Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, August 29, 2009

off to london.

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ich bin dann mal weg.
morgen geht's los und dies wird erstmal mein letzter post für die nächsten tage sein!
ich hoffe, ich werde dort auch die gelegenheit haben, mich zwischendurch mal zu melden :)
nach langem hin und her und häufigem umgepacke hat mein koffer nun auch (fast) kein übergepäck mehr und ich bin fix und fertig!
drückt mir die daumen, dass morgen alles gut klappt :)

i'm off to london :)
and this will be my last post for the next days. i hope i'll have the chance to blog there, but i don't know yet!
wish me luck!

love, hippiegirl♥

dandelion fair . . . tiny creations

one inch high carved wood
with tiny ball jointed arms & legs

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sweetheart Cookies

This is my mom's recipe. She makes a huge batch of these every single year around Christmas. It's one of the things that makes me feel closer to home when I make them because they were such an integral part of our holiday season.

It's such an easy recipe. And it's fabulous to let your kids help you make. My kids just love sticking their little thumbs into the dough balls to make the hole for the jam. I let them have at it this time, so our cookies turned out really flat, but we all had fun, which is all that matters.

You can use any flavor jam you'd like to fill these with. I always use strawberry or raspberry, but that's only because my oldest daughter will scoff at any jam that isn't one of those flavors. :)

3/4 cup butter, softened
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups flour

In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add egg yolk and mix well. Then add flour. Mix gently until combined. Pick up some dough and try to roll it into a ball. If it doesn't come together and breaks apart, add a tablespoon or 2 of milk and mix until combined.

Chill for 2-3 hours. Remove from fridge and let sit on counter for a few minutes to soften. Then roll into 1 inch balls (ours were a lot bigger than that because my kids insisted on doing that part themselves. Don't worry if yours are larger -- that'll just mean they'll end up being flatter after they bake) and place 2 inches apart (more than 2 inches if you make larger balls). Using the end of a wooden spoon (or the thumbs of your kids), press a hole into each dough ball.

Then fill each hole with jam.

Bake at 350 for about 13 minutes, or until edges are lightly browned. Cool on a wire rack. They're supposed to hold their shape and be dainty and cute. But I love these imperfect cookies my 3 sweethearts and I made! :)

Anyone have any fun weekend plans?
I'm baking tomorrow -- bread, rolls, etc.
Fun, fun!

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Find Emails with Large Attachments in your Gmail Mailbox

This article describes how you can free up space in your Gmail mailbox by removing bulky email messages and large file attachments. If you are on Windows (2000, XP, Vista or Win 7) and use Google email, this may be worth giving a shot.

** The Gmail...

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Create a Virtual Business Card with all your Social Profiles

You have profiles on almost every social networking website from Facebook to Flickr to LinkedIn. The next part is how do you create a single web page (let’s call it your virtual business card) that will help people easily explore your various...

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it's raining rain.

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boots:pimkie.sunglasses:c&,presents.. rest:h&m.

heute wurde noch einmal die hamburger luft genossen (okay, es hat geregnet ;)).
schön war's aber trotzdem :)
nachher wird evtl. noch ein bisschen gewutzrockt oder aber einfach der abend genossen.
morgen werde ich dann neben dem ganzen packstress hoffentlich auch mal wieder zeit finden, eure lieben kommentare zu beantworten!

love, hippiegirl♥

scott tillet. . . fantasy horses

scott d tillet
fantasy horses

Thursday, August 27, 2009

stephanie simek. . .pussy willow & sea urchins

pussy willow & sea urcins made into beautiful jewelry by
stephanie simek's

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Work - Kitchen

Here is a new kitchen that I designed earlier this year. This was part of a collaboration with 'Minty Architecture' - my architect sister, Amelia Minty. We occasionally work together and here she got me to design the kitchen, bathrooms, joinery and other interior details.

For the kitchen, we kept it simple, clean and white with a splash of red. We allocated the red on the splashback and we brought it out into the Dining area with a red pendant light. The client's heart collection continues the theme.

The breakfast bar is ready for some stools and the well travelled clients have added their cool little details, re: Miss Statue of Liberty on the window sill. I couldn't resist.

Photos by Charlotte Minty.

Huevos Rancheros

I've been on a mission to find meatless meals and came across this one in my trusty Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. I'd never even had Huevos Rancheros before, even at a restaurant, so I thought it would be perfect to try. It was super easy and really good.

You can make these for breakfast, lunch or dinner. We had them for dinner tonight, so I served them up with a side of refried beans and cheese.

