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Monday, September 8, 2008

"Recreating Our Imagination"

As a child growing up in the rough rural countryside of Texas in the fifties and sixties I was given a large amount of time to create what my imagination desired. It was a rich world full of made of stories, games and projects created from my imagination. In the quiet lifestyle I was able to have an open space within me to relax into wherever my mind wished to wander to.

As I began school the wide-open playground of imagination began to narrow. As the years passed the conformity of other people's mindsets, school disciplines and the attempt to be like everyone else changed how I perceived the world.

As an adult it has been a rediscovery of myself that is revitalizing the creativity within me. It is a process of breaking out of the linear world that we live in to a place of all possibilities.

It all begins by living in a state of non-judgment to everything in your life. It is living without the decisions of right or wrong, good or bad. Whenever we judge we close off our awareness to what we are judging. For example if we believe that religion is bad we begin to lose the perspectives of all of what it has done and is in the world.

Imagination begins with the willingness to perceive and be all energies. It is how we interact with our selves that develop it. What are we willing and unwilling to see within us? The more that we are intimately aware of our feelings and sensations and at the same time not attached to them the more we become aware of everything around us. This creates the atmosphere for creative thoughts and ideals to proliferate easily.

The more that we confront what our limitations we can free up the suppressed parts of us that block a more open perception of our surroundings. Inner exploration is a continual process that gives us more awareness, energy and imagination. That is why it is always important to identify and process your feelings and sensations. Our suppressed conflicts and feelings are energetic blocks that do not allow us to have a free flowing connection with a greater source.

One ingredient to imagination is being creative in all phases of our life. Creativity is not limited to our art, writing or whatever we have deemed as our creative endeavor. It is a choice to be open at all times to create. It is listening within us to what is the most expansive thing to do in any moment. Sometimes we are drawn to our garden, to go for a walk or to redecorate the kitchen. There is something that is revitalizing in a variety of activities that gives an opportunity for us to be creative in them. Children have a simpler term for it, play.

Creativity is an energy that is connected to a simultaneous consciousness, within us and beyond us. Being in the flow of following what is light or what we are guided to do is being in sync with that kind of energy. It guides and feeds us when we stay open to it. We will generally be led back to what we are passionate about the majority of the time with a richer invigoration. At the same time, expect surprises.

Sometimes it is good to pull from a source beyond us. Before I write I sometimes sit in my backyard and I invite the presence of the trees and the earth into my body. I immediately feel lightness in my body in this communion. After sitting with this consciousness for five to fifteen minutes I feel charged and ready to write.

You can connect to any energy or consciousness that is out there. Before I write I sometimes connect to the energy of J.K. Rowling. It seems like my writing takes on the feel of her writing style without plagiarizing. Other times I like to connect to Mary, the virgin, a real powerful presence on the planet. We have choices to what energy we are in ourselves. If we are aware of ourselves our ability to commune with any energy expanded imagination becomes as natural as thinking.

Bart Sharp is an Access Learning Facilitator from Austin, TX. Through the years Bart has worked on variety of issues with individuals and groups. Bart teaches classes about communing with nature, how to connect with energies of all things and other topics related to Access Energy Transformation. Contact Bart at or www,


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