Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I’ve been tagged by tis serendipity and by Elena (thank you so much! I always wanted to do this tag!) to:

1. Go to the 4th sub-folder in my computer’s My Pictures folder.
2. Pick the 4th picture in that sub-folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 other bloggers to do the same.


that's me last year in denmark :)
we had a wonderful time with a lot of sun in may! i really love that little island in the middle of nowhere... ♥

and i would like to tag:

i'm really looking forward seeing your pictures :)

and A HUGE SORRY to you all... i'm learning, and learning and learning... wearing very very lazy clothes... maybe i will take photos tomorrow, but i can't promise...
and i also want to say thank you!
wow, i got nearly 40 comments on my last post *yihaa*

love&peace, hippiegirl

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 3 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Blog Conference - Venue and Dates

blog agraI am conducting a blog conference in Agra to share tips and techniques that may help you become a more successful blogger. The event should interest both new and experienced bloggers.

To attend the conference, please register your name at India Blog...

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Disable Autorun to Secure your Windows Computer

The latest security threat to your Windows operating system is a computer worm called Conficker that has already infected over 9 million PCs worldwide with maximum victims in China, Brazil, Russia, and India.

Conficker first disables system services...

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Download '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' Audiobook for Free

free audiobook If you like download a free copy of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" for listening on your iPod or any other MP3 player, go to and click the download button. To avail this offer, make sure that you select...

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The evolution of your consciousness

Boy, am I struggling right now.
My vision is blurred...

"One thing we do know: Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment."

~Eckhart Tolle

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 6 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Online Test Console for Google AJAX APIs

Google today released a new browser based console where you can write and simultaneously test applications that use any of the Google AJAX APIs including maps, search mashups, blogs feeds and more.

google ajax test console

The programming console, known as AJAX APIs...

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Watch Slumdog Millionaire in Mumbai AdLabs for Free

Slumdog Millionaire, a "feel good" movie that won four awards at the Golden Globes, will release in India this Friday and here’s an opportunity for you to watch the movie in a cinema hall for free provided you are in Mumbai.

slumdog millionaire showRead more.. »

Get RSS Feed Suggestions Based on your Existing Subscriptions

If you are looking to expand your blog reading list but don’t have time to hunt the web for identifying other great blogs that you are not subscribed to, try Suggest RSS.

Suggest RSS is an online service that reads your existing RSS...

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Did Abraham Lincoln Invent the Emoticon (Smiley) ?

While most people believe that Scott Fahlman was the first person to suggest the use of :-) symbol for representing a smiley face, Times has stumbled upon an old speech of Abraham Lincoln that contains a sequence of characters which look very similar to...

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Attend the Blog Training Program in Agra

blog agraI am conducting a blog training program in Agra next week to share blogging tips and techniques that may help you become a more successful blogger.

If you are based in Agra or know someone here who may be interested in joining this blog program,...

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Transfer Your Google Notebook to Zoho - Quickly & Effortlessly

Zoho has just released an excellent wizard like tool to help you quickly import all your notes and web clippings from Google Notebook into Zoho Notebook.

zoho notebook import

Here are the steps involved for moving all your data from Google to Zoho Notebook:


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My name is Martijn Rijven, I was born in Rotterdam and after 34 years
of moving around to and living in various cities in various countries
I now run a one-man design/illustration/animation operation out of
Amsterdam under the name of BOLTgraphics. I am happily married to
Sandrijn. Turn-ons: cleanliness, apples and irony. Turn-offs: crystal
meth, pavement and irony.

When did you first decide to become a graphic designer/ illustrator? Was there a pivotal moment?
As is the case with most illustrators, I too have been drawing "ever since I can remember". So drawing was always there and I also knew I was going to end up in a visual / creative profession quite early on (either that or being a cook I seem to remember). When it came to choosing an education and 'a future' though, I realised I wasn't too sure about turning my hobby into my job. Out of fear of getting bored with it and being stuck without a hobby (so something to enjoy and to relax). So I chose to do typographic and graphic design which was sort of a parallel to art plus it somewhat limited my chances of me ending up a "starving artist"...

