Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy Belated New Year (from the delinquent blogger!)!

 hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! I sure did (it was so good I forgot to blog!)! Actually, I've been really busy; between the holidays and starting in my new position as an Assistant Buyer I've barely turned on my computer or the camera for that matter.
But I'm back! I've been busy thrifting my little heart out for the past few weeks (I've got a great post full of thrifty goodness for you tomorrow!) and got The Boy stuck on the thrifting in the process (more on that tomorrow)! Hehe!

This is an outfit I wore to work a few weeks ago, took pictures and never posted. See? I was thinking of you all, but again, never turned on the computer. Better late than never I say!


Earrings: Aldo Accessories
Emerald Boiled Wool Blazer: Vintage (Ragpickers. I also own the matching skirt, but it's so tiny.)
White Skinny Belt: Thrifted
Border Print Skirt: Ricki's
Tights: Awesome Indestructables
Suede Pumps: Thrifted (Town Shoes)

Check Back Tomorrow for my Thrifty Goodness post! (I've got a few reviews to include with this as well!)
It's good to be back!

Lisa. xo

Friday, January 15, 2010

we are all made of stars.

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pants:monki. shoes:minnetonka. pullover:h&m.

Puuuh, es ist Freitag... was für eine Woche!
Heute trug ich das erste Mail meine Lederhose von Monki, ich liebe sie, auch wenn sie mir obenrum nicht so sehr gefällt, aber dafür gibt es ja lange Oberteile, nicht wahr?!
Hiermit verabschiede ich mich in ein entspanntes Wochenende... erzählt, was habt ihr geplant?

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Friday

Here's a cool interior shot from photographer Melanie Acevedo. It is a good one for Friday afternoon after a busy week (read the throw on the sofa). Enjoy.
Photograph by Melanie Acevedo.

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

How to Deliver a Great Presentation Like Steve Jobs

Book on Steve Jobs Presentation Styles Steve Jobs is probably one of the most polished presenters in the world. He doesn’t use any bullet points in his presentations, his keynote addresses are free of any jargon, there are very few words in the slides but they have photographs and...

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Websites and Words That Are Blocked in China

This infographic contains a list of censored keywords (highlighted in red) and websites that are currently blocked in China.

Censored Keywords in China

There are generally two kinds of internet censorship in China – they either completely block a website from users or they...

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Quix – A Command-Line Like Bookmarklet for your Browser

You have tons of bookmarklets in your browser. There’s a bookmarklet that lets you search articles on Wikipedia while another one let find the whois information of a site. And your most recent addition is a bookmarklet that you use to...

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Ein bisschen Glitzer-Glitzer..

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twiggy-necklace:camden market london.
eiffeltower-necklace: DIY

Zwei grad entstandene Bilder. Outfitbilder lohnen sich im Moment nicht... Zwiebellook und Strick macht grad nicht so viel her. Es war heute aber auch wieder kalt *brr* ... aber lieber so, als Hamburger Schmuddelwetter.
Morgen ist Freitag, wie schön :)


Happiness Is a Journey

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness.

Happiness is the way.

So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one.
~ Souza

No fresh ingredients challenge - Tins and frozen veg can make a meal

So over the holidays, I ran into a strange Boxing Day dilemma. After a Christmas of ham and pastry, I was hankering for some homemade veggie soup. Specifically, I was looking to make a potato and leek soup, Only problem was, it being Boxing Day, every single fresh fruit and veg shop in Newtown was closed. Instead of succumbing to the easy Take Away option - Addison's on Erskineville Rd was still open - we hit the local "supermarket", aka glorified convenience store, to check our options.

Here's what we came back with:

1 tin whole champignon mushrooms
1 tin Mini taters with a hint of mint
1 pack frozen spinach
1 small carton of pure cream
1 stick salted butter
Approx. 300 ml chicken stock

And from this, with a bit of spices and herbs, we proceeded to make a very green but surprisingly tasty, cream of potato and spinach soup! :D How's that for a Boxing Day Feast?

Gourmet Inspired Tip: Nutmeg! Seriously - discovery of 2009. The flavour of the spinach was a bit to powerful and it wasn't quite complementing the cream the way I was hoping. Thanks Anthony Bourdain's potato and leek recipe, I added a bit of nutmeg to really tie everything together.


To the above list I added:

1 tbs chilli flakes
1 tbs nutmeg


Heat the chicken stock until boiling. Add potatoes and spinach and simmer on low for approximately 20 minutes. Add the butter and mushrooms and simmer for another 25-30 minutes. Remove from heat.

Scoop out the mushrooms from soup, they get lost if they get blended up with everything else. Blend the remaining soup until smooth. Return to pot, return the mushrooms and return to heat.

Add approximately 100 ml of cream and combine until smooth. Season with chilli flakes and nutmeg. Salt and pepper to taste.

