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Gallery Tattoo

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Why many aren't wealthy & Why you should be wealthy

It seems like a foolish title right? I mean if I ask anybody in the world that question (Why should you be wealthy?) I am sure they could come up with five reasons right on the spot, kids included. So if that is true then how come the majority of human beings decide to be slaves to large corporations? Why do people decide to spend the majority of there lives dedicated to serving there bosses as if they were there masters for a miserable salary? I could understand in countries that are undeveloped third-world countries that are lacking a decent structure and order but i do not understand it otherwise. I do not understand why people that live in countries like the UK, USA, Canada, etc. decide to live there lives paycheck to paycheck or often in complete poverty.

I am not here judge or harrass anybody. I am only here to motivate and to broaden your thought processes. Understand that even if you don't have a college education you can still become wealthy all you need is the will power.

What really drives me crazy about the human race is that 1% of the world population owns 95% of the money in the world!

The reason only 1% of the world owns 95% of the money in the world is because not many individuals believe in taking risks and exiting there comfort zones. Many people do not believe that the unprobable is possible because they are scared of failure. Everyday I observe people and there actions, most of the time they aren't happy with there situation in life and yet a small percentage do anything to change there life from negative to postive. My friends complain to me and tell me,"Felipe I hate my job!" but they won't take another opportunity when it knocks on there door because they are scared of failing. they use alot of What ifs. What if it doesn't work out? What if I don't like it there either? What if they don't like me?

With that mentality you will never succeed. You have to love yourself and value yourself in any situation your in. You have to see yourself as an asset to the company you're with and that is when you will start to become independant and start realizing that you are most likely being overworked and underpaid. So you wake up one day and you say "I AM MORE VALUEABLE THAN $----- A YEAR! I AM WORTH MILLIONS MORE!

Thats the first step after that it's about believing in yourself and having alot of will power and perseverence because whatever endeavor you embark in to achieve financial freedom understand that you're going to have failures at first but you must learn from your mistakes and move forward. With persistence and determination alone you will succeed.

Most people I know believe that we should follow the outline of life that society has already fixed out for us and it goes something like this. 1. Birth 2. School (elementary, then high school, then college for most) 3. After school find a good job. 4. Find a good life parter. Get married. 5. Raise children and combine incomes to make ends meet. 6. After working like a work-horse for 20 or 30 years retire with a close to nothing pension and by that time have health problems that are either job related or just natural ones that come with age and enjoy inflation that makes your pension checks look even smaller. 7. Then try to enjoy life if your health and finances permits it. 8. Death.

I'm not trying to be dramatic, only truthful. I don't want to live that lifestyle and I know plenty of other people out there don't either.

This brings me back to my title; Why should you be wealthy?

- You should be Wealthy so you could have the freedom you deserve to do whatever it is you want. The way to achieve that is through Financial freedom. You should be wealthy if you want to travel around the world. You should be wealthy if you want to help the poor and truly make a difference. You should be wealthy if you want to accomplish your dreams and please set the bar high because those millionaires and billionaires we see on TV are real therefore we know it is possible. You should be wealthy if you want to give your family a secure financial future so that they can accomplish there dreams even when you are gone whether it's your parents or your children.

We only have one life to live and therefore we should live it to the fullest. We should learn the most we can, enjoy our families and friendships the most we can, travel, laugh, innovate, leave a legacy and live the most we can but not work hard labor the most we can! Lastly you should be wealthy because you deserve the best. You deserve to be wealthy.

If you are looking for an opportunity that doesn't require many hours a week and can generate an easy 15k-20k a month from the comfort of your laptop. Then please check out the link below, I give it credit for my success.

Felipe Uribe currently lives in Chicago, IL. He has traveled to many countries in Europe and lived in South America. Besides traveling he loves enjoying the perks life has to offer, relaxing, good music and fighting his way into creating wealth at the young age of 22. He strongly opposses working long stressful hours for underpaying companies. He loves working from his laptop in any part of the world.


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