! (The exchange from Euros to Canadian dollars quite frankly scares me a little. I think it's kindof ourtrageous. Plus shipping. Maybe I can convince The Boy to buy me a Christmas present we both can enjoy.)

Here are a few things on my list right now:

Fully Fashioned Stockings (in Black and Nude Please!)

15 Denier Contrast Seamed Stockings Nude w/Black Seam (as shown)

Harlow Underwire Bra and Deep Knickers (love the peach colour! So much better than nude!)

Harlow Deep Suspender Belt (to go with my bra and knickers of course!)

White Glamour Merry Widow

That's just to start I think. If you have never been to their site, please go look. Even if just to browse. It's really wonderful!

Sorry for being MIA for a couple days. My Labour Day weekend was very low key. I barely left the house. It was great!

Stay tuned this afternoon for an outfit post!


Daily Inspiration

Mindfulness: Beyond The Science

Scientific studies show the effects of mindfulness, but can they do justice to the transformation felt by many who practise it?

Each month, a digest of the latest research on mindfulness meditation lands in my inbox. The volume of studies has mushroomed in recent years – the most recent round-up (pdf) alone cites 35 new papers detailing effects on people with conditions such as heart disease and borderline personality disorder, the results of an innovative new mindfulness curriculum for schools, and the impact of mindfulness-based stress reduction courses on the structure of the brain (it seems to reduce density in the amygdala).

If practising mindfulness can help people – and it appears to – then all this evidence can only be a good thing. Whereas for years meditation's public image was stuck in the 1960s, tainted with hippie self-indulgence or new-age flakiness, now it's being taken seriously by everyone from top academics to US congressman and government departments. (MORE)

Source: The Guardian

Monday, September 6, 2010

Magma - Interactive Art

Jane interacting with her Magma. This style is 'Nightlife'.
A close up of 'Highlife' Magma.
'Nightswimming' Magma looks great in the kitchen and in any modern interior.
'Nightclub' Magma is hung in landscape form.

Welcome to Magma Art. I received an email the other day from Jane Park - one half of the Magma Art duo alongside her artist husband, Turi Park; who updated me about the exciting new Magma art range.
"Here is how it works - Magma interactive artworks involve coloured magnetic shapes which hold to a steel canvas in any configuration you fancy. How those shapes are arranged is up to you, your children, your dinner party guests."
First released in 2002, the Classic Magma range was successfully shown at 100% Design London and now there is the exciting PopArt Magma range. They come in two sizes, on 2 canvas finishes and all are hand signed limited editions - there are only 100 of each design. My personal choice would have to be 'Nightswimming'. Check out the website here to see which design you like, who are the stockists are or to buy directly from Magma. It's great to see something designed and manufactured right here in Wellington. Have fun!
Photographs from Jane Park. Thanks.

No puede ser mejor


Saxton Moore is an award winning animation director, and children's book illustrator. He has worked in the fields of design, animation, and illustration for clients such as Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Penguin Publishing, Hasbro Toys, PBS Kids as well as American Greetings. Saxton has recently formed Pixel Pirate Studio to focus creating entertainment, publishing and fun merchandise for children of all ages.

When did you first decide to become a graphic designer/ illustrator? Was there a pivotal moment?

I've always loved to draw since I was a kid. The Muppets actually did it for me at a younger age. I won a Muppet coloring contest in a local newspaper and they showed it in the paper (in my eyes, that made me famous). I knew I wanted to draw from then on out. I lived in front of the TV as a kid watching cartoons like a fanatic. This inspired me to draw as well. I never focused on anything other than drawing. Before I knew it, I was graduating from High school and had to figure out what I was going to do with my life (reality kicked in). Drawing was all I knew I was good at, so I had no choice but to do it for a living.

Who or what inspires you?

My kids, childrens books, Some anime (not the main stream stuff), music, fine art, tattoo art, Gordon Parks, Basquiat, Walt Disney, M. Sasek, Charley Harper, Saul Bass, Mike Giant (Rebel8), Ralph Bakshi, Tim Biskup, Simone Legno, Dawud Anyabwile, Lesean Thomas and the list goes on. I encounter new inspiration daily.

Where does your training come from? Self-taught? College/Art School?

I pretty much taught myself how to draw. But I really started adapting the ability to draw many styles from working on commercial bumpers for Cartoon Network. I did a ton of those spots with different show styles. Anything from Scooby Doo to Johnny Quest, Power Puff Girls, Ed Edd and Eddy, Johnny Bravo, Tiny Toons, Porky Pig. You name it, I've animated it (as far as that network goes). We animated things traditionally back then. It was like illustration boot camp for me.

How do you keep "fresh" within your industry?

I dunno. I try to do my own thing. I love looking at the work of others, but I try to make my stuff look different. I have many styles that I explore from time to time. Loose and wavy, blocky and abstract. I love to experiment.

What are some of your current projects?

I'm currently self publishing a series of kids books. I'm using to raise money for the printing costs of my 1st book "Yin the Master of Yo". It's about a kid who loves yo-yo's that goes out of his way to get peoples attention. I've also started my own company this year (Pixel Pirate Studio) to house all of my concepts and projects. Kids books being the 1st thing out of the gate. I still do freelance animation and illustration gigs through there as well. I recently finished animating 17 History and Heritage segments for Nick Jr and Nickelodeon, which will air all year around. These segments celebrated inventors, explorers and black history. I even did one on President Barack Obama.

Which of your projects are you the most proud of? And why?

At this time, I'm proudest of my 1st self published kids book. It's taken several years to do the illustrations between jobs, now it's finally done. I think it's the first of my own concepts to ever reach completion. I love animation and all the work I've done in the past, but nothing beats holding a body of work in your hands. If you're interested in getting your hands on an advanced copy, go here...

Are there any areas, techniques, mediums, projects in your field that you have yet to try?

I've really been interested in tattoo art lately. I want to learn how to draw on people's skin. I also want to design more toys.

Any advice to the novice designer/ illustrator?

Be persistent, Inquisitive and stay focused. Also, surround yourself with other artists that are as good as or better than you. They will help keep you driven.

What makes a designed piece or illustration successful?

That's the million dollar question. If you ever figure it out, let me know.

What do you do to keep yourself motivated and avoid burn-out?

I'm burned out now! Haha. I try to go to art museums. Venturing out alone helps too.

Finish this sentence. "If I weren't a designer/illustrator I would have been a..."

Chef or a Musician.

And finally, what is the best thing on prime-time TV right now?

True Blood ROCKS!!!!