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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Positive Affirmations guide to better your life

Positive Affirmations is an easy guide to better your life. The end result of the consistent use of positive affirmations is the transformation of an inner negative language pattern into one that is positive in nature. The most effective way to use positive affirmations is with the individuals own voice. A positive affirmations is every sentence that you have said to yourself in determination to succeed, always starting with I will or I can. A great way to reinforce these positive affirmations is to set aside time everyday for meditation.

Self Esteem

Having positive self esteem can make the difference in that which we take on in life, in that which we go about achieving and creating. One could also assert that having positive self esteem gives us access to genuine spirituality. Poor self-esteem, on the other hand, creates the space for us to experience a great deal of negativity in life including depression, anxiety, fear, stress and loneliness. Negative or poor self esteem is also highly correlated with alcohol and drug dependency. While it appears that the importance of positive self esteem is somewhat understood, the unanswered question has always been about how to improve or enhance a persons self-esteem.

Conscious Mind

The fundamental reason why positive affirmations are so effective is that their nature or structure reflects what already exists in our mind. This subconscious brain training, gives us the instinct and ability to walk down the street, without having to employ each muscle individually by our conscious mind. Negative Self-Scripts could include negative stories about your past behaviour, failures, or performances that you run over in your mind and influence your current conduct or maybe attitudes about the possibility of your achievement of success in your life.

Similarly, if you are experiences a sense of exhilaration at an affirmation, you are responding in a way that your mind knows this to be true, it is working. Keeps you focused on what's important, using simple, yet powerful ways to re-train your mind to think and believe the things that will help you succeed. Listening to positive affirmations before sleep also allows the person's mind to begin this restructuring or reprogramming process even while the individual sleeps by taking the words and language into their dream state. Positive affirmations work for everyone, as its very nature merely amplifies what already is in our minds.

Thoughts Are Things

Thoughts are a form of energy that we send out into the universe. Thoughts and feelings How to express them. That means that you are disrespectful of your thoughts. Trash Can Technique Good for getting rid of negative thoughts. One is for all the thoughts and personal traits that you want to get rid of. Be sure to replace them with positive thoughts and affirmations. Then light a fire in a bowl and put the bad list in, and tell the world (doesn't have to be load, though it could) that you release these thoughts. The other is for the positive thoughts and traits that will fill the vaccuum created by the departing thoughts.

Negative Thinking

Negative Self-Scripts are negative beliefs you have about yourself, which you remind yourself daily by sprinkling your everyday conversation. Negativeself-esteem can create anxiety, stress, loneliness, depression,problems with relationships, seriously impair academic and job performance and also can generate an increased vulnerability to drug and alcohol abuse and dependency.

Negative or poor self-esteem is also highly correlated with alcohol and drug dependency it is used to numb or ward off the emotional pain whose root cause is emotional, mental physical and/or sexual trauma. We grow up beleiving certain things about ourselves or comparing ourselves negatively to others. The use of positive affirmations is a technique to change that negative self-talk into something more positive. Since we've spent many years on the negative image I think it's unreasonable to expect an instant effect from affirmations, but if we stick to it for a few days, with honesty, trust, and belief, then results will start to happen.

Positive Affirmations

Affirmation of the Day: I wake up each morning to new possibilities. affirmations is not one of the options of improving self esteem, in a matter of fact it is the complete method in ach. Affirmation ToolsThe purpose of a positive affirmation is to change your negative self-script and of course there are many ways to help your mental retraining.

Affirmations For Self Worth I accept myself for who I am without judgment or criticism. Affirmations For Success - I have a great vision for my future and I will no longer allow my fears to interfere with my success. Affirmations For Abundance - I am ready to accept all that is available to me without guilt. Affirmations For Mental Health - I release my fear and in the process I let go of my depression. Affirmations For Inspiration - I am ready to freely express myself.

Feel free to modify them for your own use as I have for mine. Feelings of failure you harbour about real or imagined mistakes in the past and your "assured'' failures in the future. Feelings of Joy,Peace,Happiness and Abundance will be felt deep within your soul. Positive affirmations are very powerful for transforming how a person feels and thinks about himself, ultimately influencing how he views and acts within the world and towards others.

Here are some other ways that Negative Self-Scripts can be shown;Feelings of anger, resentment, hostility, rage or guilt Negative prophecies that you or others have made about yourself, your future, your success, your relationships, your family, or your healthWays in which you deny yourself rewards for your goodness, hard work and caring Feelings of over-responsibility with which you burden yourself.

Personal Belief

This is my personal belief on how affirmations works for me. Some belief that a persons self esteem rests upon them being successful, in accomplishing that which they take on in life, of achieving goals that they have set for themselves. To this end training is given to help a person improve his interpersonal skills, how he communicates and relates with others.

Ones self esteem is not given or to be obtained from without, external to the person. While a person can have a beneficial result from listening to a commercially developed product that employs positive affirmations recorded by another, the transformative power of this technology is enhanced or strengthened by the positive messages being delivered in the persons own voice. By using a persons own voice to transform the inner dialogue, there is less resistance to the transformational process due to the fact that the voice itself is the same or identical.