Who or what inspires you?

Approaching this question philosophically I would say: life. A more practical (and less lame) answer would be: For self-commissioned stuff it can be almost anything. Sometimes I make stuff just to try out ideas, for instance when I see something or notice how light can work in a specific way I think "ah so that's how that looks" and then I go into the studio and try to do it. Which then develops into work. Some other times it can be just a weird story or a thought that pops into my head. Even things that annoy me to death (and there are quite a few things I have to admit) inspire me in a way. For commissioned work it's usually (with some luck and somewhat depending on the job) research into the subject matter that inspires me the most. When I'm stuck for ideas I usually just hit the books.... well the Googles really. Reading into subject matter usually makes the images and ideas just flood in. Oh and looking at the paintings of the old masters in real life always gives me a nice feeling which makes me want to start producing stuff.

Where does your training come from? Self-taught? College/Art School?

My illustration is basically self-taught because even-though I went to arts college I did graphic/typographic design, there was hardly any focus on illustration/drawing/painting etc. Just the basics. When I got out of college I did some internships and quite soon after I went independent doing illustration and (limited) animation besides design.

In 2001 I did a short stint at House Industries in Wilmington, Delaware and that's where I met Chris Gardner. He showed me the basics of using a brush for inking and that really inspired me to develop my skill and style. So after that, illustration more and more became an important part of my business and it's been an ongoing struggle for improvement ever since. I think most, let's say 'serious' illustrators (and designers for that matter) are constantly looking to hone and improve on their skills. There's always studying and experimenting that comes with for instance new technical developments, new software or even just having a critical eye for what you (and others) make. So the training as such never really stops and in that respect I'd have to say I'm mostly self-taught...

How do you keep "fresh" within your industry?

To be honest I'm not sure what keeping fresh in the industry means. It try to keep an open mind and always try to improve at what I do. I don't really follow the trends, but I don't really focus on being and innovator either. I read books, study work (my own and other people's), practice, learn new software, go to shows, museums. I'm constantly, quite consciously, looking at stuff basically. Never really consciously worked at developing a style. That comes out automatically I think through the tools you use and the way your mind works. Besides that I also like to think the job dictates the look and feel of the work, so sometimes it becomes really graphic and 'flat', other times really colourful and flashy. I do what I do and let the industry worry about my freshness I guess.

What are some of your current projects?

I'm really focussing on animation at the moment. I have been doing little animations in Flash ever since it came out, but recently I've been getting into more 'serious' animation. Making it connect to music, getting more fluidity and depth into them. Also just honing the skills again. Illustration is something that will never go away but apart of the fact that animation is something I've always been interested in, I also think that with tv-screens and 'jumbotrons' replacing posters and billboards everywhere, it's a handy skills to have. Besides the animations I am chronically trying to finish typefaces I've been working for way too long.

Which of your projects are you the most proud of? And why?

The Adidas "Predator vs. F50" campaign I did for 180 Amsterdam in 2006 is definitely one that I'm very proud of. In that job I hand-drew the lettering for two different print campaign designs, that all had two pieces of lettering on them and all of this in 24 different languages, besides English, German, French etc. (all the big western ones) there were 3 different Chinese dialects, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, 2 Cyrillic, Greek... the list goes on. So it was a ton of work. With all kinds of exotic lettering, making it all work in the same styles, keeping the art directors at 180 Amsterdam (the ad agency that commissioned me) and all the local and global clients happy and still keeping the quality up as high as I could.

Are there any areas, techniques, mediums, projects in your field that you have yet to try?

