Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, April 11, 2009


DIY-project today.
some jeansshorts.
maybe i will add some studs later :)

happy easter to all of you ♥
peace, hippiegirl!

ps: my minnetonkas arrived today, they are perfect ♥

Friday, April 10, 2009

Monique and the Mango Rains

Monique and the Mango Rains by Kris Holloway-Bidwell is the true story of the life and death of a remarkable West African midwife, seen through the eyes of a young Peace Corps Volunteer who worked side-by-side with her, birthing babies and caring for mothers, in a remote, impoverished village. It is a rare tale of friendship that reaches beyond borders to vividly and irrevocably unite another woman’s world with our own.

Unfortunately, Monique, who undoubtedly saved hundreds of lives, fell victim to the maternal mortality statistics of Mali. She died giving birth to her fifth child. However, this is an incredibly inspirational story that lives on. A clinic that holds Monique's name is under construction in Mali. Kris and John Bidwell have established a non-profit organization to help fund the construction of the clinic. They are still in need of donations to finish construction and equip this health and birthing center that undoubtedly will contribute to the saving of many, many lives.

Click HERE to know more about this inspirational effort

Click HERE to buy the book

Click HERE to make a donation

Monique and the Mango Rains
Excerpt from Chapter One

Monique's face was calm, her eyes focused. She began talking Kadjatou through each contraction, with Alima repeating her words in a whispered echo. "Akanyi...I be se, I be can do it, you can do it." Monique's tone and Kadjatou's pushing were in sync, building up and falling down like surf stroking a beach. Her voice seemed the only connection between them and the outside world. Finally, Kadjatou bore down as if pulled by an invisible force. Monique's voice grew stronger and louder, the words stretching out as Kadjatou's body surged forward and birthed the head. A big, slimy globe covered in dark, wavy hair. It hung there. I held my breath. We waited. Another contraction came, and another, each revealing more of the baby's body, until finally the whole child slipped out. I exhaled deeply and stared at the ginger-colored newborn.

Monique quickly took the baby boy and cradled him in her long, muscled arm. She gently massaged his chest with the palm of her hand, leathery fingers sliding over his fragile skin. Finally he opened his mouth, took his first gasp of air, and wailed. Monique cut the blue umbilical cord and began washing him as he sputtered loud protests. Monique's son Basil awoke on her back and began howling, a fine baritone to accompany the new arrival's soprano. Monique wrapped the baby in a towel and placed him beside the medical kit. As Kadjatou pushed out her placenta, Monique caught it in the plastic tub and began inspecting it to make sure that nothing was left inside the new mother. The babies continued their deafening duet. My mouth hung open. I didn't know what to say or think. My dress stuck to my back, wet with perspiration.

Like smoke, I drifted to the corner of the room and down to my knees. I felt overcome with awe and fatigue. I couldn't believe we all got here this way. I couldn't believe that here, in this dilapidated box, Monique, with a sixth-grade education and nine months of medical training, was birthing babies. Lots of babies. She was responsible for the future of this village. No electricity, no running water, no safety net of ambulances and emergency rooms. I knew that Mali had one of the highest rates of maternal death in the world. I'd read a sobering statistic that placed a Malian woman's lifetime risk of dying in pregnancy and childbirth around one in twelve, compared to a U.S. woman's risk of one in over three thousand. Even if one accounts for the fact that Malian women have many more children than American women, and thus are at risk for more years, the difference in the death rate is still huge. Monique was constantly battling the odds. It was so awful, so miraculous. I wanted to get up and help out, but I couldn't do a thing....

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 5 new articles

Digital Inspiration

How the Internet Works - Explained in Video

If you are a novice, these short animated videos will help you understand the basic concepts of the Internet and how the "World Wide Web" has evolved since the Arpanet days when networks were limited to defense laboratories and university...

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Cross-Post Your Blog Content with Windows Live Writer

Cross posting is all about spreading the reach of your blog content with minimal effort - you just publish an entry on your main blog and it gets mirrored across all your other blogs.

Here are some scenarios where you may consider cross-posting your...

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Add Inline Images in Gmail without Attachments

gmail inline images

Google has finally added an "Insert Image" button in Gmail meaning you can embed images in email messages directly without having to use file attachments or complex copy-paste.

For some reason, the image button is not available in the default...

