Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Key to performance inprovement: Motivation

Some authors distinguish between two forms of intrinsic motivation: one based on enjoyment, the other on obligation. There is currently no universal theory to explain the origin or elements of intrinsic motivation, and most explanations combine elements of Fritz Heider's attribution theory, Bandura's work on self-efficacy and other studies relating to locus of control and goal orientation. Motivation is also an important element in the concept of Andragogy (what motivates the adult learner).

It is inducing others in a specific way towards goals specifically stated by the motivator. A goal should be moderate, not too hard or too easy to complete. Goal-setting theory is based on the notion that individuals sometimes have a drive to reach a clearly defined end state. Goals in the classroom: students' learning strategies and motivation processes is the most important.

Successful experience: It is the teachers' responsibility to help learners achieve academic success by providing challenging, yet attainable tasks. Success is measured on an individual basis, recognizing that it means different things to different students. As a result it includes a range of dimensions that are relevant to success at work but which are not conventionally regarded as being part of performance motivation. In both cases, most people are not optimally motivated, as many want a challenge (which assumes some kind of insecurity of success). What follows is a guide to motivation using what I've learned over the last few years in a series of successful accomplishments, goals and habit changes. I've had many failures, but also many successes, and I've learned a lot from all of them.

Positive attitude is a must for a successful learning atmosphere. There are all kinds of motivations, of course, from positive to negative. But I find that positive motivation works better — if it's something you really want to do, you'll do a much better job than to avoid something you don't want (such as being fired). Secondly, there is positive and negative motivation. So with extrinsic motivation out and negative motivation out, we're left with only one quadrant: Intrinsic positive. Create a happy, positive work environment and people are naturally motivated. No amount of "positive" encouragement can change that.

Motivation management was based on a study of all managers of training programs. Ability in turn depends on education, experience and training and its improvement is a slow and long process.

Here's what I think: Intrinsic rewards are internal to the person; for example, satisfaction or a feeling of accomplishment. Second, the depiction reflects a widely shared assumption, one which forms part of the backdrop for debates about the nature of moral motivation, namely, that moral motivation is strikingly regular and reliable phenomenon. As already noted, regardless of their views with respect to broader met ethical questions, contemporary philosophers do not take any position on the precise strength of moral motivation—with the qualification (alluded to earlier) that they reject, apparently universally, the idea that moral motivation is ordinarily overriding.

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Ranch Dip

This recipe can be used for a dressing or a dip. It's delish either way. This is the recipe my mom always makes for parties to serve with veggies and chips. It's really not much of a recipe at all actually and is so easy it's ridiculous. It's something I grew up with, and it always reminds me of my mom when I make it. I took it to the same get-together that I took the wanna-be hummus to, and it got equally great reviews.

A note: You really need to use the Dips seasoning, NOT the package for dressing, even if you're wanting to make dressing and not dip. The dressing packets don't have the same flavor. I've tried making this recipe with the dressing packet instead, and it just doesn't taste nearly as good.

Another note: If you're making it as a dressing, you may need to add extra buttermilk each time you go to use it. It doesn't always thicken up, but sometimes I need to add an extra tablespoon or two of buttermilk before I drizzle my salad.

1 package Hidden Valley Dips seasoning
16 ounces sour cream
buttermilk (I think I use about a cup)

Combine seasoning and sour cream until thoroughly mixed. Then add buttermilk until desired consistency is reached. Chill for 1 hour before serving.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some Tips To Understand Your Motivation, Clarify Goals, Organize Your Life And Nurture Your Spirit

I couldn't make the title shorter. The concepts in it seemed to be necessary to form the holistic thoughts I have included in this article. The use of The Law of Attraction, gratitude, or positive prayer, can improve how you organize your life, and nurture your spirit. To understand your motivation for self-improvement is to understand and clarify your goals, increase your personal and family time, affect how you make money, and stay connected to your soul.

