Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Joanna Thomas . . .

. . mr o picked out a number and i can now tell you
the winner of my hare print is . . .
who as you can see above
makes the most beautiful
art dolls, faeries, & story characters
see her blog also here.
congrat's Joanna, i shall be in touch x x

shyrdaks, felted rugs . . .

from the nomadic people of kyrgyzstan
"patterns that tell stories
from the mountains of heaven"

Friday, April 16, 2010


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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Wenig Blog, viel Uni und anderer Kram.
Meine Entschuldigung für die fehlende Aufmerksamkeit
diese Woche, man merkt, dass die Ferien zu Ende sind!
Als Gruß zum Wochenende diese Bilder, die ich letztens
tief vergraben in meinem Inspirationsordner fand :)

Jing Si Aphorism - Inspirational Wisdom Quotes by Dharma Master Cheng Yen

The hardest thing
for people to see
is themselves.


Tranquility is beauty.
Equanimity is joy.


When we are irritated by others, it is actually because
we are still lacking in graciousness.


When doing something, instead of worrying
or being vexed about it, we should just be mindful.


A frown and a smile are both possible,
Why not smile ?

sun & sky felted boots

"sun & sky"
sunshine boots for little feet
for sunshiny days
apologies for missing the odd day
life is so very hectic here
shall post about it on my other blog very soon
missing you all
x x x
tomorrow i shall anounce the winner of my hare print!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

292 - Dark Grey

I took another morning out of the office today to paint the first coat of the darker grey on the lower level. It looks much better than the light grey that I had done last weekend. So to complete the exterior scheme, the light grey will now be on the weatherboards on the top level and all the windows are in an off white. Sorted.
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

View from the balcony

mermaid in love . .

mermaid in love

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Work - Store Front Gate

Minerva is a retail store that I worked on a couple of years ago. We are updating the store this month with a new counter, extra shelving and a store front gate.
I went to the steel factory this morning to check on progress of the gate (hopefully you can distinguish it from the background) and it's looking good. It is a simple design and I used the 'M' as the focus for the central panel. We also added some leaves and flowers trailing out out from the M to relate to the Minerva logo. Just need to choose the powdercoat colour (a dark charocal grey) and hopefully it will be installed in the next week or so.
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.

for strange women . . .

vials of loveliness
(natural oils & perfumes)

Monday, April 12, 2010

292 - Tidying up and Going Inside.

First load to the tip. Dad happy to pose.
Second load.
T&G interior doors delivered and waiting.
Exterior doors.

Dad and I took some time out from our offices this morning to do some tidying up at 292. Euan the builder is now inside and there were old doors, batts, timber and other rubbish to move out of the way. We took two trailer loads to the tip and the place is looking much tidier...for now.
Euan has been adjusting and fixing up the interior framing in the upstairs apartment. The few changes already makes such a difference to the overall space. I will take some photos later this week and show you.
There are also signs of the interior finishings trickling in with the interior doors and exterior doors all stacked up and waiting for installation.
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.

soap leaves

so unusual

We're almost there!

Hey, everyone! Just a reminder about the giveaway! We still need 7 more people to become fans before we can start it. If you've added our button to your blog to spread the word, let us know so we can check it out!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

After May Moons, Photos Surface...

So after many many weeks, I find out that the club we went to for Jen's Bachelorette party has a Facebook page and posted some photos of me...not that I'm terribly surprised as there was a guy I don't know taking photos of my while I was dancing...

Well anyway, here they are:

Someone at the party took this one. We had a pole in the VIP room. We all had a spin!!:

I had a busy weekend! Hope you all had a good one!


292 - So far...

The existing windows holes on the right have been made bigger and  ready for the new sliding doors and windows.
Start of light grey on the lower level - and after some contemplation, it is going to be changed!!

We had another good weekend prepping the exterior for painting (yes, it is a long process). I also painted a coat of the final colour on the lower level. After standing back and having a good look, I've decided to make a change. We're now putting the lighter grey on the upper level and a darker grey (to match the fascia colour) on the lower level. This will give more definition and break up the building mass. I feel much better about this decision and now look forward to slapping on the darker grey on the lower level asap!!
Photographs by Charlotte Minty.

Phoenix Park 11th April

Done with red oil pastel and gimpy markers! Very annoying to work with, turns out marker can't go over oil pastel and it's very messy!!

book tree . . .

i do love trees
and this
so caught my eye