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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You Can Reach Your Goals in Ten Easy Steps!

Do you have a big dream or fantastic goal you want to bring to life? Setting goals is a great way to get the job done. Yet, even the most sincere people with the best of intentions regularly fall short of actually realizing their goals. Two of the most common reasons people are unable to reach their goals are loss of focus and motivation.

As a business and writing coach, one of my functions is to help my clients reach their goals. There are many effective techniques used in coaching that improve a client's ability to stay focused and motivated. Most importantly, how we communicate our goals to ourselves and to others plays a significant role and greatly influences our success.

Whether your goal is to expand your business, implement a marketing plan, spend less time working in your business, or create a new product line, below are ten ways to help you succeed in your endeavor.

1. Write it down. The simple act of writing your goals on paper is the first step in making them materialize! Include why you want this goal and dare to be as specific as possible.

2. Mark your calendar. Setting a firm deadline for your goal increases your commitment and focus.

3. Affirm and say it out loud. Create a positive affirmation and say it out loud every day. When you speak your goal, you are preparing your mind to help you accomplish what you want. An example of an affirmation for better health could be, "I am taking good care of myself by eating a proper diet and exercising three times a week."

4. Picture it. Visualizing yourself successfully accomplishing your goal will help keep you motivated and moving forward especially when life hands you extra challenges to manage.

5. Put it in front of you. Post your goal on index cards and keep them in places you look at often. For example, on the refrigerator or bathroom mirror. I have a friend who bought a toy car identical to the one she wanted, and within a short time she was able to buy the real car!

6. One a day. Take one action every day that supports your goal no matter how small or large until you reach your goal.

7. Keep a record. Write down every action you take towards your goal. By tracking your progress daily or weekly you will see what works, what doesn't work, and what remains to be done. Not to mention you will be creating a "system" you can sell or share with clients to manage the same situation or problem.

8. Enlist support. Ask for support from at least one person you trust, and who cares about your success.

9. Get permission. Give yourself permission to make mistakes, take time off, reward yourself, or whatever else you need. The power of permission liberates and empowers you for greater success.

10. Check your thinking. What you say to yourself has tremendous power over your actions. When you think you won't reach your goal you are really sabotaging your own success.

Congratulations for having the courage to reach for those big dreams and incredible goals!

Small business coach and writing expert Kim Lednum is the "Write Promotion Coach for Business." Kim provides simple writing and marketing strategies and tools self-employed professionals can use to build credibility, drive traffic to their website, and attract more more business. For more tips like these or to get her FREE audio workshop "7 Tips for Attracting Business Now!" visit:


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