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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

5 tips to keep on being motivated in hard times

--If you believe in what you are doing, then let nothing hold you up in your work. Much of the best work of the world has been done against seeming impossibilities. The thing is to get the work done (DALE CARNEGIE)--

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage--at least it seems that way. If you've been thinking you need to know more about it, here's your opportunity.

Most of this information comes straight from the daily motivation pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.

It is always true that every person in this world must have experienced or been trapped in trouble and in hard times, regardless who you are; poor or wealthy, looking-good or not, young or old, male or female. Nobody is free from the trouble. All of the people truly want that happiness always comes to them.

However, good times and hard times always come in rotation. Sometimes you will have good times and sometimes you will have hard times. People have a tendency to feel good and great while the good times are coming to them, and otherwise they tend to feel bad, down, depressed and disappointed while they are in hard times and face the trouble.

That is not really the barrier if you can simply overcome your trouble so it will not affect all aspects of your life and break you down. There are some persons who are able to survive and get up in hard times and finally succeed in overcoming the trouble. These all depend on how you react, interpret and are going to do with them.

There are some tips that can help you to keep on being motivated although you are in hard times, so they can get you up or at least make you better ahead.

1. Realizing that the troubles do not make you down, rather they will make you better and stronger than you are today.

When you are facing the troubles, that means that you are being prepared to be a better and stronger person to face the bigger troubles and challenges in the future. The god will not give you the troubles that are bigger than your ability to solve them. Take them as your stepping stones to be more successful and better person. Even there is a quote that says if you want more success, you must multiply your failure and troubles.

2. Seeing something from different point of view.

You need to know that behind the troubles or hard times, there must be positive things we can take, so you can learn from them to solve them. Instead of feeling bad and down due to your troubles, it is better if you see them from different angle or point of view. It's like you are the producer of yourself that can change the viewing angle of the camera as your will.

3. Motivating yourself

One of the differences between the one that succeeds in getting up from hard times and the one that keeps on being down is that the one that gets up from hard times always self-motivate no matter how hard the moment they have. Motivation is your fuel to survive from your hard times. If you simply have no motivations, it will be easy for you to give up soon when the troubles and difficulties attack you. For more about self-motivating, please see my article "the power of motivating yourself".

4. Humor and laughter

Humor and laughter is an effective way to cure your sadness. This is free resource you can get anywhere and anytime with no cost. Even the laughter can give you better health and young-looking. Humor and laughter can make you laugh and smile that can destroy your bad mood. Turn on your TV and watch the humor programs or shows.

5. Refreshing yourself

Another way to eliminate your negative feeling is by refreshing. Refreshing is good to refresh your body and mind so you can think more clearly and wisely in solving your problems. Stressed and depressed mind can't help you more in overcoming them. You can visit your favorite place like beach with the relaxing sound of birds and wave, fresh-aired mountain, or you can do your hobbies like fishing in the sea, swimming or others. That will make you more relaxed. Refreshing will make you like the full power battery that has been re-charged so you are ready to face your life.

The conclusion is motivation can make you not to give up too soon when you are facing troubles. If you are chasing your goals and dreams, you will be faster and easier in achieving them with your motivation.

Finally this article's coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts.

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