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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Keep in touch With your Dreams

Everyone has, or had, dreams. We dream of good things in our lives from childhood to adulthood and beyond. As a child we dreamed of bright shiny toys and as adults we may dream of a new home, a college education for the children or financial freedom. Usually those dreams stay with us as long as it takes for us to reach them. Then new dreams are formed to replace them.

As time goes by we sometimes loose touch with those dreams, but they are still in our mind somewhere. We need to stay in touch with them. Keep them alive and continue to reach for them.

Often we find ourselves so busy we temporarily put those dreams aside thinking we will someday reach them. The longer we store them in the back of our mind the harder it is to rekindle them. We can actually forget how to dream.

This was the case with me. I became so caught up in trying to make a living that I forgot how to dream and even how to have fun. I had fallen into the trap of settling for less. I was working three jobs and making more money but had no time to enjoy it. My family also had to settle for less. Less of me. I was never around and neither were the dreams I once had.

Work is not the only way to loose contact with your dreams. There are dream stealers who actually rob us of dreams. Those dream stealers come in the form of friends, relatives, neighbors and even those who employ us. They are the ones who cast doubt on you by negative comments.

The dream stealers offer us discouragement rather than encouragement. They try to tare down your enthusiasm and ambition. And convince you that a thing is impossible for you to do. They talk us out of our dream or desire. In most cases they don't even realize that they are doing it, but they have a negative outlook and think they are doing you a good favor.

They may tell you that Uncle George tried that and failed or that you need a lot of experience, training or money to accomplish the task you wish to do. They mean well, but they still exude negativity. Sometimes they cut your idea down because they are afraid that you will succeed and won't need them anymore. They are afraid that you will become more and have more than they and they don't want to loose your friendship.

Sometimes the dream stealer can even be your own spouse. He or she can actually destroy your dreams quicker than anyone. If your spouse is skeptical or shows a lack of interest and excitement in what you are trying to accomplish then you will begin to lose interest. Without the support of your spouse you will not succeed.

You will soon be asking yourself why am I doing this. Am I being ridiculous, is this just another dumb venture on my part. You will begin to wonder if it is worth your effort and your dream will suffer for it.

Without the encouragement and support of your spouse you will soon begin to doubt your own abilities and loose the enthusiasm which was the original foundation of the dream you started with. Unknowingly, your spouse can hurt you more than any other dream stealer.

If your spouse has a dream for the benefit of both or for the benefit of the family then give all the support you can. Be a source of encouragement and if possible, become involved in the dream. You will find more enthusiasm and excitement and the result can be pleasing, profitable and much quicker.

We must always keep in touch with our dreams. We must not allow the stealers of dreams to enter our lives. Once we have a dream we need to stick with it to the end. We need to follow that dream no matter where it goes. If it were worth dreaming about in the first place then it is still worth our time and commitments.

After all, it is those dreams, desires and hopes that are the foundation of who we are and who we become. Without a dream we have nothing to shoot for. No direction in which to pursue our future. As in the words of a song, "Without a dream how you gonna have a dream come true."

Len Roe has written many articles on a variety of subjects for over a decade. Len is also the author of success books and books on pure humor.


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