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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Inspiration For Self Efficacy Development From Famous Figures

For those wanting to achieve beyond the normal boundaries of an ordinary existence and reach what it is you deem supreme success in life, it will take high development in the area of self efficacy. Whether you are looking to become a millionaire or just want to live simple but without financial worries, your ability to achieve this will depend greatly on your own self efficacy.

There is no shortage of people, in history as well as present day, who have achieved what society and science has deemed "impossible". They achieved this because they pushed beyond the limits of established norms.

Read on for some great stories and quotes from some famous figures to help you aspire to develop self-efficacy.

Rocket scientist Werner von Braun said, "I have learned to use the word 'impossible' with the greatest caution."

Teilhard de Chardin said "It is our duty as human beings to proceed as though the limits of our capabilities do not exist." De Chardin was a French Jesuit who attempted to integrate science and religion, and coined the phrase the "Omega Point" in which the convergence of systems and self-conscious awakening would lead to peace and unity. While he had not succeeded in fully reconciling religion and science, his vision of a one Earth is coming together in the form of the global community.

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be." William Shakespeare said this. While he is well known as an Early Renaissance writer, playwright and poet, he is considered the greatest writer in the English language. However, Shakespeare did not begin life with a silver spoon in his mouth. He made his own way and by some accounts, led a vagabond life in the years before he came to London.

Aristotle stated, "Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities." One of the most influential Greek philosophers, Aristotle concerned himself with diverse subjects, writing on metaphysics, poetry, biology, logic government, ethics, physics and many other disciplines. He, together with Socrates and Plato, contributed to the development of Western philosophy, as it is known today. Being a man of diverse interest, Aristotle discovered that anything is possible under the sun, and beyond.

Samuel Johnson also believed that "The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious." The English poet and essayist embodied in this statement the truth that is so obvious to many now, as evidenced by innovations like computers and automobiles. It is still difficult for most people, however, to think "outside the box" with all this evidentiary situations surrounding them and persist in believing that if it can be done, someone else has already done it. Few believe that someone could be himself.

The great General Napoleon Bonaparte declared, "Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." He embodied this in himself when this Corsican managed to make himself emperor of the notoriously elitist French and brought most of Europe to its knees by thinking outside the military box, using innovative tactics to achieve major victories in the battlefield. His "Napoleonic Code" has also given him a place in perpetuity, as it is the basis for the present French bureaucracy.

Martial arts legend and founder of the martial arts style Jeet Kune Do Bruce Lee said "When you say that something is impossible, you have made it impossible." He had suffered a major back injury which should have made him wheelchair bound for the rest of his life, but his self-efficacy enabled him to beat the odds and come back to the martial arts arena as well as to carve a movie career for himself before he succumbed to heart failure at the age of 33. He also revolutionized the art of self-defense by going beyond traditions.

These are just a few of the people who have stated out loud their convictions about what constitutes human capabilities. There are many more that have focused as well on the concept of what is impossible and have proven historically that nothing is.

Never let yourself believe that you cannot achieve whatever it is you want out of life. Many will be against you and try to throw you off your path. But belief in yourself and an un·relenting ability to get things done will be your best weapon in enabling you to reach your goals.

Sincerely, Debbie Ducker

Debbie Ducker is the owner of Ducker Promotion
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