For a while now I've been trying to get away from my Mac a bit more. I do most everything on paper apart from the colouring, but I've been looking to get some more texture and warmth in my colours and then you just have get your hand dirty. Computer generated stuff (texture brushes and the like) will always look like, well computer generated stuff... Then again I've also been looking to integrate more computer generated material like 3d stuff into my work. I guess more experimentation is needed in any case. As I wrote earlier I've been really concentrating on animation lately too. Trying to do what I do for print (combining illustration and hand drawn type) but then adding the dimension of time. Especially in typography I am looking for new interesting ways of adding time.

Any advice to the novice designer/ illustrator?

Hmm let's see, eat well, plenty of fibres, exercise, regular showers, wash you hands before and after dinner, no running with scissors, relax, don't worry too much about being cool or the next hot-shot Stefan Carson or James Biskup... Don't look too much to other designers / illustrators for 'inspiration'. You already are a designer so why not find out what architecture, photography, sculpture, nature, choreography, music could make you think of. I don't like these 'design-books' it seems to have cut design loose from other disciplines. Architecture, product design and graphic design (and illustration and even music for that matter) used to 'leach' off each other much more in the old days. Designers and creatives used to react more to what's going on around them.... but maybe that has also changed because of clients and their attitudes have changed. But I'm rambling and getting off topic....

Just a bit more advice to tie this one up: Keep an open mind don't limit yourself with the idea of having to develop a distinct style. Having a style can be very restricting. It could make you more recognisable for potential clients, but it can also badly limit the amount of clients that want to use your services.

What makes a designed piece or illustration successful?

The simple answer: when it does it's job. When it fulfils the brief and does what it is intended to do (inform, attract attention, warn, mesmerise whatever). A lot of people (both designers and clients) don't seem to get the difference between "beautiful" or "nice" and "good". Or "ugly /
boring" and "bad" because that's an important thing. The one thing is objective and the other is subjective. In the olden day (imagine the voice of grandpa Simpson here) clients wanted work that would set them up for a couple of years and were willing to cough up a nice bit of dough for it too so it had to be really good... nowadays that seems to have changed to clients just want something that looks 'cool' or 'fresh' for a couple of months for not too much cash. So that way when it's worn out and out of vogue they still have some cash left to have some new tat done up...

Ok that's a bit of a sour comment but that has happened to a certain extent, I feel. Now (to get to my point) the definition of a successful illustration or design has changed. Or to be more exact, I
believe there's now a difference between what clients would consider successful work and what illustrators and designers would think it should be. So to me I think it has to be good (in the old way). It has to tell the right story in the right way and although it also has to be somewhat pleasing to the eye the look of it still dictated by it's function. So function over form kids. Sorry for boring you.

What do you do to keep yourself motivated and avoid burn-out?

Keeping motivated and avoiding burn-out are 2 different things to me. To avoid burn-out I'll do anything that has nothing to do with making money. I like to do sports (although you might not think so by the look of me) I ride BMX, do aikido and go to the gym regularly. Sports are a great stress release for me. Besides that there's music. I play in a hardcore punk-band and I love to go see shows. Music really helps me get my mind off my work which in turn helps me have fresh
look when I return to it. The thing that motivates me to keep at it is mainly this internal kind of anger. It sounds really negative, but it's not, it's just the only way I can describe it. It feels like an urge to keep fighting. Not quite sure what the fight is for though. For independence I guess...just fighting out of fear for ever having to be stuck in a 9 to 5 life.

Finish this sentence. "If I weren't a designer/illustrator I would have been a..."

I used to always say something like: "a patient on psych ward" But to be truthful I would have liked to be clever enough to be a biologist or a physicist. I've always been mesmerised by nature and physics. On vacations I sometimes spend hours just looking at clouds and weather especially when there are thunderstorms brewing) like a retarded monkey, just the look of the things.... fascinating.

And finally, what is the best thing on [prime-time] TV right now?

The off-switch.

