Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 2 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Remap any Unused or Faulty Keyboard Keys with Sharp Keys

Remap any Unused or Faulty Keyboard Keys with Sharp Keys

If some of the important keys on your computer keyboard have stopped working or if you are using a laptop with a cramped keyboard and like to reassign the Function (Fn) and other lesser-used...

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Imagine if the Colors of Google Logo Start Dripping Down..

Imagine if the Colors of Google Logo Start Dripping Down..

If the Google logo was painted on a wall and the colors start dripping down, you’ll probably get a pattern like the one below:

*Incase you have trouble viewing the above...

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yayy an outfit post :)
i'm wearing my new, VERY warm cardigan from broadway, it's soooo comfortable♥
i only did some shopping today (food for monday, a new mascara...) so not really SHOPPING...
i don't want to learn anymore.. my head is full of facts about everything..
i definitely need a break!
i hope you all enjoy this weekend!!

love, hippiegirl

p.s.: is that really adam brody in my last post???!!!
i can't believe this, this guy look so different?!

Friday, February 13, 2009


My name is Carlos Araujo. I’m an illustrator currently located in Brazil. I've worked as a freelancer since 2006 and have done work for the editorial market and for the web as well. My work usually takes a whimsical approach, using silhouettes and high contrasted figures. (in english)

When did you first decide to become a graphic designer/ illustrator? Was there a pivotal moment?

I worked as a graphic and web designer for about eight years and after some time I realized that the kind of projects that I really liked were the ones that required some kind of illustration… I enjoyed creating the illustrations so much that I decided to focus on being an illustrator.

Who or what inspires you?

I get inspiration from almost everywhere. It can be music, poetry, movies, comic-books…

Where does your training come from? Self-taught? College/Art School?

I’m mostly self-taught. (I went to design school but never finished the course...) Before working as a designer I did some comic books and for a brief time worked in the animation field (creating animation for TV ads) and I guess those experiences became a strong influence in my illustrations: A lot of them look like a scene captured from an animated movie. People say to me that my illustrations look like a part of a larger story.

How do you keep "fresh" within your industry?

Magazines and books about illustration are good sources of information. And the internet really helps me a lot. I try to get involved as much as I can, participating in discussion groups for example, and visiting illustration/art/design related web sites. Talking to and taking advice from fellow illustrators are two important things that I do as well.

What are some of your current projects?

Right now I’m working on a paper toy that I hope will be available at my web site before Xmas this year. I've done a paper toy before, it was a simple bookmarker that looked like play money, a currency called “Dollaritos” and the response was very good, people really liked it. This new one will be more of a 3d version of one of my previous drawings.

Which of your projects are you the most proud of? And why?

My favorite project was a big illustration (10 feet by 6,5 feet height) called “Cloud Station” that I did for a local business here in Brazil. Since I had so much space to work on I was able to add a lot of nice details that made the illustration very eye-catching.

Are there any areas, techniques, mediums, projects in your field that you have yet to try?

I always wanted to work with sculptures in resin. I would love to experiment and make a three-dimensional version of one of my crazy vehicles designs, like the carrousel-bus or the mechanical-camel for example…

Any advice to the novice designer/ illustrator?

I thinkwhat's most important is to try to find and develop your personal voice, that thing that makes your work unique.

What makes a designed piece or illustration successful?

A good illustration tells a story. It sells an idea or product.

What do you do to keep yourself motivated and avoid burn-out?

Well, I love doing illustration so that’s keeps me motivated. To avoid burn-out the best thing for me is to stay away for a while from the drawing table. I go for a walk or play with my nephews.

Finish this sentence. "If I weren't a designer/illustrator I would have been a..."

A chef. Or an octopus. Maybe an octopus-chef…!

And finally, what is the best thing on prime-time TV right now?

I don’t watch TV that much… I watched a couple of episodes of “Boston Legal”. It’s a good show.

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Create a Safe Senders List in Gmail Similar to Outlook

Create a Safe Senders List in Gmail Similar to Outlook

Dean recently lost his web domain as all the renewal email reminders from his registrar were getting marked as spam and, unfortunately, Dean did not care to check his spam folder.


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Fascinated by Charles Darwin? Morph Yourself into an Ape

Fascinated by Charles Darwin? Morph Yourself into an Ape

Charles Darwin, in his book On the Origin of Species, proposed that all living organisms on Earth are descendants of a common ancestor.

Our ancestors were apes (or monkeys) and if you...

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Webmaster Conference at Google India

Webmaster Conference at Google India

google webmaster conference Google India is organizing a conference for webmasters (and bloggers*) at their Bangalore Office on February 28 to help you with your webmaster related questions and how you can leverage Google tools to improve...