To keep this simple, start with the outer aspects of your life. If you are using The Law of Attraction, you need more personal time and inner quiet. You may prefer journal writing, to meditation. You may prefer yoga, which can be strenuous or meditative, to sitting still, as a means to achieve a focused intention. Nothing short of an exhausting full body workout effects that for some of you.

If you are among the men and women in midlife, you probably feel a sense of urgency to get the best value out of your remaining years. You may be afraid that you won't have enough family time for your spouse and grandchildren, when they arrive, if you are still working full-time. So the time you put aside each day to improve your use of The Law of Attraction, might start with a short list of the external things you want to have more of. Money, time, space, nutrition, mobility, a HUGE holistic life improvement.

And then a list of why - this will clarify the outcome you are envisioning. This will affect how you decide to nurture your soul. It may lead you to reflect on some beliefs that you were not previously aware of. "My family history shows we don't live that long". "People in my family die suddenly". "My family lives long, way beyond functionality". This is good if you find yourself having thoughts like that! There is a solution for every debilitating physical condition. Part of organizing your life may be to read up on nutrition and exercise for your body type, or eating right for your blood type. If you're too short on time, ask your kids to search a little for you and send you links. It's their legacy too!

The idea of manifesting a miracle in your life - such as a financial windfall or winning a home - is not something you should dismiss as frivolous. Those things happen to people. However, noticing and appreciating small daily miracles increases your appreciation for life. Appreciation gets you closer to the frequency of your dearest and wildest dreams.

This planet is not friendly to everyone. It is a miracle to have been born in a first world culture. Just appreciate it, in your mind, heart, and soul and wish it for everyone. You have just prayed for the whole planet.

Here is one example of a situation, that when improved, would change life a lot:

If you have lazy teenagers at home that stress you out, help them. Stop spending money on them, aside from shelter, food, basic school supplies and a basic wardrobe. Stop doing their laundry. They will not learn how to organize their life unless it is demanded of them. They may not be very good at it, and maybe that part of their brains aren't built yet. However, I've seen many that work, get good grades, and still have a social life, brain developed or not. They even know how to use the clothes and dish washer. And I'm not talking about just girls either.

If this is unacceptable to you, ask yourself - what in your self image is cracked by the thought of your teen children working? Don't you want them to make a little money and develop social skills? This is just an example of recognizing your motivation. And then revising your methods of achieving personal or family goals, or revising your self perception.

Stay connected to your soul. This can be simple. Look at some greenery, your garden, a beautiful picture, a family portrait. Let the beautiful reality of that sink in for a few moments. That's nurturing your spirit.

Nutrition, crystals, healing relaxation via bathing with herbal essences and aromatic oils, a long walk; all of these help nurture your spirit. Your personal style and needs define your choices.

I've touched upon various topics in this article. There is so much more to the holistic view of life. I hope to lead you to organize the aspects of your life you need to improve, to help you to nurture your spirit, understand your motivation in a simple way, and increase your personal and family time.

Change your life - learn how to improve your use of the Law of Attraction, and Manifest A Miracle to change your life direction. Get information here" about anti-aging nutritional education.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cobbler Cake

There is a cake called "dump cake" which I shall post after I make it again and it's my favorite dessert for the time being. I can eat the entire pan in 2 days by myself, but I digress... hee hee. My mom told me about this cake that my sister and her husband made once so I thought I would try it and I did. And now you can too.

Fruity Cobbler Cake

1 bag frozen raspberries
29 oz can peaches, undrained
Yellow cake mix
1 stick butter or margarine

Step 1:

Pour peaches into 13x9 pan.

Step 2:

Spread raspberries over peaches.

Step 3:

Sprinkle cake mix over fruit.

Step 4:

Slice margarine into thin slices and top cake mix.

