Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, March 13, 2010

As Long As You Try Your Best, There Is No Such Thing As Failure

I always say to my children, if you try the best, there is no such thing as failure. I believe that one hundred percent, and it is a philosophy I try to install it on my children.

When I worked in insurance, I sat insurance examination. I would like to study hard and always give my all, but there were only three options for the results. It was, honors, pass or fail. I hate the word failure in their eyes, I failed twice, but when I? As already stated, I could have tried harder, and therefore, how dare I say failure.

The result of this failure is very negative and some cruel as a trademark. The question I would answer that I fail far, only a few points, or relatively few points? When words fail me says nothing. I personally think that everyone should have a tag, or the best mark, go to G for the worst.

I was discussing this very subject with a colleague from work. He actually agreed with the points I made and told me about the claim that he had with one of his teachers when he was in school. He heard this particular teacher, to discuss his sister's recent test results, with another teacher. They were very critical about it, basically saying how badly did. My colleague knew how much effort he and his sister said, with the same teacher, in his eyes when he passed through each of these tests.

Whether you in life, as long as you try your best you can do nothing more.

A Man With Four Wives

A successful man in his life, had four wives. When he was dying, he called his fourth wife, the most recent and the most young to his bedside.

"Lovely," said the man, lured by her legendary figure, "in a couple of days I will die. After death, I would be lonely without you. Will you come with me? "

"No," replied the famous girl. "I'll stay here. I will pray at your funeral, but no more than that. And he hurried out of her husband's room.

His wife's rejection is like a stab in the heart of the man. He has devoted so much attention to his youngest wife. He was so proud of her that he was always picked as the best in any important event. His fourth wife had given dignity to the man in his old age. Surprising to find the fact that his wife had no love for the love he gave her.

However, he still had three other wives, so he called his third wife whom he married when she was middle-aged. He has fought so hard to hook his third wife. He loved his third wife who had given him much happiness. She was an attractive woman coveted by all men, she is a very loyal woman. She gave the man a sense of security.

"Sweetie," said the man, "soon I will die. After death, I would be lonely without you. Will you come with me?

"Absolutely not!" Said the young exciting woman, with a style of business. "How could be like that. I will hold a lavish funeral for you, but after the ceremony I will go with your son."

His third wife's infidelity plan makes him shaken to the bone marrow, he drove the third wife and called his second wife.

He has long lived with his second wife. She was not very attractive, but she was always at her husband's side, to help him solve problems and provide invaluable advice. She is the most trusted friend.

"My love," said the man, staring into her eyes, "I'll die soon. After death, I would be lonely without you. Will you come with me? "

"Forgive me," said the second wife with regret, "I can not go with you. I'll stay until the grave side, but no more than that. "

The old man's heart crushed by the repeatedly rejection. He called his first wife who he always seems to know forever. He had ignored her for the most recent years, especially after he met with his compelling third wife and his fourth famous wife. But his first wife is really important to him, who worked with silence from behind the scenes. He felt bad when he saw her so shabby and thin.

"My dear," he said in a pleading tone, "I'll die soon. After death, I would be lonely without you. Will you come with me? "

"Of course I'll go with you," replied the first wife steadily. "I will always be with you from one life to another."

The first wife is karma. The second wife is the family. The third wife was the wealth. The fourth wife is fame.

Read the story once again, now you know about the four wives. Which wife is the most valuable to be maintained? Which one will go with you when you die?

necklace inspiration

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vegetable bowls . . .

most unusual
vegetable parchment bowls

Friday, March 12, 2010


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So still der Tag. Ich möcht in Andacht lauschen
dem ernsten, feierlichen Glockenklang,
dem Sang der Vögel und dem Rüsternrauschen,
dem Sennerlied bei Sonnenuntergang.

Der Himmel flammt; rotgoldne Lichter gleiten
hin durch den Aether zu den Bergen klar.
Wie heimlich Küssen klingt es durch die Weiten,
wie letzter Gruß aus längst vergangnen Zeiten,
da ich Prinzessin noch im Märchen war.

Else Galen-Gube

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Digital Inspiration Technology Blog - 7 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration Technology Blog - 7 new articles

Get your Office 2010 Upgrade Even if you are Late

imageThe upcoming Office 2010 software will be available as a free upgrade to all users who have purchased a copy of Office 2007 on or after March 5, 2010.