Beautiful Places in USA on Your Desktop

Gateway Arch, St Louis, Missouri, USA

Gateway Arch, St Louis, Missouri, USA

Golden Gate Bridge From Baker Beach, San Francisco, California, USA

Lady Liberty, USA

Moon Over Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, USA

Scout Sculpture, Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Seattle Space Needle, Washington

Tags: Beautiful America, America Places , Beautiful United States, US Photos, USA Wallpapers, USA Tourism Picutres, USA Image Gallery

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Exploring Mindfulness And Meditation

In our every day lives, we are all guilty of neglecting our minds, allowing our brains to be lulled into a lazy, neglected, and unaware state. It is as if we are allowing ourselves to be sculpted by bland and repetitive consumerism, our individuality being chiselled away by a tedium we cannot even be bothered to challenge with any will.

Life need not be like that. We are each blessed with a powerful mind; but normally people have forgotten or, most likely, never even knew how, to use it. It is such a waste of our own greatest resource.

One way to start to extricate ourselves from the mindless quicksand is to gently exercise our minds, using mindfulness and meditation as a way of bringing ourselves more emphatically into the real world, and start the process of exercising control over our minds and our lives.

Creating a mindfulness meditation is a gentle but powerful exercise. But how do you go about it?

A Simple Mindfulness Meditation Exercise

As with any meditation session, you need to get into a relaxed and comfortable position, eyes closed, and then commence with deep nasal breathing, focusing your thoughts on the breathing to ease yourself into a meditative state.

Once you feel that you are calmed by your breathing and that your breath is under your rhythmic control, then you can move on to focusing on your own body, a part at a time. I was first taught this at yoga class, where we were taught to concentrate first of all on the left foot, focusing on it from a position above ourselves. Then move up the body slowly, left ankle, knee, thigh and so on. When reaching your head, you then do the same in reverse on the other side of the body: right shoulder, right elbow, right hand and so on.

Once you have completed your tour of your own body, as if you were someone else examining it, then it is time to open your eyes and increase your mindfulness of your surroundings.

To do this, focus on any object in the room; it does not have to be anything special: a cup on the coffee table, a vase, a plastic flower, anything. Try to maintain that focus for half a minute, and then move on to any other object. You can repeat this several times, always maintaining a focus on your own body and your own breathing, creating a triple harmony with each object on which you focus.

By using this simple mindfulness meditation you are increasing awareness both of yourself and your surroundings, in a very gentle and easy way. It can serve as a prelude to some mental task, as well as being part of an ongoing mindfulness campaign to strengthen and expand the use of your own mind.

For example, most days I write, but sometimes I just do not seem able to concentrate on what I am supposed to be writing about. I find this type of exercise, even just for 10 minutes, will snap me out of that inexplicable malaise, and I can get right on and write what I should have written earlier.

Digital Inspiration - Technology Blog - 4 new articles

Digital Inspiration

Browse the iTunes Store Without Installing iTunes Software

itunes web store Even if you are not buying movies or songs from the iTunes store, it’s still a perfect place to learn about new audio books and free podcast shows that have just been released onto the web. Other than that, iPod Touch and iPhone customers use the...

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Web Clipping Services Working Hard to Win Google Notebook Users

Competing web clipping services like EverNote, Zoho Notebook, UberNote and Diigo are working extra hard to win over Google Notebook users who may be searching for new homes for their data as Google is discontinuing Notebook.

Let’s see what...

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Create your own Garfield Comic Strip

create garfield comic

To all you Garfield fans. This online app will help you design your own Garfield comic strips through simple drag and drop.

You’ll find all the main Garfield characters - Garfield, Jon, Odie, Nermal and Arlene - in various poses, with...

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Send Email that is both Secure and Anonymous

If you are worried that some malicious cracker or your employer could be violating your privacy and reading private emails, Whisper Bot could be of some help. With Whisper Bot, the sender can write a note (in rich text) online and the recipient can...

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