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Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Power of Positive and Pure Language: Installing Empowering Habits

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have exactly what they want? A great relationship, a job that they love, a fantastic social life, time to go to the gym AND bags of confidence and energy to go with it?

You may be asking yourself this question.

Why do some people live a fulfilled life and others seem to miss out? It could be as simple as the language that you use! Yes it really could be that simple. Your self-talk as well as your conversations with others can have a major influence on how successful you are in your life. As you begin to understand the power of pure language, you will also begin to understand the great benefits that can be gained and how using pure language accelerates your success.

Pure Language - What is it?

Language, or more specifically words, that only have a neutral or positive impact on the hearer. Words that support the person in achieving success, direct you towards achievement and empower you so that you have power over your surroundings and the results you achieve. Pure language gives you the ability to choose your outcomes.

If you consider that your brain seeks out what you focus on, you begin to understand the importance of pure language for ensuring that you focus on achieving positive results. Have you ever had the experience where you have purchased something; perhaps a car or a pair of shoes? Suddenly you notice that there are lots of people driving a car like yours and lots of people wearing shoes like yours. This is your brain seeking out a pattern as it makes sense of what is going on around it. So use this knowledge of how the brain works, make your language pure and powerful so that it provides direction towards who you want to be, what you want to do and what you want to have in your life.

As Karen Berg puts it:

"With everything we do and say, there is a force that motivates. When we say things are rotten ��" that is what we expect, so they are. If we say things are good, things happen that way. We are the motivation for our own lives."

What happens if we focus on something we want to avoid?

What happens as you read "don’t think of a pink elephant"? I bet you are thinking of a pink elephant! In order to process this statement your brain has to imagine what you don’t want before it can imagine what you do want so its process is elephant-pink-not. Notice how the first focus is the elephant. If you say to someone "don’t worry" the brain’s first focus is worrying. If you say to yourself "I don’t want to fail". What is your focus? It is failing. You are giving the direction to your brain of failure. So as a pattern seeker your brain is looking for failure and could find many ways for you to fail!

To change the focus, change the language so that it is pure and powerful. Examples are "I want a successful meeting with my boss where I agree a pay rise", "I want my presentation to be successful" and "I want to remember to post my letter".

What impact does it have on our results?

The thoughts and words that we use filter into our unconscious mind and affect our unconscious behaviour. If we continually accept a thought or words over a period of time to be true, they can become what we call a habit and result in habitual behaviour based on the message we have accepted. This can be an issue for someone if that message is not helping them achieve what they want.

For example, telling yourself "I am so clumsy" over a period of time when you need to be balanced, adept and competent to achieve what you want, is forming a habit directed away from success. So, because of the close link between words, thoughts and behaviours, one way to change your behaviour, and therefore your results, is to change those thoughts and words! Remember where you are today is reflection of your thoughts and language used in the past and you can change where you are tomorrow by changing those thoughts and language.

What impact does it have on our energy levels?

Consider again the statement "I don’t want to fail." How does that make you feel? What happens to your physiology? Consider now "I’m going to be successful." How does that make you feel? What is happening to your body now?

There is an energy attached to all things, including words, and they will trigger a vibration in the body which, in turn, has an effect on how you feel physically as well as emotionally. Some words have a low vibration such as failure, sadness, tired, weak, anxiety, fear and some words have a high vibration such as succeed, happy, confident, strong, wide awake and powerful. You can probably feel that the first set of words vibrate at a lower level of energy than the second set of words. In other words, they can either have an effect of raising your energy levels by boosting you and your emotional state, or lowering them as they drain energy away with negativity.

Since words have an impact on how we behave, the results that we achieve and our whole energy level (sometimes called motivation) they also affect our ability to attract positive energy into our life. Remember if your language leads to a high level of vibration (high energy, feel good motivation) then this is the level of energy you will attract into your life - giving a boost to your aims and supporting the achievement of your dreams and desires.

Have a go...

Like all muscles, the brain develops with a workout! Practice with tools and techniques installs good habits into the unconscious mind that support you in being what you want to be. If you want to get those pure language muscles working, here are some tasks to help you.

For the next 24 hours monitor the language that you use in both conversations and self-talk. When you notice that you are using negative language rethink how you can say what you are saying. Ask yourself the following questions to help:

  • What would I like to do instead?
  • What would I like to happen instead?
  • How would I like things to be instead?

For the next 24 hours listen out for the language that others use to you and notice whether it is pure or not, notice the impact it has on you and your energy.

This article was brought to you by LifeSource International - the most comprehensive and immersive personal development community online - where we guarantee all our music downloads and written content for pure language to really accelerate your success.


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