Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, December 12, 2009

eric freitas . . . clocks

clocks by
wonderful mechanical curiosities

Friday, December 11, 2009

Beauty in Chaos

The Boy and I just bought our first house 6 months ago. This was really just the first step in making a little corner of the world one that we could call our own. We have been swamped with renovation and decorating projects since.

As a result our house is rarely spotlessly clean. For a neat freak like me this can be a little overwhelming.

In moments of panic I try to look closer and see some beauty in the chaos. Here is some that I found the other night:

I'm pretty excited to show you this last picture. It's the sneak peek at my early Christmas present from The Boy. It's a 1950's kitchen table set that was in his Opa's basement that I fell in love with earlier in the year! It's so beautiful! The chairs have been recovered (I hear the original vinyl was in bad shape) but I love it anyway! I'm so excited to have been given it!
I promise to post a picture of the whole set in it's wonderful glory soon!

I've also got another "One Dress, Three Ways" post in the works! Stay Tuned!

Lisa. xo

emmanuel prunevieille . . . . . land art

imagination runs wild
in the land art of

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 6 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 6 new articles

A To-Do List App That's Like Your Paper Diary

** simple to-do lists

TeuxDeux is a minimal and uncomplicated tool that you can use to manage your to-do lists inside the browser.

Type something in the input box and it will added to your pending task list for that day. Hover your mouse over a task and just click...

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Google Chrome – Behind the Scenes Videos

If you ever wondered how Google Chrome works internally, here are some hints.

Video A: Why is Google Chrome fast?

Video B: How Tabs work in Google Chrome?

Video C: How Themes work inside Chrome?

google-chrome-logo Google has made some delightful video ads in the...

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How to Cross-Check Your Facebook Privacy Settings

Facebook TipsIf you log in to Facebook today, the site will prompt you to review and update your existing privacy settings.

Basically you need to tell Facebook what parts of your profile should be visible to your friends, friends of friends, to search engines and to...

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Get a Free PDF Book on Office 2010

office_2010If you are using Office 2010 already, skip this part else here are four reasons that might tempt you to download Office 2010:

Reason #1. This Office 2010 release is still in beta but pretty solid and you can continue using the software for free until

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University Students Pose with their Macbook Pros

macbook photographs

Macbook Group

Students with Macbook Pro Notebooks

You have already seen pictures of university classrooms where Macbook notebooks have a 100% share and here’s another very similar scene.

A university in Florida is loaning out 13′ Macbook Pro computers to all their student athletes so...

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Which Amazon Store Should You Use for Buying Books?

amazon The Amazon store is currently available only in six different countries – US, CanadaFrance, GermanyJapan and United Kingdom – but the good part is that you can buy books from even if you are not located in one of these...

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free falling.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Noch ein Tag.
Dann sind Ferien.
Dann beginnt die richtige Weihnachtszeit.
Noch ein Tag.
Ich freu mich :)

P.S.: Bei irgendwelchen Fragen am besten eine Mail schreiben, die Kommentare lese ich zwar alle, schaffe es jedoch im Moment zeitlich nicht, alle sofort zu beantworten. Bei den Mails schaue ich öfter rein und schreibe meistens gleich eine kurze Antwort!


When one's spiritual needs are met
by an untroubled inner life.
Happiness comes when your work and words
are of benefit to yourself and others.

louise scott . . . etchings

delicate etchings by
orkney based artist
(magical hares again!)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Victorian Fashion (Part 2 of 3): Inspiration

I've compiled some images here which I find moving and inspiring.
They're all modern photos. I toyed with the idea of posting some antique drawings and photos, but I think due to the nature of my own style (which is I feel a good mix of old and new) I decided to show you modern fashion photos with a victorian feel.


I've had this image on my computer for a while now and I can't for the life of my remember where I've plucked it from. Mostly I like the striped stockings and corst.

If you're a fan of Project Runway then you will recognize this dress. I personally don't have cable, so don't follow it. I did however see this episode online and LOVE this dress. I want to wear it somewhere!

Renee Zellweger's 2009 Golden Globe Dress. Some people may not like it, but I love it. End of Story.

I found this on a random Google search. It's from Plastik Wrap on Etsy. I'm not sure exactly what it is about this look that I like, but something about it grabbed me. What can I say?

This is my favorite image here.This is The Holly from Topsy Turvy Hats. I would like to own every hat they have! If you follow no other link on this post follow that one  (Kim, I know you'll love these!). I promise you won't be dissapointed! I want this photo hanging in my house somewhere.

Stay Tuned for the last installment of the Victorian Fashion Series!!

Lisa. xo

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - Google Docs Finally Makes It Easy to Download All Your Documents

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - Google Docs Finally Makes It Easy to Download All Your Documents

Google Docs Finally Makes It Easy to Download All Your Documents

Google Docs - Export All Documents

Few week ago, Google added a new download option in Google Docs that would let you export selected documents out of the cloud on to your local hard drive. They have now expanded that option with an "Export All" so you can download your entire library*...

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olof erla . . . .magical images

magical images by
digital artist & graphic designer from iceland
and here

Digital Inspiration - IndiBloggies Blog Awards

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - IndiBloggies Blog Awards

IndiBloggies Blog Awards

The Digital Inspiration blog has been nominated in the "Best Science and Technology Blogs" category at the IndiBloggies Blog Awards.

The polls are closing tomorrow and I would appreciate if you can spare a moment and vote for the blog.

You will find Digital Inspiration in the Science and Technology category (#11). Please use a valid email address with the vote as they'll confirm it before approving your vote. More details here -

Thanks much.

Amit Agarwal.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Outfits: The Reveal!! (Saturday's Dress!)

Thank you for bearing with me for this seemingly long absence (it's actually only been 4 days since my last post, but that really seems like forever in the blogosphere doesn't it?). It's been kindof a crazy weekend!

Firstly, our camera malfunctioned on Friday and wouldn't work (we took it back Sunday. Thank God for Costco's 90 day return policy on electronics!!). So I feared that I wouldn't be able to show you Saturday's party outfit! Thankfully The Boy's Parents lent us thier camera. Which we forgot at home in our rush to get to the party on time. So Stupid! So the pictures here are ones we took in the wee morning hours after much partying and a little gin and tonic!

Also, Dave (our 5 month old boxer puppy) started teething this weekend, so much puppy-proofing was in order! Poor little dog, he's got a sore mouth. He's lost 5 teeth since Sunday (not counting the ones I'm sure he's swallowed during the day while we're at work).

Anyway, without furthur ado, here's my fabulous party dress:

It's late 40's/early 50's. Black Taffeta. It was a big hit at the party! I was so excited to wear it!

I took inspiration for my hair from the Girly Dita photos. Since my hair is quite a bit shorter than Dita's I had to do a little improvisation. I quite like how it turned out (although I'm not sure this photo does it any justice).

Here's a shot with my coat and clutch. The coat is a wool blend 60's jacket with dyed fox fur. It's so delicious! I want to wear it everyday! The clutch is a favorite of mine. I use it alot!

Earrings: Vintage
Dress: Vintage
Shoes: Le Chateau
Fur Collar Coat: Vintage
Beaded Clutch: Vintage

The Boy insisted I take a few photos of him in the hall. In fact, I think I took more photos of him than he did of me! Thanks for indulging me in this very wordy post! So I'll leave you with this:

The End.

Lisa. xo