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Wednesday, February 16, 2011



Keeping Your Online Reputation in Check

Posted: 16 Feb 2011 12:31 AM PST

This is guest post by Rose Martin who currently works as a SEO specialist from SEOP..If you want to write for us check out our write for us page.

Online reputation can be referred to as the social evaluation or opinion that groups of people/entities have towards an individual, persons or organizations regarding a certain criterion. This is very important as it influences a number of things like competition, corporation and existing relationships. Nowadays, you will find people who set up websites to critique organizations or individuals. This can hurt the name of the person or organization thus it is important to make sure that you project a clean image for your business so you can spare yourself from getting a bad review.

The first thing that you need to do is to keep an eye on your online reputation, especially through the perspective of your target market. There are numerous tools found in the market that one can use for this like Google Alerts. Here you will need to subscribe to this services and you will get a notification each time a search phrase that is associated to the organization or your name is entered in a Google index. These usually come via your email address which makes them easy to access anytime you want.

The Google alerts usually cover a wide scope of categories like video comments, web search pages, news stories, blogs, Google groups as well as mailing lists. To avoid getting a lot of message alerts, it is usually advisable to modify your settings so you can just go through the summary of your alerts on a weekly basis.

One can also subscribe to Technorati, a popular blog search engine that is used to track Buzz by indexing blog posts as soon as they have been published. This can be found in the feed reader to ensure you are always at par with all the discussions held.

The use of social media is to ensure you gain positive visibility simply by becoming an active member of the sites. Some of the most popular sites to build online profile include Facebook where one is supposed to change the privacy settings for the profile to be displayed by Google results; Twitter which is used as a micro blogging platform where you should stay connected with your audience; Digg which allows members to customize profiles using affiliated websites and personal information and; You Tube to get high rankings by making a popular clips that can go viral.

In the course of monitoring your online presence, it is normal that you come across false or inaccurate statements that might need you to respond or amend them. There are simple ways that this can be done like using the blog where the comments are found to post the message that you want to be passed across. You can also come up with a new blog with fresh content that you will keep updating on a regular basis to ensure that people are glued to it to listen to what you have to say.

Every means is available in the Internet, you just need to make sure that you establish and enhance a good reputation to gain the trust of your potential clients.

Keeping Your Online Reputation in Check is a post from: Social-Catalog

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