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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Overcome Failure in 5 Days!

If you see failure as part of success, you would be able to overcome it soon. Those who have succeeded have failed many times. People from many fields are proof of this. So, in an event of a failure, do not think you are the only one who has failed. Our suggestions here would help you overcome failure in just 5 days.

Day 1: Wise persons learn from their mistakes and failures.

Remember how you learnt to walk as a child? Every time you took a step you wobbled and fell. If you could learn to walk with your own efforts and without any sense of failing, why flinch at failure now? Be wise! There is so much of help out there to teach you.

Today, you are going to write down the top three things that you learned from your past mistakes or failures. You could also write down the possible avenues, which could help you to learn better.

Day 2: Do not dwell on your past failures.

Let bygone be bygone. Once you learned from your mistake you should move on. Dwelling in the past is only a waste of time. When you meet success you would have forgotten all about your failure.

Today you are going to read what you have written down on day 1. Read the list of the avenues you could get help from รข€" these avenues could be books, Internet information, teachers, friends, etc. start making plans to approach these factors that would help you to bail you out of failure.

Day 3: Try, try, and try again.

Do not let your fear of failure stop you from trying again to reach your dream or goal. Giving up after a couple of failures would make you falter at anything else you may want to try in life. Overcoming one block would give you confidence to take up other tasks too.

Today, you are going to make use of the help you had got and put your knowledge to test. If you try and failed the first time around it is okay. You could use another helping avenue and try again.

Day 4: Share your experience of attempts with people who are supportive.

Talking to those who care about you may be comforting. Share with your loved ones, that information about whatever you are trying to achieve. Some of them may be able to share their experiences of failure from their past. This might make you realize that you are not the only one who had failed. Close people might encourage you on further attempts and you would feel positive that you could do it, too!

Today, you are going to meet up with those whom you trust enough to share your feelings and experiences with.

Day 5: Realize that failure is a lesson to learn from.

Failures do not make you feel happy, true. But you could turn around such failures into successes by learning to approach your goals from new approaches. Know that preparation and hard work are the essential keys to help you move towards success.

Today, recall a success you had achieved in the past. Remember how well you had prepared for that event. Learn from it and put forth the same kind of effort towards that goal you had failed.

Remember how you learnt to walk with your own efforts? You could fall and learn to achieve your new goal now. A real success is not just getting up after a fall, but getting up each time after a fall.

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