Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Saturday, November 29, 2008


favorite magazine!
unfortunately it is so hard to get it here in germany...
and everytime i read it, i want to go back to london♥♥
love it!

...have a nice weekend.

Friday, November 28, 2008



weekeeeend :)
party time again!!!

...and learning.. -.-

..euer hippiegirl!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lifedrawing Thurs 27th November

Tried out a few different approaches tonight!


shoes:goertz (winter '07)

bommel.. bommel.. bommel ;)

..euer hippiegirl♥

Thanksgiving Day, 2008

As usual, I arise at 4:30 a.m. eastern time, start the coffee and clean the kitchen while the joe is brewing. It’s a special coffee today – Spicy Pumpkin Pie. The aroma of cinnamon is comforting. Eventually, I call Stuart who is making his way through security at General Mitchell Airport. It’s now 5:45 a.m. (4:45 in Milwaukee). That pink hew of the coastal sky is starting to emerge through the kitchen picture window. The trees are still. The birds are singing in the new day.

Stuart boards his plane at 6:15 while we end our cell phone conversation. The phone rings at 6:20. “His flight must be delayed.” But, no, it’s Mitch calling to let me know they’ve just arrived at our home in Wisconsin. After working the night shift last night our eldest and Joanna, accompanied by Porter, their growing pup, drove the ninety minutes of snow-lined highways from Madison to our home in Richfield.

He speaks in a hushed voice, “We’re here,” as Shayne, our college sophomore, is sleeping on the family room couch. (He must miss his dorm loft bed … why else would he not sleep in his queen-sized bed in his bedroom? I wonder if he’ll miss not hitting his head on the ceiling when he awakens, too.)

Mitch sounds exhausted as he whispers, “I have to get some sleep.” He intends to get in a few hours of rest before preparing squash soup for the McLees family Thanksgiving celebration later today.

We won’t physically be with our sons or their significant others for the celebration to give thanks this year. Nor will we spend the day with my parents, siblings and their families cooking, laughing, and enjoying traditional treats: Mom's stuffing, Lori’s éclair torte, Todd’s bread extravaganza and Dad’s pecan pie. But, they and many others will be in our thoughts and prayers of gratitude here in Chesapeake, Virginia.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Love, Jackie

Painting: "The First Thanksgiving"

Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1863–1930)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


pullover:h&m.kette:new yorker.

Ich wurde von Julia mit einem Stöckchen beworfen.
Regeln: Der Werfer/die Werferin postet acht zufällige Dinge über sich selbst, *wirft das Stöckchen an acht Leute weiter,*die ebenfalls acht Dinge über sich selbst posten* uns es weiter werfen.
...bin totaaaal chaotisch und unordentlich
...liebe meine pinnwand, auf der sich schon gar nichts mehr finden lässt
...fahre jeden tag mindestens einmal fahrrad (versuche es zumindest ;))
...bin OC-süchtig ♥
...möchte mal in einer kreativen WG wohnen
...möchte die ganze Welt sehen und am liebsten Südafrika
...schreibe in zwei Monaten Abitur
...habe ein Buch geschrieben und möchte versuchen, es zu veröffentlichen ;)

Ich werfe das Stöckchen weiter an:

..euer hippiegirl♥

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Giving Thanks


For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)


frühling in hamburg...

sehr anstrengender tag.. zehn stunden schule.

..euer hippiegirl

I am Only One

I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything.
But I can still do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something I can do.

~Edward Everett Hale
Author and Clergyman

Photo: Brett Favre

Jets, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Filled with Gratitude

Can you see the holiness in those things you take for granted--a paved road or a washing machine? If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.

~ Rabbi Harold Kushner



..euer hippiegirl :)

Super Soft White Bread

I've tried several bread recipes over the last few months, trying to lower my grocery budget. I found some yummy recipes, but the bread was so dense and had a pretty hard crust, no matter what I tried -- so it was great for garlic bread but not so great for sandwiches or toast. So I found myself still buying bread at the store, which is exactly what I was trying to avoid by making my own bread in the first place.

And then I found this recipe. It's another recipe that I found online on THIS website.

When I make these loaves of bread, my family will eat the entire batch in one sitting, if I let them. I don't let them. :) It is so extremely soft and is also very easy to make. It makes amazing French toast, and even just toasting it and slathering it with butter is perfection.

I think one of the main reasons this bread is so much better is because it uses bread flour instead of all-purpose flour. I'll admit I hadn't even heard of bread flour before -- every other bread recipe I've ever made just called for all-purpose flour. That's what makes the biggest difference in this recipe!

FYI -- bread flour is high in gluten. It has a few additives - like malted barley flour, vitamin C or potassium - that really help the yeast to work to its fullest potential. It's the extra gluten that provides the chewy-ness. If your recipe calls for bread flour, you can substitute all-purpose flour if you really need to (try your best not to need to, though!), but you won't get the same fabulous results. However, if a recipe calls for all-purpose flour, like a cake recipe, for example, don't substitute bread flour.

As always, you may want to read my tips on working with yeast and bread making before you begin!

Enough chit-chat.

2 cups hot water (about 110 degrees)
2/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons active dry yeast
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
6 cups bread flour

Dissolve sugar in water. Add yeast and let stand until yeast is very foamy and bubbly, about 5 minutes.

Add salt and oil. Mix in flour, 1 cup at a time. (You may need to use a bit more flour. I've had to use 6.5-7 cups in the past -- it really depends on the humidity.) Knead dough, either by hand or in your mixer, for about 5 minutes. Place dough in a well-oiled metal bowl, cover with a damp cloth and let rise until double in size, about 1 hour.

Punch down dough, divide in half and place into well-oiled 9x5 loaf pans. Let rise about 30 minutes.

Bake at 375 for 30 minutes. (Depending on your oven, you may need to cover loaves with foil and then remove the foil the last few minutes, to prevent over-browning.)
I dare you not to eat it all in one sitting!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Walking the PGA Tour

Born 10 weeks premature, D.J. has lived with cerebral palsy for thirty years. As his father explains, D.J. does not consider himself disabled. His dreams are without limit. He is determined to live a "full and rewarding" life - right now this entails walking the entire 966 miles of the PGA tour.

Visit D.J.'s blog here.

Editing the Nature

Count Your Blessings in 2008

Appearing on Conan O'Brien, the comedian Louis CK explains in his own special way the need for us to remember why we still live in an amazing time.

Thanks, Mitchell, for this contribution!!