Step 5:
Bake at 350 for about an hour. Until golden brown.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Chicken Stuffing Skillet

If you're having a busy day and have like zero time to make dinner, this is a great recipe for you to serve that night. It's got very few ingredients (5) and comes together in like 15 minutes. It sounds so simple, and it is, but it's very tasty at the same time. My kids always have second helpings.

3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut in half length-wise
1 package Stove Top Stuffing mix
1 can Cream of Mushroom soup
cheddar cheese, shredded

Season chicken with salt and pepper on both sides. In a large skillet, cook chicken until done.

Meanwhile, prepare stuffing mix according to package directions. Mix soup and about 1/2 a can of milk. You want a nice saucy consistency, not too thin and not too thick. When chicken is done, pour soup over chicken.

Top that with the stuffing and then the cheese. Cover and cook until cheese melts, about 5-7 minutes.

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Life of Your Choosing

Choice: many of us feel we have lots of them; some feel they have little or no choice in one or more areas of their lives.

“The greatest gift Life could have made to you is yourself. You are a spontaneous, self-choosing center of Life, in the great drama of being, the great joy of becoming, the certainty of eternal expansion.” [Unknown]

Everything we think, say, feel, and do (or don’t) is a choice.

The moment we recognize the value of this, we can choose to be more conscious about our choices.

In love relationships or any other area of life, staying where you aren’t “fed” is like starving in a banquet hall filled with food. When you go to a banquet, no one makes you eat. When and what you partake of is your choice. How is this metaphoric scenario any different from life?

Everything we’re experiencing in our lives right this moment is the result of a choice, whether it included action or perceived inaction. When we don’t like our outcomes, we have the power to shift future outcomes at either the inner or outer levels, or both.

If you’re one who works with the Law of Attraction or any other form of quantum-thinking system, it can take a while to switch from focusing attention on what you no longer want, or believe needs fixing or changing, to what you desire to expand more of into your life, and how you choose to feel.

The key to the greatest energy or power in this is to realize you can choose how to feel in any moment. You really can. I’m not saying it’s necessarily easy, but you can do it. This includes choosing to feel as bad as you feel you need to for as long as you feel the need to. Honoring your feelings is not a flaw. Emotional pain happens as a part of life. How you choose to suffer and for how long is up to you (usually long past the event for many).

It’s remarkable what can happen when you make a choice about what you prefer and figure out which appropriate action will move you forward to your desired outcome. For one thing, it takes your emotionally-charged focus off of where it doesn’t belong . . . what you don’t like or judge as not good (or the past), and puts it where it can do the most good . . . on what you wish to create more of in your life.

Perhaps it’s time to recognize exactly how much power you really have in your life, and live it.

Joyce Shafer is a Life Empowerment Coach and published writer. Discover if you’re ready to create more life balance and fulfillment through the power of coaching.

Wanna-be Hummus

I recently took this recipe to a large get-together with a bunch of women from church, and it was a huge hit. I've never made hummus before. I've never even tasted hummus before. From what I was told, this recipe isn't technically hummus since I didn't use chickpeas in it, but the lady who told me that also told me that my recipe was way better than any hummus she'd ever tasted. And apparently this lady was big into hummus. People couldn't say enough good things about it. It really was tasty.

I formed the recipe from 2 different recipes I got off of Food Network's website. I was researching different recipes to bring and liked elements from both of these - so why not combine them, I thought? And the result was dElIsH.

The ingredients list is really just an estimate. I really didn't measure very well, and you really can't screw this up. I love recipes like that where you can just throw stuff in without measuring and have it turn out great.

2 cans white beans, drained and rinsed
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons fresh parsley
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tablespoon salt
1 can diced petite tomatoes
3 cloves garlic

Peel your garlic, then place in a microwave safe bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave for 1-2 minutes, or until soft. Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender; mix thoroughly until well combined. Chill until ready to serve. Now, my food processor is a lot smaller than I'd like it to be, so I had to make this recipe in batches and then mixed it all by hand in a large bowl.

Serve with a variety of veggies, pita bread, whatever!