1/2 cup onion, chopped
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
16 ounce can stewed tomatoes, chopped
2 tablespoons diced green chilies
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
5-7 corn tortillas
7 eggs
3/4 cup Monterey Jack or cheddar, shredded

In a large skillet, cook onion in olive oil. Stir in undrained tomatoes, diced green chilies, garlic powder and chili powder. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until slightly thickened, about 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, brush tortillas with some olive oil and bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes, or until crisp. Once tomato mixture has thickened, crack one egg at a time into a measuring cup. Gently pour egg into tomato mixture, then repeat with remaining eggs.

Simmer gently, covered, for 3-5 minutes, or until the whites are completely set and yolks begin to thicken (but are not hard). To serve, place a tortilla on a plate, top with 1-2 eggs, some of the tomato mixture and then cheese.

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Show us some love -- leave a comment!

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 5 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 5 new articles

Share a Network Printer between x86 and x64 Windows Machines

The problem: You have a network printer attached to a Windows 64-bit computer. How do you send files to that shared printer for printing from a laptop that is running the 32-bit version of Windows.

For the most part, the transition from 32-bit (x86) to...

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Web Based File Managers for Amazon S3

There are quite a few good desktop clients for Amazon S3 that make managing your S3 account almost as simple as using Windows Explorer. Like with any other desktop software, the downside is that these S3 clients require installation, they are often...

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Microsoft's Marketing Mistake Turned Into an Internet Meme

This is the original picture that appeared on a Microsoft website meant for US customers.

original microsoft image

And here’s an altered version of the same picture that appeared on the Polish edition of the Microsoft site putting them at the centre of a racism...

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Want Some Bollywood Music on your iPhone?

I was looking around the iTunes Store this morning and was a bit surprised to see that the store did not show a single iPhone app for the term "bollywood songs". It did return a couple of apps when I changed the search term to "hindi music" but these...

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Post your Recent Facebook Photos on your Blog

Flickr provides a neat little badge that lets you embed and display your public photos onto web pages and blogs.

Now Facebook too has introduced a photo badge for you to share your most recent Facebook photos on external sites. The embed code is nothing...

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carpe diem.

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ein bisschen shoppen.
kino "inglorious basterds"
"princess"-cocktail redlounge.

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dünner oversizedpulli: h&m. beanie:h&m. strickcardigan:pimkie.
dazu noch allerlei krimskrams für london :)

a little shopping-trip.
cinema "inglorious basterds".
some cocktails.

love, hippiegirl♥

wanda sowry . . wooden delights

wonderful wooden automata of

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Haunted room

La nuit, je chasse les fantômes.

servanne gaxotte . . doll pendants

servanne gaxotte

enchanting doll pendants
from Parisian Costume jewellery designer
with a newly opened 1st boutique in Paris.
especially loved in Japan

Monday, August 24, 2009

Meal Plan Monday

Sorry about not having any posts from last week! April said she'd post, so it's all her fault. ;)

Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to make your meal plan when you're hungry? I made that mistake this week, and I was so mad at myself! It took me well over an hour to finally decide on what I wanted to make each day, because every single thing I saw in every cookbook I looked through sounded fantastic! And THEN, I was so hungry that I decided to browse some of my favorite recipe sites/blogs, which only made it worse, because I'd see more delicious looking recipes and be tempted to change the menu I'd already finished.

So, make it easy on yourself and don't do it until after you've successfully stuffed your face! ;)

On with the show!

Monday-- Cheese and basil polenta
Tuesday-- Spaghetti and homemade rolls
Wednesday-- Huevos Rancheros and refried beans
Thursday-- Stir fry
Friday-- Shepherd's pie
Saturday-- Chicken noodle soup
Sunday-- BLT's

I've got a couple new items on my menu this week.
Are you trying anything new?

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

When Your Laptop Travels through the X-ray Machine

Am not too sure if that X-ray machine at the Airport security checkpoint can damage the components of a laptop but if you are curious to know how your laptop might appear to the security guy inside, here are some real pictures.

Laptop under the X-ray...

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Should You Build Organic Traffic or go with Pay Per Click Ads?

There are two routes to get your brand’s website on the first page of Google Search results:

1. Organic Traffic - Your site appears naturally in Google search results because you have some compelling content with a little bit of SEO. Building a...

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An Open Source Download Manager for Multiple File Hosting Sites

If you ever tried downloading files from file-hosting sites like RapidShare, you know how unfriendly that process is.

You click on a link pointing to some RapidShare hosted file, wait around a minute for the timer to complete and then you get a direct...

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Use Your Macbook In a Corporate (Windows-only) Environment

You want to use your Macbook at work but the corporate IT department will only support computers that are running the Windows OS.

Well, there’s nothing to worry here as you can take your Mac to office or in team meetings without requiring support...

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