However, if you are feeling a bit unlucky because you got yourself a copy of Office 2007 just days...

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iPad Unseats Downloads at the Apple Website

This is a screenshot image of the old website (pre iPad)..

Apple Website Before iPad

.. and this is the new Website (post iPad)

The New Website

The pre-iPad and post-iPad versions of the Apple website are pretty similar except for the one minor change.

Apple has dropped the...

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The Internet Classroom

If the Internet were a classroom and all the different social websites were students, this is how a group photo of that class might have looked like.

The Internet University Classroom

You can also download a landscape version of this graphic directly from Buzz. See some more...

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YouTube's IPL Show Fails to Live up to the Hype

youtube error for IPL

Have been trying to watch the IPL telecast on YouTube for some time and all I get is this "blue screen" saying they are "experiencing technical difficulties."

The video stream does appear intermittently but its extremely slow and flaky. The...

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YouTube Bonanza for Airtel Users in India

youtube_cricket Starting today, all IPL T20 cricket matches will be streamed live on YouTube (  and since there aren't any geographic restrictions, cricket fans around the world can watch matches of their favorite teams on any computer (or an

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[Poll] Do You Like Bing's New Favicon?

Bing Homepage

Microsoft has replaced the original blue favicon on with a yellow design. The Bing homepage looks so beautiful everyday but can’t say the same about their new favicon image.

bing favicons

Please take this quick poll to share your own opinion on...

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Are Web Pages Not Opening in Google Chrome?

DNS Errors in Google Chrome

** Oops! This link appears to be broken in Google Chrome

You are trying to open a web page in Chrome and all it gives you is this error message – "DNS Error – cannot find server."

You hit F5 to refresh a page but the error persists. You...

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Ein bisschen Glitzer, Glitzer..

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H&M-Kette, Monki-Oversized-Top..
..dazu Treggings von H&M und Boots von Pimkie.
Wochenende... ich glaube ich werde nur schlafen. Naja, würde ich zumindest, wenn nicht gefühlte hundert to-do-Listen abgearbeitet werden müssten. Die Woche war so sehr vollgestopft, dass ich einfach nichts geschafft habe ;)
Natürlich sind auch schöne Dinge am We geplant, bzw. werden sie spätestens heute Abend!
Genießt die zwei freien Tage!

renea taylor . . . .

enchanting visions of fae by

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sad News

As many of you may already know, Vintage Glory is easily my favorite vintage shop in Winnipeg.

I recently discovered that one of its owners: Lana Shand passed away on March 4th after a very short battle with cancer. I am deeply saddened by this news. I did not know Lana well, except from my visits to the store where I enjoyed and spent many hours talking to her and her husband Doug about vintage, Winnipeg and life.
She will surely be missed by those who knew her well, but she will also be missed by those who she had touched through her presence at Vintage Glory.

I send my deepest regrets and my condolences to her family in this difficult time. May the love of those around you help you through the days ahead.

Lana's obituary can be found here.

Lisa. xo

ceramic eggs . . .

decorative ceramic eggs

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Outfits: Nerdy

Hi! It's been a little while! Too long I think...

Work has been CRAZY! My buyer has been away in New York shopping and I've been left to man the office for the first time...let's just say it was a little stressful...but I made it (she's back now), nothing burnt down and apparently I did a great job! Phew! Unfortunately blogland suffered a little in the process...I try really hard not to make that happen...sometimes I just fall off the horse. The blog-horse...ok stop...I'm tired...

Not only has work been busy, but rehearsals for my show startd on Sunday, so that has been a little bit of a time eater...

AND! most importantly! I've been distracted by the weather becasue Spring has sprung early here in Winterpeg! Normally we trudge through snow until late April, but I wore a SPRING JACKET  to work this week! Woo hoo!!

So here's what I wore to work today. It's a cotton summer dress I bought for $7 at Urban Planet. I thought the melting snow deserved a little cotton dress today. (Also, please note the spring jacket I am wearing!!)

Oh yeah...and the glasses...I wear glasses. I'm a closet nerd. I'm also not much of a planner apparently. My last pair of contacts ripped and when I went to Pearl Vision to buy more I was told they don't stock conacts in store anymore and only order them in for customers. So they would call me when my contacts came in: in about 5 days...AHHH!! Pearl Vision called today though and I picked up my contacts after work. Tomorrow I'll feel normal again.
I don't really like wearing my glasses in public...I feel too nerdy.
(notice how I don't look that impressed, I took pictures today because I couldn't abandon you any longer!)

