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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hypnosis and Self Confidence

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Attain Unlimited Confidence Through Self Hypnosis!!!

The techniques used in Unlimited Confidence will help you have the confidence you need to make real changes in your life. If you have skills and abilities, but are afraid to put yourself out there because you lack the confidence, then Unlimited Confidence will help you:

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You Can Achieve Confidence Using Hypnosis

Ever had that feeling in the pit of your stomach that feels like it's in knots, you've butterflies that are tapdancing around, the adrenaline is pumping and then the little voice in the back of your head is saying you can't take this opportunity that will change your life, stay where you are in your comfort zone, it's safer, you don't risk the possibility of failure, and before you know it ten years have gone by and nothing in your life has changed, your still in that deadend job, in the relationship which toxic to who you are and you start boring your friends and family with stories about how you let that opportunity slip by, and you know its because you didn't have the confidence in yourself to take the chance to get the better life that you deserve.

Having confidence and belief in who you are and what you stand for and knowing that you can walk into any situation, and can handle anything life throws you and you will be allright. With confidence in yourself you start to have a different energy about you, you attract different people, have better relationships, get the career that you have always dreamed about and deserve, your posture changes as you no longer walk around looking down at the ground or sit in the corner hoping no-one notices you.

If you have a dog or horse and having behavioural problems such as they won't listen to you and give you that "Yeah right, make me" look when you are trying to get them to do something. My dog used to give me that look before I found Cesar Millan and saw the way he worked with dogs and you could feel the energy from him by the tv. This guy just screams calm assertive energy and especially self confidence and both dogs and humans responded positivity to this energy. My dogs behaviour and attitude changed along with our relationship, when I became calm, asertive and confident.

If like so many people that dream about starting a new business, working for yourself either online or offline so you can spend time with your family and friends and doing all the things you want to do and live life to the fullest. So, we buy into affiliate programs, data entry, online work waiting for things to change and when it doesn't do what it says on the tin, we ditch the idea putting it down to the program being a scam and in most cases online work are scams, but if you don't have the confidence in yourself to make it work and to keep going the business wont get off the ground, but what if you had the confidence and the self belief, wouldn't you get the results you deserve.

So what are you going to tell yourself months from now when your life if pretty much the same as it is now and your still watching you life and dreams slip away. This MP3 is under $10 with a money back guarantee and all you have to do is sleep and let your CD do the rest.

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I live in Northern Ireland with my cat and dog. I draw pet portraits

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Women Motivational Speakers Can Help Transform A Business

A large enterprise or corporation relies heavily on its employees to succeed and to develop constantly. If you go over the products and services offered, on the new technologies discovered and implemented, you would see that the working team is behind all these factors. Having a well-trained, skilled and motivated team of employees is vital if you want your business to work flawlessly. Sometimes employees feel a drop in morale. There are many causes for this, but the main idea is that the managing team will have to find a way to increase the employee's morale. More and more corporate managers resort to motivational speakers to help speeches in front of the employees to boost their morale, to increase their self-confidence and to increase the overall business's profitability. If the employees are happy and satisfied with the working conditions and with the atmosphere at the work place, they will surely give all their skill and attention to the work they are doing. Another great thing is that there are many women motivational speakers.

It is the motivational speaker's duty to get to know the employees, the company hiring them for their services, the existing culture and habits existing between employees and the relationship between the people working there and the managing team. By understanding the working conditions, the issues people are facing the professional motivational speaker will be able to compose a powerful motivational speech that will reach the hearts and minds of both employees and managers to boost the people's morale and self-confidence. Sociological studies have shown that after hearing a woman motivational speaker, employees and managing staff are often impacted. Some people admitted that after hearing a woman motivational speaker they have changed their attitude towards life, their job and their relationships with people around them forever. The influence a professional woman motivational speaker can have on the employees is fantastic, but she needs to get to know the company the people are working in before putting together a motivational speech. You see, the difference stands in the way a man and a woman offers her speech.

The lists of professional speakers found at various speakers' bureaus are full of women motivational speakers that have succeeded in transforming large companies and organizations altogether. Specialists say that because women tend to be more sentimental, more sensitive and more reacting to people's emotions, women motivational speakers find it easier to understand the employees and to compose a speech in such a way to reach as many people as possible. No matter what the event is, a commercial presentation, a political party event, a company team building event, people who had witnessed the speech agreed that women speakers had a very pronounced impact on them through a well-built and powerful motivational speech. Women motivational speakers have a native speaking ability, to be able to understand people emotions very fast so they can relate to the company's atmosphere so they are able to put together a well-aimed motivational speech. For example, you may have seen in some cases that even in religious (in most of the Christian religions at least) debates there has been at least a woman motivational speaker that has impressed the crowd. You can find history and contact details about women motivational speakers at speakers' bureaus nationwide as well on their web sites on the Internet.