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Diggbar, in its current form, is Bad for your Website

In my previous post on removing the Diggbar, I wrote that Digg’s new toolbar may not be that bad a thing for websites as it redirects all the incoming links juice, Google PageRank, etc. to the original source through the use of canonical links.


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Insert the Subject Line in Yahoo Mail Automatically

If you are replying to emails or composing a new message inside Yahoo! mail and have trouble deciding words that should go in the subject line, try this fun feature.

Click the "Subject" button (see screencast) and this will auto-fill the...

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We are lost

Mise en scène du quotidien d'une jeune fille perdue.

Décomposition et altération de l'image

Testons les limites de l’image pour mettre en avant le côté organique et périssable de la peau. Une mise en parallèle de sa décomposition et de l’altération de l’image.
On peut donc voir deux plans, un du visage, un du buste, qui se répètent tout au long de la vidéo, la peau se décompose, l’image est de plus en plus rapprochée, la couleur initiale bleutée tire vers le vert à la fin de la séquence. Non sans évoqué le sang, le rouge, présent tout au long de la vidéo, fait référence à la violence de l’acte passé.
La putréfaction du corps et la pixellisation de l’image se rejoignent sur un fond sonore monocorde qui s’intensifie progressivement. Les bruits stridents deviennent de plus en plus gênants et envahissants.
Cette vidéo fait référence à une fameuse scène du film Shining de Kubrick où Jack Nicholson alias Jack Torrance rencontre dans une salle de bain des chambres de l'hôtel une femme nue qu’il embrasse et qui soudain se transforme en vieille dame répugnante dont la peau a pourri.
Retranscrire ce phénomène d’attraction-répulsion et tenter de recréer cette oppressante ambiance sonore et visuelle.

L'empreinte d'un rêve se détache

Un rêve s'empreigne sur la pellicule photosensible. L'image d'un jeune homme paisible, une scène étrangement ordinaire. Petit à petit l'ambiguïté se crée entre réel et irréel. L'image se déforme, le sens se transforme pour aboutir à une scène différente, une réalité parallèle où l'inconscient domine toutes logiques pour montrer du réel une autre facette.
S'agit-il d'un rêve? D'un cauchemar?
Semblable à une expérience psychédélique où les frontières entre réel et irréel s'estompent et parfois s'effacent, cette série de cinq photos nous plonge dans un monde où la perception est modifiée, les sens détournés selon notre surmoi et où nos repères disparaissent.
L'empreinte d'un rêve se détache progressivement de la réalité, un monde fait de souvenirs et d'images intemporelles.

how to wear...


i created some outfits for my new minnetonka shoes (of course i know, that these aren't minnetonkas, but i thought they look very similar!), which will arrive tomorrow (hopefully!)...
so i'm still sick and feel very booooooooored... nothing special again and again no outfit, sorry!


which one do you like best?!
i prefer the third one :)

kisses, hippiegirl ♥

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

Digital Inspiration

How to Insert Images in a Word Document without Embedding

Patrix asks: How to inset images in a Microsoft Word document such that any changes made to the original image are auto-updated in the document(s) where these pictures are embedded.

This is a common issue in organizations where documents often contain...

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Disable your Computer Keyboard & Mouse Before Cleaning

lock keyboard If the computer is on and you want to clean the mouse or keyboard without shutting down the system, check out Toddler Trap.

It’s a free utility that will temporarily disable the mouse and all keys of your computer keyboard so you can safely clean...

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Change Your Browser Homepage and See Something New Everyday

browser homepage

When it comes to choosing a homepage for the browser, we all have different preferences. Some people prefer a blank start page (as it loads immediately), some may be using a search engine for the home page while others may have set multiple...

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WordPress Introduces Web Hosting for bbPress Forums - TalkPress

bbpressTalkPress is a new forum hosting service from Automattic, the developers of WordPress blogging software. It uses the technical infrastructure of VIP hosting that already powers high-traffic sites like WSJ’s All Things D or Om...

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 5 new articles

Digital Inspiration

AdSense Webinar: Making the Most Out of AdSense

The AdSense Optimization team at Google recently conducted a live chat where they shared some useful tips on improving revenue from text ads as well as AdSense for search. The presentation was followed by an interactive Q&A session with AdSense...

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Turn Off the Digg Toolbar Forever

Diggbar is like a virtual toolbar that adds itself to all stories linked from (see live example). Digg is also promoting Diggbar as a URL shortening service - just add at the beginning of any URL and it will create a small address...

