Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spectacular Sputnik

A while ago I posted a little To Do list for my dining room here. Well, I can cross off one major purchase from that list.

If you can't guess what it is from the title of this post well....I don't really know what to say.

We bought a Sputnik Chandelier!!

And not from Z Gallerie as I was anticipating. I found one here in Winnipeg at EQ3!

Here it is in all it's glory:

I feel the need to include few notes on these photos. The chandelier looks a little out of place at the moment due to the fact that we have not painted any of our furniture (check link above for more info on that). I personally think the chandelier is hung about 4 inches too high and it's too close to the far wall. We have plans to center it on the table and lower it a little when we're not so busy around here.

You may have also noticed I moved the bookcase from the side wall onto the feature wall. I like it there. I think it's got great impact in the room. Simpler, more streamine shelf arrangements are needed though. I'm trying. I'm usually a more is more kinda gal.

It's still a work in progress, but it's come a long way.

The dining room as we were painting

In livable condition, before we hung curtains. (See the rods in the corner?) 

And how it looks today.

What about you? Do you have any decorating projects in the works? Any big, exciting purchases?



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