Read more information about Motivational Speakers and how they can help you achieve your business goals at =>

Monday, May 5, 2008

Positive and Pure Language to Accelerate your Success

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have everything they want? A great relationship, successful career, a fantastic social life and great health? So why do some people live a fulfilled life and others seem to miss out? It could be really, really simple.

Are you sitting comfortably? Let me tell you a little story...

Recently, I went for a coffee with my friend Caroline; she was telling me how she'd just landed her dream job: she's working from home three days a week; she's had a great pay rise, she loves the role and has developed great relationships with her new colleagues. We chatted about it until our coffees were nearly cold!

As we were getting up to leave, Caroline turned to me and blurted out "I'm so pleased we've had this opportunity to chat, I feel so much better about it. I've been worrying there's something wrong with me, I've got this fantastic new job but sometimes I just feel really down. I can't explain why, but I feel so much better now." I ordered two more coffees and we chatted more honestly this time - there was a pattern to this sinking feeling she was getting: it was following the days she spent with her colleagues in the office. So I let her into the same secret I'm going to share with you: the language used around us has a real power on our mind, on our state, on our emotions and on our energy.

Caroline's colleagues all used very negative language. For example, her manager would say things like "we mustn't miss this deadline or overspend on our tight budget". In order to make sense of these statements, Caroline's unconscious mind would have to imagine missing the deadlines and blowing the budget before it could imagine not doing it. This is how our mind processes negatives.

Take this example: consider the statement "don't think of a blue elephant." Notice what your first thought was - I bet it was a blue elephant! In order to process the statement, your brain had to imagine what you didn't want before it could imagine what you did so its process was elephant - pink - not. Notice how the first focus is the elephant. To put this into a more useful context, how many times do you find yourself saying "don't worry" to someone? Every time you say this, the brain's very first focus is to worry - probably not the constructive and positive outcome you were looking for!

Research conducted by the well-known psychiatrist John H Reitmann confirmed this. He once said "It takes an average person almost twice as long to understand a sentence that uses a negative approach than it does to understand a positive sentence." Just imagine all the extra energy Caroline was using trying to battle against all the negative messages she was getting in just two days at the office! No wonder she was feeling drained.

Coffee became lunch...

Over lunch, we discussed how to use pure and positive language to ensure the message you convey is instantly understood and, most importantly, is the message you intended to convey. A few small changes will ensure that your language has a purely positive impact on you, your results and what happens in your life by giving you the ability to choose your outcomes. For example, if Caroline's boss had known about how important pure and positive language is to success, he would have said "let's all focus on meeting our deadline of xxxx and staying within our budget of xxxx." These simple changes would have made him a much better, more inspiring leader and therefore much more likely to have a high performing team.

This is also really important in our internal dialogue. Your internal conversations can have a huge effect on your external results as well as how you feel. For example, if you say to yourself "I'm tired." What happens to your physiology? How does it make you feel? Now say to yourself "I could do with more energy." It's the same thing, and just using different words will have a massive impact on how your brain responds. When I say things like "I could do with more energy", immediately my brain says "I know how to do more energy" and will release the chemicals, change my breathing habits and I'll stand in a different way because I've been given more energy.

Not everybody's aware of the power of their language so I'd like to leave you with the same tips I gave Caroline (over dessert!) in order to ensure all your communications - both internally and externally - lead you towards success in your life...

Give your mind a positive workout...

Like all muscles, the brain develops with a workout! Some practice will help your unconscious mind install good habits to support you in taking you to where you want to be. To begin, start to notice your language in your conversations and your internal dialogues and ask yourself:

  • Is my language positive and pure?
  • What am I really saying to myself?
  • What am I focusing on?

Is your language taking you towards success, or is it holding you back? When you notice that you are using negative language, rethink how you can better phrase what you are saying. Changing your focus to one of success is as simple as asking yourself the following questions:

  • What would I like to do instead?
  • What would I like to happen instead?
  • How would I like things to be instead?

Try doing this for the next 24 hours and notice the positive impact it has on your mind, your state, your emotions and your energy and then build the techniques into all your conversations and start to feel the positive results! Remember: where you are today is a reflection of your thoughts and language used in the past and you can change where you are tomorrow by changing those thoughts and language.

This article was brought to you by LifeSource International - the most comprehensive and immersive personal development community online - where we guarantee all our music downloads and written content for pure language to really accelerate your success.