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Gallery Tattoo

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Are you a victim of mind control?

Imagine being able to send people secret messages, messages which have to be obeyed! How appealing would it be to persuade and influence the masses to do whatever you want? To some this information will be welcome, other people however will see more sinister implications of this technology.

This article describes the technique of using Silent Sound, a technology which was used by the US Government during the Persian Gulf War. This may sound like conspiracy theory, but it's a fact that this technology has been used by the US government for some years now. I discovered this information a few years ago and used it to quit drinking with great success (which is quite amazing because I was a chronic alcoholic and addicted to alcohol for 25 years), To me that's undefinable proof of its efficacy!

I discovered that by combining Silent sound with binaural beats I could easily reprogram my mind in any way I chose. It was possible to become more motivated, overcome my addictions and to increase my creativity, indeed, this technology has completely transformed my life. I do not use this technology to influence other people however as I believe that to do so would be morally wrong, but its possible applications fascinate me nonetheless.

Silent sound involves recording spoken commands, filtering and changing their frequency using Frequency Modulation and adjusting the frequency so that it is outside of the normal auditory range.

Although we can't physically hear what is being said our brain receives and understands every word. These commands can be hidden on audio Cd's and MP3 files, broadcasted to you whilst you are browsing websites, sent to you whilst you watch the television or listen to the radio and you are completely ignorant of the fact that you are being brainwashed!

Imagine if you wanted to influence other people and make them do whatever you wanted them to. All you would need to do would be to create a digital recording of verbal commands, encode them with Silent Sound technology and then play your recordings to your potential victim.

It would be easy to implement the audio on a website and to broadcast your commands to an unsuspecting public. You would be able to entice people to buy your products and they be completely unaware of the fact that you were influencing them.

If you are interested in this technology and would like to learn how to use it ethically then I recommend that you visit the website linked to this article.

Please ensure that you turn off all sound before visiting the following website otherwise you will become a victim of mind control and will be filled with an insatiable desire to purchase my products (only kidding!)

Rob Maggs is a developer of life changing software for motivation and meditation including the Brain Entrainment Toolkit


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