Mirror Affirmation Technique: This technique is great for helping you see yourself as beautiful. Anywhere technique: Whenever you catch yourself thinking something you would rather not, here is a technique that works rather well. Its that sentence you kept saying to yourself when you were learning to ride a bike, its your determination, do you think that you could ever have ridden down the street, if your thoughts and beliefs were, I can not. Similar to a self-fulfilling prophecy, if you continually repeat it to yourself, the subconscious mind will make it become the truth. On the other hand, if you give free reign to negative thoughts you will find yourself often feeling tired.

Repeating these affirmations becomes self-fulfilling since you will have more fun and see more results. Our identity or who we think we are, our current thinking patterns, are also a series of affirmations, composed fundamentally of mere words or language. When combined with binaural audio tones the relaxing affect of the therapeutic relaxation music is greatly enhanced.

When used with the combined effect of the therapeutic relaxation music and binaural audio tones and consistently, the positive enhancing affirmations that are delivered will have such a profound affect upon improving and transforming a persons internal, self-talk and eventually his self-esteem. Most people have been able to make bad use of negative beliefs or Negative Self-Scripts, and before we become positively affirming we need to learn about the effects of negativism in our lives.

They could also be negative self-images you have of your body, looks, face, weight, colouring, hair, feet, or other parts of your body, or maybe negative assessment you or others have made of your skills, ability, knowledge, intelligence, creativity, or common sense. If you are uncomfortable with positive affirmations and statements, take it down a step, listen to your emotions, far better to chip away in small steps, than fall at the foot of an �Everest� of a negative, and undermine the whole process.


Successive sessions will have a compounding effect. Success in network marketing or a home business, our habits attract it or we inadvertently push it out of our reach. Success also comes with an obligation to help those less fortunate, and helping people gives you a certain satisfaction you can't achieve any other way.

Dread and fear you have when facing your future; the belief that you do not have what it takes to survive or to be successful in whatever circumstances you face. In addition to utilizing a unique type of therapeutic relaxation music, the infusion of either theta or alpha binaural tones is crucial for the success of this type of intervention.

The work that is essential to successful recovery is for the individual to be able to redefine who he thinks he is, to alter his self-image, the very foundation of his experience of self-esteem and life. How successful and happy we are is often defined not by what happens to us, but rather, by how we react to the events in our lives. Creating positive affirmations is the first step in changing your self image and more forward on the road to success. The Science of Getting Rich will guide you through the steps toward creating success and riches.

Thinking positive thoughts

Whenever I catch myself thinking something I don't want, I try to "change that thought" to be a new one. Therefore, to truly understand what self-esteem is all about and more importantly to be able to alter it when necessary for ones wellness or healing, we must first get it that self-esteem is really about our thinking, and more specifically about the thoughts that we develop or create about ourselves.

Therefore, to truly understand what self-esteem is allabout and more importantly to be able to alter it when necessary forone's wellness or healing, we must first understand that self-esteem isreally about our thinking, and more specifically about the thoughtsthat we develop or create about ourselves. You can develop this as a new habit if you just start out doing it for 30 days; then before you know it you will do it everyday without even thinking about what you are doing.

Positive Affirmations can release you from the chains of negative thinking that may have been sabotaging your attempts to live a happier and healthier life. Using positive affirmations is a powerful positive thinking technique that you can use effectively in countering the negative beliefs that may be regularly sabotaging your attempts to live a happier and more fulfilled life. Breaking out of negative thinking is a cathartic experience. Our identity or who we think we are, our current thinking patterns, are also a series of affirmations, composed fundamentally of mere wordsa.

Beliefs Are Things

Beliefs like these are not life-affirming; they don't support us in our purpose for being in physical existence,which (the belief of the authors of this course) is to experience the magic of being in physical form, to enjoy and beplayful in physical existence, and to contribute to the enjoyment of other beings. What are Negative Self-ScriptsNegative Self-Scripts are ideas and beliefs about ourselves that are self-damaging, these are ideas about our own personality and ability that have we have passed to our subconscious, through bad or undesirable life experiences.

Self-deprecating remarks, which influence your behaviour or beliefs. Very simply, positive affirmations are short positive statements, designed to replace negative beliefs, with positive self-nurturing beliefs. Any affirmation exercisewould involve, repeating words of positive affirmations with passion and conviction and for as long as you do so, you will consistently breakdown your subconscious negative beliefs, no matter how �set in concrete� they may seem. The thoughts or beliefs that we have about ourselves are crucial in that they determine or create the structure of our experience of self-esteem and the various emotions associated with it.

This product was designed specially to change the self-talk that a person experiences on a daily basis by changing the ideas or beliefs that the person has about himself, the very foundation or backdrop of his inner conversation. Consistent use of positive affirmations will transform the negative beliefs about who a person thinks he is into positive ones, will begin to alter the basis and structure of his self talk or inner voice and produce a transformation from poor self-esteem to positive self-esteem.

Nelson Smith has being studying positive thinking for twenty years all can say is this works if you apply it each and every day for more in formation visit


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