292 - Trees

At the Beginning

Crane in place and getting ready

One heck of a Mulcher

The end result - 'a reverse mohawk'
The trees at 292 came down today. The tree team and their crane arrived in early fashion this morning and took down the three large Macrocarpa trees located right behind the building. We thought it was ideal to take them down before we started any building work. And what an operation it was.
I was upstairs working and watching the action through the windows - the crane moving up and down, swinging branches/guys from one window to another. It was entertaining.
So happy to have it done. It makes a huge difference as we have more light. The neighbouring building behind us now get better morning sun, thanks to us!
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Aim High

Change is difficult for many people. Often, our whole identity is wrapped in what we learned as children to work for us in dealing with people, which enables us to survive, thrive and fit in. While some people had to learn to thrive in the middle of change and learned to adapt by is open to new ideas and embracing change, many others had to struggle for survival and each table-scrap, which came their way. Behavior is learned, and that requires work to unlearn and dismantling of the old beliefs.

The fact is that win-win is always possible. When you are able to see beyond the ego and recognize quantities available, people, thoughts and ideas come together and can create amazing changes that improve the current scenario for many, many people. If you work with people who have such rich and generous attitude, you are raised, the team increases, and amazing energy and creativity is released. It is much harder to maintain and elevate the other, when you encounter individuals led thinking and lack of competition.

People like Steve Jobs visionaries that seek to induce such shifts in society and business. One thing I learned along the way is that it is often better to have the main road. This is not about judging others as bad or sees himself as better than others. This is about recognition of their truth, how you want to be in the world. Endanger its integrity. Do not be caught in the competition. Look at the vision, look at the outcome, a feeling of purpose and passion are driven to offer the world, and give it freely. We all die. You can not take anything from this life with you. So give what you can offer the world. What is not mentioned, is lost forever.

If your goal is to really bring about positive change and serve others, as is done becomes less important and visible position to meet the increasingly important. While it may be a blow to their ego when others criticize your inspiration, or someone taking credit for something you imagined, holds firmly benefits for everyone are often moderate sting. We need to choose the place where you offer yourself, the key is to assess whether it is serving the common good. If you get compensation for your contributions would serve the spirit of peace gratitude. If you ever feel abused and stomped on, maybe it's time to move on further cooperation of the team, as well as more receptive and appreciative audience.

Knowing that you fulfill your purpose and living your passion reward. At the time, it will be recognized. Fraudsters will eventually see the heart and soul will always survive the mind and ego. Way across the road to his life and career, you will need to hold fast to true inner qualities and character shine, is you. Do not let this negative experience to something that damages your values. Not a negative experience. Often, the negativity we experience from others is a reflection and less about who you are.

We all have different lenses, different gifts, different distributions and different experiences. The difference is not something to be judged, it is a gift that brings a variety of pieces of the puzzle of life and creates a company, solving, technology, etc., together for the benefit of us all. I do not doubt yourself when others do not see a vision you see. Stay true to your intentions, and you will attract the right support, the right people and good opportunities. Lower ego and aim high vision.

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

Find Street Names on Google Maps That Have Your Name

If you are a girl and your first name is Elizabeth, you’ll find the following Google Map interesting as it marks all the street names and roads in North America that have the same name as you. You can also view this data inside Google Earth.

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Create Video Games on your Windows PC with Microsoft Kodu

Microsoft has offered many products in recent years to help people get started with programming on the Windows platform. For instance, Small Basic makes it easy for beginners (including young kids) to write basic programs for Windows without having to...

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Flight Delays Increase Across All US Airports

Flight Delays at US Airports

This chart from compares the percentage of departing flights at major US airports that were either delayed or cancelled during the holiday season.

For instance, around 70% of the flights departing from Dallas Fort Worth Airport were delayed...

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

A Complete List of Verified Twitter Accounts

Twitter Verified Badge If you see a blue verified seal on any Twitter page, it is sort of a confirmation from the Twitter staff that the account is real and doesn’t belong to any impersonator.

Though any Twitter user can put a request to get their account verified,...

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A Book Review Program for Bloggers

Book publisher will send you free books if you agree to write reviews on Amazon (or another online bookstore) and on your blog.

Book Reviews

Book publisher Thomas Nelson has created a program – Book Sneeze – for bloggers worldwide who maybe interested in...

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What to Do When You Cannot Open a Particular Website

Your computer is connected to the Internet but you are unable to open a particular website though all the other sites are loading without issues.

For instance, you can open and but it takes forever to load even though...

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Visual Timeline – The Most Iconic Electronic Gadgets of all Time

Consumer Electronics & Gadgets

Here’s a visual timeline of the 25 most successful gadgets and technologies in the consumer electronics space beginning with the Pong, the first commercially successful arcade video game, to the rumored Apple Tablet that is expected later this...

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Post Collection - Kitchens

I have started some 'Post Collections' to the sidebar of this blog. You can click onto the image and see all the posts involving that subject. 292 is for my two flat renovation that I have recently started with my Architect Dad, My Work - Joinery shows different joinery designs by CMD and the just-added My Work - Kitchens. I will keep adding these collections on once I have more posts on each subject (and the blog labelling sorted!)
The kitchen above I did several years ago. Minty Architecture designed a large addition and renovation to this house and I came on board for the interiors, including the kitchen and bathroom designs.
This kitchen worked really well and was very central with immediate connections to the Family room, Study, Hallway and Dining room.
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Beach Bungalow

It is a miserable wet summer day in Wellington. The trees at 292 were supposed to be cut down today but it is just not to be. The weather forecast is showers and rain all week long so the trees are on hold until next week.
So I'd be happy to be taken to this Beach Bungalow in Long Island while we wait out the rain...anyone?
Photos by Martha Stewart.