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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Do You Have An Inspirational Swipe File?

Every successful marketer has a 'marketing swipe file'. It's a necessity in these day when you are constantly searching for new ideas. Basically, it's a collection of snippets you pick up from your meanderings on the internet.

But it's useful snippets. Headlines, stories, ads, anything that may come in handy when you are looking for ideas for a new article, post, ad, of your own. Reading through a swipe file is often all that is needed to be able to come up with great copy.

And no, we are not talking plagiarism here. Literal 'swiping' will get you into a whole heap of trouble! But swipe files are great for brain storming and no successful marketer is without one.

But where do you go for your 'root inspiration'? I'm not talking about inspiration for an article. But inspiration for the reason to write the article in the first place.

The world of Network Marketing is pretty tough to put it mildly. And it's easy to get disheartened when we don't see instant results as promised by all the 'hype'. It's no wonder over 95% of folks who start out with such high hopes fail to see it through to the 'success stage'.

You cannot lose focus in this business. No matter what is going on outside of your business, if you are not permanently glued to achieving your goals you will fail.

There is a reason I have 'The Daily Motivator' by Ralph Marston on my blog. It serves to inspire me every single day. It allows me to keep focused on what is truly important in my life. And no, my Internet business is not my priority in life. But it is the tool I use to achieve my life's priorities!

Staying focused on your priorities keeps you focused on your business. But staying focused is hard. There is no doubt about it. Nobody said anything worth having came easy.

So here's my tip.

Right alongside your 'marketing swipe file' you set up your 'inspirational swipe file'. Refer to this file anytime you feel your focus slipping. Anytime you need reminding of the reason you are going through this struggle. Anytime you are considering giving it all up as a waste of time.

Your inspirational swipe file could contain a multitude of items or it could be just a single quote. It could be pictures of your family, the new car you're saving towards, awe inspiring photographs...whatever it is, put it where you can see it.

I have 'The Daily Motivator' (from Ralph Marston) right on my desktop. This is a great little widget that is updated every day so I have something new to focus and inspire me every time I switch on my computer. It sets me up for the day, reminds me why I do what I do, motivates me on the days when I need it, and brings a smile to my face each time.

If you haven't yet set up your own 'inspirational swipe file' go do it now. See the difference it can make to your achievements.

Be Inspired Today

To Your Success

Susan Coils

Susan Coils has quickly developed into an established member of the online marketing community. Her SansSecret Success newsletter is eagerly awaited by those lucky enough to be on her training list. Susan also provides useful information on building a successful home business at her personal blog site SansMoneySecret - Topping The Google God


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