Gallery Tattoo
Gallery Tattoo

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Outfits: Pink Runners

My outfits have been really casual in the last 2 weeks. What can I say? It's mid winter and the fashion blahs have set in.

This isn't to say that I don't make myself presentable to the world. I'm clean, I have make-up on, I do my hair.

I'm just wearing a lot of jeans and t-shirts with a comfy sweater and some sort of flat shoe. Paired with vintage jewelry of course. Like today:

I bought these pink knock-off Converse runners a million years ago when I worked at Smart Set. I think I was just out of high school. Feels like a million years anyway. The sidewalks have been pretty dry so I thought I would wear them today. When I pulled them out of the closet I noticed how beat up they're looking...I mean...I guess they're probably about 10 years old...this might be one of the last times I wear them.
Note to self: Buy new converse runners this spring.

40's Necklace: Ragpickers
Leopard Cardigan: Joe
Cream Bow Tee: Joe
Grey Jeans: Ricki's
Pink "Converse" Runners: Smart Set

Thank you for all your nice words on my post yesterday! Happy Tuesday! :)



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