Glasses: Candies
Necklace: Ricki's Sample Sale
Blace Lace Cami: Smart Set
Multi Print Floral Dress: Urban Planet
Black Cardigan: Ricki's
Stretch Belt: Laura
Purple Tights: Walmart
T-Straps: Spring
Trench Coat: Ricki's
Pink Scarf: Jacob
Houndstooth Purse: Aldo

Thanks for bearing with me in my absence! And hello to all my new readers/subscribers!! :) Welcome!

Lisa. xo

Digital Inspiration Technology Blog - 5 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration Technology Blog - 5 new articles

Pop-up Reminders in Google Calendar

popup reminders

Google Calendar now supports pop-up reminders just like your favorite desktop email client.

If you keep Google Calendar open all day long, you probably end up seeing quite a few reminders every day. Browser alerts are okay, but I tried to find a way...

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Will You Pay $100 per Month to Embed a Video on your Website?

common craftThe people behind Common Craft are masters at explaining complex new media topics like Wikis, RSS, Social Media, etc. in plain English. One of their videos explaining Twitter has so far been viewed over 1.7 million times on YouTube while the one on...

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Taxi Driver in India Uses YouTube to Find Customers

auto rickshaw in india It is always inspiring to read stories of people who may never have had an Internet connection but are still using the power of Internet to find clients from across the globe.

Meet Samson – he drives an auto-rickshaw in the Souther Indian city of...

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The Best Applications for your Google Apps

Just like you buy "applications" from the iTunes store and add them to your iPhone, everyone can now buy readymade "cloud applications" from the Google Apps Marketplace and install them to their Google Apps' accounts.

Google Apps Marketplace,...

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Which Social Websites are Good for your own Site?

Which Social Media Site?

Will Facebook help drive more traffic to your website or Twitter? Are incoming links from Digg more valuable for improving your site's organic rankings than than from YouTube or Flickr? Which is the best social site for engaging with people who are...

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keep that in mind

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pussy willow baskets . . . . . . to make

pussy willow baskets

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Digital Inspiration Technology Blog - 8 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration Technology Blog - 8 new articles

Keep Your Passwords Safe on a Piece of Paper

Important Passwords on Paper If you use the same password on multiple websites, your may be in for some trouble.

Say your password for website is the same as the password for Now if the website gets compromised (or the owner is malign...

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Make Your Own Laptop Bag with a Hoodie

Laptop Bag

Got a jacket with a hood? Then watch this video as it explains how you can quickly turn your hooded jacket into a laptop carrying bag.

The video is part of the Just Undo It series by Antonio Scarponi that shows how you can transform a simple hoodie...

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Announcing Winners of the Intel Tips Contest

Laptop with Intel Core i5 ProcessorThank you all for participating in the Intel Contest. The winners are:

Week 1: Eeshan Chatterjee from Manipal, Karnataka

Week 2: Viren Mehta from Mumbai, Maharashtra

Week 3: Namita Guj from Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

Week 4: Sidharth Bhan from Bangalore,...

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A Short Documentary on Google

We think of Google as a search engine but they are an advertising company. This short documentary on Google will give you a good idea of what Google is trying to do and how the different pieces fit together.

They want to own the cables that deliver the...

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Turn your Images into Spreadsheet Art

This time-lapse video captures how the Google Docs team turned an online spreadsheet into sort of a painting canvas by filling individual cells of the sheet with different colors simultaneously.

It might have take them several days to plan and draw the...

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Manage Google Docs from Microsoft Outlook

If you spend most of your day inside Microsoft Outlook and also use Google Docs for storing documents and other files online, here's a free Outlook plug-in that will let you manage your Google Docs account right from your favorite email client.


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How to Export Email Addresses of all your Facebook Friends

Download Facebook Email AddressesSearch the Facebook Apps directory for something like "export contacts" and you'll come across quite a few applications that sound as if they can transfer your friends contact information out of Facebook.

There's an app called "Export...

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The New Homepage homepage

Microsoft is slowly rolling out a new design for their homepage. The design is clean and doesn't appear busy anymore.

Like Yahoo, you can check your friend's tweets and their Facebook status updates right on the MSN page. You can even update...

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