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Head of U.S. Armed Forces Joins Twitter

Admiral Mike Mullen, who is the highest ranking military officer in the U.S. Armed Forces, has just joined Twitter at @thejointstaff - maybe his boss @BarackObama convinced him.

military head on twitter

Admiral Mullen is currently touring India & Pakistan with Richard Holbrooke...

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How to Link to a Specific Slide on Google Docs or Slideshare

skip powerpoint slides Say you have uploaded a large PowerPoint presentation on SlideShare or Google Docs that contains a few dozen slides and the executive summary, or the slide that has all the key points, lies somewhere in the middle of the presentation.

Here’s a...

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A 3D Windows Desktop That Can Make You More Productive

What you see here are video demos of Bumptop, a unique 3D desktop for Windows that lets you arrange items on your computer screen just like the way you would organize stuff on a cluttered physical desk.

Anand Agarawala, the genius behind Bumptop,...

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nothing special.


i love that look and i love garance doré, her blog is so gorgeous!
sorry again for the lack of posts... but i've got no time to take good pictures... and i'm ill -.-
so, i'm really looking forward to this wonderful looooong easter-weekend (when i hopefully will take some good pictures!) :)
have a wonderful day,
love, hippiegirl ♥

PS: question for you: what's your personal fashion NO-GO for this summer or which trend don't you like?

Zucchini Pasta

While I'm on a low-fat kick, I might as well share another delicious, low-fat recipe. Again, this came from one of my magazines. I thought it was a really great, easy, meatless meal. My kids even gobbled it up. I've grown a new appreciation for cooking with plain yogurt. It really does make things very creamy without adding tons of extra fat and calories. And, really, you can't tell a difference -- I told my 7 year old it was Fettuccini Alfredo, and she totally bought it! :)

I did change a few things to this one. First of all, I used less zucchini. The original recipe calls for 4 cups of zucchini, which I thought would be too much. My kids scoff at anything even remotely healthy-looking, so I have to disguise it a bit better than 4 cups worth. I used about 2.5 cups, which was perfect. Another thing I changed was I used regular sharp cheddar. I don't really care for the taste of low-fat cheddar cheese.

Also, the sliced garlic may freak you out a bit, but biting into them in this dish is amazing. It really gives a perfectly glorious punch of flavor in your mouth. I don't think the dish would be the same with minced garlic, but you can certainly do it that way if sliced isn't your thing.

8 ounces uncooked linguine
2-3 cups coarsely shredded zucchini (about 3 medium)
4 teaspoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1/4 cup fat-free plain yogurt
3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper

Cook linguine according to package directions. Shred your zucchini, then remove excess moisture (squeeze in a kitchen towel, like you would with spinach, or just put it in a colander and press down). Pat dry.

In a large, non-stick skillet, saute zucchini in oil for 2 minutes. Add garlic, and saute for 1-2 minutes longer, or until zucchini is tender.

Transfer to a large bowl. Add yogurt, cheese, salt and pepper. Drain linguine and add to zucchini mixture. Toss to coat and serve.

Do you use fresh garlic much?
Or are you more of a garlic powder/salt person?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Avocado Salad Dressing

How I love my cooking magazines! It seems like every post I've done for the past several months has been out of a magazine. I've just had such good luck with them lately! If you don't subscribe to a cooking magazine, you definitely need to! I get so much inspiration from them, and it's a great excuse to sit down and relax. Yes, I sit down and read cooking magazines to relax. Nerdy? Maybe. But my family is grateful. :)

I believe this recipe came from Cooking Light. It's really delicious. So creamy and yummy. It works great as a salad dressing, but you could also use it as a dip. You can easily control the thickness by adding more buttermilk or more yogurt. You really cannot even tell that it's low-fat, which is a must for any low-fat dish I'll ever make.

1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup plain low-fat yogurt
1 avocado, peeled and sliced
2 green onions, chopped
1/4 cup parsley, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon dill weed
1/8 teaspoon pepper

Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender until smooth. And that's it, folks! Serve as a dressing over a crisp salad, or serve as a dip with veggies, pita chips or sweet potato fries.

Do you already subscribe to a cooking magazine?
Which one is your favorite?

Dare Mighty Things

Far better is it to dare mighty things
than to rank with those poor spirits who
neither enjoy much nor suffer much,
because they live in a gray twilight
that knows not victory nor defeat.

Author - Unknown