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Live to Purpose

The great and glorious masterpiece of (wo)man is to know how to live to purpose.

~ Michel de Montaigne

Photo: Traditional Birth Attendants

Phulpadar Village, Orissa, India

Read about the importance of Traditional Birth Attendants here


rachel bilson & ?(i don't know this guy)
i love her style, she is gorgeous!
but did you hear that she wants to become a farmer in canada?!
that's a bit strange, but also sympatic... what do you think?

exam update: biology was soo good, it was very easy :)
monday is my last one (finally!!!!), poltics.. so i still have to learn this weekend, but after it, i'm free!

and SORRY i'm a bad blogger at the moment... i hope you understand this!
love, hippiegirl♥

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"I Have A Dream"

We have come a long way...

They love Tony Hawk's Skateboarding

At Jules'

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Deck up your desktop with Love on Valentine’s Day

Other men said they have seen angels,
But I have seen thee
And thou art enough.
~ by G. Moore ~

love pictures, valentine pictures, valentine clip arts, love wallpapers, love quotes, love poetry, love spells, cupid pictures, valentine pictures, Gift Valentine , Valentine’s Day, Craft Valentine, Valentine Hearts, Valentine Poems, Gift Idea Valentine, Valentine Graphics, Gift Man Valentine, Candy Valentine, Chocolate Valentine, Gift Romantic Valentine, Unique Valentine

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

Digital Inspiration

This Printed Newspaper Is Made of Blogs Only

This Printed Newspaper Is Made of Blogs Only

If you happen to be in New York, San Francisco or Chicago, don’t forget to pick a free copy of The Printed Blog from the nearest news-stand. Alternatively you can download a PDF version of the...

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Tips for Job Seekers: How to Catch a Recruiter's Attention at LinkedIn

Tips for Job Seekers: How to Catch a Recruiter’s Attention at LinkedIn

This Forbes video has some good tips for job seekers on how to catch a recruiter’s attention at Facebook, Twitter and other social sites.

First, don’t be...

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Wi-Fi T-Shirt Can Detect Wireless Networks Around You

Wi-Fi T-Shirt Can Detect Wireless Networks Around You

wifi tshirt If you are not carrying a wi-fi enabled mobile phone and hate to turn on the laptop computer just to check if there’s a wireless network around, try this Wi-Fi enabled Tee Shirt.


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Add Your Current Location to Gmail Signatures Automatically

Add Your Current Location to Gmail Signatures Automatically

Gmail users who travel frequently will simply love this. You can now instruct Gmail to automatically add your current geographic location to all your outgoing email messages so that...

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Banana Bread

When my husband and I got married, my mother-in-law gave us the Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book. Some of our favorite recipes come from this cookbook, and this recipe is one of them. I know at least one newer version of this cook book has come out since we got married, but I can't bring myself to upgrade. I love my worn-in, sentimental cook book, ripped pages and all. :) If I told my husband that I was attached to a cook book from our wedding day, I think he'd have me committed.....

Seriously, though, I do have attachment issues. On our first date, we sat and talked while drinking some Coke in glass bottles. Yeah, I still have those. And one night, we were eating at this Italian restaurant, and my husband composed a song for me on the paper tablecloth with the crayons they give the kids. Still have that, too.

Okay, so apparently I'm feeling a wee bit sentimental considering it's nearing V-Day. :)

Enough sap. On to banana bread.

I've made the recipe with nuts and without nuts. I've also made it with the lemon juice and without. And I suggest making it with both of those ingredients. It's much higher on the Yumminess Scale that way.

To make banana bread, your bananas need to be really ripe. They need to be starting to turn dark to get the most sweetness and flavor out of them. Like this:

This recipe makes one loaf of banana bread. My family inhales this stuff, so I always double the recipe. It's fabulous to serve as a quick, healthy breakfast in the morning, unless your 2 year old is like mine and screams, "More butter!!!!!" as you're fixing her slice....

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 cup mashed bananas (about 3 medium)
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup cooking oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Grease the bottom and 1/2 inch up the sides of a loaf pan; set aside. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Make a well in the center of the dry mixture. In another bowl, combine the egg, bananas, sugar, cooking oil and lemon juice. Add egg mixture all at once to dry mixture. Stir just until moistened (batter should be lumpy). Stir in nuts.

Pour batter into your prepared pan. Bake at 350 for 50-55 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool in pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Remove loaf from pan and continue to cool on wire rack until completely cooled.

The original recipe says to wrap the loaf in plastic wrap and store overnight before slicing. We can't exercise enough self-control to do that. But if you can, more power to you.
M'mmmmmm! Good thing I still have some left!